Chapter 179: ochako special training
Ochako was feeling more and more frustrated and upset the more she stared at the mirror. She'd always been conscious and aware that she had to keep her looks up, to look good for the camera. Especially if she wanted to become a Pro-Hero. But the more she looked at her body... she could only feel annoyance bordering on self loathing.
Uraraka knew her classmates had bodies many of the other boys desired, but she... she felt hers was just too chubby! She wanted to look as good as they did, why was she so wide!? Her chest was problematic enough, and her pudgy little belly refused to shrink, not to mention her damn ass was too big for its own good! She was growing to hate her body, grabbing at it painfully and growling at its refusal to sculpt itself the way she wanted.
And Deku, sweet innocent and golden hearted Deku... She could only imagine what he thought about her! Probably more and more disgust every day as her fat ass got even phatter and her chest kept tearing bras in half! He never made the first move, no matter how much she wanted him to because she couldn't muster the courage. How could she pass up a chance to be with a guy as good as him?
She could see why All Might considered him a worthy successor as the Symbol of Peace. He was honorable, he always did his best to help others during their times on the streets, he truly wanted to get along with everyone... and yet he could barely talk to her these days for a few minutes before sprinting off. Maybe her body was why he couldn't stand to be around her much?
While she wanted to keep punishing herself more for letting the man of her dreams slip from her fingers more and more every day, for now she had class.
She sighed and got up, wincing as her shelf of an ass made a meaty clap behind her. Of course that hitch and stiffening of her body caused her unbidden, bra free chest to swing out and back inwards to make its own muted clap. She could do little but whimper in shame and at least hope Deku would be in class today so she might get a chance to talk with him.
"That guy was a complete creep! He was snapping a pic of my ass! He and Mineta would get along like a house on fire... which I hope they die in!" Mina ranted, bothered by the latest development as she alongside the 1-A girls were all gathered at their table in the cafeteria.
"Oh damn, guys like those are the worst! What happened then? Did you kick their asses?" Jiro asked, only for Momo to take over and launch into a tale of cruel and unusual punishment involving honey, a bucket of feathers, and a catapult.
Ochako was listening to the whole thing with half an ear, but her mind had focused on something else entirely.
Sat at another table across the cafeteria, Deku was hanging out with his friends as well and he looked so... so cute and perfect! She knew him well enough to see through his outfit choice. The UA uniform was loose and baggy on him, but Deku was built , and on top of that he had such a cute and handsome face! He was just so... so perfect! And here she was feeling lonely and alone, not sitting next to him like she dearly wanted to.
That was when Mina noticed her friend's morose demeanor and general silence. Normally Ochako would have been loudly cheering on Momo's tale of catapult based violence as she taught a pervert a lesson. Something was clearly up with her favourite Gravity Gal!
"Something on your mind?" She asked, sliding over to lay a supportive hand on Ochako's shoulder.
The brunette jolted, snapped out of her depression spiral of negative thoughts. "S-Sorry! I've just been thinking about... about those tests coming up!" She sputtered, hurriedly trying to come up with a cover story to hide her true feelings.
As much as she wanted to have a talk with the others about what she was truly feeling, it was something she was sure would get her a teasing and she couldn't handle that right now.
"I doubt you really worry too much about that." Mina replied, a sly grin forming on her face that had Ochako leaning back away from her in concern. "You get some of the best scores in class, so I wonder if it's rather... someone who has your eye?"
Ochako became aware the table had gone silent, only broken by Tsuyu's quiet 'Ribbit' as the rest of the girls were focused entirely on the two of them.
Her cover was that easily blown!? She was expecting it, they were training to be heroes so nobody at the table was dumb by any means, but she certainly hoped to be left alone and not get involved in any highschool grade drama.
"My my~! I knew I recognized those wistful sighs! Who is it?!" Toru asked in excitement, her school uniform waving excitedly and the bangles on her wrists clinking together. The other girls followed her lead, asking Ochako the same question over and over in different ways, just as excited.
"W-Well... I-I think you all know about it by now... But I've been thinking about Deku..." She shyly admitted, closing her eyes in total embarassment. She hated saying something so private in public... she wanted to flee, to leave the cafeteria already, but here she was bracing for mockery for voicing her feelings. It just wasn't worth hiding anymore, not when they could see through her so quickly.
"Oh, really?! Not a bad choice. Much better than going after some weirdo like Mineta!" Mina nodded, stroking her chin sagely. In retrospect it was super obvious Gravity Gal would have a girl-boner over Midoriya.
He was one of the most popular guys in the academy. Even if he did kind of fade into the background when he wasn't doing something reckless or amazing or both. That was pretty amazing in its own right though, he didn't need to boast about his Quirk or the fact he was friends with one of the greatest Pro-Heroes around. He was just down to earth and sweet. Not to mention a snack and a half!
"He is pretty dreamy~," Toru admitted, the bangles coming together as she clasped her hands together. "You really should tell him how you feel though!"
Ochako was certainly glad for the support, but still... "What if... what if he says 'no', though?" She fretted.
She was met by quiet groans as half the girls at the table rolled their eyes.
"Why would he? I've seen the way he looks at you, at quite a few of us." Tsuyu always spoke what she thought with very little in the way of a filter. "He likes you."
"I... I just don't know! How can I be sure? Just look at me! I'm not as good looking as you!" Ochako fired back, one hand reaching down to grab at one of her pudgy hips.
"Huh? What do you mean? Girl, your body is insane!" Mina outright laughed, unable to believe Ochako couldn't see the sheer sexual potential of her body.
Maybe she was just dense? Mina was pretty sure everybody close to Midoriya knew he had a preference for thick women. Every single time he went to classes with Mt. Lady made that very clear. The poor boy was on a hair trigger whenever Mt. Lady and Midnight were in the same room, she was pretty sure he was one seductive graze of the arm from blowing his pants clean off.
"I-I just... Damn... What should I do?! I want to get closer to him..." Uraraka sank right back into her own head, thoughts spinning in negative circles again.
Around her her friends began to form an idea in their minds, almost as if in unison.
"How about this? I think you should go over to Midoriya and ask him to be your workout buddy at the school gym? I mean, if you wanna get both fit and closer to him, you should totally do it~!" Mina suggested, getting nods from those around her.
Ochako blinked as that idea sank in. "O-okay... okay I think I can do that." She said slowly, breathing deeply as she tried to work out how she would ask him, only for something else to occur to her. "B-but I don't have anything to offer him. I'm broke!"
