Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 42 – Fenris vs. Camazotz

Camazotz keeps getting closer while continuously bombarding me with soundwaves.

The closer he gets the more pressure I have to endure. When he gets within fifty meters the vibrations get so intense I can feel my lungs collapse, along with most other internal organs being damaged.

Of course my healing factor kicked in immediately but due to the continuous bombardment of soundwaves with oscillating frequencies, they get damaged as fast as I get healed.

I immediately enter my volcanic wolf form, because in this form my body is much denser. My skin is basically a layer of stone scales and lava is definitely much denser than blood, so physically the soundwaves don't cause as much damage anymore.

I stand up slowly which takes a serious amount of strength. Camazotz's advance towards me is slow so I decide to use it to my advantage by heating up my body in preparation for a high-powered lava-beam.

Unfortunately even though he advances slowly he's still coming closer, and the closer he comes the more his soundwaves are affecting me, even with the extra resistance from my bio-volcanic physiology.

At this point Camazotz is only twenty meters away. My eyes and brain are starting to hurt, my vision gets blurry and I'm starting to see double.

I reached the optimal temperature to fire, but due to the blurry and double vision it's harder to get a lock on my target. Normally I'd close my eyes and rely on my other senses but in this case that's not an option either.

I decide to just fire in the middle.

I open my mouth and build up the pressure in my throat, which starts to glow bright red just like Rodan's did.

I increase the pressure and let it build up more and more until the temperature is almost too much even for me.

I shoot my version of the lava-beam, which is smaller in circumference but far more powerful.

The sheer temperature makes trees two-hundred meters away catch fire. It also has a longer range than Rodan's version.


Camazotz lets out a loud, piercing cry which means I must have hit him. His soundwave attacks stop, allowing my body to heal.

I regain my vision in less than two seconds.

Looking around I find Camazotz lying on his back with a large hole through his right wing. His entire body is covered in fourth-degree burns.

I quickly run towards him.

He lifts his head and looks at me. He tries to open his mouth to attack me again.

I jump towards him and press my paw on his throat.

Unable to use his sonic abilities, he digs the claws of both his wings in my sides.

I push through the pain as he keeps clawing at my sides. I open my mouth and let boiling lava flow out, into his mouth.

He immediately gets desperate and starts struggling harder. But as the lava flows through his mouth, his body absorbs a lot of heat, turning it into solid rock that blocks his airways.

I keep letting him squirm while he dies painfully from asphyxiation.

This bat's got a lot of fight in him though. It takes fifteen minutes before he loses consciousness and stops struggling, and ten more before his heart stops beating.

This time I don't take any chances. I drag his body back to my cave before I devour him.

I get to my cave, dig my fangs into his neck and devour him whole.

Immediately I start hearing everything around me and without even trying, a very detailed three-dimensional map of my surroundings appears in my mind.

But it doesn't stop there, my sense of hearing keeps strengthening. Soon I pick up sounds from all over the continent. It's quickly getting too much to process and it starts hurting.


I scream out in pain. Over the next few minutes the pain keeps increasing until I lose consciousness.


I wake up and the first thing I notice is my new wings.

They're pretty much exactly like hands with extremely long fingers that have membranes between them.

These wings allow for better manoeuvrability, whereas Rodan's wings are extremely powerful and made for pure speed.

Like last time I don't remember much of what happened after I devoured Camazotz.

But this time I immediately check how large I can get in my wolf form.

I quickly shapeshift and find myself standing at about fifty-eight meters tall.

After my previous.. let's call it 'hibernation', I'd grown twenty-eight meters. This time it's twenty-three.

I don't know if that's because this time my hibernation was shorter or because the larger I get the slower my growth becomes.

After spending a few days practicing control over my new abilities, I check out what I look like when I use my volcanic abilities when I'm in my new bat form.

I'm not disappointed. In my other forms the lava is mostly contained inside my body, but in my bat form the membranes in my wings actually become lava. So when I'm flying I continuously excrete lava from my wings, like I'm dropping lava bombs from a plane.

Once I'm done figuring out my new abilities I go back to the surface.

Taking my first steps into the sunlight in millions of years, I'm immediately bombarded by lethal amounts of solar radiation.


"That feels.. It feels.. It feels good? What the hell? It's comfortable."

Hah! Must be my Titan physiology. Thriving on radiation is a very nice perk.

But it's not very likely for much else to be alive right now. Which means this is another extinction event. The Permian-Triassic extinction was around 252 million BC, the one that came after that would be the Triassic-Jurassic extinction around 201 million BC.

At least now I know my naps take around 30 to 40 million years. And I get to witness an extinction event.




Guess I'm not the only one who thrives on radiation.

I quickly but quietly follow the sounds of the fight. After traveling south for a couple hundred kilometers, I enter my bat form and fly high enough not to be noticed but low enough so I can still see what's going on.

And what I see is quite surprising. I see two members of Godzilla's species being attacked by four Mutos.

The most surprising thing is one of the Mutos has large orange forelimbs and her back is covered in razor sharp spikes. Her exoskeleton is metallic-black, rather than the usual brownish black.

It's MUTO Prime.

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