The hero academic

Chapter 178: blacked katsumi

Summary:Prompt: Fem Katsuki is not liked by the other girls in the class for being a bitch and does no know about their BBC activities. Katsumi feeling confused about the other girls in the class dressing strangely and disappearing together at night goes to fem Izuku for answers, they talk and Izumi gets the devious idea to break the bitch and lures her to the club where Katsumi is taught her place.

Prompt suggested by Guest123

Chapter TextOkay, something was very wrong with the hoes in her class—and no, Katsumi did not mean it as an insult; she had evidence, dammit! Evidence!

A while ago the hoes had started dressing... well, oddly, in her eyes. Black tank tops branded 'Blacked'—a brand she never had even heard of, and her mother was one of Japan's top stylists! She was supposed to know about these things; thank you very much! Tight yoga pants so tight they were like a second skin, the only variation being between short yoga pants and long ones. The only moment they weren't wearing those rags was at school, but then the bitches would wear a choker, again with the name of the mysterious brand.

If that wasn't enough for Katsumi's sharp eyes, it wasn't just how they dressed that made her suspicious; they had also started behaving... bizarrely, for lack of a better term. In class they seemed to be there physically, but their minds were somewhere else. They didn't pay attention during the classes, instead giggling quietly amongst each other or rolling their eyes every time Katsumi spoke—and damn, she didn't care that she sounded petty now; it got on her nerves! She had done absolutely nothing to warrant the hoes being bitches towards her. If anything, they should be on their knees, thanking her for the chance to even breathe the same air as her!

But that wasn't everything. Oh no. She wasn't deaf; even with her explosion deteriorating her hearing, she could still listen to them clearly whenever they quietly left the dorms after curfew—she didn't know how Beggar-sensei seemed to be oblivious of them sneaking out during nighttime—to go who the fuck knows where. It was all so frustrating. Whatever it was, it felt like an insult against her for the simple reason that she didn't know what was happening.

That's why, taking a deep breath, she stood in front of Deku's room's door.

"Alright. We need to talk." She muttered before knocking twice, loudly enough to wake up the nerd. Seconds passed, and yet she didn't open the door. Sighing, she knocked again. This time louder, impatient. She kept knocking, knowing Deku had probably woken up from the first couple of knocks and was simply trying to stall long enough for her to go away. As if the bitch should know by now that Katsumi wasn't one to back off. When she wanted something, she would do anything to get it.

The nerd was going to tell her what the hell was going on or else!

"Come on!" She said it angrily, not caring about how loud she was.

Her patience was wearing thin, and right when she was about to explode—literally—the door swung open, making her fist go through thin air.

"Kacchan... What are you doing here?" Deku asked. Dressed in the same fucking rags as the other hoes. A tight sports bra and short yoga pants. She should have expected that, after all, Deku was the first hoe of this place.

"We need to talk." Katsumi hissed, moving closer to Deku threateningly. But the girl didn't react the way she normally would, nope. Instead, a smile played along Deku's face—a smug smile—as if she were a cat who ate the fucking canary.

"And what do we need to talk about, Kacchan?" The bitch had the audacity to ask sweetly.

Katsumi's fists shook, but she tried to relax; it wouldn't be good if she exploded on Deku before getting any answers.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Her teeth clenched, barely opening as the words slithered from her mouth. "And you're going to tell me."

Deku looked at her amused, stepping aside for Katsumi to step into her room. And it wasn't what she expected; instead of the thousand of All Might merchandise, the walls were adorned with pictures of dark-skinned foreigners—heroes from other countries? Maybe—only one All Might poster hung from her wall. Interesting, when did Deku redecorate? The last time she had been here, Deku's room was filled with so much All Might merchandise that she felt sick from being in such nerdy territory—not that her room was different. Now it looked like a temple for worshiping Afro-American men with muscles.

"The fuck happened in here?" She whispered out loud.

"Those? They're heroes I've found recently," Deku smiled brightly, almost beaming. "You like them?"

"I don't even know who these heroes are," Katsumi replied, feeling slightly disturbed by those posters; she couldn't point her finger to it, but there was just something unnerving about them. "Since when have they interested you anyway?"

"A few months ago? Well... more or less." Deku sat on the edge of her bed while motioning for her to sit beside her. Rolling her eyes, she sat on the desk chair instead, feeling quite satisfied by how Deku's expression fell for a second.

"Anyway, Kacchan." That sweet tone grated Katsumi's ears. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Sighing, she thought about where she should begin. Well, first things first... Better rip off the band-aid already and cut to the chase. Fuck politeness and tact; if the hoes weren't going to use it towards her, then why bother? "What are you and the other sluts up to?" Straight and direct. If anyone called her rude for this, she'll give them another piece of her mind; trust her.

"What we're up to?" The confusion in the bitch's voice annoyed Katsumi immensely.

"Yeah! The fuck y'all dress so fucking... slutty? You and those whores are wearing those fucking rags with that mysterious brand like it's some top fashion line! I haven't heard anything 'bout it yet!" The wooden chair creaked dangerously when her fingers dug into it tightly, smoke coming out of her palms as she glared harshly at Deku, daring her to speak some dumb shit. To Katsumi's anger and confusion, the green-haired woman only chuckled as if she had told her a really funny joke. When that chuckle morphed into loud laughter, Katsumi's fuse finally got set aflame. Literally.

Leaping off the chair and towering over the laughing Deku, she roughly grabbed the cunt's chin between her thumb and index finger, emerald and ruby eyes staring intensely at each other. Deku's laughter ceased but still held her body rigidly as tremors wrecked her body from the remnants of mirth, and, although her laughter disappeared, a wide grin was still plastered across the girl's lips.

"You think I'm joking!? No? Huh! I wanna know what the fuck's goin' on here or else-!" Mouth parted in warning—about to give her best intimidation with an explosion at close range—but was silenced by smooth, warm lips.

Eyes wide open, blinking rapidly, frozen completely. Right now her thoughts seemed scrambled, like an invisible hand was rummaging through them without much care, grabbing and picking until everything turned white and silent inside her head. Only registering Deku leaning forward, pushing her back gently, but not allowing their mouths to separate.

Falling backwards onto the seat she just vacated, she sat transfixed on the softness of how perfectly shaped Deku's lips fit against her own. Another sensation dawned upon her brain: her chin, hot and sweating, being held softly between Deku's thumb and index. A squeak slipped between their fused mouths as another warm and smooth object traced itself over the seam of her bottom lip. Deku's tongue asked politely for permission. Giving it quickly, both muscles meeting one another in a strange battle.