She finished with a scream, only to clap her hands over her mouth and look around, mortification filling her as she briefly locked eyes with Deku only to immediately look away in shame...
There was just no way she could do it... But then, she looked up, and found herself surrounded by her friends. Instead of the vicious smirks of people looking to stab her in the back she was used to in the past, instead they all had wide, supportive smiles on their faces. They... weren't going to tease her?
"Oh I don't think you need to worry about paying him, just being around you is going to be all the payment he could ever need~" Mine winked at a confused Ochako, only to continue before she could respond. "I think what you need is a little helping hand. Girls?"
Mina suddenly grabbed Ochako's hand and pressed it into her own cheek, making the girl turn herself weightless. In a blur of activity the girls at her table sprang up and grabbed her, and in a dizzying display of tossing carefully got her across the room. When the world stopped spinning Ochako found herself standing in front of Deku's table. Before her stomach could rebel against all of the quirk based acrobatics, a wet tongue wrapped itself around her wrists and pressed the palms of her hands together and cancelled her quirk.
Izuku was speechless, having not only watched the insane display in shock, but now his eyes were locked into Ochako's chest as her breasts bounced heavily in her top.
And then his arm snapped out and speared a finger straight through Mineta's phone as it came up to record the sight, one of his signature creepshots no doubt.
"You got this girl!" Mina shouted over the sound of Mineta's startled cry as she and the others made their way back to their table, their eyes locked on the duo and eagerly waiting to see how things would unfold between Midoriya and the Gravity Gal.
There they were. The silence stretched for several long seconds before Izuku broke the silence, flicking his wrist to fling the shattered remains of a phone off his hand.
"H-Hey... Hmmm, how are you?" Izuku stammered, rubbing the back of his head bashfully.
The rest of the guys at the table could only groan. It was clear those two needed to date, and yet Deku was not catching on.
"F-Fine! Thank you for asking!" The girl clearly was not fine at all, at least internally, as her mind was forming all sorts of escape plans. She could probably use her Quirk to make a run for it, hurl herself out a window. Or maybe just projectile vomit right here on the spot? Aizawa was a hard ass but surely he would believe she was sick if a bunch of people showed up with her barf on them? Right?!
No, no she needed to do this.
"S-So... I was wondering..." Ochako closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. "WOULDYOULIKETOCOMEANDWORKOUTWITHMEATTHEGYM???!" She asked him as quick as she could, not wanting to have anything else, external or internal, stop her.
"Pfft, useless Deku, always knew a bitch would ask him out first..." Bakugo muttered on his side of the table. Of course the scrub wasn't going to make the first move and needed to have someone else do it for him.
"Hmmm... work out with me?" Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't handle it if Ochako, beautiful, insanely sexy Ochaka, had asked him on a date. But working out? Hero training? He could totally handle that! Right? "Yeah that sounds great! I'd like that!"
"Y-Yeah! I would love to as well!" The girl was blushing intensely, dearly wishing she could just make a run for it already. She needed to stay until the deal was sealed though.
Wait, was it sealed, had she done it?
At the girl's table all bets were on. Money was being piled onto several different stacks of paper with hastily scribbled guesses written on them. Phones were out and fingers danced across keys as group chats were rapidly formed and those not in attendance were let in on the betting pool.
"Alright ladies I've got ' dating within the next 48 hours ', who's taking the bet?" Jiro smirked as she slapped down a handful of bills.
The energy was intense and building. This was going to be big!
Back with Uraraka and Deku, neither noticed the frenIed mob of students running over to the ladies table. They were too busy locked into a red faced staring contest. Neither was quite sure what to do next.
"So... See you soon? We could go for it after class...?" Izuku told the brunette, unsure of himself and not wanting to take away any personal time she might have set aside for something else.
Ochako was just glad this had t ended in disaster. It could have gone better, but still! Something was going to happen later that day, and as long as she managed to get her first steps out with Deku and he wasn't disgusted by her and seeing her all sweaty and stinky then it was all good and oh God she was nervous and self conscious again why was she doing this?!
"Yeah! Perfect! See you then!" The brunette stammered before she slapped her cheeks and hurled herself weightlessly out of the cafeteria before anyone else could stop her.
Mina smirked as she saw the wistful look on Izuku's face as she flew away. She was sure her part in this whole shebang wasn't over yet. Her friends would definitely need more of a push, they were just too cute to get raunchy and naughty like she wanted them to while she watched and furiously f-
To be happy together and have a good time, is what she meant. Definitely just that.
classes passed in a hurried blur for both of them. Soon enough the day was over and students were breaking up for club activities for the day. Normally this would be where Ochako would split off to head back to the dorms to do whatever she wanted to for the rest of the evening.
Today was totally different though, and it had been ages since she'd been this anxious over anything.
She was nervous about her "date" with Deku, but her legs made steadfast strides towards the gym. Backing out now wasn't an option, she wasn't going to act rude and cancel just because it felt like her heart was going to explode!
The one issue Ochako did have was solved before she could even think about it. Mina, the absolute lifesaver she was, had supplied Ochako with a workout outfit to wear because the Gravity user hadn't packed any clothes today. Mina had insisted it would make her routines easier and not too difficult to handle. That way she could focus fully on Midoriya and making sure she could concentrate on what he was saying.
Ochako promised to pay her back, but Mina wouldn't hear anything of it and insisted it was a gift. All she asked for was pictures of the two together before they started, which seemed really fair to Ochako, such a small thing to ask for!
She fretted and worried about not being able to keep up. While he wasn't built like All-Might, Deku was insanely strong and fit. She'd seen him lift a couch with one hand before, while Kirishima and Ida were on it! She was so far below his level, would he think she was pathetic?
No, no, she couldn't think like that! Deku was doing a nice thing and she couldn't stress and worry like that. She should just go with the flow and see how things went.
Thankfully for her anxiety that was when she finally reached one of the more remote gyms the school had on offer. Once again a suggestion of Mina's. That girl really was a lifesaver!
Inside was Deku, standing there looking ready to go with a backpack sling over his shoulder, no doubt his own workout gear.
It was like the sunrise, the warm and happy smile he sent her way. It had her knees trembling and her thighs quivering. She sent her best smile and wave back, taking a deep breath to steady herself.
"Hey! Great timing, I just got here a few minutes ago. Are you ready?" Deku was exuberant, happy she seemed to have brought some additional gear with her. Both were prepared for sure, and the boi was eager to spend time with her and show her all he could to help.
