The hero academic

Chapter 177: eris new home

Eri's new home

by 3AMSeedDemon


Mirko decided to take care of Eri and train her, however, Eri's way tougher than she much that Mirko herself ends up being the one trained by Eri instead


Story for Anonymous

See the end of the work for more notes

Mirko, the Rabbit hero...She was known for her strength, but most importantly her kind heart. She trained inside her home almost every day, to keep those legs of hers strong and durable. She has built plenty of muscle thanks to the exercises she does alone at home, but that might not longer be the case as she was waiting for someone to keep her company. No one besides her wanted to take the responsibility of taking care of a little girl like Eri, so, she volunteer to be her tutor and protector until she's able to live by herself. She was taking a break from her heroes duties in order for her to be able to look after Eri once she arrives. She always wondered if she could ever be a "mother" of sorts, even if she's only tutoring her more than anything.

It was pretty late that night, Mirko doing some late stretches to finish her day until she heard the door of her apartment rang. Her rabbit ears rose up after hearing the ring, Mirko yelled, "JUST A SEC, I'M COMING!" She headed towards the door, it was a pretty odd hour for someone to be ringing the bell of her apartment. If it was Eri, she should have been her by the morning. Mirko slowly opened the door to find that Eri was indeed standing there, wearing her red pinafore and holding onto her bag.

"Sorry for the interruption, Miss Mirko... I-I know we're a little late but, we barely caught that last bus to make it here. I hope, uhm...I hope I'm not too much trouble to deal with" Eri said. She was quite the sweet girl despite what she went through, any other person would have followed the ways of a villain in her case but not her. Mirko was more than happy to see her at her doorstep, however...She wasn't sure how to feel when seeing the way Midnight looked while standing right next to Eri. While Eri was looking adorable and presentable, Mirko's fellow pro hero didn't look quite so well.

She looked like she ran a marathon, looking limp and so fucking sweaty for no reason at all. When the rabbit hero looked closer, she could see some hair being stuck between her lips too...White hair of some kind. She was drooling a little while she heavily breathes, there was a clear stain in her hero uniform right between her legs. She was wet from whatever encounter she had...Mirko couldn't really judge her though, it looked like she got the best dicking of her life with how unprofessional she looked today. Mirko bit down her lip as she checked out Midnight's tired body, she asked, "Damn girl...You should have someone else to bring Eri if you had a date going on, you know? You're making me kinda jealous here, who did this to you? I'd love to meet them one day to get some of that "fun" myself, you hear? Got his number somewhere to note it down?" The Rabbit hero rests on the side of the door as she waits for what Midnight has to say.

Mirko didn't really get a number, or even a hint of who it was that Midnight slept with today. Instead, she just saw her giggling in front of her without properly answering her question.

"Oh you...Hehehehehe, you'd see, Mirko. I gotta get back home myself, it's getting pretty dark. And boy do I need some rest after THAT whole mess, hehehehe...You two enjoy yourselves, Midnight out!" Midnight said as she walked away from Mirko's apartment and leaving Eri with her. Midnight was unable to walk straight with how hard she got fucked today, Mirko could clearly tell from the way she stumbled around like a drunkard. She shrugged it off as she allowed Eri inside her apartment. Eri gasps in surprise as her "apartment" was far bigger than she thought it was going to be, the luxuries of a pro hero knew no bound. Mirko smirked as she said, "You like what you see, kiddo? You haven't seen anything yet, follow me"

She showed off the rest of her apartment, from the fancy kitchen full of ingredients for protein shakes and hearty meals...To her home gym and all the machines she uses to train. Mirko quickly hopped on the floor of her home gym, doing a triple jump on the large mat she had to demonstrate her skills to her. Eri clapped and said, "Woah...You're amazing, Miss Mirko! I would love to be able to do amazing things like you one day!"

Mirko went and patted the young girl with her gloved hand, she said, "Well, that's why you're here Eri! I'm going to be the one training you into a strong shape so you're able to defend yourself! I heard you can control your power much better now, but just in case someone angers you in the future you can use your fists or legs to beat em up! You're gonna be here for a while so, I hope you can get use to my lil' apartment..." Mirko smiled until she saw the hour in the wall's clock, it was already ten PM. "Shoot! Look at the time! Two hours away from midnight already? We can't be staying this late, or we'd end up being as unprofessional as Midnight herself! I'm kidding, of course. But a kid your age should have been asleep two hours ago. Oh yeah, let me show your room. I prepared it beforehand" Mirko said as she quickly took Eri's hand and leaded her to her new room.

It was right besides Mirko's own, it used to just be the guest room but since Eri's gonna be staying for a while she decorated it a bit for her liking. Mirko wasn't the best with girly and cute room, but she decided to theme it around rabbits. The walls, the bed covers, the pillows, a lot of rabbit shapes and also carrots. Eri gasped in surprise, there were sparkles in her eyes as she saw the adorable bunny themed room. She tossed herself on top of the large and comfy looking bed, "Hehe, I never had a bed this big before! Woah, it's so soft!"

"I'm glad you like it, Eri! This is where you'd be sleeping for now on! I wasn't sure how to make a room for a girl your age so I put everything together and figured what looked decent enough...We're starting the training tomorrow, so try getting some sleep will ya?" Mirko said, turning the lights off as Eri got comfortable in her new bed. She looked back and said, "Goodnight, Eri" as she slowly closed the door.