They swirled around and twirled like fighting snakes, rubbing together deliciously, creating a harmony that made both young women feel electricity course down to their toes and fingertips.

Slowly, Katsumi closed her eyes. Simply relishing in the feeling of Deku's fingers digging lightly into her lower back while hers ran smoothly over freckled skin. Heat burned beneath her cheeks when a slick sound came from their kiss and a pleasant shiver raced along the blonde woman's spine. Soft moans filled the silence of the night, tongues dancing gracefully together in an erotic tangle, competing for dominance.

Just before her lungs could cry for oxygen, they separated with a faint pop!, strings of saliva linking their lips briefly before disappearing. Emerald eyes looking at ruby ones under her lashes, Deku smiled coyly.

"Well... as I see that you want explanations..." Voice hoarse, sensual, seductive, and many more things. It should be impossible for the nerd to talk that way, yet there she was, talking so sensually it would make her mother blush.

Deku stood up from her place in front of Katsumi and walked elegantly towards her closet. Bending over—the leggings hugged her behind like a second skin, highlighting nicely toned legs and giving her bubble butt extra lift. Nice to look at. Fuck!

Opening the cabinet, she started shifting around stuff inside, and Katsumi tried to take a peek at what the nerd had, curious as ever, but alas, the greenette stood up quickly and strutted towards Katsumi.

A smirk was playing on her freckled face, mischievous spark glinting in green irises as her hips swayed provocatively. Oh yeah, she was enjoying this. With her eyes fixed on Katsumi, Deku threw a black tanktop on her lap, startling the explosive girl. Ruby eyes stared questioningly at the smug green-eyed woman.

"Wear it," The words left Deku's mouth as a statement, commanding.

"What." Her brain couldn't comprehend what Deku meant right now, still too dazed by the kiss.

"It has Blacked written on it. Just like mine. Now undress." No please nor thank you; again, no sugar coating the phrase.

Blinking owlishly once, twice, thrice, and several times. "And if I don't?"

"Just wear it."

Katsumi blinked again, trying to understand where the timid, quiet Deku had vanished to. This demanding, domineering woman wasn't the real Izumi Midoriya! Maybe someone's using their quirk on Deku? Was this actually Deku? What the fuck? Should she be worried? Or scared?

With trembling hands, she gripped the end of her black shirt tightly, raising it slowly above her head, uncaring about being exposed before the smug-faced bitch, and discarded it on the floor, only remaining with her black bra. She opened the tanktop with unsteady hands and moved to pass her head through the hole when nimble fingers stopped her, halting all movements.

"Not like that." Deku spoke authoritatively. "Take your bra off first."

Katsumi gulped.

Forcing herself to move robotically, reaching behind and unclasping her bra, throwing it next to her shirt with ease. Goosebumps traveled from her shoulder blades and went through her whole arms and nape at the chilly sensation that caressed the naked flesh.

She was now sitting in Deku's room, half-naked.

"Now put it on."

So she did.

Fuck. She felt embarrassed. So fucking much.

The fabric was stretchy, hugging her torso and highlighting the shape of her breasts. And the yoga pants—oh, the yoga pants. It felt so weird and foreign, yet so good. The cloth hugged every inch of her lower body tightly. Like the tanktop, the pants were stretchy and had the same effect. It highlighted the curve of her ass, giving it an extra lift; the thighs looked thicker and the legs seemed longer.

She felt hot. So hot.

And judging from how Deku was staring at her, she was also thinking the same.

"Hmm. I knew you'd look good in it. Now, what else do you wanna know, Kacchan?"

Her voice, so husky, so breathless, so... so...

Katsumi didn't have time to answer when she was suddenly pushed on her back, falling to the floor, her head hitting the soft mattress of Deku's bed, her breath hitched. Green hair fell like curtains around her, freckled face coming closer and closer and closer. Lips ghosting over her own.

"Kacchan?" She asked quietly, breathing into her ear. "What do you want to know?"

Katsumi swallowed. "W—where are you all going at night?"

Deku chuckled darkly, nipping softly at Katsumi's earlobe. A whimper escaped the blonde's lips, back arching, hands clutching at Deku's back. The greenette moved lower, her lips ghosting over the blonde's jawline and going lower and lower, nibbling at her pulse point. Teeth scraped the flesh, sending shivers throughout her whole body. Hot breath fanned over her neck, warm and moist lips pressed against her pulse, sucking the sensitive skin, tongue licking at the abused area, easing the pain of the bite.

Katsumi's mind was hazy, hands fisting the bedsheets. Moaning when those sinful lips kissed at her collarbones, tongue lapping at her skin, teeth sinking on the flesh and sucking, leaving behind purple marks that contrasted beautifully with the pale skin. Deku shouldn't be able to do this; she wasn't a sex expert. Yet she was doing wonders with her mouth and hands, and Katsumi felt like she was losing her mind.

"Good girls, like me and my friends," Katsumi gasped, moaning throatily when Deku grinded against her core, applying delicious pressure. "We go to a club to get our needs taken care of..."

Hands roamed down, finding the hem of her pants, sliding down sensuously. Teeth bit down onto Katsumi's hardened nipples through the thin fabric, pulling and stretching them roughly, alternating between one breast or the other, smirking into her chest as Katsumi's whimpers became louder and louder.

"And we're rewarded for it..." The nerd whispered sultrily, her fingers reaching the apex of her thighs and rubbing them teasingly, creating delicious friction.

"A—a club...? W—what kind of needs?" Katsumi tried to form coherent thoughts; she really did try, but damn. Her pussy was throbbing. Clenching desperately around nothing, empty and dripping, yearning to be filled.

"Sexual needs..." Teeth bit her left nipple hard, eliciting a strangled groan, blunt fingernails scraping down her abs. "We go there to let ourselves be fucked senseless..." Deku licked the hurt bud in apology, and her eyes shone with something sinister. "By black men."

Katsumi's world stilled, heat pooling in her stomach. Body feeling limp. Panting. Cheeks flushed red.

"Black... Black men...?" She managed to croak out, trembling uncontrollably. Shocks of pleasure raced down her spine and curled like fire on her loins.

"Yep!" Deku's mouth detached from her breasts and began roaming downwards. Stopping at the edge of the waistband of Katsumi's borrowed shorts. Nervousness crept up into the explosive woman. Where the hell is this whore going? Before she could stop her, Deku continued moving lower, peppering feather-light kisses on her lower abdomen.

