Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 43 – Zillas against Mutos

Two Zillas against four Mutos, one of whom happens to be Muto Prime. Who infects Titans with her eggs through her mandibles.

Members of Godzilla's species are her main target because their radiation is optimal for her offspring.

Over millions of years of hunting Zillas she evolved to become the perfect predator for their species.

'This won't be much of a fight. It'll be a slaughter.'

The two Zillas are standing back to back, the first one, probably much younger than the Titans surrounding him as he only reaches about 80 meters in height. But the second one is much larger, at least 125 meters tall.

'Henceforth I shall call the small one Baby-Zilla, and the big one is Bigzilla.'

They're surrounded by three Mutos, two females and one male.

Muto Prime seems to be keeping her distance for now. Her large forelegs start pulsing with a dim red glow.

She lifts up her forelegs and smashes them down.


The sheer power causes a massive earthquake, but a large red forcefield also extends from the crater she just made. 'Her EMP, it causes the Zillas' atomic breath to be far less powerful.'

Apparently the Mutos were waiting for a signal, because the moment Muto Prime slammed her legs down, the two female Mutos pounce on the Zillas.

Baby-Zilla grabs the Muto rushing towards him, starting a battle of pure strength. Both try to push the other back.

They appear to be evenly matched, until the Muto slips from Baby-Zilla's grip and manages to trip him using one of her six legs, making him fall flat on his stomach.

The Muto uses the hooked claw at the end of her leg, and digs it into the Zilla's neck, penetrating his gill.


The Zilla screams out in pain as he gets flipped on his side.

At this point Muto Prime has already approached them, ready to inject her eggs into her first victim.

Suddenly a slow humming sound starts, repeating again and again, faster and faster.


Bigzilla is standing with one leg on the neck of the second female Muto while holding one of the male's torn off legs and fires an atomic breath directly at Muto Prime, who is pushed on her side, giving Baby-Zilla some time.

'Damn, I was focusing on the fight with Baby-Zilla so I'm not sure what happened there but that Bigzilla is crazy powerful to overpower those two Mutos in such a short time.'

Bigzilla raises his leg and stomps it back down onto the Muto's neck, practically decapitating the female Muto.

And with the male Muto still recovering from losing a leg, and Muto Prime on the ground slowly getting back up, Bigzilla now focuses on the female Muto who still has her hook in Baby-Zilla's gill.

He starts running towards her, every step producing tremors that can be felt for miles.

The Muto takes out her hook and prepares for the impact by literally digging her feet into the ground.

Bigzilla gets closer as he picks up speed, but just before he gets to the Muto he twists and slams his tail into her side, which actually launches her off the ground, crashing her into Muto Prime who only just managed to get to her feet.

At this point the male Muto had gotten past the pain of having his leg ripped off. He spread his wings and took flight.

Bigzilla , unaware of this, focuses on the female and Muto Prime. This allows the male to quietly approach him from the back.

While Prime and the female got themselves untangled, the male latched himself onto Bigzilla's back and managed to burrow both his hooks into his neck on both sides, completely destroying the creature's gills.

While I'm watching the fight, I can feel something approaching through the air at a high speed.

Looking in its direction I see a large moth with enormous wings that give off a brilliant blue light.


Obviously she came to help out the Zillas, but even with her help I don't think any of them will live.

She dives down towards Bigzilla, extending her front legs to use them as weapons.


She lets out a very high pitched wail that actually sounds quite beautiful, while she comes in at high speed and crashes into the male Muto's side, her legs piercing through the Muto's neck and through his abdomen.

The impact sends the Muto crashing to the ground but his hooks are still firmly lodged in Bigzilla's gills, causing him to get dragged along.

As the dust clears, both the Muto and the Zilla are lying on the ground completely lifeless. The Zilla had his neck completely torn open by the Muto's hooks.

One of Mothra's wings is mangled, and her not being able to fly means she's practically dead already.

Now it's only a severely injured baby-Zilla and a crippled Mothra against a female Muto and Muto Prime who are both perfectly fine.

'No way they're going to get out of this alive. Guess I could step in, save their asses and get to devour Muto Prime along with Bigzilla. Besides, I have absolutely no love for the parasitic Mutos. Literally in order to be born they have to murder a Titan. Also I'm a wolf, let's just say my experience with parasites is quite horrible.

A few decades after I became a wolf I wanted to explore the world, starting with Africa.

I barely reached Kenya before I got infected with Mangoworms.'

I make up my mind to interfere and fold my wings behind my back, entering a nosedive. I aim for the ground a few hundred meters away from Muto Prime.

When I'm about 50 meters above the ground, I spread my wings and glide just above the ground. When I'm only a few hundred meters away from Prime, retaining my momentum I shapeshift into my wolf form, drop to the ground and start running even faster than I was flying.

I can't let her put her mandibles anywhere near me. I have no idea how her eggs would affect me. I'm pretty sure they won't kill me but better safe than sorry.

I run towards her from her side. When I'm close, Baby-Zilla and Mothra notice me, while they're being attacked by the female Muto. Which causes Muto Prime to look towards me as well. It's too late for her to evade but she uses her large forelegs to block her face and abdomen.

With all my strength I basically tackle her as hard as I can. This actually manages to launch her off the ground, landing on her back two hundred meters away.

Having her exactly how I want her, I jump on top and savagely rip her throat apart with my teeth. Of course she struggles and fights back, but I ignore everything she does while only making sure her mandibles never reach me.

After a while she stops struggling and dies.


The moment Prime dies, the female screeches and cackles from sadness and anger.

As I slowly walk towards her, I can see Mothra laying besides her on the ground, dead. Slowly her wings lose their shining light. But it doesn't just disappear, it spreads all around her corpse, into the ground below her.

'Truly a fascinating creature. Mothra has the ability to sense when she's about to die. When she does she lays an egg, and after she's dead she just reincarnates into the egg.

I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that as well if I devour her corpse, but she also has other abilities that interest me. Like her bioluminescence. When that light just left her body I could see the plant life around her visibly growing.

No wonder ancient humans worshiped her as a goddess of life.

Then there's her silk attack. Not as impressive as life-inducing light, but it can be useful.

So I've got a member of Godzilla's species that is bigger and stronger than I've ever seen him be.

Muto Prime, who's capable of creating earthquakes so powerful they actually affect tectonic plates.

And Mothra. All in all not a bad haul.'

I continue walking towards the last remaining Muto, slowly, while baring my fangs and growling to look intimidating.

I can literally smell her sadness and anger turn into fear by the second. She only lasts a few moments longer until she turns around and runs away as fast as she can.

Now it's only me and Baby-Zilla.

I already have Bigzilla's corpse ready to be devoured therefore I have no reason to kill him. So I just do nothing and stare at him, letting him know I don't have to be a threat.

I'm pretty sure he understands because even though he still seems wary he walks away in the opposite direction from the Muto.

'Now how do I get all three corpses to my cave?'


I eventually got all three of them in the cave, where I kept them preserved with magic.

I spent the next few years avoiding Titans while I hunted every animal that I could find.

While devouring Titans causes me to 'hibernate' for a very long time, there are no adverse effects to devouring regular animals or even dinosaurs.

Eventually I started devouring sea life as well. Like the Plesiosaurus.

I'm kinda looking forward to pretending to be the Loch Ness monster.

After almost half a decade of hunting, I hunted every animal I was interested in.

I decided that from now on, I'm going to do this every time I wake up.

'Time to devour another Titan. But which one do I take first?'

After thinking about it, I put my fangs in Bigzilla and go to sleep.

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