Chapter 249: The Phoenix Rises
Monty burst through the doors finding Percy leaning against the wall with a blank look. To his right was Jinx and Blossom held captive. "Monty Montague, right on time. You were next on my list, regardless."
"So, the rumours are true. Percy Misharp lives. I wasn't there to witness your death, but regardless it seems some things can't just stay in the past, now can they?" Monty replies, looking at his sister, concerned. "I already know why you're here. You seek revenge against me for what I did to you and Team Rhapsody in the past. If that's the case, then let them go; we can settle this here."
Percy glossed at the two-scoffing, throwing them aside. "Amending for your sins now are we, Monty? How charitable? How many more half-assed excuses are you going to pull out of a hat? Regardless of the trials or not, we know how despicable you truly are. You turned your back on your family out of your own self-interest, and now they're in ruins. Emil and Butch are under the control of Mortem, and your poor father is dead. If you had been there from the start, maybe they would still be alive? Tell me, does that make you guilty?"
Monty didn't waste any time clocking a gun from his hand tattoo, blasting Percy away. Collapsing to the ground, he burst into a show of black feathers vanishing. "It doesn't matter what the hell I feel guilty over and like hell I'd show you of all people my weaknesses!"
The feathers danced around the room as each one took Percy's form, completely outnumbering Monty as he was surrounded with no way out. Percy leaned forward, smiling away, screaming out. "That's it! I can taste your guilt and pain; I could drown in such pleasures! Montague, show me all of it. Let us fall into the deep and succumb to your terrors and regrets!" Throwing his hand on either side, swords appeared everywhere, stabbing into the walls and floor. Monty was able to avoid any blows with little to no problems. "Your family won't shield you from your punishment anymore, Monty!"
Monty tutted, looking around. "This is what I get for acting like the brave hero… I'm going to get a right mouthful from Hollie after this." Ripping his shirt off revealed his dragon tattoo on full display. Down his arms were long polearms, a weapon ready for the taking. Holding his arms out, the tattoos morphed and moved into his hands, wielding two deadly weapons. Percy scoffed at these attempts lifting a finger as his weapons ripped from the walls piling in and snapping at Monty. Swinging the weapons around at crazy speed, Monty blocked each sword with not too many issues. Jumping forward, Monty balanced on one of his polearms before catching the other one and throwing it at the main Percy thought. It didn't react, taking the hit and fading away.
The other clones all began laughing as Monty jumped down, pulling the single weapon from the ground. "It will not be that easy for you, Monty Montague! You have no way in knowing which one of us is the real one!"
"Then I'll just have to take you all down, now won't I?"
One of the clones laid on his side, looking bored. "Like you have any chance of doing that…" Lifting his hand up, another storm of weapons flooded the sky. Monty was forced back into a defensive struggle taking on each of the weapons at once. Unlike last time he was slightly put on edge, unable to take them all on. This, in turn, made him lose his polearm, causing all the weapons to bombard the area leaving nothing behind. Percy looked down to confirm the kill to see Monty gone. "Hmm?"
Monty burst from the wall holding a single-handed grenade launcher firing it off blowing the wall away with a handful of clones. Landing back down, he began panting, picking up two of Percy's swords. "Don't go underestimating a Montague; we don't go down without a fight!"
All the clones vanished, coming together, forming a single Percy. He sat on the railing above, resting his head against his arm. "So, you have the same power as Emil? I guess that's the stable of your family. No matter." A giant sword appeared, covering the entire room towering over Monty. Percy began maniacally laughing to himself, covering his face snarking. "Die."
Throwing the swords away, Monty held his hands together, screaming out as his dragon came to life. Ripping out from his back, it let a roar of might out before melting the sword into nothing. With this, Monty fell to one knee bleeding from his back, panting almost out of juice. "I won't lose to the likes of you. I am the first hero of Rhinefield."
"Do you even hear yourself?! Throw that pride away as I tear you from that pedestal and make you face your sins." Percy snapped, jumping down to Monty's level. Holding his hand up, dozens of feathers formed to him, turning into sharp blades. Tossing them forward, Monty was prepared to defend only for each of them to turn back into feathers hovering all around Monty. Closing his fist, they all returned to their first state as Monty was surrounded by the attacks. Swinging his arm down, Percy called the attacks as Monty was slashed apart, collapsing to the ground once more. Still attempting to fight, he held his hand out as his dragon flew forward-looking to end Percy once and for all. That was until another large claymore crashed down, cutting the dragon's head clean off. Monty roared in pain as his tattoo was cut in half, leaving his trump card gone for good. "We all finished here? Wonderful… It's about time I cut my ties with you, Monty." Pushing his hand forward, more swords appeared, looking to end it.