"Big, black cocks—" Smooch, "that stretch our pussies wide open—" Peck, "make us orgasm countless times and breed us full."

The image Deku's words conjured into Katsumi's brain made her stomach flutter, heat curling even tighter than before, arousal burning her insides. "Oh... My... God..." She rasped out weakly, hips buckling upwards when the greenette nosed the waistband of her shorts, warm air hitting the wet spot that had begun forming over her pubic mound.

"Mmm... Soaking already, Kacchan?" Humming appreciatively, she nuzzled her nose in the scent, taking in the sweet fragrance of the young woman, before pressing a tender peck over the wet spot. "Too bad I can't reward you tonight." In a flash, she was standing, staring down at the disheveled blonde with amusement. "Kacchan needs to be a good girl if she wants to be cum, just like me and all my friends. Only then you'll deserve it."

Walking away, hips swaying hypnotizingly, Deku sat on the desk chair Katsumi used before and spun slowly on it, back facing the stunned bombshell, who couldn't muster up enough strength to stand and grab the bitch by the scruff of her neck. "Now, you have two options here, Kacchan." Deku spoke cheerfully, as if she hadn't left the other hanging. "You either go to the club with me and become a good girl with us and enjoy the taste of thick cock stretching your pussy and breeding you, or stay here being the brat that you are, unsatisfied and frustrated, without a big cock to stuff you silly and paint your insides white." Spinning on her heels, Deku turned around, her lips pulled up on a wicked smirk. "And honestly? You want to be filled by them, don't you, Kacchan? Just accept it and submit to your desires."

Giggling, she continued talking. "It feels incredible. When I'm with him, his hands manhandling me like if I weighed nothing, his dick is so big... It hurts a little when it's going in, but once it's fully inside, oh, it feels amazing. Every thrust is brutal and fast; he goes so deep, his balls slap against my clit. Mmm, he always manages to hit so deep that my womb quivers whenever he thrusts upwards." A blissful sigh escaped her mouth.

All of this information overloaded Katsumi's poor brain. Unable to process everything properly, it simply shut down. Leaving Katsumi lying on her ex-childhood friend's bed, panting harshly, body tingling and dripping, eyes glassy.

She didn't know what she wanted more, Deku, or what she talked about.

Probably both.

The club wasn't very far from U.A., Katsumi noticed, while they were walking side-by-side down the deserted street under the starry sky.

True to her word, Deku hadn't touched her anymore, even though her body screamed at her to pounce the nerd and let herself be ravished senseless, until she was stupid with ecstasy. Katsumi didn't have the courage to try to continue from where they stopped. Too flabbergasted to move, laying on that mattress until Deku told her they were going to the club.

At least the cold wind helped clear her mind enough to focus on what Deku said, the club, and what she would find there. Although right now, the only thing the wind did was bite at her exposed skin; the sports bra and yoga pants, plus the choker didn't offer any protection from it—all branded blacked of course.

"Don't worry, Kacchan! Once we get in the club, you'll feel warmer." Deku's voice reassured her cheerily. Giggles erupting from her when Katsumi glared heatedly at her.

"Bitch..." Katsumi muttered under her breath. She should have suspected the girls were true hoes from the beginning. They're dressing slutty for a reason, obviously. And the worst thing? Right now she didn't know if she found it gross or sexy. No! Not sexy. Definitely not! Who would be turned on by such—

Images of sweaty ebony skin rubbing against porcelain ones flashed through her mind's eye. Hot moans, sighs, and the distinctive sound of a cock ramming relentlessly into a sopping, hungry pussy flooded her ears. Of muscles coiling under a dark chocolate complexion. Of veiny black appendages thrusting rapidly between pink puffy folds. The contrast. Damn the contrast.

Katsumi bit her lower lip hard, hoping the sharp sting of pain would make those filthy images vanish from her imagination.

No such luck. It only made her hornier, unfortunately. She squeezed her legs together tightly and clasped her hands behind her back, trying to hide her clenched fists and how much they trembled.

"You know..." Katsumi jumped startled by Deku's voice whispering in her ear, having not heard the girl creep up on her, her mind wandering too deep inside her gutter mind. "I bet your pretty pussy is dripping right now, hmm?" Lips brushing against Katsumi's ear and sending pleasurable jolts straight down to her aching center. Emerald eyes gleaming brightly at her and reflecting the streetlight. "If I dared to touch you... My fingers would be drenched." Again, Katsumi bit her bottom lip harder, almost breaking skin.

What a whore! Teasing her like this... Making her horny on purpose...

This time, her hands didn't shake from embarrassment or fury, but instead from anticipation. Hoping, yearning, to feel rough finger pads running against the outer lips of her cunt. Probing, teasing her folds until those fingers sunk slowly and torturously into her sopping hole, preparing her for a good fucking.

Noticing how her face looked—eyebrows scrunched up, a light blush covering her cheeks—Deku giggled, "Or maybe you want to see how I'll be fucked, huh? My pussy filled with cock?" Walking again, ahead of Katsumi, the sway of her hips was more prominent than before. "Well, we're about to arrive anyway. Don't cream yourself just yet."

After a couple more blocks of awkward silence from Katsumi and teasing comments from Deku, they arrived at the most inconspicuous-looking building the explosive user has ever seen in her life. But she could hear faint noises coming from the inside. Voices, music, and some indescribable sounds.

"So... is this it? We just walk through that door?" Katsumi asked, doubt seeping into her tone and uncertainty coursing through her veins.

"Just like that!" Deku confirmed joyously. Reaching out, she opened the door, turning her head to look over her shoulder. "After you!"

Taking a deep breath, Katsumi took a step forward. Then another, and another. Passing through the doorway with a stoic mask, hiding the emotions fighting for control over her facial muscles—nervousness, anger, curiosity, and, above all, arousal.

As soon as her foot stepped inside, she froze. Eyes widening comically, she took in the new scene displayed for her to see, completely shocked. Mouth agape and body shaking ever so slightly.

A mass of writhing bodies welcomed her sight. Feminine pale white limbs wrapped around the ebony muscular frames, clinging desperately to broad shoulders, digging long painted nails on the taut skin, or holding on for dear life at midnight-colored biceps. Men stood proudly tall, smirking knowingly as these women melted and mewled pitifully under their touches. Arms holding frail feminine forms lovingly, hands groping pliant tits and asses. Bodies rutting and grinding, the sound of skin slapping filling the entire building, moans and grunts bouncing off the walls like a choir.