"O-Of course! Sorry for taking so long! M-Mina got me an outfit for the gym!" As shy as she was, she was just happy to be doing something fun with Deku. He was just so cute and handsome, so full of energy and excitement, for her! It was one of his many good traits, he was always optimistic, so full of a drive to bring the mood up wherever he went.
"That's fine, don't worry. It gave me a chance to check the schedule and it's all clear! So we can be together for as long as we want!"
Maybe he didn't mean for it to sound like something else, but the way he worded it... It instantly had an effect on the girl as she began to blush like she'd been told something lewd.
"Huh? Something's wrong? It's not too hot here is it?" The boi pointed out, only causing Ochako to blush further; embarrassed at how easy he noticed her blushing.
"Oh?! Oh! N-no sorry! Just shy about w-working out with you!" She replied, only to grasp as Deku offered her a confident smile. It was stunning and had her blush creeping down her chest.
"Hey, no worries! This is like our own training, right? Just focus your mind and we're going to smash any goals you want!" He told her, and damn it, he was just that good at assuring her that things would go smoothly if she believed him. The anxieties about not being good enough began to wane.
"S-Sure! Just never been... never done anything this personal!" Despite her worries and concerns, the way Deku talked gave her a calming feeling at least.
"Relax! I know we're going to do well. For now let's get changed." Deku was all confidence and support as he turned and walked over to the male changing room, waiting at the door for a moment as she scurried into the female side, just in case she didn't know it was there. Worry assuaged, he ducked inside to get his own clothes on.
Neither noticed the breathy cackling of a certain Alien Queen in the ducts above them, gleefully documenting it all with her phone.
Deku finished first, much more practiced at quickly throwing on his workout clothes. He heard Ochako walk up behind him as he was surveying the gym equipment, unsure of exactly where to start.
"Alright, what do you feel needs work the most? I think we can begin easy, nothing too difficult just yeeeee..." Izuku began asking, only to trail off as he turned to look at her and his jaw dropped and his brain short circuited.
Mina picked this?! What was that girl trying to do, kill him?!
Ochako's form was on full display, shamelessly so. Wrapped tight around her groin was a pink pair of booty shorts with a lace trim around where they gripped her plump thighs. They may as well have been painted on her body; they were so insanely tight, and it was instantly apparent she wasn't wearing any panties underneath because of how deeply the material cut
into her pussy. On her feet were a pair of very familiar pink sneakers. In a more proper state of mind he would be flattered if she copied his red sneaker style in a softer color.
It just got better as his eyes tracked up her form. Her belly was on full display, soft and just the slightest bit muffin topped from her shorts. Despite her concerns Ochako sported an hourglass figure that left him reeling. She was perhaps cheating a little bit because of the sheer size of her massive breeding hips, and the gargantuan, wobbly, jiggly breasts barely held in place by the thin tank. Just like her pussy, her nipples weren't even a little bit hidden by the material. It was stretched so thin Izuku knew with full confidence that Ochako had adorable inverted nipples planted right in the middle of the puffiest, most mouth watering areola he'd seen in his life, which were of course mole hips on top of the mountains that were the entire rest of her breasts.
"Huh? D-Deku, is something wrong...?" The girl innocently asked. She was confused by the way he looked at her and froze. Was... was she really that terrible looking?
She nervously put one arm under her bust to wrap around her body in a self hug, and she began anxiously bouncing on the balls of her feet.
The gentle slapping of the underside of her bust on her upper abdominals snapped Izuku out of his laser focused trance just as much as her words did. He knew Ochako was really beautiful, but he'd never been faced with this kind of insane sex appeal full blast before and it felt like his tongue was made of lead as he tried to form words.
And this outfit! It was like something Mina herself would wear to get all eyes on her! Even if Ochako hadn't told him she'd picked out the outfit Izuku felt really confident he could have made the assumption.
He could feel his knees shake as his balls roared to life. He didn't know how long until he would need to rush to the bathroom to furiously beat himself silly but he needed to hold out as long as he could, for Ochako! He promised to help her! He just... hoped she didn't mind any weird looks he sent her. Try as he might he could NOT take his eyes off her insane body!
"Okay s-so... Maybe you can go over there to the treadmills...? Cardio is a good way to begin things out before any kind of training and it's a good baseline." Deku pointed over at the line of treadmills, getting a nod from his temporary student.
But as she walked over to the equipment Deku had to bite his lip hard to keep from whimpering out loud as the tingling in his balls turned into a full on inferno.
Her very first step blew him away from it's sheer sex appeal. She wasn't walking any different than usual, but her tight and very thin outfit did absolutely nothing to hide her assets interacting with gravity. Every step sent her chest into chaotic wobbles and bounces. Thick thighs quivered and shook, breedable hips rolled in a hypnotic movement that caused his own hips to jerk forward in some kind of lewd response he had no control over.
And then she passed by him and he saw her from the back.
If he thought her front was intense it had nothing on her backside. Her ass was enormous . Massive, jutting cheeks spread outward from her body, rolling and shaking and bouncing like jello, he couldn't find the words to explain them. Izuku had never cared about cellulite, take it or leave it, it didn't matter to him. But there was just something about the sheer weight of her monstrous cheeks of ass meat caused her skin to crinkle near the bottom of each globe had him seeing stars as he fought to remain conscious.
Her entire body was female perfection. Every inch like it was handcrafted to attack and appeal to his every preference.
And then she hopped up onto the treadmill and her ass cheeks clapped together so loudly he swore he could hear his balls gurgling with chunked up seed. The bathroom was calling to him, screaming to him, and it hasn't even been 30 seconds!
Did he upset Mina? Did he do something to upset her and not realize it? Surely the pink skinned girl was setting him up for something and was using Ochako, but he had no idea what! All he knew was that it was working, how was he going to survive this?!
"A-alright... What do I do now...?" Ochako was wondering if she was maybe doing something wrong. Deku hadn't said a word and she'd been standing on the treadmill for a good few seconds now. Oh god, was she disappointing him, was he upset she didn't know how to work the treadmills?! Damn it, she hadn't even begun working out and she was already messing things up!
He shook his head, hearing the concern I'm her tone helped him focus on the task at hand, no matter how heavy his balls felt or how much his hands itched to sink into her fat ass or tits.