"G-Goodnight, Miss Mirko!" Eri replied before she was let alone to rest after a long day... --------------------------------------------------

The next morning, Eri woke up to the smell of breakfast. She got out of the bed and walked towards the nice smell, it was two whole eggs and a glass of carrot juice next to it. It was far better from what her former foster father feed her, she was more than thankful for the meal in front of her. She started eating while Mirko watched her with caring smile on her face, she laughed out loud and said, "Haha! You really enjoy that stuff huh? It's all proteins, so I'm glad you like it! It's important to eat well if you wanna keep your body in good shape like I do! Once you finish with your breakfast, go back to your room to change into the gym clothes I got just for you. They're inside the closet in that room, It's a black top and exercise trousers. They're made of the finest material to make exercising really comfortable! Oh, I also got you a headband so your hair doesn't get in the way, nor the sweat. It'd look very cute on you~"

Eri nodded while eating her breakfast, sipping on the carrot juice as she ate up everything in her plate before going back to her room to get changed. Mirko waited in the living room for Eri to get all changed, the pro Hero was confident in her teachings and knew that Eri would be able to catch up to her in no time. What she didn't expect from her though...Was seeing how tight the work out clothes ended up being on her. The top was fine and all, but the trousers were being really stretched out by her wide hips and what it appeared to be a bulge between her legs. It was some strange girth being pushed to the side of one of her legs as Eri looked up at Mirko, she asked, "Uhmmm...Something wrong, Miss Mirko? Did I put it on wrong...?"Do I have to adjust the headband...?"

Mirko stuttered, "A-AH! No, n-not at all! You're fine like that, Eri! I...I should have bought a bigger pair of trousers for you, I uh...didn't know your measurements and just bought the smallest pair I found"

"It's alright, Miss Mirko. I don't mind it if it's a little tight, I think I can work out with them anyways. So, uhmmmm...can we start?" Eri asked. She acted so innocent despite the monster she was carrying behind her trousers, Mirko wasn't even sure if it was what she thought it was. All she knew was that Eri was some kind of test subject for that villain, so it might be insensitive for her to ask anything about that strange looking bulge...

Mirko nervously nodded and said, "Y-Yeah...let's go inside the gym, Eri" Mirko and Eri went inside the large home gym of hers, standing on the large mat on the floor as Mirko shook her head from side to side and got back to her senses. She said, "O-Okay Eri! We can't exercise until we do some stretches first, that's the first rule of doing any physical work in general. Just copy what I do, alright?" Eri nodded as she got ready to do some stretches with Mirko. The Rabbit hero started by stretching her arms and body from left and right, stretching her arms as as she could while also doing so with her body. Mirko watched Eri copy her and...She kept being distracted by her bulge, that thing was straining against her tight exercise trousers and accentuating with how fat it was. When Mirko started bending down to have her hands touch her toes, she saw how Eri struggled thanks to the bulge being in the middle.

After being done, Mirko instructed her to use the treadmill to work on her stamina. Eri exclaimed, "R-Roger! I'd see what I can do..." Eri got on top of it, with Mirko setting it to a low level to help Eri get used to it. Though...When Mirko watched her from behind, all she could see was the way her bulge swayed, it wasn't the girth but what was bellow her...It looked like a pair of balls being stuffed in her trousers as she tried to jog on the treadmill with them swaying from side to side. That and her rear slowly clapping with the steps she took in the treadmill, Mirko didn't expect Eri to be this big at her age. She was really regretting not getting a proper trousers for her, as she clearly needed something bigger for her to store that bulge and her own Loli ass behind it.

"A-Alright...enough treadmill for now. Let's try to do some other exercises, okay?" Mirko said. Getting behind her to help her out with more exercises. She continued, "Let's do some sit ups, Eri. They're a bit hard, but I know you can do them!" Eri agreed as she got on the floor and placed her arms on her head, Mirko helped her by holding onto her feet. She cheered on Eri, "C'mon, you can do this Eri!" The long haired girl groaned as she struggled to get up, but did so with the help of Mirko cheering on her. Mirko ended up too focused on Eri that she didn't see where her face ended up at. The Rabbit hero was face to face with the distracting bulge between Eri's legs, a strange scent coming in contact with her nostrils. It was definitely the smell of sweat but...It was closer to how musk smelled like, in fact, it really was musk.

Mirko's mind ended up in the clouds while they continued their exercises, that smell caught her off guard and had her unable to form proper thoughts for the next hour of light workout she had with Eri. Once Mirko was able to recover her senses she said, "That should do it! We can finish for now, you're not used to exercising for hours like I do so...I'll do a few more minutes myself while you rest" Eri quickly left to get some water after all that exercising, meanwhile, Mirko went to get the weights. Eri still has a long way to go if she ever wants to carry the massive weights that she does, only a hero her size was able to have enough force to lift them. Her mind was still on that bulge, still wondering how Eri could end up with something like that...

While she was bent down to pick up the weights, Eri came back and stood in front of Mirko while watching her exercise. The rabbit's view got covered in half by the massive bulge in her trousers as she tried to lift the weights. "E...Eri, you're a bit in the way here..." Mirko said, being able to smell that strong musk of hers as she tried to focus on the weight lifting. Eri took a few steps back to let Mirko do the rest of her training, the rabbit hero could still smell that musk even with her standing back. After she was able to lift the weights, Mirko said, "Hufffff...Please go take a shower, Eri. You need to wash the sweat of your body, we don't want to make your new clothes smell like sweat now do we?"

"U-Understood! I'll wash myself right away, Miss Mirko..." Eri said, going to the nearest shower in the house as she took off all of her clothes, placed them in a basket, and went inside the bathroom. It was quite the tiring day, even if their first day of exercise ended up being so short. While Eri showered herself though...Mirko and her rabbit instincts were out of control. She could barely take control of herself when she had that stupidly huge bulge in front of her face, so when Eri wasn't around she was able to finally do what her mind desired the most. Sneaking into the changing room to search through Eri's clothes and find the cute pair of sweaty underwear that she wore just now.