It was unlike anything Katsumi had ever seen. So obscene. So erotic.

Everyone present—except for the men—wore the same garments she currently sported: tight yoga pants/shorts, sports bras, and, of course, the choker. Everything in the brand Blacked.

Some women were leaning against a wall or being pushed onto it as strong, muscled arms flexed visibly every time they thrust forward into the warm, welcoming heat. Others were kneeling on the floor, faces shoved onto the carpet below with big palms keeping them still as those same massive hands gripped firmly round globes of asses or dug roughly into soft, supple flesh of thighs to keep their owners steady as powerful thrusts pounded repeatedly over and over without an ounce of mercy. Even more women lay on tables, bent over couches or cushions strewn across the floor, wailing with pleasure as they took black shafts inside every hole available.

Wait… wasn't that round face?

"Deku-chan!! I'm so glad you could make it!" Speaking of the devil... Katsumi watched, transfixed, at how Uraraka walked towards them. Her legs quivering with every step, small rivulets of white fluids leaked out from in between her thighs, staining even more—if that was possible—the already dampened material of the tight leggings.

She looked freshly fucked, like she had been recently ravished by some brute, taken rough, hard, and fast in every possible position. A lazy smile graced Uraraka's face, making her seem content, satisfied, and docile. Her hair was a mess, strands sticking everywhere; lips bruised and puffy; cheeks adorning fading red handprints.

"Of course, Ocha-chan." Deku chirped cheerily, walking forward until they were a breath apart, smiling sweetly down at the short brunette. The greenette reached out, carding long, delicate fingers through chestnut brown locks lovingly. Leaning down, their breaths mingled together in the narrow space between them. Their gazes locked intensely, lust clouding their irises.

Katsumi watched with bated breath as their lips met in the middle. Groans spilled from the joined lips; their kissing grew desperate. Deku's fingers tightened their hold in Uraraka's hair while the round-faced girl buried her hands into forest green curls. Tongues invaded one another's caverns hungrily, tracing over teeth, the roof of their mouths, and coiling together like mating snakes. Heads moved to deepen the contact, saliva dribbling down their chins, breathing erratic and loud.

What a spectacle they made—two women dressed scantily, clinging to each other, lost in the throes of passion. And all Katsumi could do was watch helplessly how these two bitches made out, her stomach clenching with something she had never felt before—not in this intensity, anyway—and heating up the apartment by several degrees.

Pulling apart after what felt like an eternity, both young women panted heavily, chests rising and falling rapidly. Hands remained tangled on hair, and fingers gripped forearms like a lifeline. Deku pressed one last peck on Uraraka's cheek.

"Hmmm." Round Face hummed pleasantly. "Deku-chan, why did you bring Bakagou with you?"

That snapped Katsumi out of her trance. Glaring fiercely, explosions crackling on her palms and smoke slithering out from in between her clenched teeth, ready to lunge at Uraraka, consequences be damned. "WHO HAVE YOU CALLED BAKAGOU, BITCH?!"

But before she could commit a murder, Izumi stepped closer, covering her mouth with her hand, effectively stopping Katsumi's screaming match with her classmate. A small giggle escaped the green-eyed girl. "Mmmm... Kacchan is here because..." Deku paused theatrically. "Because she wants to become a good girl too!" She chirped happily, eyes sparkling with delight. Meanwhile, Katsumi blushed furiously under Deku's palm. Squirming uncomfortably under Uraraka's scrutinizing gaze.

"Ahn? Are you sure it's a good idea to bring someone as prideful and aggressive as Bakagou? I don't think she'll last more than ten minutes." Sighing dramatically, the gravity wielder shrugged noncommittally, still eyeing Katsumi suspiciously, but nevertheless accepted the explanation, even though a bit reluctantly. "Well, whatever, if this can bring her down a peg or two..."

"Oi! What do you mean by tha—" Cutting herself off abruptly, Katsumi went rigid as soon as Deku started tracing circles with her thumb along the expanse of her throat. Ruby orbs stared owlishly at emerald ones, questioningly. The knowing glint in Deku's eye gave her an uneasy feeling in her gut—apprehension crawling up her spine.

"Well... Let's go introduce you, then."

Shit! She's enjoying this!

Chuckling lightly, Deku took her hand out from Katsumi's mouth and trailed it down over her branded choker to finally settle around her wrist, while Uraraka grabbed her other wrist.

"It will be fun! Trust me, Kacchan! He's really gentle. The perfect man for beginners." This did not soothe her nerves at all.

"W—who? To whom are you taking me?! Hey! Answer me!!"

Her heart hammered faster against her rib cage as she got dragged across the club by both Uraraka and Deku, sweat accumulating in her forehead. Eyes shifting nervously to the ground, refusing to acknowledge her surroundings. The stink of sex permeating the air, making it difficult to breathe, only furthering Katsumi's distress.

"Where are the others, Ocha-chan?" The freckled girl asked curiously, looking around the room, searching for the familiar faces of their classmates. At the mention of them, Katsumi couldn't help but follow suit, wondering where the other 'hoes' could be. It wasn't until she saw an invisible form—covered in white fluid—riding someone on top of a table that she wished she hadn't looked. Besides her, a pink-skinned woman was getting sandwiched by two bulky males against a wall near her right side. Closer inspection revealed it was the Alien bitch being tag teamed, her tits squished by a rock-solid torso as her pussy and ass were pounded mercilessly.

Ochako grinned and pointed somewhere behind Katsumi. "Oh well, Yaomomo-chan and Kyouka-chan are with Malik and John." Emerald eyes followed Ochaco's finger. "Tsu-chan is with Tyron, I think..." With just that information, the blonde whipped her head backwards and immediately regretted it.

Standing before her, she witnessed Ponytail making out with a man's asshole as her tits went up and down on a massive ebony cock. Earlobes rode a black cock as eagerly as the alien whore got double-penetrated. Frogger was giving head as if she hadn't eaten in ages. Everyone was doing lewd things...

"This is crazy!" Katsumi murmured as she felt a blush creeping up on her cheeks, forcing her to whip her head back to her original position with a scowl and fume in frustration. Forcing her face to contort into one of utter disgust, pretending she didn't feel her cunt fluttering in excitement.

"Crazy, uh?" Deku teased, smirking at her devilishly. "Sure, you want to tell us that?"