He hurried over to the treadmill and turned it on. He began speaking as the startup sequence played out. "O-Okay so... Set it over for some fifteen to twenty minutes, you can begin by w-walking and you can increase the speed after ten minutes!" Despite the constant sexual assault his eyes were receiving, he had to stay professional as much as he had to.
He reached out to guide her through how to set things up so the machine would adjust itself in a set, timed routine. As he did their eyes locked for a few moments, and the two went silent as they did nothing but hold eye contact.
Even if he was getting aroused as hell from her body, her eyes were just so pretty. The way her hair framed her eyes and the rest of her face just highlighted how beautiful she was. It wasn't just her hypersexual body that had his heart racing, but the sheer beauty of her smile, the fire in her eyes, and the willpower to keep going. She really was the perfect, complete set.
"T-Thank you! Much appreciated!" The girl broke the silence as she bowed a bit to appreciate the gesture.
That done, the treadmill began to activate and the girl began to take slow steps. The gentle hum of the machine broke up only by her steps as it crawled up in speed to a steady walking
Deku took a few deliberate steps away from her as she got to work. She seemed all set, so he looked around for something he could do to distract himself from the sexy body barely packed into Mina's weapon against him.
"I-I'm going to be over there doing push-ups! If you need me for anything, just let me know! If you want water or anything to refresh yourself there are some water drinkers over there..." He told the girl, his voice wobbling as even the most slight of movements of her walk was making her massive bootycheeks sway and hop.
Things got even more intense for a moment as the girl turned to the side for a few seconds to send him a determined no. The new angle allowed him to see how the mere movement sent her breasts flying like balloons filled with water. Holy fucking damn.
He wanted to fuck. He wanted to slap him tortured cock between her fat udders and blow a load of ball chowder all over her face and grab her hair and push her head down and fuck her face so hard she-
He turned in a sharp motion and stomped one foot onto the other, the sharp pain ending his thoughts before they could go any further. She was his friend and his fellow student! He couldn't think about her like that! Not right in front of her, that kind of lewd, rambling horniness was reserved for his room or a tightly locked bathroom!
Even if he wanted to deny it, Ochako was way too fucking sexy. He tried as hard as he could to suppress his desires around his classmates. He didn't want to be labelled a pervert like Mineta, shameless and disgusting, but he just couldn't stop his imagination from getting away from him. He was barraged by all sorts of perverted, lewd ideas on how this could all take a naughty turn and turn into something straight out of a hentai. He was interested in a relationship with her, and he could even go as far as believing this was a date Ochako had worked up the courage to ask him on, as hard as that was to believe someone as amazing as her would be into him. But he was really sure she didn't want to go that far!
His heart and body longed for her, but he was conflicted to the extreme on what she wanted. Made worse was how he wasn't sure if his self control could hold. How would she react knowing he wanted to do all kinds of lewd things to her body? Use her in ways that would have Mineta taking notes?
He couldn't focus on that though. He had a good thing going and he should just enjoy it while it lasted! He needed a distraction, he needed something to direct his thoughts away from any further lewd, erotic thoughts.
Izuku dropped right there on the spot and started doing pushups. Doing his absolute best to shut off his brain to anything but the steady hum of the treadmill and his own mental counting, blocking out the slick sound of meaty thighs scraping together fifteen feet away from him.
"...Ow, ow, ow..."
Izuku zoned back in roughly 600 pushups later as the treadmill's hum grew louder. The machine was speeding up to a solid jogging pace as programmed, but what caught his attention and snapped him out of his workout trance was the gentle noises of pain coming from his brunette companion, followed by an incredibly loud clapping sound.
He hurriedly darted over to make sure she was okay, only to nearly trip as he came stumbling to a stop in front of her.
The thin top Ochako had on provided zero support. He knew this obviously, it was apparent with every step she took. But what he didn't think about was how that would impact her ability to run. Now that her speed was increasing, the more violent motions of her legs and body sent her tits bouncing up and down harshly. It was so bad they were loudly slapping against her upper belly before flipping up to smash into her chin. The skin of her belly, underboob, and chin was already starting to redden with abuse and that fact more than anything caused Izuku to dart forward and yank the emergency cord out of the treadmill.
"Deku, what's wrong, why did you do that?" She asked immediately, concerned she'd screwed something up.
He had to try several times to get his mouth to work right, but in the face of her injuring herself he found the words eventually came tumbling out. "O-Ochako, do you... maybe... have a different top? A sports bra?" He stammered.
The last thing he expected was for her to duck her head with a painted look on her face. "No..."
He waved his hands frantically, "Th-that's okay, that's okay! We can pause real quick and go get you one!"
"They don't make them in my size!" She suddenly blurted, looking up at him. It wasn't an entirely true statement, but Ochako couldn't find bras of any kind in her size that were in her price range. Just more reason to feel singled out by her body.
Oh god oh god oh god he made her sad and made her feel bad and it was all his fault why did he open his big mouth she was going to hate working out now and-"I'll do it!"
What was he even offering?! Lewd things were mixing in with concern for her and he didn't even know if this was a normal thing to say but his mouth was already forming words and he couldn't stop it.
"Start up the machine again and I'll hold your chest and make sure you don't hurt yourself. It... it's like being a spotter for weight lifting!" That made no sense what the fuck that was
some Mineta grade bullshit what was wrong with his he was so hard it was impossible to think straight and-
"Okay!" She chirped, fully and completely believing him. He obviously knew more about the gym than her and having a safety buddy seemed like rule 1 of gym safety, right?
It was a damn big surprise that Ochako had managed to buy his desperate act to get closer to her and keep this whole thing going no matter what but he somehow pulled it off. Even if the temptation to give in and fuck her like crazy was growing each second, he had a strong work ethic in the gym worked into him by All-Might and he wanted to help her as much as he could before his libido made him explode.
And so, Deku mustered his courage and moved behind her on the treadmill. He planted his feet on the rails beside the belt and reached out to her. Unable to hesitate because of his raging desires, his hands immediately slid underneath her massive tits and firmly grasped her underboob. He shuddered at the hot, wet feeling of her titflesh, her body heat high and her skin sweaty from the activities she'd already done. It was all so fucking perfect!
He was also immediately aware of something her heaving breasts hid from sight. Her tanktop didn't even encompass the full breast. Their sheer size meant her underboob was fully open to his hands. All it would take was to slide his hands up and her chest would be at his complete and total mercy.
