Chapter 2: bring your friends
2:31 in the morning.
I just want a good nights sleep. Please, is that too much to ask for?
I sat up in my bed. I'm so hungry but also too tired to even care at this point.
I scroll through my phone, checking the different messages. They are all from my friends back home, but.
They feel so fake. I cannot explain it. I love my friends; we have been friends since freshman year of high school and we have been so close for so long but now it just feels so fake.
Like they hate that I'm successful; they hate my dad; they hate that they can't go to space for leisure.
I mean, I have offered; everything paid, but then they get even more angry.
I don't understand then sometimes.
They all want to stay on earth; none of them went to college; they just want to take over their family business and find a nice husband to settle down with.
I don't want to do that.
I know I have more potential than it to all just to be wasted for me to be in a marriage I am barely happy in.
I don't know; I just know I'm better.
I know that there's more for me in store in this universe.
I closed my eyes. I don't need to see that right now; I don't need hate right now.
Papa: Hope you found food, honey bun! I LOVE YOU!!!
And get left on read.
I close my phone and just stare at the door.
What was that lady even trying to say?
Like, what the fuck does that even mean, bro?
And the way she looked at me? I…I can't explain it. It was…was so weird. It kind of gave me the chills, or that was just hunger? I don't know.
I think she was expecting something for me.
I lie back down and stare at the chandeliers lining the roof of the room I am in.
I know there is a war and all that, but all of the other stuff—I mean, the sorry words she was saying, I don't understand at all.
I know the war was started by a 2 v 2 tie between the four galactic ambassadors. I don't know there names and I don't care to know; all I know is that they decided to start the war.
Most people are in denial about it, like they are most things, but the war was started because humanity has overstepped its boundaries in space and violated treaty after treaty and now they are sick of it and this is their way of stopping the rich from expanding into territories they don't belong in.
Which is all of space, but don't tell my dad I said that.
The galactic council claims that humans are reckless, greedy, and unwilling to follow intergalactic law, and they are very much correct.
They argue that humanity's rapid advancements in technology pose a threat to the balance of the universe.
I personally think that is definitely one of the reasons, but I also think that is a cover-up for something much bigger, bigger than any body on earth or in the galaxy.
One problem with this war is that they are targeting the rich no matter what they did.
Eat the rich until you are rolling in it and you have a giant target on your back because of a life you didn't choose to have.
My dad's company, thankfully, is very mindful of expansion and where they expand.
The only problem with that is that others aren't, and because my dad is genuinely one of the wealthiest people on the planet, in the human expansion movement, everyone puts the blame on the voss family, despite us having really nothing to do with it.
Okay, we do slightly because of the whole space expansion, but at least we are mindful.
Another thing is that my dad has had a very public mental breakdown and screaming matches, painting him very much as a villain, which is understandable.
My mom disappeared years ago and now my dad doesn't know what to do with himself at all.
I dont know what happened to her but I know shes not dead. I'm not that stupid.
He pretends it doesn't bother her. I think if he thinks that I think he is fine, then I will be too, but I know he isn't fine.
He built all of this and keeps building, and everyone single one, every one, from the outside to even the pattern of the rug were my mom's designs.
He doesn't talk about her anymore, but then he does stuff like this and it tells me everything that I need to know.
Fuck, I don't even know what I'm thinking about anymore.
The lady and the weird stuff she was saying to me.
I slowly blink.
Maybe I could go back to her when I have more sleep and actually understand what she is saying.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
My eyes start to get heavy, and my stomach is still growling.
Oh god.
I can't shake this weird feeling.
That lady was so fucking weird, but I don't know why.
And I don't know this feeling either.
It kind of feels like.
Like impending doom.
I think im overreacting.
I'll just got back to bed and hopefully sleep through the whole night this time.