the universe owes her nothing

Chapter 3: It's fun to lose and to pretend

Oh god.

I am sweating so much.

I feel so groggy and so fucking tired. I barely slept at all.

And my stomach is still growling; I feel like I am rocking back and forth right now. I really should have eaten last night. 


Uh, I dont even know.

Uh, what was my goal?


Go find that weirdly attractive alien lady.

I think that she might have said some more stuff but I can't even fucking remember. 

Oh and eat. 

Eat first.

I get out of bed.

And I make my way into the hallway.

Instead of ordering food and taking the easy way out, I feel myself drawn back to the fucking door.

All plans thrown out the window because what? 

I stood in front of it, the letters still making no sense.

I am just curious; I am going to ask her what she meant and then go back to finding food and then go back to bed.

I push opened the door.

Oh hello!

She is standing right in front of it and she's smiling at me.

"I'm glad you came back."


Couldn't she not speak English literally less than a couple of hours ago and now suddenly she's fluent?

"I don't think I really had a choice," I said, pushing past her just a little bit. 

She shut the door behind me.


This feels weird.

It feels like.

Like I shouldn't be here.

"Please sit down," she said from behind me.

I quickly sat down in a chair.


So weird.

She grabbed her chair from behind her desk and sat down in front of it.

I felt myself smile.

God, what is wrong with me? 


"Uh hi?"

"I am so glad I could finally meet you; you are even prettier in person." Oh, stop it, you.

She has the sexiest voice I have ever heard in my whole life. 

"I am assuming you know my dad?"

She paused and then went back to smiling. "Yes, of course, he owns the building that my office is in."

"Yep," I said, nodding awkwardly.

So she doesn't really know me; she just knows my dad. "Something wrong?"

"Nothing, uh, why are you so glad to finally meet me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Destiny. You are going to save everyone."

"I'm no fucking Luke Skywalker; I don't know what that means."

She smiled at me.

"You don't have to know now but you are more special than you would know."


"Please, I am begging you to elaborate; I have no idea what you are even saying."

"You have what we call a hidden ability. Something that can bend probability. You can alter chance itself in ways that shouldn't be possible."

I know I am giving her a crazy look right now.

"Its why you have survived so many things that shouldve killed you. Why you have made it through so many different scenarios," she said with a smile.

She continued to talk as I stared at her.

Proper name.

Place name.

Backstory stuff.

I nodded my head slowly, pretending I was listening.

Her skin was this dark-ish red color.

Her eyes were piercing and very sexy. 

They were gold and gorgeous. 

Her skin kind of had this red scale, with faint flowing lines, that looked so beautiful.

It pulsed like a heartbeat.

She had dark black hair that was in a ncice bob. 

And these giant horns that game out of her hair.

And she was dressed up in this sharp attire, like she was some military leader.



"Are you listening?"

"yeah..uh…Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I know your dad." Oh, okay. 

"So what did I just say?"

Bitch. "I wasn't listening."

"Figures, what were you doing instead?"

Her voice literally feels like butter.

"Looking at you and uh, your features?" Why do I sound so deranged?

"My features?"

"Uh yeah, I have never really met anyone uh that big and with horns."

"Oh, yeah, I can make them go away if you'd like." and just like that, they went back into her head.

I don't know if I should be intrigued or disgusted, probably both.

"No, no, they are find, very cool." and they are coming back out. "Youre just."

I have never been attracted to anyone before. Ever.

I hate people.

I was going to die alone.

But suddenly.

Suddenly, I feel this attraction to this alien lady whose name I don't even know. 

"Very interesting to look at."

"Is that a good thing?" She raised her; oh, she doesn't have any eyebrows. She raised where her eyebrows would be. 


"Oh okay."

I dont even know what she is talking about anymore.

"Back to what we are talking about, you are…"

Back to the fact I am not listening.

And the fact that she barely spoke English yesterday.

This should be concerning.

But its not. 

I would rather just stare at her sexy face than think about anything else. 

This is weird.

This is probably a fever dream and I will wake up any minute.

I will be back at home with my parents and my friends and everything will be fine! Yeah, I like the sound of that.


"Im listening, I swear." She starts laughing again.

"You can bend reality itself but just with single actions."

"Doesnt everyone do that already?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, its different. You can change the outcomes of stuff."

"I swear whatever you do in the present changes what happens in the future anyway." oh. I am pissing her off; I am just going to stay quiet.


I lied. "Your scales glow when you get angry."

"I am not angry, just frustrated."

"I think those are the same thing."

"NO THEY ARENT!" Her scales were glowing more now and her horns grew bigger and looked less like devil horns and more like deer.

I heard her take a deep breath.

"You are lucky that you are needed or else I would blast you so hard into space right now," she said, trying to calm down.

"Blast me how?"

"AH, I don't mean that, I don't mean that," I said quickly, trying to recover the statement I just made.

"With a raygun, right in between your big forehead," she said calmly.

Oh! The raygun wasn't the only shots fired.

"Now listen to me, please," she said once again, trying to stay calm. "You can change the outcomes of stuff with your abilities."

"I don't have any."

"Interrupt me one more time, I swear," she said. Okay, back to being quiet before this alien lady blasts my ass into the future.

"You can help end this war." me?

That's crazy talk. 

"The war that the galatic ambassadors started or is it a different one?" She gave me a look. "Hey genuine question."

"The war that the ambassadors started," she said and her eyes started to wander off to the wall behind me. 

"And how would I be of help? Are you a galactic ambassador?" she shook her head. "Then how could I help?"

"You have to learn how to master your ability and learn okay?" i guess?


"You seem unsure."

"I am because I really don't know what's happening."

"That's fine; I can teach you," she said with a smile.

Her teeth are sharp and big.

I wonder how that would feel if she bit me.

I don't mean that.

Oh my god.

I need to stop.

I really do. 

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