Chapter 248: The Dying Sensation Part 3

Alice stared on, gripping her scythe tightly, whimpering in pain. "Just what the hell are you doing, Alton… We aren't meant to kill him. What is there to gain from all of this?"

Alton paid no attention to Alice, gripping his fist tighter. The Garden form was now on full display as he waved his hand forward, letting out a giant smoke bomb blinding the area. Vanguard stepped back, troubled by these turns of events, never seeing Alton's true form in person, only ever heard of it from word of mouth. Appearing in front of Vanguard, he stood there with a blank look as he was attacked on the spot. Passing through Vanguard like a puff of smoke, he launched him into the air with a single punch. Now high into the trees, Vanguard turned, seeing Alton crouched down momentum as smoke fizzled out, burning the grass. In the blink of an eye, Alton ripped from his spot meeting with Vanguard. Tackling him down, the two crashed back down to earth with a mighty explosion blasting Alice back and almost taking the small wall made from tree trunks with them. Compiling back together, Alton stood a fair part away as Vanguard stood up, not looking much worse for wear. Alton smirked, crossing his arms. "I must admit your leech ability is powerful. Anyone would have surely have fallen to that attack, yet you somehow still stand. Sums you up perfectly, Marcus."

Vanguard raised his eyebrow, now slightly concerned. "I'm sure I would have felt that given the circumstances. But just so we're clear, water manipulation, creating and controlling ice and now manipulating smoke. Just how many powers do you have?!"

Alton shrugged his shoulders, toying with Vanguard. "What an excellent question, one which I cannot answer. For you see, my power inspiration is never-ending. Anyone I share a deep bond with and find inspiration from can copy their powers and use them for my own gain. So, you see, Marcus, the longer I live, the more powers I simply gain!" Vanguard rushed forward, looking to put Alton's newfound powers to rest, only to find himself trapped on the spot floating. Alton glowed a faint green, obviously struggling to keep his weight up. Pushing him back, Vanguard stopped himself before seeing dozens of icicles behind Alton targeting him. "It's useless, useless, useless, useless! Surely you must see that Vanguard?"

Bombarded with all of the icicles, Vanguard held his ground, holding his arms up, shielding himself. As the last bombardment crashed through, Vanguard smacked the last one away, curling his fist together. "It doesn't matter how many powers you have tied away on you. None of them is yours, just cheap copies of the far superior original. There's not an original bone in your body even now. You're simply a pawn in someone else's game."

Alton snarled as his fairy-tale symbol on his only hand began to glow brightly as his fist was engulfed in flames. "Aren't we all pawns in someone's games? I now my purpose; it's all I was created for!" Something about Alton felt off to Alice as his whole voice began to distort. The fairy-tale symbol was burning as he kept boasting, slouching back. "My name is Alton Brantley, ten to Fairy-Tale, and anyone who stands in their way will perish under my wrath! This is the word of the overlords, and I will act out their orders! The Garden will burn to the ground alongside anyone who stands in my way!"

Alice flinched at this, glossing down at her same symbol on her right hand. She gripped onto tightly, whispering. "Fairy-Tale… Alton stop! Don't do it! Stop!"

Alton and Vanguard flooded at each other with all their power built up into a final confrontation. As their attacks connected, they were both stopped as Percy stood in between them with a chaotic look of glee. "Now, now. Leaving me out of the fun, are we?" Both parties jumped back as serval swords were stabbed into the ground where they once stood. Percy cackled, turning to Alton. "Putting on quite the show, aren't you Child of the Garden? So that's your purpose. The last-ditch effort of Fairy-Tale, how pathetic. And you Vanguard, lowering yourself to his level. Your pain is on full display and sickens me."

The sky was cut off, with dozens of crowds drowning out the sun. Percy held his arms out like a horde of blades crashed down. Alton matched this with a flaming wall which melted each blade instantly. "Stage of grief! Lay down your weapon and accept the holy judgement of the ten."

Percy stared at Alton, sighing. "This is no fun. I was really hoping Alton would be fighting me. You bring me no pain judgement of the ten. Which one are you then?"