His self control was tested to the extreme, but Ochako letting out a chirpy, "Okay! Good to go!" Had him just barely restraining himself.
As the treadmill once again activated, tensions began to grow.
Each movement the girl made caused her meaty orbs to press against his hands. Each breast was shockingly heavy and Izuku was supremely glad he'd worked his upper body so hard.
But that wasn't even the worst part, as intense as that was. From his position behind her his jutting, ankle length bulge was mere inches from her phat, quaking ass. It was so close he could feel the air her bouncing cheeks were sending off in waves. The chill on his scalding hot rod had his tongue lolling out of his mouth in both relief and torture. His raging libido was begging him to yank his pants clean off and spear his cock into her. Just a yank and thrust was all it would take, her paper thin clothes wouldn't even stop him! He could just fuck the living hell out of her, maybe yank her down on the floor and pin her down for hours and hours of hardcore breeding sex!
He had to focus on something else, had to get out of his own head! "H-How does this feel...?" He desperately asked her as he did his best to not act like Mineta, keeping his hands in a loose cup shape, resisting the urge to grab on tight and sink his fingers in in a tight possessive hold. The sweat she was working up was making it hard, and every time he had to readjust his grip he worried he was crossing the line as his fingers got tighter and tighter.
"This is great!" She responded happily, completely dense to his suffering. "You're so good at this, I really like how your hands feel!" She huffed and puffed, marveling at how much cardio she was getting in for once now that she didn't have to worry about her disgusting cow tits.
Izuku growled behind her, his plan backfiring completely. Fuck. This was some kind of sexual torture! If he saw Mina at the dorms tonight he was going to... going to... he had no idea what he was going to do! Friends demanded friends drain their balls right? Was that normal? Y-yeah, that was normal, he would just walk up to her and slap his cock in her face! It was her fault, she should deal with it. Absolutely normal behavior!
For now Izuku desperately focused on anything he could that wasn't lewd. Thankfully Ochako's innocent excitement had caused an angelic smile to break out on her flushed face and Izuku would be damned before anything harmed such a perfect and wholesome sight, even himself.
As the minutes passed the tension kept on growing. The machine was set up to increase speed every few minutes now, and it dutifully did so despite the earlier pause to its sequence.
This of course only further increased the workload Izuku's hands and arms were under, but he barely even noticed it as his gaze locked on her bouncing chest from over her shoulder. Izuku had seen a great deal of anime in his life, and even a fair amount of ecchi and hentai. The show Ochako's breasts were putting on was single handedly the best thing he'd ever seen. It didn't matter how much budget a series blew on jiggle physics, he was holding perfection and nothing and no one could convince him otherwise.
As much as a certain classmate of his got called out for his lecherous behaviour, Izuku could at the very least see why such a nasty lifestyle had some appeal if this kind of thing was the goal. Ochako had a breedable body, no other way around her. Her form made him want to empty every single drop of cum he had backed up and dammit her hero outfit just made it worse!
He always got distracted during missions when he had to work alongside Uraraka... Her suit just did so much to make sure she looked more like the next hot piece of JAV babe ass around than a respectable heroine. It hadn't started too bad but the training they went through and the diet they had turned her body into something out of the most debased wet dream. Not only that but her Quirk caused her fine assets to be out on full display as gravity did all kinds of unique things. Her breasts and booty were the constant target of his gaze no matter how much he tried to be professional.
And speaking of her breasts, the more the speed increased, so did the fine udders Ochako was barely packing into the thin shirt, oscillating in the most enticing of manners. His hands were getting slapped the more he tried to keep them in place!
Holy fuck.
He was almost afraid to look down. He managed to hold out for a good thirty seconds, but the constant blast of air off her jutting cheeks in motion on his raging cock and balls had him too curious to resist and he tilted his head down to get a full eyeful of what her booty was doing.
It was shaking in such a sexy way. He could almost imagine she was shaking her booty like those American women often did on those foreign porn movies he'd watched in the privacy of his own room. A twerking lapdance all for him!
He forced his hips to stay right where they were. No matter how much he wanted to lunge forward and bury his bulge in her ass meat, he couldn't. She was doing such a good job and he refused to ruin it!
It was pure luck that the treadmill finally started winding down around that time, when Izuku's cock was mere millimeters away as his self control slowly failed him.
It was for the best, another minute or two of staring at her sexy body and feeling her perfect, bouncing chest would have had Izuku dropping a gunked up load of cum right down his pants no matter how hard he held it back.
Acting quickly, he yanked his hands away from her bust. To his absolute shame his inner pervert finally won a small victory and Izuku popped a sweaty finger into his mouth, suckling at the sweat from her perfect udders.
He didn't think he could get any harder, but it felt like he was going to pass out as even more blood rushed south. It was like the salty taste hitting his taste buds was just another rallying call for his need to breed to go nuts!
"H-How was that? D-Did you like it?" Deku asked the brunette, desperate to get his attention focused on something else.
The radiant, tired smile she sent him made him feel like he was on top of the world. She looked so happy and grateful!
"I-It was really good! Never f-felt so tired doing this sort of stuff! Never been able to run this much before either!" She told him with such warmth and kindness that all thought left his head, blasted clean out by her sincerity.
He frantically thought up what to do next while his brain was able to think about anything but her body... and then an idea just hit him!
"G-Good! How about next, we... do some yoga? It would be very good to work out your muscles and get you ready to fu-to get ready for further muscle training!" Deku was glad he managed to switch his words, his brain was so added and full of lewd imagery he couldn't trust his mouth anymore.
"That sounds g-great! Oh, wait!" The girl suddenly perked up as she remembered something. She didn't elaborate at his questioning look, but instead she twirled around and skipped over to her backpack.
She ignored the choking gasp as the boi behind her was once more.tortured by the sight of her phat cheeks flopping around, all but twerking as she moved and hopped in eager excitement. He looked so beyond perfect, her cheeks just begging to be flattened and clapped!
"Mina wants some pics! She told me she wanted to see our progress, hope you don't mind!" The brunette told him as she picked up her phone from the pocket on the backpack, turning back to him to reveal her sweaty chest, making his mouth water even more for another taste.
The mere mention of Mina only made him continue to wonder what the shameless horned girl's goal was. Was she annoyed at him? Did he unintentionally say something she disliked? The possibilities were numerous and it was a big mystery on what caused her to make such a move. Still...
He couldn't take it anymore! He wanted to fuck! If this were any other situation he would have farted into the bathroom to pound one out ages ago! He'd never pushed himself this far and he cared less and less what happened, he needed to CUM .