"Yeah! Sure! It's disgustin'!" Katsumi snarled back, but it lacked any real venom. Voice wavering under Deku's intense gaze, ruby orbs failing to remain locked with emeralds. Glancing briefly downwards, a gesture Deku did not fail to notice.

Smirking impishly, a dangerous sparkle ignited in Deku's eyes; her pupils dilated ever so slightly, and her nostrils flared. Without warning, the greenette yanked on the blonde's arm, making her fall forward with a yelp. The surprise attack left Katsumi unprepared for the assault upon her personal space, especially coming from Izumi, and she ended up with her chin grasped in an iron grip between calloused and scarred fingers, tilting her head upwards to stare into blazing viridian.

"Oh yeah?" A confident smirk appeared on Deku's lips as her face leaned impossibly close. Warm breath ghosting over Katsumi's mouth, caressing her lips, sending jolts down south. "Tell us then. Why is your cunt dripping like a waterfall?"

Katsumi was stunned into silence. Her heart lodged in her throat, preventing her from saying anything, although it was not like she could come up with a good counterargument. Not that she'd admit to being turned on by this shit, no sir.

Thankfully, Deku had mercy on her soul and let go, turning around with the biggest grin on her lips. Uraraka also giggled behind her and began dragging her away by the wrist. "Let's just find Mr. J and get to it, then."

After a moment's hesitation, Katsumi's legs jerked and stumbled to catch up with the pace they had set.

They led her across a dimly lit hall and stopped in front of a simple black door. Looking up, she found Deku wearing the largest smile possible, like a kid expecting candy.

"In here, he always waits in here." Opening the door slowly, as if savoring the anticipation, the hinges creaking eerily amidst the silence of the hall. Once it was open, moans floated out of the room, feminine whimpers filling Katsumi's eardrums. It made the hairs at the back of her neck rise and sent shivers crawling down her spine. Stepping inside hesitantly, she couldn't help but wonder who could possibly produce those sounds.

And she wasn't surprised at who the origin of said noise was.

On the bed in the center of the room stood an ebony man twice the size of All Might, hunched over Midnight as he rutted into her relentlessly. Huge, meaty hands dug deep into her waist, pulling her harshly at every backwards motion to meet him halfway, eliciting mewls of pure ecstasy from the older woman. His hips rolled rhythmically and steadily, pounding deeply inside with precision. In spite of the lack of frenzy, Midnight was nothing more than a writhing puddle beneath him, breasts bouncing in tune to their coupling.

Uraraka walked silently towards them and leaned her elbow on his shoulder. "Heya, Sir. Sorry to interrupt your session with Midnight-sensei here, but Deku brought someone with her tonight."

He looked at her with interest, twinkling within his dark orbs, still thrusting into Midnight like a well-oiled piston. Lifting her off the mattress and pushing her up the pillows so he could stand freely. Katsumi almost drooled at the sight of his impressive member as it slipped out from Midnight's gaping hole, strings of white following it out before it hung limply between his legs, glistening and pulsing and throbbing. Swollen, thick, and veiny.

The biggest she has seen in her life, considering she'd only seen on porn and those aren't as big as that monster!

"You brought someone? A newbie, perhaps?" His voice boomed powerfully, authoritative yet strangely inviting, warm and smooth like honey. Its rich timber vibrated throughout the room, making the hairs on Katsumi's arms stand on end.

Uraraka nodded, grabbing Katsumi's hand again and tugging gently, guiding her to stand directly in front of him before retreating to the corner of the room, joining Deku, who sat quietly observing them interact. Both of their eyes glued expectantly on the two. "Yup, someone totally inexperienced. So you better take good care of her."

"I see... Well then." Katsumi yelped when he picked her up effortlessly, holding her close to his chiseled body and dropping her into the bed next to a gasping Midnight. His large hands roamed freely along her curves, groping her ass playfully, kneading her buttocks like putty while pressing her frame flush against him. "I like your clothes; you look great in blacked."

"Ahm... Th... Thanks? I guess..." Katsumi replied awkwardly, unsure whether she should push him off or just enjoy the sensation of having those calloused hands traveling along her sensitive skin. She chose the latter.

"Now," he purred against her ear seductively, low and husky. "How about we get started, shall we?" Without waiting for an answer, he tossed her back onto the mattress beside Midnight, her head landing on the teacher's boobs, earning an indignant squeak from both girls.

Immediately, Mr. J climbed on the bed, kneeling in front of Katsumi, muscular thighs parting hers open and settling his huge erection snugly atop her cloth-clad crotch. That fat black thing rubbed teasingly at her covered core, making wetness pool instantly at the apex of her thighs. A soft moan escaped past her parted lips at the feel of hot flesh sliding against her dampening crotch.

"What do you say, baby? Ready to start?" His massive palms cradled the sides of her face, angling her head up so he could lean forward and press their mouths together firmly.

A shudder coursed through Katsumi's system as soon as his tongue invaded her mouth, tangling sensually with hers. Eyes snapping shut, groaning low in her throat when he sucked insistently on her own appendage. Sighing softly, surrendering completely to his advances. She should be feeling gross right now... But the sheer, overwhelming size difference, his powerful build looming over her smaller figure, made Katsumi lightheaded.

Humming happily, Mr. J pulled away slowly, leaving behind a thin thread connecting their tongues momentarily, grinning wolfishly down at her before diving back in for another kiss, devouring her whole like a ravenous predator.

This time, however, his hands didn't linger idle, instead choosing to travel lower towards her covered breasts. Cupping each mound carefully before squeezing experimentally. Finding purchase on the firm but squishy mounds. When Katsumi moaned louder, arching upwards into his ministrations, he grinned wider, pleased by her reactions. Encouraged by her vocalizations.

As their make-out session continued, he slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her top and pushed it higher until the offending piece of cloth rested above her tits. Giving him total access to her perky breasts. Breaking their lip-lock, his mouth attached to one hardened nipple, flicking his tongue repeatedly over the sensitive nub, suckling at it eagerly as if he wanted milk to spill out.

Katsumi gasped sharply when Mr. J's teeth scraped against her nipple teasingly, causing pleasure to shoot straight down her abdomen, arousal coating her inner walls liberally, her pussy clenching deliciously around nothing.

Once Mr. J finished with one breast, he moved onto the next, repeating his previous actions with newfound fervor, drawing keens out from deep within Katsumi's chest. All while his thick digits massaged and pinched the previously tended-to bud, rolling and twisting the bud between thumb and index fingers.

