Chapter 250: Judgement of the Ten

"Anything sentimental remains here, only take the important belongs! We don't have long." Marcus snapped as the children began running back and forth towards the mines with everything they could carry. "How's the barrier Petra?"

"Holding… Although Percy is working a lot faster than I would have thought. His power is unlike anything I've ever seen."

"A Stage of Grief… So that's what destroyed half the world 400 years ago?" Marcus glossed over. "I'm not even sure I can defeat him myself."

Diego walked over paranoid. "Not wanting to beat the dead horse anymore, but what's the plan here? Obviously, fighting the bastard is out of the question."

"I know that." He admitted. "All we can do is run. I found these mines a year back; they lead directly into the city. Most likely used as something else after the war. If we are quick enough, we can seal off the tunnels and escape."

"But wouldn't that mean leaving ourselves open to the CEOs?" Margret questioned, looking weary.

"The lesser of two evils. That's all to it, if the time comes, I'll buy you all time to escape. The CEOs will most likely only be after me. You take the children and get to safety."

"No way, Vanguard. We chose to follow you and will do that until the very end."

"Can Alton defeat Percy?" Petra questioned. "We've all heard the stories… He can do it, right?"

Diego turned to the tunnels looking weary. "While the future doesn't show that outcome, I have been wrong before. I believe Alton can defeat him, although I cannot guarantee our safety… Damn it, why the hell did I go along with this shit?!"

"If you don't mind me asking Diego, you don't seem like the sort of person who actively gets into dangerous situations like this, nor were you very hands-on as a streamer. Why did you become a streamer, Diego?"

Diego stared at Vanguard, unsure. Not giving him a concrete answer, he turned away, whispering. "I guess I joined since everyone else was doing it as well…"

The three remained silent before Margret spoke up. "Well, in any case, if we intend to survive this Vanguard, we need Alton."

"My leech ability should have worn off on him. He's our final trump card… But something else has me bothered. Is he actually on our side?"


Alton found himself in a lifeless void. Endless gothic corridors void of colour was all Alton could see. As he began walking through the maze of life and death, he felt a presence. One he couldn't recognise but felt familiar with. Turning on the spot, the corridors were gone; instead, a wide-open courtyard was in its place. Behind Alton was an endless drop into the abyss. Stepping away, the sound of chains rattling reeled him back in. The sight was something Alton had witnessed before. A single man chained to the wall with torn grey wings. He was bloody, with scars scattered all across his body. Resting his yellow eyes onto Alton, his dry, cracked lips opened as he chanted two words at the boy, which would only send chills down his back. "Free me."

Alton snapped away, sweating; a frenzy snap made him look around, finding himself in a narrow tunnel. Children were running up and down as Alice was commanding them all where to go. She quickly noticed Alton awake. "Alton! Thank God, are you alright?"

Holding his head, he nodded, resting slouched over. "Just about. I haven't lost self-control like that in a while… Not really since Paradox. This felt different, though; it felt like I was a completely different person."

"You gave us all a little scare, their man…" Iris whispered, sitting opposite them, raising her bottle of water. "Glad to have you back with us."

"Iris. Good to see you're up; what happened? Why did we find you well, where you were?"

Iris shrugged her shoulders, clutching the bottle tightly. "I wish I could tell you. All of it is a blur to me. I was with Monty back at the base, and then I woke up here."

"Monty? That bastard is still around. Ha. Regardless, I feel better now."

Alice stepped in front of Alton, holding her hand out. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"Going back to fight Percy. We all know what's at stake here."

"In your condition? You must be joking. That monster would snap you like a twig."

"I'm tougher than you think, Alice. If you think I'm just going to sit around kicking it back with a beer watching the game, you're mistaken."

"I understand, Alton. But others can fight him. Let us take care of this."

Alton pushed past Alice staring onwards, watching the children evacuating. "You're all weak; only I can do this… Sorry, say I wanted to ask. I've been having these visions; they scare the living hell out of me, but I'm always somewhere evil, and there's this man… An angel, perhaps? He's imprisoned, chained to the wall bloody and beaten. He's always asking me to free him. Have any of you?"