"Oh, the last one. How fascinating, the tenth is always the strongest lucky me. So, then I take it, Alice is what six? Seven? Her brother is probably eight or nine. While seeking revenge on Fairy-Tale would be so much fun, I seek only to inflict my pain onto those who have wronged me. That goes for Alton Brantley and Marcus Culling."

Marcus stared at him, keeping his distance whenever he was in the eyesight of Percy. However, the moment he wasn't, he went in for a strike. Percy foresaw this avoiding the attack, quickly throwing serval swords at Marcus. Blocking each one, Percy knocked one down to the ground, standing on the hilt. "That isn't going to work on me, Vanguard. You've taken down many of us, no? I know now all of your tricks."

"Damn it…"

Alton held his hand out as a fireball appeared, hovering over his finger. It grew before becoming a mini sun. Throwing it at Percy, he slashed it in half with another sword. Percy tutted. "It appears Vanguard's powers have left quite the mark on you, Alton Brantley. And while I'd much prefer to fight you on equal terms. I'm not a picky person and will happily scrap the shit off my boot!" Percy jumped off his sword, ramming forward, impaling Alton cleanly; taking the blade out, he found it to be stuck frozen to Alton's body. Alton wrapped his hands around Percy's neck, trying any way to kill him. Percy stared at him, losing his cool as he held Alton's head, pushing him away. "Who gave you permission to touch me, Fairy-Tale trash?!" Uppercutting Alton, he was sent up into the air before knocked back again, crashing into the sanctuary.

Using this borrowed time, Vanguard bolted past, grabbing Alice before making a break for sanctuary. Percy turned, seeing this furious. "Petra, the barrier!"

"Oh no, you don't!" Percy roared, chasing after them and closing the gap quickly. Alice pulled up one portal with her last strength, which swallowed Percy throwing him away from a bit further back. This was enough for the two to flee to the wall's safety and the barrier to be raised. Percy slammed against it, jumping back, finding his hands burnt to all hell. Vanguard turned, staring at the phantom with remorse. Percy smacked the barrier serval times, laughing. "Do you think this will hold me forever, old man? I will get in and slaughter you all, mark my words. You will share my pain soon enough."

Vanguard dropped Alice sighing. "Thank God for that. Was everyone inside the barrier?"

"Thankfully. Your battle with Alton got everyone to safety. We won't be so lucky next time. Marcus, I'm not sure how long I can keep the barrier up for." Petra admitted.

Alton crashed down from the mountain, all bloody and beaten. Barley standing, he walked to the entrance of the sanctuary, throwing a punch to no prevail. He and Percy stared off before Alton turned away. "Open the barrier."

"Are you kidding me?! Doing that would doom us all. Besides, even if I wanted to, once the barrier is up, it cannot come down until my powers run out."

Alton turned to Petra, tutting as his Garden form faded. "Typical… Then I just have to…" Holding his hands out towards Petra, Vanguard stepped in the way only to stop as Alton collapsed. Alice stared on, looking furious by all of this.

"He'd fight to the last breath; what a stupid kid," Vanguard grumbled. "As long as that barrier stays up, we're safe for now. Get everyone to the mines. This might be it."

"What should we do with Alton and the others?"

Vanguard turned to a beaten Alice and Alton sighing. "Help them as best you can. We'll need everyone for this fight."

Diego stood idly, watching the brawl still carrying Iris. "Just what the hell did I get myself involved with?"

"Diego Jolts, yes?" Vanguard spoke, turning to him. "You can see the future, no? How long can this barrier stand for?"

Diego closed his eyes, channelling the energy of the possible future. "The way Percy is. He'll destroy this thing in the matter of a few hours."

"That's not enough time to get everyone out. What's the outcome?"

Diego looked again, flinching stumbling back. "I don't see anything."

"Is that bad?" Petra asks.

"Seeing nothing means the worst. We lose each time… This is where we die."

Vanguard squeezed his fist in frustration turning to Percy attacking the barrier nonstop. "Even after all I did for everyone, is this how it ends? No! Petra, gather anyone who can fight. Get Margret and Rupert. I refuse to fall here today. If this imposter wants a fight, we'll give him one the Garden will remember for years to come. I cannot, not will not die here!"

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