Ochako was being so innocent, it was driving him crazy. Would she even notice if he took things in an even lewder direction? Would she be upset? Was she interested like he dreamed and would take the chance to be lewd too? He couldn't even guess!
And so Ochako spent the next few minutes snapping pics. Some showed the gym, a fair few on the console of the treadmill to show off how much she ran.
She even had Deku walk over and hold her chest again, to show off what a supportive gym buddy he was!
She did notice one of his legs looked quite odd as he walked around, but that was probably the result of One for All messing him up somehow. After all, there were probably some side effects she was not too aware of, it felt like every week his Quirk was doing something weird!
As she sent off the pictures and put her phone away, she prepared herself for the next step in her fitness journey. "Let's do it!" She declared passionately, not noticing his eyebrow twitch.
He inhaled shakily before he began speaking. "O-Okay so... To get your muscles ready, how about you do some toe reach stretching? You worked your legs now, so let's work up and try to work your hips as well...?" The boi explained. I'm any other state of mind her would have been horrified by the plans her was making, but self control was rapidly being burned clean out of him and he just had nothing left but a need to breed, a need to bury his cock in the hyper fertile woman he was working with and let go.
Suspecting nothing and completely ignorant of the raging breeding rod tenting one of Izuku's pant legs, Ochako pumped an excited fist. "Alright! Lemme get ready then!"
The girl was just so full of energy, and even if things were still starting to get tiring she was looking forward for more! It was so nice to spend some quality time with Deku, it just made her so happy to be around him.
She followed his gestured directions as he pointed at one of the mats nearby, eagerly waiting for more instructions as he saddled up behind her again.
A total creep like Mineta would be taking a fuckton of pictures at a machine gun pace of the fine piece of booty from his position, making sure to show how colossal each cheek was and how badly the shorts were doing their function on even minimal offering coverage on her fat pussy. The sweat from her run a minute ago made the clothes cling to her even tighter and she may as well just be naked at this point.
But he had to keep on holding on...! He didn't know what he was holding on for, he couldn't think that hard anymore, but it was something. How long had they agreed to do this for? Had they even set a time?!
His thoughts screeched to a halt as he looked over at the girl. His eyes were instantly glued on her as she leaned deeply back, hands raising straight up. The pose had her fine tiddies nearly ripping clean out of her top, the gigantic funbags jutting forward as she curled her spine back with a few satisfying pops.
The sexual groan she released had Izuku's hand instantly jumping down to grab at his hopelessly engorged shaft, pretending like he had an itch but in reality giving his rod a few hard pumps before his self control snapped back in place and he yanked his hand away.
He was so fucking close . The constant stimulation was driving him crazy and he could feel his balls pulling tight and his urethra twitching in anticipation of the torrential flood they were just a few more short itches away from unleashing.
"A-Alright! Go slow, these are better if you really hold them. Get deep, really feel it. We can go a full 10 minutes on this stretch alone, I think." He panted as he spoke, nearly drooling at the sight of her body on complete display for him. She leaned forward and bent at the waist as deep as she could get, and he lost another chunk of the scraps of self control he had left. Not only was her ass on full and open display from his position behind her as she reached for her toes, but her tiny little booty shorts pulled even tighter. There was no mystery left, he knew what every fold of her pussy and every crinkle of her asshole looked like and it was all he could think about. It was an image so seared in he was sure he was going to take it to his grave.
These were going to be the longest ten minutes of his life for sure.
His eyes stayed locked on her as she moved her upper body back up, held it for a good 15 seconds, and then lowered her body back down. She was making a perfect arch of sexual energy and he was fully caught in its radius. Holy fucking damn.
This whole session was looking more like something out of a sexy porn movie, and damn was he glad this was happening. Never during any of the risky missions he and his friend had taken part had things gotten this intense, and nothing had prepared him for this.
This was more intense than going after All For One and his League, no matter how messed up things ended up after brutal fights against them it couldn't hold a candle to his internal struggle.
No, this was something else. This was on another level, and he wasn't going to survive for longer much longer!
The curvy brunette moved up once more and predictably but not less enticingly her chesty orbs shook as the force of the movements caused each tiddy to move on their own. This was already too much... The way they hung in her tiny shirt was only getting more lewd. Were her nipples jutting out now?! Surely he was imagining it, his fuck-soaked thoughts playing tricks.
And her fine ass... Those cheeks were practically begging for a good squeezing and smacking. He could only imagine himself behind those massive orbs she called an ass humping against it! Her pussy was basically engulfing her shorts! Whatever little coverage they offered was gone, her hungry pussy lips had the clothing swallowed!
"Take my cock, take my cock instead." He mumbled, panting hotly like he was the one doing the stretching.
The grunting Ochako made with each new set just kept getting more intense as something was happening he wasn't privy to. All he knew was that the sound was making him react in debased ways. He could feel his balls filling up with gallons of potent, virile sperm. One of the many wonders of carrying One for All, he was sure, an inhuman supply of cum that seemed all but inexhaustible.
The minutes passed, and the desire for fucking kept on growing. It took ever ember of his surviving self control to refrain from getting his cock out and fapping all over the massive piece of ass. Damn it, hold it together!
He moved his hand down to the one pocket not occupied by the massive slab of cock, and he picked up his phone. A flick of the power button revealed the screen and the clock.
Oh damn, more than ten minutes had passed. But that was good! That meant they could move on to the next routine and he could try and think of something more tame before he did something over the line! He was seriously beyond his limit and even one tiny lewd thing now would be too much for him.
Ochako was dizzy. The stretch wasn't too bad, far from impossible with her fitness levels. There was a satisfying burn in her legs and abs from the stretch that she liked. But every time she got really deep her shorts viciously dug at her pussy and sent sparks of pleasure up her spine. She seriously hoped Deku didn't notice how wet she was getting! That would be so embarrassing!
She hoped it was nearly over, she could feel herself about to cum and that would be mortifying, what would Deku think of her?!
Deku's breath hitched as she lowered back down for another toe grab and her pussy was once more displayed for him. Only this time was different, oh so very different.
He's been so enraptured in his internal struggle he didn't notice it but Ochako's puffy pussy was drenched ! Not only that but she'd leaked through her shorts and strings of female arousal were strung like clothing lines between her massive, meaty thighs.
His self control snapped, this was too much. His pants hit the floor as he yanked them off.