It was supposed to be white and pure like her, but her underwear were quite stretched out. And it didn't look clean at all, there were stains on it that showed how long it has been since she got her underwear washed. Mirko dragged her underwear all the way towards her nose as she began huffing on them. "MMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFF O-OH FUUUUUUUCK..." Mirko moaned as she got a good whiff of Eri's dirty underwear. That intense smell of musk was burning her nostrils and making her eyes roll to the back of her head, it smelled that fucking good. She was covering her nose with her underwear to get as much of her musk smell inside her nose as she could. Mirko's super hero uniform was getting stained due to how wet she was getting from just smelling that strangely masculine musk that it had on them, for a girly pair like hers that smell just didn't suit Eri at all.

Mirko would stop herself after a while, as she didn't want Eri to find out what she was doing with her underwear. She might need to wash her underwear next time it's a laundry day, as she might not be able to contain herself when seeing her smelly underwear. Mirko and Eri went to bed after the training, with Eri recently showered and sleeping inside her new room.


It was already a new day, and Mirko felt somewhat tired from yesterday...Training someone else wasn't as easy as she thought, especially when they were carrying a bulge like that around her apartment. She could barely sleep that night as she was constantly thinking about her fat bulge, wondering how it looked like behind the trousers...And also the smell of her underwear. She still can't believe she went and huffed Eri's underwear like that. The smell of musk just had her in heat like a rabbit would over strong smells like that, to the point she wished she brought the underwear with her to smell it all night long. Mirko and Eri ate breakfast together again, she didn't mention anything about the last part of their training and just ate in silent. Mirko's mind still plagued with thoughts about Eri's bulge.

"Uhm....Everything okay, Miss Mirko? You seem a little distracted" Eri asked.

"O-Oh, nothing...Hahaha, I'm okay uh, we should get started with the exercises. G-Get dressed up in your gym clothes, Eri" Mirko said. Slapping herself with both hands back into reality as they were about to train again. Mirko waited inside the gym as Eri arrived in the same tight outfit as yesterday. They began doing the warm up stretches, holding onto their hips as they stretched from left and right. Mirko tried not to think too much about yesterday until she heard the loud sound of Eri's trousers ripping apart. Mirko watched Eri's cock destroying those trousers open as it flopped out half erect, not even fully erect, Eri's fat Loli cock just destroyed those poor trousers like it was nothing. Mirko's eyes were glued to the size of that girth, she should been asking why Eri didn't bother to wear any underwear today...why a little girl like her had a fat cock in the first place as it was coated in nothing but sweat, with droplets of such ran down her massive Loli dick and clouds of steam coming out of it. All the veins that she had on her oversized futa cock were so distracting, same with how she had so many pubes to form a bush on her crotch. Mirko had so many questions, but the one that had her mind thinking was the fact that her cock was covered in so many kiss marks. Some fine red kiss marks from whoever wore a lipstick for Eri to mark her cock with all those wet and sloppy kisses on every inch.

Mirko ended up frozen in place while she looked at it that Eri herself had to shake her to make her snap out of her thoughts, Eri said, "Miss M-Mirko...Are you really okay? Can we continue with the exercise...?"

Mirko shook her head again to stop getting distracted by the hung Loli cock in front of her, she replied, "Okay...J-Just get another pair of trousers so we can continue alright?"

Eri got a little nervous as she realized she had no more exercise clothes and just said, "I...I don't think I have another pair, Miss Mirko. The ones you gave me were the only ones I had..." Eri tried to think of what to do until she found herself being way more comfortable

when walking around without her trousers. Even when her cock hanged out like that, she felt more flexible. Eri said, "W-Wait! I think I'm fine without the trousers! Look, I can walk around with no issue! It's so much breathable now, and way comfier too! Those clothes were too tight for me, Miss Mirko...I think I could exercise without them on"

Mirko sighed, "Fine...You can keep exercising without trousers, only because it's just you and me okay? You shouldn't be walking around naked in front of others" The two of them continued their exercise like usually, Mirko trying not to bring up the topic of her fat futa cock hanging between her legs as they did the same exercises from yesterday, not even a minute passes after they started training with Eri being pantless...and her entire home gym was filled with the musk of Eri's cock. That strong smell was fucking with her head again, however, Mirko questioned why the smell was spreading so much after she took a shower yesterday? It didn't make any sense to her why she would end up smelling so bad after a shower, it should be the opposite. Regardless, she let Eri get in the treadmill and continue their training before the two of them can talk about it.

The Rabbit Hero could barely even train when she had to watch over Eri and her cock, she just couldn't focus when Eri's cock swayed around like that and especially on top of the treadmill. When Eri jogged, her semi flaccid cock kept slamming down against her juicy thighs, making a constant slapping sound with her dick. The meaty claps kept Mirko watching how her cock bounced against her won thighs and so did her balls as she couldn't control where they were going when she jogged so it was all clapping sound of her cock against her legs. It was followed by the clap of her own cheeks which were way too bouncy for a girl her size, Mirko still couldn't believe the way Eri's body was built. Despite of how petite she was, she was a full on heavy bottom with cock and everything. Mirko couldn't keep watching her futa cock like that, she decided to get some exercise done herself. She picked the same weights from yesterday and decided to just get it deal with already in the middle of Eri's training.

Once she bent over to grab the weights though...She watched the shadow of Eri's cock towering over her as Eri came to watch her lift the weights. Her cock fully covered in foreskin, twitching in front of Mirko while her vision was covered by both her girth and her pair of sweaty and hairy Loli nuts. That smell was just ridiculous, same with the size of her cock being able to cover her whole vision. However, Mirko decided to fully ignore those things and act professional in front of Eri...even with all that thick pre that was oozing out of Eri's cock, inches away from falling on top of one of her rabbit ears. Mirko asked, "...W- What's wrong, Eri? Why are you...staring at me when I do weight lifting?"