All these sensations bombarding Katsumi simultaneously threatened to overload her brain, rendering it numb and blanking out any rational thought whatsoever, save for the carnal bliss being bestowed upon her body.

Pulling free of her nipple with a soft pop, Mr. J proceeded to trail downward, trailing feathery kisses alongside her sternum and ribs. Then continued further down her toned belly, dipping briefly into her shallow naval, which earned him an airy laugh from the younger woman. Smirking against her skin, he resumed peppering feather-light butterfly pecks on her smooth flesh, going farther south until arriving at the edge of her yoga pants.

Glancing upward at his newest girl, Mr. J raised an eyebrow suggestively before hooking his thumbs into the tight leggings and sliding them down her slender legs inch by agonizing inch. Maintaining constant eye contact until he finally rid her completely of any clothing below her waist. Taking his time admiring how wet and ready she appeared for him. Licking his lips in anticipation of tasting her delicious juices firsthand and of ravaging such an exquisite specimen.

Unable to stand his lascivious stares any longer, Katsumi covered her flushed face with shaky hands, whimpering pitifully as his warm breath fanned across her soaked pussy. She couldn't bear watching anymore, seeing those coal-like irises boring into her vulnerable body... She simply couldn't.

Izumi had never seen Kacchan in such a state before, vulnerable and pliant under a skilled tongue and a pair of experienced hands. She was boisterous, proud, and loud—she will be very loud in a few moments—but seeing her acting docile? Submissive, even? If someone told Izumi two years ago that Katsumi Bakugou would lie docile and submissive on her back, naked with only a tank top on her upper half, while having a pair of dusky lips kissing her exposed nether regions, she would have blushed as red as a tomato and accused them of lying. Well, a black man can achieve miracles. Such as taking the prideful Bakugou and turning her into a moaning mess.

"So... Do you think Mr. J can break her?" Uraraka asked. Her round hazelnut eyes didn't leave the couple even for a second.

"Well, she is already broken..." Izumi said, giggling when Bakugou covered her face with trembling hands. "She just hasn't realized yet."

"Mhm. Maybe once Mr. J puts his cock inside of her, she'll come to her senses." The brunette smiled lecherously. Both of their attention returned to the scene unraveling before them.

Katsumi cried out loudly when Mr. J pressed his slick organ against her dripping entrance, grinding slowly, letting her feel each throb and pulse, dragging moan after moan out of her throat. Then, without warning, he plunged himself fully within her folds, stretching wide the young hero-in-training. Eliciting a silent scream of ecstasy from the blonde bombshell. She saw stars flashing brightly behind closed eyelids as intense pleasure washed throughout every fiber of her being, sending shocks up her spine, causing goosebumps to arise across her skin.

Meanwhile, Midnight, still dazed from her previous activity and absent-mindedly massaging her breasts, sat upright, leaning heavily against the bed frame with heavy-lidded eyes, watching with mild interest. Enjoying greatly the show provided by her student and lover.

With her eyes still closed, Katsumi didn't notice when Midnight approached her sluggishly. Nor did she notice her teacher crawling closer, panting hard and with half-lidded eyes, until soft hands cupped her face.

Her eyes flew open. Staring with utter bewilderment as Nemuri positioned herself on all fours next to her, head bent forward mere centimeters away from hers.

Midnight licked Katsumi's cheek languidly and cooed encouraging words, her voice sultry and enticing. "Don't hold back. Give yourself entirely to the pleasures of flesh, Katsumi..."

The blonde hero-student could merely nod dumbly, mesmerized by her seductive tone, unable to do much else aside from obediently parting her lips wide enough for Midnight to slip her tongue inside. Tasting sweet nectar as their appendages brushed together sensually, exploring each crevice of the other's oral cavity, mapping everything within reach. Tongues wrestle sensuously with each other, saliva pooling inside mouths before spilling over plush lips and running down chins.

Unaware of how erotic their actions were, Mr. J reveled in how beautifully debauched his women looked right now, entwined erotically with tongues battling furiously midair while sucking sloppily on one another. It spurred something primal inside him seeing these two beauties devour each other passionately. As if they were competing to see which could make the lewdest facial expression possible during their lust-driven lip-locking competition.

At times Midnight would pull back slightly, breaking away momentarily, allowing Katsumi's face some reprieve. Then she'd return to claim what belonged rightfully to her once more. Lips mashed together hungrily and sloppily.

Mr. J smirked, watching with great satisfaction how eagerly these two lovely ladies consumed one another. His tongue never left her cunt unattended, delving deeper, penetrating farther, reaching places never explored prior, tasting areas no one else ever ventured into.

Katsumi buckled wildly beneath his skilled ministration. Hips jerking uncontrollably as waves after waves of euphoria flooded through her veins. Everything seemed amplified somehow under his touch. Every caress intensified tenfold. Every stroke intensified exponentially. Allowing for greater amounts of pleasure coursing rampantly through her veins. The only reason she did not scream was the way her vocal cords were being stimulated constantly from kissing her teacher like there was no tomorrow. All she managed were breathless cries escaping her mouth.

Their passionate make-out lasted for quite a while. Until eventually Mr. J decided enough was enough. Pulling backwards suddenly, withdrawing completely from her depths. Leaving Katsumi feeling strangely empty and hollow, causing a whine of disappointment slipping past her lips, a frustrated growl rumbling forth from somewhere deep within her chest. Before she could protest, however, a slap reverberated through the room as he slapped her sopping mound harshly.

Arching off the sheets, Katsumi threw her head backwards with a resounding screech, muffled by Midnight's boobs as she bit on the proffered tit instinctively. Tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, toes curling tightly. Hands scrambling desperately searching for something to grab onto amidst the bunched up bedding. A torrential downpour of clear fluids burst forth from her aching canal, drenching thoroughly everything nearby. She wasn't even penetrated, for God's sake!

Emerald and Mocha orbs glistened with approval, wide grins spreading across both pairs of lips. Uraraka and Deku shared knowing looks with each other before turning their focus back toward where Katsumi lay twitching uncontrollably atop wrinkled sheets soaked thoroughly in various bodily secretions.

"Holy shit..." Uraraka whispered breathlessly as Katsumi arched again violently, this time due to another spank landing directly on her clit. Round hazel eyes watched attentively how the blonde's entire form shuddered forcefully, every single muscle tensing and relaxing sporadically as pleasure overwhelmed rational thinking. "God... Just look at her, go wild over there!"