Before she could rise up again Ochako jumped in surprise as she felt calloused, rough hands grab tightly into her ass cheeks. Familiar hands, ones she'd felt just a few short minutes ago on her sensitive underboob. She was taken off guard by how rough they were more than anything. They were hands fit for a brute. A man who grabbed innocent girls on the train and molested them, not sweet innocent Deku.
But she liked it, the burning in her pussy was at an all time high and she wanted to feel him squeeze even tighter onto her.
Fully nude from the waist down, monstrous, feet long cock jutting out from his crotch, Izuku stared down at the vulnerable woman beneath him. His nostrils flared as he sucked in the sickly sweet tang of female arousal.
He couldn't believe it. She was getting horny?! How?! Had she finally noticed his cock...? Whatever it was, he couldn't anymore. He was done.
He dropped his cock between her enormous cheeks, his inhuman pole looking right at home atop her hypersexually endowed backside. His erection looked furious , it was a mottled, flushed red color and veins were so thick he was sure some might find it disgusting as they snaked up inch after inch after foot of expansive length. Its desire to blast a massive wave of sperm over the girl before him.had reached its peak and Izuku couldn't hold it anymore.
"Alright, we're almost done here.... Do one last, deep stretch! I'll give you a hand so you don't fall over!" His feet planted themselves hard next to hers as he squeezed her ass cheeks hard around his cock, his calloused fingers sinking into her backside like it was jello. Completely shameless now, he slammed his rod forward into one wet thrust, her gushing pussy causing the underside of his cock to shine with her juices.
He stopped with his tortured, heavy, overstuffed balls clapped against her dropping slit. The gurgling of the orbs against her sensitive pussy lips was surely something she could feel but Izuku was long past caring.
Or so he thought. All Ochako could focus on was how GOOD her pussy felt and how right it felt to hand his strong hands gripping her meaty cheeks so roughly! "S-Sure! Will do!" She squealed. She was just too lost in her own pleasure to really even notice she had between her booty the biggest piece of cock in UA.
As she tried her best to really lower herself further for the deepest stretch she could, Deku proceeded to keep her badonk on a tight leash, not letting her move an inch away from his grip, his hips slapping hers every few seconds as she lurched forward and down.
Ochako didn't even know what she was trying to do at this point. The heady rush of pleasure was assaulting her and every time she would try and pull her body lower her shorts would grind into her cleft. They were so hot and heavy for some reason and felt so good that she couldn't think straight!
She was basically humping him as whatever little bit of movement she made caused him to yank her sweet ass back against his crotch in a wet, slapping jerk of his cock, and his balls slapping against her pussy, mashing her clit with their weight.
It was too much, for the both of them.
"T-this is it!" Deku forced out through clenched teeth, body tensing and grip on her ass growing even tighter.
A roar could be heard all across the academy. Even a few loose windows rattled in the cases at the momentous yell he unleashed, a few even cracking. Most students were convinced a criminal with a Kaiju Quirk was attacking, but most female students and faculty had a different reaction. One of a deep, profound sense of arousal that hit them straight in their core.
One particular horned girl above the duo went nearly catatonic in bliss as her fingers furiously stabbed into her gushing pussy while the other hand grabbed her own ass in a tight grip in an imitation of the sight she was spying on.
Ochako wasn't spared from this, and it was the final straw that sent her over the edge. A powerful, if not quite as loud orgasm ripped through her. She screamed like a girl who had lost her virginity to the biggest, most hung brutish prince in all the land. For Deku it was like the greatest piece of music composed ever, and damn he wanted to hear more.
But what came next would be even more powerful.
The colossal shaft Izuku held between his legs produced a powerful tsunami of sperm, instantly splattering the gym's ceiling as it blasted away from the cock. More and more equally huge ropes of the virile batter following and making a bigger and bigger mess with no signs of stopping.
Deku made rough, brutish grunts as his massive shaft unleashed wave after wave of potent jizz over the ceiling, walls, and even splattering a few short range little blurts that landed squarely on Uraraka's back~. He couldn't be happier, because the brunette made orgasmic moans as his load landed on her exposed back. It was like mere contact with the fertile load had sent her off on another set of orgasmic convulsions.
His balls felt like they were heaven! After what felt like hours of the most intense torture as they got more and more backed up with gunked up, clotted cum, they were finally free to unleash as much sperm as they liked! For the first time in his life Izuku felt what it felt like to cum thanks to another person and he simply could not go back, he was fully addicted, his cum tanks had experienced the gates of bliss.
Ochako had a similar realization, utterly blown away by the sheer strength of her orgasm. Things like shame and embarrassment were blasted clean, power washed away by Deku's power cum cannon. Whatever she and Deku did after she could think again would be less training, and more like a game to see who would give in first and climax. She couldn't wait! She needed to feel this again!
Minutes passed as they rode their high and eventually Deku's fat cock slowed its sperm eruption as the ropes decreased in volume but never density. The last few heavy spurts painted wide lines across her back and ruined the back of her top even more, forever staining the material in its spunky stench.
Ochako for her part had made a mess of the boi's lower body with her pristine, oasis-tier cunt juices, mixing up quite well with his cum. Panting hot breaths of air, Izuku could barely see the mess he'd made passed his own frizzy hair as it practically covered his eyes.
Slowly as the minutes crept by, Deku regained his senses, marveling more and more at the sight before him. Most of the gym had been covered by pools of his cum. Ropes of the thick cream hung from the ceiling, some dropping down in dense dollops to land wetly down on the few dry spaces left in the room.
And the stench...
If dry humping could have a scent, the room reeked of it. It was as close to sex as you could get without adding in the potent mixture of juices together. It was a distinctive mix of pussy juices and the most potent, raw jizz filling the whole place. Even if Ochako hadn't just came like a tidal wave, the noxious odor hit her right in the womb and her cunt got wetter at the smell. She fell wetly onto the floor, going limp and falling out of Deku's lax grip.
Even if she used all of her strength, her hand couldn't hope to reach even half of the raw power that she had been blasted with by Izuku's cock and balls working over her pussy, but she immediately gave it a hearty try as the absence of the heat of his rod left her feeling ice cold and empty. Her hand gripped and ripped her shorts clean off in a hurry, and she wasted no time in pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy.
Snapped out of his own nirvana by her ass leaving his cock, Deku leaned forward and aimed his massive girth at her crotch as she hurriedly made a puddle on the matted floor.