Eri stuttered, "I-I finished jogging, Miss Mirko! I wanted to ask if you could, uhmmmm...h- help me with my sit ups, please? It's pretty hard for me to do those on my own..." Mirko sighed as she agreed to help her. She watched Eri get down on the floor while she took a hold

of her feet to make sure they were position correctly. Mirko was barely paying attention to Eri's progress though, her eyes were glued to that veiny Loli dick in front of her that was going back and forth...Coming closer to Mirko whenever Eri did a sit up and had the smell of her musk attack her nostrils. She had to get herself together, if she started thirsting for Eri's cock she would end up being a horrible tutor. But...No matter how hard she tried, she always ended up ogling at her cock. There was even drool going down her mouth while she watched her cock go up and down like that.

All that Mirko heard was Eri grunting as she did the exercise, only keeping a watch at her futa cock while it oozes more precum. She didn't even realize how much time passed since they began doing this exercise, so much that Eri was again the one to snap her out of her thoughts. "M-MISS MIRKO! I-I ALREADY FINISHED! C-Can we do something else now?" Eri raised her voice, that was how distracted Mirko was. She spent like 20 minutes staring into her veiny, and sweaty cock without realizing how long she has been on this position. Eri got back up as she already has done her sit up a long time ago, while Mirko was still trying to recover from being frozen like that just ogling at her cock. Eri asked, "What's next, Miss Mirko...?"

"W...We're done for today. I'm getting a bit too distracted myself, I don't wanna give you a bad example. Not to mention you have to get used to this little by little, so small training sessions like these are good for you to learn how to exercise" Mirko said, crossing her arms as she tried to act professional again. Her bust pushed up by her arms as she looked proudly at Eri.

Eri asked, "Uhm...Is it okay if I stay like this? No trousers or anything? It's pretty uncomfortable to try and tuck it behind clothing, and it's pretty hard to walk around with it..."She asked so innocently, with her hands covering her dick in "shame". She was looking up at Mirko, hoping to get her permission to walk around bottomless around her apartment.

Mirko rests her face against her gloved palm as she sighed, "...Fineeeee. Just because it's more comfortable for you. But only in the apartment, you'd have to dress up if you wanna go anywhere okay?" Eri nodded as she walked out of the gym, her dick bouncing between her legs with each step that she took. The pro Hero let her be and just continued her day like normal...It simply was impossible for her to actually avoid eye contact with her cock, though. Whenever she looked at Eri, it was her fat musky Loli cock that took the spotlight. Whenever she sat down and her balls rested on one of her fancy chairs and left behind a mark of sweat behind, or when they ate dinner and her cock was placed to the side while she ate food. She was being flashed all day by her cock, and distracting Mirko too many times that she didn't pay attention to the passage of time. "Crap, it's nighttime already! Eri, it's time for your shower!"

"U-Understood! I'll get washed right now!" Eri exclaimed, getting up the table and heading to the bathroom. However, Mirko was following her this time, Eri asked, "Uhmmmm...? Why are you following me?"

Mirko exclaimed, "To watch over you, of course! I'm worried that you're not washing properly, especially with...that smell" Eri silently nodded as she let Mirko follow her to the changing room. She only had to take off the top of her exercise clothes before entering the bathroom. All while Mirko had to fully undress before she joined her inside the shower. The tan-skinned bunny stepped naked into the shower, her breasts wobbling around like the hefty pair of pro-quality melons they were. Those fat tits towered over Eri who was way shorter than her, her strong figure standing out next to the young girl who only started training a few days ago. Mirko looked down at Eri to see how she took her shower, however...She had a condom around her cock after entering the shower. Mirko exclaimed, "HUH?! Where did you...! Why do you have that on you?!"

Eri replied, "I, uhm...Don't want to clog the drain. I have to always be wearing one of these to avoid that" The white-haired Loli tried to turn on the shower, Mirko had way more questions to ask her but...The shower wasn't even turning on.

Mirko quickly checked it to see what was wrong with it, taking a closer look as she said, "It's broken...? When? Why? Useless pipe system I swear..." She stood back up, hands on her hips as she loudly sighed, "Uggggh...Whatever. We can shower tomorrow. You can go to bed, Eri. It's past your bedtime" Mirko placed back on her clothes as she went into her room to go back to sleep. Eri on the other hand, she didn't bother to place back the top on and just went to her own room without a single piece of clothing on her. Mirko and Eri "slept" for the night...


The Rabbit Hero woke up in the middle of the night, she needed to get something to drink...Something cold, her body kept feeling all hot from everything that happened today. She walked past Eri's room without paying too much attention until her rabbit ears picked up the sounds of fast and vigorous slapping sounds. Mirko felt confused, she didn't hear anything like it before. It was the first time she heard that in her apartment, and it definitely wasn't ghosts. She got closer, her bunny ear placed against the door as she listens to that strange smacking sound that came from Eri's room. She waits in front of Eri's room for at

least 30 minutes, trying to figure out what even was causing that sound in the first place. That was until she heard someone groaning before all the sounds stopped.

It sounded like someone was struggling with something while they slapped something extra wet...Mirko sneaked inside after waiting a few more minutes to make sure she didn't wake up Eri. Mirko hasn't been into her room since the day she arrived, so she wondered how it looked after two days. When she went inside, her whole body froze in place. It all smelled like the musk of her cock, the closest thing she could compare it with was the smell of a dirty alley. Eri littered the cute room that Mirko prepared for her with so many used condoms, onaholes, and even cum tributes with pictures of women she couldn't even recognize. She corrupted the cute room she gave her, the bunny decorations not being set right with how much she has done inside her room in just two days. Mirko felt pretty grossed out and upset at Eri for making such a mess, she walked inside her room trying to avoid stepping on any of her used condoms or onaholes to reach her and try to wake her up.