"Agreed Ocha-chan..." Deku concurred. Viridescent orbs sparkled excitedly at witnessing her childhood friend losing complete control. "So hot..."

Chuckling quietly, Mr. J wiped off excess liquid clinging stubbornly to his chin with his forearm before lifting himself upright onto his knees, towering imposingly above his women. "Now then, ladies." His deep baritone resonated throughout the room, booming loudly. Drawing everyone's attention back to him, despite most eyes still remaining transfixed by the writhing heap Katsumi had become. "Nemuri sits on her face, Izumi and Ochako on my asshole, and you, Katsumi, are going to get your pussy filled."

Three "Yes, Master!" answered him before they assumed the instructed position; meanwhile, Katsumi mumbled something intelligible, too out of it to respond properly. With Midnight straddling her shoulders and pressing her cum-leaking cunt down to the younger woman's mouth. When the first drop of white spurted from the older's snatch into her lips, Katsumi's mind exploded with renewed vigour. Grabbing tightly unto the fleshy thighs framing her head, Katsumi's tongue extended far beyond its normal length, lapping enthusiastically at her mentor's slit, collecting copious amount of semen-staining outer labia. She dove deeper still, burrowing her nose into swollen vulva as far as physically feasible. Relishing the pungent musky odor emanating strongly from within Midnight's velvety depths.

Deku and Uraraka positioned themselves behind him, each gripping a globe tightly, spread apart widely enough to accommodate both their faces pressed together comfortably against one another's cheeks as they licked and slurped diligently on either side of the man's sphincter, eliciting groans and growls from Mr. J.

Knees framing Katsumi's pelvis perfectly, hands resting gently on a trim stomach. Mr. J's cockhead prodded tentatively at her moistened folds, coaxing low guttural whines from Katsumi.

"Please fuck me!" Katsumi moaned around a mouthful of snatch. "Just hurry up! I need your big, black dick sooo bad! Put it innn!"

Her pleas were met almost immediately as he drove home with ease, piercing her walls mercilessly and ripping shrieks from Katsumi's throat. Pain and delight mingled together perfectly into an overwhelming cocktail of sensations coursing rampantly through her body. She spasmed violently underneath him. Nails dug firmly onto Nemuri's thighs, clutching them like a vice. Muscular hips rammed relentlessly into hers over and over, driving himself balls-deep inside her welcoming heat. Setting himself into a steady rhythm of withdrawing halfway from her snug cavern only to slam back home with increasing ferocity each pass.

With Katsumi now busying her tongue once more, Midnight lifted her gaze and stared lovingly at the big black man. The view was breathtaking; his bulky body glistened lightly, muscles rippling under his dark complexion. He was like Adonis personified. An absolute stud who knew how best to please women everywhere he went.

He leaned downwards, grabbing handfuls of supple chest flesh, kneading roughly, pinching hard on hardened buds protruding prominently, coaxing whorish cries from Midnight, who bucked harder against the face trapped beneath her grinding hips. Pressing his lips firmly to the side of her neck, he began sucking firmly, creating hickeys all across her tender throat region, marking her clearly as belonging solely to him. Claiming ownership rights without hesitation. Midnight tilted her head sideways, offering additional space readily available for his ministrations.

Releasing her reddened skin, he travelled up and kissed passionately, tongues duelling briefly before parting ways momentarily. Foreheads touching, they breathed heavily against the other's mouths. Midnight whispered breathily, panting laboriously, "My Love... Don't forget to cum inside of her as well. Our little princess needs to learn how enjoyable sex feels~."

"Don't worry, Darling." He huffed as he slammed hard inside the wailing hero student. "She won't be able to live without a black cock stuffing her up every day."

A cry erupted deep within Katsumi's lungs as his cock sank hilt-deep inside her quivering insides. Causing waves upon waves of orgasmic delight to flood every fibre of her being, sweeping everything away before it, consuming anything standing defiantly against its forceful tide, drowning even conscious thoughts. She came hard around Mr. J's pistoning shaft, screaming wordlessly in ecstasy, her vision fading temporarily from sheer intensity.

And yet, despite all that pleasure, all she could think about was getting filled even more. More and more and more, until nothing remained but endless waves upon waves of bliss coursing constantly throughout her system. Until her womb ached and her legs cramped up.

Ochako and Izumi giggled mischievously behind his back, still lapping and slathering their combined spittle all over Mr. J's puckered anus, pushing their tongues inside, squirming them around, swirling them about. Probing further, deeper. Working diligently to stretch him wider. Earning grunts and growls from their efforts.

Feeling her second climax approaching fast, Katsumi pulled Midnight's pussy harder against herself. Tongue delving fervently inside her slick channel, curling upwards and stroking vigorously at her G-spot, coaxing loud wails from the pro hero. Hips humping vigorously against the blonde's mouth, smearing sticky fluids everywhere. Midnight leaned forward and grabbed onto her student's perky mounds. Fingers digging painfully into Katsumi's sensitive breasts. Pulling and tugging at her pebbled nipples harshly.

Heaven descended abruptly upon Katsumi at last. Stars danced brightly across the expanse of her consciousness. Her muscles tensed and spasmed wildly, convulsing erratically. Walls clamping down mercilessly around Mr. J's cock, milking him fervently, demanding his seed. Body thrashing violently beneath his relentless assault, hips bucking uncontrollably in tandem, meeting his thrusts halfway. Mind blanking completely. Everything became distant and hazy. Sounds were muted and muffled. Sight faded away, leaving her blind temporarily. All she knew then was pleasure. Unbridled, unadulterated pleasure.

As if sensing her impending release, Mr. J increased his tempo dramatically, pounding brutally into her quivering pussy. Fucks becoming erratic. His balls tightened. Semen boiled furiously within his testicles, ready to burst forth any second. With a mighty roar, Mr. J buried his full length deep within Katsumi's convulsing canal. Cock pulsating strongly, twitching forcefully. Thick ropes after thick ropy strands of hot gooey ejaculate erupted powerfully, flooding her womb rapidly, filling her up completely, overflowing her. Pumping her to the brim until nothing remained inside him but a few drops clinging stubbornly somewhere within his urethral tract.

Katsumi's eyes rolled backwards into her skull. Drool dribbled freely out the corners of her gaping mouth. Body wracked violently under Midnight's still-humping cunt, who orgasmed simultaneously, adding her own essence to the mixture already present inside Katsumi's mouth. The blonde's mind went blank. She simply couldn't process all these inputs assaulting her senses. Too many signals bombarded simultaneously from everywhere. Too intense to comprehend.