Monty stared blankly, unable to move and with no energy to cave into the floor. He was a sitting duck with no chance of escape. His fate was at hand. Reaching out, Monty tried using the last of his dragon as tiny flickers of fire sparked in his palm. Focusing everything, he tried fighting back till the very end. Igniting his attack, it flourished into a blooming ball of fire, consuming everything. Percy wasn't prepared, scorched to death fading away. Serval feathers floated away as he formed back together dazed. "I wake up after God knows how long, and I'm already in a life-or-death situation? Good grief, just my luck, mind you, I wouldn't have it any other way." Another blast of fire crept in as Percy cut it in half, only to be pinned against the wall crashing through it, blasting into the other side of the base. Monty glanced up as a figure hit down dressed in patient robes and barefoot. "I'm not exactly caught up with what's going on, but I get the picture. Bad guy wants to cause mayhem and destroy innocent lives? Sound, about right?"
"You're… No way!"
"The names Sam, superhero name Unity. You one lucky son of a bitch, my dude, with me here, evil will scorch at my might."
Percy smashed back through standing on his claymore scorning. "Who the bloody hell are you?! I have no knowledge of a fire bender!"
"Guess it's been a while then? Hero's Might is probably long gone."
"Hero's Might?! Then that can only mean one thing. You're the infamous partner of Alton Brantley!"
"Oh, so you have heard of us. That's rather reinsuring, good to see my idiotic partner is still causing a scene out there. You look tough; that pleases me. So, my dude, get ready for the full force of Hero's Might!"
"Don't you know who I am?!" Percy snapped, flicking his hand as a handful of swords ripped forward towards her. Sam dived forward, avoiding each one and skimming past the others with mere inches from taking the helm of the attack. Running right at Percy, she flicked her hand out, letting out a bright burst of fire blinding him for a moment. Using this, she leapt over Percy pushing against the wall crashing down behind him. Touching down, fire consuming her fist as she charged up, letting out serval uppercuts blasting Percy high into the air. Stepping back, she swiped her leg around, getting into a low posture taking in a deep breath. Fire blitzed around her, melting the weapons around her. Once enough, Sam let out another breath jumping off the ground, breaking the floor around her. She shot through Percy; a flaming phoenix ignited the area blasting the ceiling clean off, incinerating Percy into nothing. Rolling forward half a dozen times, Sam landed on the ground letting the flaming phoenix settle and fade away. A small flame danced on her finger, vanishing as she blew it out, smirking.
"You, my dude, was just another run of the mill villain who talked too much." Sam taunted as the battle was in her favour. Stretching back, she began yawning, rubbing her eyes. "Hoo-boy, did that take a lot out of me? Guess that's what just waking up to fight does to you. You there, hero. I think it's time you brought me up to scratch on everything here."
Florence ran in, staring at the scorched room and open roof in shock. "No way… What's that all you? So, this is the power of Alton's old partner?"
Monty slowly got himself up as Florence helped. "Any more sign of him?"
"The stage of grief is wiped clean from the area. Sam dealt with him entirely. Although I doubt he's completely defeated. If we are to believe the other stories, Percy will be back."
The two turned to Sam, who had a goofy look on her face swaying her uniform around. "What should we do about her?" Monty questioned.
Sam stopped smacking her, nodding. "Oh, that's right. You there, the hero who fought valiantly."
"My name is Monty."
"Monty, that feed of a villain claimed to know my partner. Would you happen to know Alton Brantley?"
Monty chuckled at this, nodding. "He and I go way back… Knowing that bastard if he isn't dead, he's giving whatever poor sod who chose to cross him a fight for their life."
Stroking her chin, she hummed to this with a smug look. "That indeed sounds like the Alton I know. What a buffoon he is, I taught him well. Very well, I will need a fresh pair of clothes if possible, a sweet leather jacket if not, something light and easy on the eyes and some refreshments. Knowing Alton, he's going to need me now more than ever. That is all my dudes."
"This girl is weird…"
"Takes just after the douche himself, doesn't she?"
"Like two peas in a pod…"
Sam turned, looking to the sky with a smirk as she kept punching her fists together with a cocky snarl. "So, my dear partner, just what has the infamous Avalanche been getting up to without me? Can't leave me out of the fray forever, Brantley. Worry not, though; player two has entered the battle."