"E...Eri...! We're gonna have a talk...!" Mirko whispered as she tried to shake Eri while she slept. However, she ended up getting distracted again as her cock swayed as well when she shook the young girl around. Eri's Loli dick rested on top of her stomach, going all the way up to her chest. With how little light there was in her room, Mirko started to ogle at her futa cock again in the dark as she watched it twitch. Once again, her instincts got the better of her and she ended getting closer to Eri. She laid to her side as she took a peek of how her fat Loli dick oozed precum all over herself. She ended up getting close enough to hear the loud churning of her balls as they produced the fattest fucking loads inside them while she slept. Even while asleep, Eri managed to get her drooling for her futa cock.

Before Mirko did anything too stupid in the middle of the night, she decided to hold back and just leave Eri alone...In her way out though, Mirko leaned over to pick up one of her condoms and take it with her for some investigation of her own. She wanted to know more about Eri and her oversized Loli dick, why it smelled the way it did and...why Eri of all girls? She went back to her room, she placed down the sample of Eri's condom on top of her nightstand. She turned on the little lamp she had on top of it to take more clear view of her filled up condom. It was 99% more cum than condom at this point, she couldn't see through her cum at all It was far too thick for her to properly see it. All she knew was that it sure was potent with how much it stretched out the condom, it was basically a balloon with how filled it was. "Goodness...That girl can produce this much? It's probably part of all those experiments she went through, poor Eri...Wish I could do something for her. Maybe I can send this to a laboratory to get more info about this..."sample" of hers. I really need some rest first...." Mirko said as she turned off the light and laid down on bed to get back to sleep, she actually forgot to get something to drink in the end thanks to the shock of finding Eri's messy room was.


The next morning, Mirko woke up with her sight completely blocked off. She could barely see anything but veins of some kind. Then, after giving it a little whiff she figured out that it was Eri who was on top of her and resting her cock against her face. "E...Eri...? What's going on here...?!" She exclaimed, she was caught of guard by the sudden invasion of the hung Loli into her bedroom.

Eri rubbed her sweaty Loli cock all over her face, spreading the scent of her musk on Mirko's nose and lips. She stated, "You stole my condom, Miss Mirko...I thought you were a pro Hero, why would you take it without my permission? I never said you could take those... Do you know how valuable they are to me? Miss Midnight said that the quality is so good, there should be a line of people buying it. She even offered me several millions of yens if I were to fill dozens of condoms for her. Stealing is bad, Miss Mirko..." Eri continued to gently poke her face with her dick, slapping it with her meaty Loli cock as she expressed how mad she was at Mirko for stealing her used condoms. However, she ended up getting an idea from all this. Eri said, "Hmmmmm...I know! You can pay for your crime if you let me have "fun" with you, Miss Mirko! I heard somewhere people can pay with their bodies if they don't have enough money so...Since you took that condom, you will be paying for it! You can wash my cock with your mouth and and! Hmmmm, maybe I can use all your other holes too! You can use your delicious brown tits to make me cum and also bounce on my dick when I tell you to!"

Mirko's jaw dropped hearing the type of language that Eri used towards her and how she referred to her, she stuttered, "H-Huuuh?! Who taught you that...? W-Whatever! You're only a kid, there's not much you can do..." She didn't take whatever Eri was saying seriously at all as she kept going on with all the things she wanted to do to Mirko. However, she was going to have to take her seriously once little Eri had her hand pulling back on her foreskin. Mirko's nose instantly detected the rancid smell coming out of her cock, it was leagues above the natural musk outside of it. She saw the cheese-covered tip of her cock that hid under all that foreskin, pubes that were stuck under it and just...the sudden release of her potent smegma scent in front of her face. "G-GGH...! W-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! UGGGGHHH, IT'S SO GROSS! E-ERI YOU....YOU GOTTA GET OFF ME NOW!" Exclaimed Mirko as she tried to push her off. However, her attempts to push Eri off her body failed completely as she remained sitting on top of her boobs like she owned them. The way other heroes described her as a docile and weak little girl couldn't be more than wrong as Eri refused to get off and had the busty bunny hero pinned down with her fat cock and her hefty Loli ass.

"Hehe, I don't think so Miss Mirko! I'm not going anywhere until you promise me that you'd pay for the stolen condom with your body for the next three days and letting me use you whenever I fee like it!" Eri said while she giggled, she still acted so innocent even when she

was forcing Mirko to accept her unfair terms and conditions. Mirko clenched her teeth in frustration, she was disgusted by her idea... Yet, couldn't do anything about the hung little girl pinning her down against her own bed leaving her with no option but to agree.

Mirko sighed, her eyes looking away from her cock as she said, "F-Fine...I am your tutor so this already became my problem the moment you arrived her..." Mirko's animal senses were burning with the scent of her smegma coated cock, she could barely handle having that thin in front of her face. Even with her huge ego, Mirko ended up being too intimidated by the hung Loli to say no to her. Eri smirked from ear to ear after hearing Mirko agree with her.

Eri said, "Good! Your first task should be, uhmmmm...Oh, I know! Start cleaning my dirty Loli dick immediately, you shameless fucking bunny bimbo~" Mirko's eyes widen with the language Eri kept using, she went from the shy and sweet girl she thought she was into being a complete pervert. The Rabbit Hero rolled her eyes to the side and got started with the "cleaning" of her cock...Her tongue got the first taste of the bright yellow dick cheese covering the tip, it was far saltier than she thought it was. And was far worse for someone with an animal quirk like her with her enhanced senses making it far worse than it really was. Eri was enjoying herself when seeing the way the tanned bunny struggled with her dirty Loli dick, how she was trying to keep a fair distance between her lips and her cock with just her tongue doing the cleaning. She looked way too happy while she cleaned her dick, the happiest she has ever seen her actually.