When it finally ended, she lay limply underneath Midnight. Panting hard, trying desperately to catch her breath. Her vision slowly returning bit by bit, although still blurry around the edges. Lungs heaving laboriously, heart hammering fiercely, beating rapidly within her chest. Exhausted beyond belief, unable to move an inch. Her entire being felt drained. Limbs numb and heavy like lead.

But, despite her exhaustion, her mind buzzed with activity, replaying recent events. Recollecting memories. Recalling vividly what she did just now. How she'd acted like such an animal in heat. Acting like some sort of slut begging for sex.

How easily she gave herself over to pleasure, how eagerly she accepted Mr. J's cock into herself. How she enjoyed having him fuck her. How amazing it had felt. All the wonderful sensations experienced by letting another person take control of your body and mind, controlling you entirely, using your body for their own satisfaction, bending it according to their desires.

And yet, as much as she loathed admitting it, there was something oddly liberating about being treated as merely an object meant solely for pleasure. Something thrilling and addictive about submitting completely and totally to another human being, surrendering yourself wholeheartedly to them. To have no responsibilities or worries whatsoever besides enjoying yourself as fully as possible, knowing someone else will take care of you afterwards.

How intoxicating it felt... And how it would feel to do it again. And again. Over and over. Forevermore. To never stop indulging in those feelings of ecstasy.

How it felt... To become a whore addicted to black cock. To be broken. And to be remade anew as a toy to please a man, and to be pleasured by said man in return.

Broken by a black man. Broken by him. Owned by him.

Mr. J chuckled lightly. He knew exactly what was going through her mind at that moment, after all he had done the same to all of the girls in his club. And he could tell that, although reluctantly, she would eventually accept the reality of things, accepting her new role in life.

"Ochako! Izumi!" He called out. The two stopped eating his ass and looked up questioningly at his summons. A knowing smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Come greet your newest member of our club." He gestured towards Katsumi's limp form lying beneath Midnight.

Deku and Uraraka shared mischievous smiles. Climbing onto the bed on opposite sides of the dazed blonde, each took one of her hands and placed it atop their breasts, squeezing firmly. Leaning forward until their faces were inches apart, whispering sweet nothings in unison. "Welcome, Kacchan..." They said in unison, pressing soft lips against either side of her cheeks. " Blacked Heroes Club."

Katsumi didn't respond verbally, but her body answered for her. Arms encircling around their backs instinctively. Hands grasping tightly at whatever piece of clothing available on their bodies, pulling them closer. Tongues emerging from between slightly parted lips, sliding across each other's cheeks lovingly. Their kiss grew increasingly passionate as they explored further into one another's mouths. Tasting the remnants of Midnight's juices mixed with the lingering flavor of Mr. J's anus, savoring it. Enjoying the intimacy shared amongst one another, relishing every bit of affection exchanged thus far.

The three girls remained like that for several moments before separating once more, staring deeply into each other's eyes. Emerald orbs shimmered brightly. Round brown eyes sparkled warmly. Ruby orbs glowed softly, half-lidded, still lost in post orgasmic haze. All of them filled with happiness, contentment, joy... Love.

Deku and Ochako turned away and focused instead on their teacher, who had already left her spot from atop Katsumi. Midnight was lying sideways, presenting her still-oozing pussy to them. Deku and Ochaco dove in immediately, latching their lips upon her pussy simultaneously, sucking and slurping greedily at the leaking cum. Coaxing lewd moans from the pro-hero's throat as they cleaned thoroughly inside and out of her womanhood. Their tongues twirled and curled around every fold, collecting the viscous liquid oozing forth from Midnight's core. Not leaving behind a single speck of white spunk anywhere.

Meanwhile, Mr. J stood above them, gazing down proudly at his four girls, watching lovingly as they enjoyed their own private moment. He knew he'd be fucking them silly soon enough. For the remainder of the night, he was sure.

And the rest of their lives.

A few weeks later...

It was Saturday, which meant no school. No classes, no homework, no studying for tests or exams. Just freedom for the whole weekend to do whatever they pleased without worrying about anything. Most people were probably asleep right now, but Katsumi was too excited to stay still for much longer.

After getting dressed, she walked downstairs and went into the living room. Her blacked-branded leggings stretched tightly against her thick thighs. Her cropped Blacked sports bra barely covered her tits. And the black choker adorning her slim neck completed the set perfectly.

There, her female classmates awaited patiently for her, wearing their own sets. Round Face and Deku sat comfortably upon the couch. Raccoon Eyes lounged lazily on a chair near the table. Ponytail sat on the floor with Frog Face and Earlobe sitting next to her.

The pink-skinned woman was the first one who noticed her arrival. Waving excitedly at the newcomer, greeting her cheerfully. "Hey Katsumi-chan! What took you so long?"

"Shut up. It doesn't matter." She huffed grumpily. But there was no bite in her voice whatsoever; rather, it sounded more playful than angry. "Is everyone ready to go?"

"We are just waiting for Midnight sensei to arrive."

Speak of the devil... As soon as Uraraka spoke, Midnight stepped into the room. Clad similarly to the other girls. A pair of black leggings clung tightly to her long, shapely legs, while an equally dark-colored top barely covered her large tits, exposing her midriff completely. On top of that, she sported the same black collar around her neck that all the other women were wearing. "Ladies," she said in her usual seductive tone. "Are you all prepared to head over to the Blacked Heroines Club?" She received a resounding yes in unison. "Then, what are you waiting for? Come on, girls! Today we're gonna have lots of fun~" she cooed excitedly. And without wasting another second, everyone stood up and headed out the door. Following their teacher-like little puppies eager for attention. Like bitches in heat.

Like a bunch of cock-hungry whores. Who would have thought...

It was crazy to think how much her life had changed ever since Deku introduced her to that place... How quickly she had fallen prey to those men. And how happy she was to become one of them. To become a broken whore. A good girl. To become a blacked hero. She couldn't imagine herself being anything else but this anymore. Nor could she fathom ever living a normal life again.

As she left the house behind, Katsumi smiled broadly to herself. She knew that things could never go back to the way they used to be. But, as far as she cared, she preferred them to be this way. This was who she really was deep down inside. This was who she really was meant to be.

She would make the best of her life, enjoying every single moment she could.

Because she was now... Katsumi Bakugou: Broken Blacked Whore Heroine. Property of Black men, just like her fellow female classmates, and just like most women in this world. She wouldn't have it any other way.

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