Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 44 – King Caesar and first sight of Ghidorah

I wake up in my new cave after another period of hibernation. This time to get used to Mothra's physiology.

I say new cave because when I woke up after devouring Bigzilla I noticed water all around me in my cave.

I woke up after Pangea split apart and the world as humanity knows it had formed, apparently I had overshot the location of my cave by hundreds of kilometers. I was nowhere near Norway. I was in the middle of the ocean.

But I made a new cave. This time I put it in the side of a mountain. So it's not as deep. I also didn't bother putting up illusions this time, just a barrier that'll stop other Titans from sensing my presence.

Mothra was the last of the three Titans so now I'll have to hunt another one as soon as I control her abilities and I'm done devouring a specimen of every species of animal alive that I find interesting.

After I had devoured Bigzilla, I experimented with my new powers for years and found that these 'Zillas' are exceptionally dangerous, even compared to all other Titans I know of combined.

I came to the conclusion that if one of them learns to control the full extent of its abilities it could destroy truly anything in this world.

Perhaps even the world itself.

And what's more, Mothra's energy has properties that enhance a Zillas abilities. As in ALL of them.

Having devoured a specimen of both species I can now combine the energies of both to make it much stronger. The problem here is control.

When I combine both energies the combination becomes more volatile, and almost impossible to control.

When I first combined them, I immediately entered Godzilla's so called 'burning mode'. I destroyed everything in my vicinity and couldn't control it at all.

The only thing I could do was to expell all the energy in several bursts. The resulting destruction and loss of life convinced me to only ever use this as a last resort, at least until I find a way to control it fully.

Further study and experiments will be necessary to achieve this, for which I will need a controlled environment where I can't destroy anything. I already have several ideas but they'll have to wait.

For now, I hunt.


"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

What do we do? We swim, swim.

Ho ho ho ho!

I love to swim!"

Ever since I hunted my first true aquatic Titan I've been using its abilities to hunt the deep sea animals every time I wake up.

Some of them could actually pass for titans themselves. Terrifyingly gigantic whales, sharks, decapods (Crab, Lobster etc.) and cephalopods (Squid, Octopus etc.).

Also an ancient ancestor of the eel, larger than a Titanoboa.

The abilities I've gotten from the actual Titans are powerful to be sure, but the large variety of abilities I've been getting from the 'normal' animals is insane.

For example, I'm now capable of controling an immensely potent toxin. I can adjust the potency to be non-lethal to even small mammals like rodents when injected. Or be so deadly, a tiny drop could kill an entire herd of elephants by absorption through the skin.

Rodan - Volcanic physiology lava creation and manipulation.

Camazotz - Sound manipulation and beyond superhuman hearing.

Bigzilla - Nuclear energy consumption, and manipulation.

Muto Prime - Electromagnetic pulse field. Earthquake generation.

Mothra - Light emission and manipulation. (Mothra's light is beneficial to all life forms. It can heal wounds and accelerate growth. Prolonged exposure can even undo genetic disorders.)

Scylla - The ability to create and emit massive quantities of liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -210 °C.

Quetzalcoatl - The ability to manipulate its own weight to become extremely light, relative to its size. It can then manipulate the air around itself to fly.

The combined abilities of Kraken, Leviathan and Manda allow for the generation and manipulation of massive amounts of water, both fresh and salt.

And then there's the latest Titan I devoured, King Caesar.

Defeating him was a real pain in the ass. He had a particularly problematic ability. Energy deflection and reflection.

He could suck any kind of energy beam fired at him into his mouth, as long as it was aimed in his direction.

He could then fire it back at his enemy through his eyes. Which admittedly, was pretty cool the first time I saw it but it also left me with no other option but to fight him up close.

King Caesar is basically a humanoid lion with two horns growing out the sides and back of his head.

I couldn't go for the throat because it was protected by the horns. Instead I went for the legs to cripple him. It was at this point when I found out I fucked up. He actually knew martial arts. His humanoid form gave him the upper hand.

When I came into this world I was determined to fight the Titans only in my wolf form. I already made an exception for the aquatic Titans. I wasn't gonna do it for this one.

Wolves don't normally use their claws to attack their prey because their forelegs don't have the range of motion to swipe their claws at their enemies like cats do.

It took me a little while to properly rearrange my shoulder blades and muscles to allow for a more efficient range of motion but I succeeded eventually.

At this point I gained the upper hand in the fight. I trashed him relentlessly but no matter what I did he wouldn't stay down.

He actually got my respect at that point.

I kept the upper hand until he started creating distance between us. This is when he used a new ability.

He launched lightning from his mouth. Actual lightning, with the sound of thunder and everything.

With a substantial distance between us, at this point I was able to act on a plan I had formulated during our close combat.

I made every hair on my body emit a blinding light. Although the light healed Caesar's wounds it also blinded him just long enough for me to launch the hottest lava beam I ever produced.

And I do mean hot. At this point it might as well be called plasma.

When the dust settled King Caesar was standing with eyes wide open, completely unresponsive, with a large gaping hole through his chest.

About 13 kilometers behind him, a large mountain also had a large portion carved out from my lava beam.

After defeating and devouring him I couldn't hunt another Titan or I'd risk sleeping through the extinction event that took out the dinosaurs. So I spent the next few thousand years perfecting control of most of my Titan abilities, except the 'burning mode'.

But now the time has come. I'm standing in Yucatan, Mexico where according to my theory Ghidorah should arrive on earth inside a meteor.

Apparently I was only half right.

For the last 20 minutes I've been staring intently at a giant metallic black sphere that appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by arcs of golden lightning.

Sensing something approaching I look out to the ocean and focus far in the distance where I see a large fin. Guess Godzilla's joining the party.

Focusing back on the sphere, I notice two streams of lightning coming out of the sphere, forming two more spheres of lightning. At the center of the lightning spheres a small metallic black sphere forms and expands.

'You gotta be shitting me.

Those better be for the three heads. Actually no, that might be worse. They're huge.

But three Ghidorah's?

Either way, this will be one hell of a fight.'

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