Her tongue ran in circles around her dirty cock, trying to remove as much of her dick cheese as possible. Her tongue could only ever hold so much smegma on it, though...It was stacking on her tongue. Mirko visibly tried to spit it away from her mouth trying not let that vile flavor get inside her mouth. However...The playful Eri went and gave Mirko some of her "Love taps" to encourage her to keep cleaning. It involved her cock being pushed forward and forcing Mirko to actually kiss her smelly tip with her juicy tanned lips, making her taste that smelly dick of hers to its full glory. They were barely taps, though...Eri was actually smacking her pretty lips with her cocks, having her stretch them out for her unwashed Loli dick while giving her a nice mouthful of it. Eri giggled, "Hehehe...You're lips are soooo nice, Miss Mirko! They're great to slap my dick on them! They're soft, bunny bimbo pillows with each kiss you give me~"

Mirko glared at her while she had to go through having her face smack by her musky and dirty cock, now her lips had that disgusting taste all over them that she couldn't spit out that easily. Mirko continued with the cleaning, as disgusting as it was she had to get her disgusting Loli cock fully cleaned up. "M-Mmmmmmhhhhllll! SSSSHLUUUURRRRRRRRPPPP!" Mirko slurped on her cock with her lips stretched forward, she cleaned her cock with the loudest and most disgusting sounds as she tried not to cry with how bad her smegma tasted. She eventually pulled away, there were pubes that were

sticking on her lips from the ones that were stuck in the smegma as well as her breath getting all hot and smelling just like Eri's cock. Mirko was ashamed of how she must look after cleaning the brat's cock, but whatever got her off her chest and let her breath...

The hung brat indeed stood up after Mirko finished cleaning her cock, she kept that wide smirk on her face all the time after. She loved seeing the layers of saliva that Mirko covered the tip of her cock with, with no smegma to be seen...They moved onto breakfast after their wild morning. They ate together like normal until Mirko saw Eri glaring at her, she asked, "W-What?"

"Bad Mirko! Don't you know animals don't eat on the table?! Don't be disgusting and get down on the floor right now, be the feral animal that you are and just eat on the floor!" Eri exclaimed. Her comments getting on Mirko's nerves as she tried to argue back at her.

Mirko replied, "E-ERI! THAT'S NOT OKAY! PEOPLE WITH ANIMAL QUIRKS HAVE RIGHTS TOO! J-JUST BECAUSE I HAVE ANIMAL EARS THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME AN ANIMAL! YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE!" However, Eri didn't seem to be too sorry about what she said. Instead, she seemed more proud about how she treated Mirko.

The little hung girl said, "You're getting all your nasty bunny fur on the food...An animal is an animal! Get down before you make me inhale your rabbit fur!" Mirko tried to say something else but Eri just kept interrupting her, "No! You're supposed to be the adult here, no? Then be responsible! Know your place already, you bunny bitch..." Mirko clenched her fists as she ended up going down on the floor and crawling her way towards Eri. The hung Loli placed down Mirko's plate on the floor next to her swaying cock, letting the precum drip on top of it as the "seasoning" for Mirko's dish.

She ended up eating it while Eri happily swung her feet up and down while enjoying her food by herself while the "animal" finally started to eat on the floor. Already, their normal days as tutor and student were far off rails with Eri taking control. She dragged Mirko by her hair after she was done eating to the gym room, as their training was next in their busy schedule. The Rabbit hero ended up coming to a realization, though. "W-Wait! Why do YOU need to train, Eri? You're already really strong at your age, you don't need this!" Mirko asked. She couldn't understand why someone who would overpower her in bed and have her agree to please her had to train with her in the first place.

Eri answered, "Oh, yeah...I still need more strength and stamina though! The more energy I have, I'll be able to fuck better and last longer! Miss Midnight told me so...She taught me a lot of things until I had her turn into my toy too, she really had no idea who she was dealing with hehe~" Mirko got up, one hand cleaning herself from being dragged on the floor as she decided to continue her training with Eri. It was still her responsibility to make this brat stronger, even when she was clearly stronger than her somehow. They had their morning stretches first, followed by Mirko getting down on the floor and doing some sit ups by herself for Eri to learn...

However, Eri didn't really want to learn. And instead, decided to "help" Mirko with her own training. She laid next to her, her semi flaccid Loli dick standing tall and proud as it throbbed next to the hard working bunny. Eri said "That looks too easy...I know, you should be doing them while deep throating my cock! That should help you build more strength no? Training your body and mouth will make you an even stronger hero!" Mirko didn't seem like a big fan of her idea, but she kept swinging her cock from side to side while Mirko tried to concentrate that she would eventually do as Eri told her to and accept Eri's "help" with her exercises.

Mirko was starting to do the push ups in front of Eri and her sweaty futa cock, her mouth wide open as she took her cock inside her mouth. She only ever had the tip of it since this morning as she had to clean it...But now it was all coated from the sweat of the exercising that it was once again too salty for her taste. The Rabbit Hero could barely do it with the stupidly huge girth of her Loli cock, her mouth wasn't made to have such fat cocks inside of it....Especially not Eri's who surpassed any other cock she has ever deepthroated. Her head bobbed as she went down her cock with her push ups, Mirko wasn't even going down enough for her to be properly doing the push ups at all. She would only go down slightly with her mouth getting stuck with the first few inches of her cock. "M-Mmmh...! Gggghhh...." Moaned Mirko while still on the push ups position, she wasn't even moving at this point and just slobbered all over her tip instead. Eri sighed, disappointed in Mirko for not even doing the exercise right.