"Do some hand exercises, spread those cunt lips some more..." Completely past the point of trying to put on an act, Deku's voice was filled with a husky need. His balls already felt refilled as they churned out weak little spurts of more cum that cleanly impacted her drenched, flushed labia. It was perfect, the sight was something straight out of a dream.
Ochako immediately began using the cum as lube, allowing her hand to work even faster, rougher. Her free hand reached up to squeeze one of her jiggly breasts and she moaned in total pleasure, completely lost in the haze of pleasure and cum as she worked herself to another climax.
Which slammed into her instantly as Deku lifted up his cock and swung it down, the fat head smashing down on her pussy with the perfect amount of force to send her body into convulsions. She furiously humped the air, her thighs tensing and her spine curling as she popped hips up off the ground to aim her pussy right at Deku.
When she blew it was with a violent squirt of pussy juice that coated Deku's fat cock. Like his cum on her back before, contact with her discharge instantly set him off too, and he paid her back by furiously cumming all over the slutty pussy she was offering him.
Eventually, their second round of mutual orgasms subsided, but she looked at him over her shoulder like she wanted to go for more . And Deku could only grin, more than up for such a challenge!
"T-That was so good, Deku... I never knew you had such a fat cock..." Ochako giggled, her tone jarringly innocent for someone talking about something so lewd. Not to mention for someone who ended her statement by slurping at the paper cup she'd used to scoop up some of the piled up seed everywhere to drink like fine wine. "I never knew how much I wanted cock either! Mineta might be a disgusting worm but I kind of get why he's so rabid now."
Izuku for his part was just admiring her, his dick emi-flaccid in a standby state, relaxing and draped over his fat balls, taking a break from the intense session they had.
They were both taking a much-needed break of their own, sitting on one of the benches near the water cooler. Ochako was spreading her legs nice and wide to get some air on her slightly raw bits. She'd grabbed a pair of panties from her bag and thrown them on, but with how drenched and horny she was they were almost instantly swallowed by her greedy cunt-lips.
He laughed happily, freely enjoying her presence without any stress or anxiety. "You know, your pussy is just as fat, yeah? I've spent so much time staring when you have your hero uniform on!" Even a mere two hour ago both having such a talk would've been absurd, not even in their most crazy of dreams, and yet here they were casually having a super lewd conversation.
Ochako was even snapping a few pics of the mess and gleefully sharing them over her group chats, even snapping one of her messy pussy titled, 'Deku's Property'. That one in particular got a surprised reaction from even the least optimistic of her friends who never thought she would succeed.
Sending the pictures did remind Ochako of how this whole thing started. It was supposed to be just a date, or a hang out she could reveal was a date when she had the courage. That drive had never gone away, and she felt like she needed to broach the topic. It was surprisingly easy to do so, the words flowing easily. "I know we basically just had sex, but do you think we could-?"
Before she could say another word and ask him if he wanted to go out on a proper date, her lips were sealed over by his as he pressed into her, taking her first kiss.
The girl was taken entirely by surprise by the sudden move... But she loved it. Even if they'd gotten up to some pretty intense stuff, the act of kissing with such emotion had her heart pounding in all different kinds of ways.
Their kiss was just so full of passion she got swept up in it instantly! As his tongue wrapped all around hers she found herself automatically leaning against him for more. He was a natural, not only was he a total beast when it came to dominating her body but his tongue was doing the same to her mouth!
Above the duo lewdling making out, above them in the air ducts Mina continued furiously rubbing her pussy even more raw. She had lost count of how many times she'd cum already, her acid lube labia was beginning to darken to a worrying red color but she ignored that in favor of more pleasure in her single minded pursuit to take it all in.
"F-Fuck! Who knew Midoriya was such a sexy fuck-beast?! I wanna fuck him too!" The pink queen moaned as she squirmed in another blissful orgasm. Her legs jerked and twitched and her pussy let loose another blast of cunt juices. The already filthy air duct was turned even more lewd as more of her fluids coated it all.
So engrossed in her pleasure she didn't notice her body beginning to slowly sink lower and lower as her pussy juice, naturally acidic to some degree thanks to her quirk's passive effects, began to erode away at the metal of the duct.
Even when she fell clean through the metal with a whining screech she was so focused on the new orgasm she'd worked herself up to already it wasn't until she hit the ground that she realized something had even happened.
The make out session down below had only grown more intense with time, Ochako moving to straddle one of his muscled thighs as one of his hands reached up to grab and grope at her chest. The moans she let out a he toyed with her puffy areola had his cock raising up once again to pulse against one of her meaty thighs-
Mina thankfully landed flat on her bountiful bubble butt, right in a massive pile of built up cum that further softened her landing. That did mean she made one hell of a splash of jizz and Alien Queen cunt juice as she landed though, which plastered Ochako's back and drew a shuddering moan from the brunette.
As Ochako and Izuku stared at her in wide eyed shock and surprise, Mina realized where she was and... completely ignored the two of them as she shoved her face down into the pool of baby batter she'd landed in and began chugging it down with voracious hunger. Not a single inch of cum near her was safe from her vacuum succing lips.
Strings of saliva connecting their slack mouths, Ochako and Izuku decided in unison to take this one step at a time and turned their attention back to the other, locking gazes once more and letting Mina do... whatever it was she was doing. Apparently clean the entire gym with just her mouth, if the loud, lewd slurping was anything to go by.
"Y-Yeah... I'd love to be with you..." Deku confessed to her earlier half-spoken question.
He felt a warm smile form instantly as Ochako's face lit up. "R-Really?! T-Thank you!" She was joyful, She'd never expected things to go this way! And even better he clearly loved her body just the way it was!
The continued, rampant and frenzied slurping did kind of ruin the mood though. "Umm... I would love to do some more working-out with you, but I think we may have to do that some other time..." She responded distractedly, turning to look over her shoulder again and taking in the sight of Mina drinking sperm like she was in some sort of degenerate buffet.
"Oh, of course! I would love to show you more routines I think you're going to enjoy!" Unlike her he didn't care that they had an audience now, that was future Izuku's problem. For now he just couldn't get over how perfect it was. He had a beautiful girlfriend and the near
future was going to be full of all kinds of amazing lewd fun! His girlfriend was just premium fuck material and she deserved the best!
And he was looking forward to as much as he could handle with the girl of his dreams.
End Notes
Very special thanks to Slicerness for helping out with the editing.
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