"No. Not at all." Alice shuts down without much thought.

Iris gives it a little thought looking slightly troubled. "It's hard to say, but when Salvation took over back home… I remember for the short time I was gone I came across someone who might have matched that description. I never mentioned it because it's stupid."

"You both? What does that mean?"

"The Judgement of the ten… That's what I said, right? Bargaining had an idea that we Children of the Garden weren't connected to the Garden whatsoever. We were offspring of the race who caused all this shit Fairy-Tale. When we joined forces, Alice, something in us awakened. The symbols on our hand they reacted. They reacted against my fight with Vanguard. When I lost control, I was still able to watch; it was like watching a movie. Everything that happened judgement of the ten. Is that what we are?"

"What is the judgement of the ten?" Iris questioned, staring down at a faded birthmark on her hand, which slightly resembled the Fairy-Tale symbol.

"I don't know. My best guess is they are similar to the Stages of Grief—Fairy-Tale's elite warriors chosen to destroy the Garden. Ever since Mortem revealed itself, I've been feeling a pull, faint at first, but now it's gripped on tight and won't ever stop. The pull to war."

"I have felt something similar for a little while," Alice admitted. "If we are these judgements of the ten, should we be concerned? They are after the same goal as us. They want the Garden to be destroyed as well."

"But weren't they the very reason we're in this situation?" Iris questioned. "I don't like any of this; we cannot trust either party. Don't let them control you."

Alton lowered his arm, sighing. "I'm not sure we have many choices. That's who we were before all of this, yeah? Ten… I'm ten; as a survivor, we use whatever we've got to win no matter what. Regardless of this so-called Fairy-Tale has ill intent or even started this damn war. I intend to finish it with their power." The tunnel began to rumble as Alton stared on, nodding. "It broke through the barrier. I'm going, Alice."

"I really can't stop you, can I?"

"You can force me. But that won't help anyone." Alton taunted. "If you wish to help me, so be it."

"The effects of Vanguard are still working against you, sis. Let me take over."

Alice grunted, stepping away. "I'll help everyone escape best I can. Don't you dare die on me, you two… Please, save Percy."

Alton kept his gaze on Alice as she ran off; turning back, he dropped his hand, staring onwards. "Let's go, Iris."


Percy stepped into Sanctuary with a cocky smile. He took in a deep breath. "Ahh, that smell. The smell of despair and fear."

Vanguard stepped forward, holding the line. "Percy. You will not get past me. No one else but me deserves your judgement. Leave the innocent out of this."

"Hypocrite. You stand there talking down on me. The only way for you to pay for your sins is to tear it all down." Vanguard gripped his fist tightly, rushing forward, punching Percy directly in the stomach with all his power. However, Percy stood there with a bold look as Vanguard stared on weak, falling to his knees, taking the full force instead. "Your pain and guilt will define how you live forever. May it also burrow into your mind and take you slowly."

  "I can't give up… Percy needs me."

Percy picked up Vanguard, pulling his hair. "We need you to die. Die Vanguard, free us both and die for your sins."

A pillar rippled from the ground blocking off the two as Percy glanced on at Alton and Iris. "Right on time. And I see you brought the other Hawthorne girl with you."

"Holy shit… It really is Percy."

"Don't let his appearance deceive you. That monster is just using the dead body of Percy Misharp as a vessel. We're dealing with the stage of grief pain."

Percy held his hands together, nodding. "Everything he says is true. I'm ever so glad Alton has come out to play this time around. This shall make your death all the more satisfying." Clapping his hand together, hundreds of copies began to appear all around them, completely overwhelming the small group of streamers. Holding his hand out, he let out a sing-song tone mocking them. "Behold my almighty power! Horde of the dead. Tell me, how long will you last against all of us, Alton Brantley?!"

Alton sighed, holding his hand up as a small sun rippled into existence. With a piercing yellow stare, Alton spoke softly, taunting him. "This battle is already as good as won."

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