"Why aren't you going lower...? I thought you exercised every day, Miss Mirko...Is my cock too much for you? I expected more from the number 5 Pro hero..." Said Eri while looking up at the weak Pro hero with her mouth stuffed with her Loli cock. One of Eri's hands approached Mirko, she grabbed a handful of her beautiful white bunny hair before she began pulling on it and forcing her down the rest of the inches of her cock. Before she knew it, Mirko was being face-fucked by Eri. The size of her hand didn't matter with the crazy grip she had with it, being able to push her up and down her cock with ease.

Her throat was stretched out and pounded several times by her oversized Loli cock, all that Mirko was able to say about the matter were her muffled groans, "MMMMMGGGGHHHHHHH! MMPPPPPPHHHHHHH!

GGGHHHHHHHHHHHRHRGUGHGHHHHGHHHHH!" Saliva flew everywhere on her cock as she smacked the face of the pretty rabbit hero against her musky crotch. Getting some of her white pubes stuck between her juicy tanned lips as she made her deepthroat every inch and cover it with her saliva. Mirko was overwhelmed by the size and taste of it, it was already making itself home down her throat with how much it throbbed. She could already feel the precum oozing down the walls of her throat as Eri face fucked her.

Eri watched her eyes role to the back of her head whenever she pushed her all the way down to her hairy crotch, her throat bulging with her massive Loli dick. Her balls smacked Mirko's chin while she humped her face, letting her know who was in charge with her heavy and pent up nuts smacking her. Eri groaned with the soft lips of Mirko kissing the base of her cock while the rest of her inches got to feel the warm and wetness of her throat. Eri held onto her bunny ears as she moaned, "NNNNGGGGHHH CUMMINNNGGGGG~!" Mirko felt the churning of Eri's balls against her chin moments before her thick and sticky Loli cum went down her throat, painting her throat fully white as she was forced to taste and even gulp all that semen down her throat. The excess ended up spilling out both her mouth and her nose as her tar-like Loli jizz was unable to fit all in one place. Mirko looked like some cheap slut with all that cum running down her nose and lips, really showing how pent up Eri was to release insane amounts of semen inside her.

Once she pulled Eri away from her cock, the Rabbit Hero ended up laid on the floor while she tried to recover her breath. She struggled to breath after Eri fucked her like that, she groaned, "Ugggghhh....I can barely move a muscle, my body can't...huffff, handle that kind of movement...." She was visibly tired, which only ended up disappointing Eri further.

The little girl ended up shaking her head from side to side as she said, "Really? That's all it takes to tired out the top five hero...? How are people supposed to feel safe if one large futa cock can tire you out? Nuh uh! You gotta try harder! Get up and do some squats!" After a few minutes of rest, Mirko ended up listening to Eri as she would stand back up and start doing some squats...However, Eri stopped her right before she began as she tugged on her shorts. Eri said, "No bottoms! You have to be able to squat bottomless, with your ass cheeks fully spread out and going all the way down the floor! Okay?"

Mirko took off her shorts to let her wide rabbit ass out, letting Eri watch the droplets of sweat on her ass run down her tanned cheeks as she began doing the squats that Eri forced her to do. It was easier without a cock right in front of her, being able to make her ass go all the way down and then getting up from least for the first few squats. Eri wanted to help Mirko again, and have her easy exercises be more of a challenge. She was laid down behind her, having the Rabbit Hero's dumptruck drop down on her fully erected cock. Mirko yelped as she felt the sudden warmth between her ass cheeks, she didn't see her sneaking up behind her like that. She was doing her squats slowly, as that was the way she has always done her

squats...That and it was troublesome for her to be dealing with her fat Loli cock while she was doing them. Mirko groaned, ", two....three, four...."

She was dropping down her ass while counting the number of squats she was doing, her fat ass wobbled around her meaty Loli dick as she did her exercise. Eri would feel how both ass cheeks of Mirko's trapped her cock right in between them, feeling rather pleasant...But not enough to keep Eri entertained. "This is sooooo boring! Can't you do this any faster, fat ass? Ugh! You suck at this! Forget the training, Miss Mirko...We need to seriously work on your dick taking skills this instant!" Eri exclaimed while sounding incredibly annoyed.

"D-Dick taking skills? That's not what pro heroes train fo—EEEEEEEK!" Mirko was interrupted in the middle of her squats by Eri herself as she swiped her feet. She made the Rabbit Hero fall all the way down, with her asshole being fully spread by her gargantuan cock. Mirko ended up sitting on top of her crotch, her pucker stretched the fuck out by her girth. She could barely feel her legs after falling on top of Eri like that...And it wouldn't stop with just Eri going balls deep in her anus. The hung Loli began to thrust like crazy against her ass, slamming her hips stronger than any villain has ever smacked her before. Eri was able to lift all that ass meat despite the size difference between the two, the brat making it all bounce for her cock. Mirko yelled, "A-AAAAAAHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK NNNGGGHHH HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?! UGGGGGHHHHHHH Y-YOU SHOULDN'T BE STRONGER THAN ME, THIS IS RIDICULOUS...!"

But she indeed was...Eri could just make that bunny hop on her crotch and watch as her ass cheeks get ripples all over them with how powerful her thrusts were. Her tanned bunny cheeks wobbled like pudding, clapping together thanks to Eri slamming her cock balls deep into her ass. It was her punishment for being so weak, being forced to get more "stamina" herself with the help of Eri and her veiny Loli dick. "SHUT UP AND TAKE IT, YOU FAILURE OF A HERO!" Eri exclaimed her little hands grasping Mirko's wrists while pulling on them when fucking her from behind. Mirko's legs felt incredibly numb with Eri humping her like that, the Rabbit Hero clenching her teeth again with drool running down her mouth when taking her cock for what felt like hours.

Eri ended up pulling out, having her cock rest between her juicy ass cheeks as the precum spilled all over her cheeks. Eri panted as she felt satisfied with that exercise of lifting the weight of a pro hero's fat ass. Mirko on the other hand had enough of this training of hers and got up, she groaned, "Nnngghh...T-The training is over, Eri! I need to rest..." She started walking away on her wobbly legs, her thick thighs trembled as she could barely stand up after being fucked like that. Her anus gaping after taking Eri's cock like that, and her pussy spreading down her juices on the floor with how weak she felt after that. However...Eri wasn't done with her at all. The training wasn't over for her.

The little girl went and ran towards Mirko, her small yet powerful hand went and slapped her naked brown cheeks with all five fingers of it. The slap echoed through the room, and both of her ass cheeks wobbled together with just that single slap. Eri left a bright red handprint on her right cheek, a painful mark as Mirko froze in place after being smacked like that. With Mirko stopping on her tracks, Eri continued to slap her ass cheeks around as if they were bongos for her to play. Her small Loli hands were slapping around that huge tanned ass of hers, and having them jiggle all over with ripples going through her whole bunny dumptruck. Those painful slaps resulted in Mirko moaning out of the sudden, Eri's painful smacks were becoming pleasure for the shameless rabbit hero. No one has ever played with her ass like that before...She just ended up accepting it. Again, Mirko dragged her by her long white hair as if she just were her doll. "N-Nnnngghh fuck...stop pulling on my hair!" Groaned Mirko. Eri dragged her wherever she wanted as she forced Mirko to come to her room.

"It's your punishment, Miss Mirko...Skipping training isn't allowed!" Eri said. Mirko was able to finally see her room without it being the middle of the night, getting full detail on her little fuck cave that she has made this last couple of days. The musk smell was stronger than before, with more cum stains on the walls, the floor, and even on her bed. But those weren't even the worst parts of her dirty Futa room, but that she could finally see the pictures that she has been jerking off to. Somehow Eri got photos of Mirko herself, ones that were taken from behind for her fat ass to be in full display while she wore her hero suit on. The picture was really sticky with Eri's cum dripping from it. Before Mirko could say anything about her gross and messy room, Eri slapped her fat bunny ass once more and exclaimed, "What are you looking at?! Get on the floor already! Kneel in front of my bed now!"

Mirko yelped "E-Eeek! Okay okay, no need to order me around jeez...." Mirko got on her knees, right in front of Eri's bed. The Rabbit hero watched how the hung brat climbed on top of the bed and placed a condom around her veiny dick, then, she grabbed one of the onaholes on top of her bed and went all out immediately. She didn't even built up to it, she just slammed her oversized Loli dick into the sex toy and stretched the fuck out of it, the tightness of it getting Eri to grunt and moan as she humped it. Eri did it with her back turned on Mirko and having her watch how her balls swung all the way up before slamming down onto the onahole. Her pent up nuts bounced like crazy against the onahole while Eri used it...Mirko didn't understand why she did this, or why she needed to watch her slamfuck some onahole. She asked, "E-Eri what are you..."

Eri didn't let Mirko finish her question in time before she ended up cumming inside of the Onahole, her thick Loli cum ended up filling the condom that covered her cock. Mirko's question got fully ignored by the sound of her bed creaking and her balls slamming the onahole while she came inside it. She pulled her cock back, showing Mirko the hanging sag of cum on the tip of her dick, the inflated condom towering over Mirko as Eri said, "Hmmmm? Were you saying something? Sorry, got a little distracted there~ Anyways, I

won't longer be using those lame onaholes....YOU are gonna be taking their place from now on, Miss Mirko! That way I can fill up so many more condoms if I get to use the real thing~ Now, get on my bed already! We're starting with a few condoms~" Eri tossed the used condom on her cock away as she placed another condom around her cock. She was eagerly waiting for Mirko with a massive erection, so excited to feel that tight bunny cunt around her dick.

Mirko got on top of her small bed, she could barely fit in since it was meant for only Eri to sleep on. But since she ordered her to do so, she couldn't just tell her no. Mirko sweats nervously as Eri looked down at her with pure lust on her eyes. Without her shorts on, Eri was able to have instant access to her pussy. So, once Mirko was perfectly laid down on her bed...Eri just pulled on her legs as she placed Mirko into missionary. Her dick pushed all the way in, the hung little brat already balls deep as she stretched the tight walls of her pussy with her cock. Mirko didn't expect Eri to go in so quickly, but she should have after the little demonstration Eri gave her. She was gonna be treated just like her onahole, just because she wasn't a sex toy didn't mean that Eri couldn't turn her into one through slamming her against her small bed.

Eri watched as Mirko's breasts bounced with each thrust of her cock, and the clear bulge on her stomach every time she impacts against her womb with it. Mirko's eyes were already looking up as she felt the painful smacks of her Loli dick against her pussy, her walls clenched around that monster of a dick to try and stop it...But it only encouraged Eri to only push harder to reach that sweet sweet womb of hers and have her squirm around for her. Her churning balls made those juicy tanned cheeks their cushions every time she went all in, they wobbled in reaction to the powerful slams of her nutsack and cushioned them like the good fucking sex doll that Mirko was. Eri huffed as she felt her dick throbbing, indicating her that she had to let out another load. "NNNNNGGGGHHH TAKE IT YOU BUNNY SLUT.....!" Eri exclaimed, unloading her pent up load into the condom and inflating it nice and round with her thick Loli cum.

Mirko held onto the stained blankets of Eri's bed as she felt Eri cumming, even if she couldn't really feel any of the cum herself...The warmth of it and how the condom stretched inside of her was still something she could feel...And that was just the first condom, condom which Eri already went and threw away to replace it with a new one and keep fucking Mirko against her small bed. She barely gave Mirko a moment of rest with her cock going back at full speed, thrusting all the way into her womb with the only objective of bulging her stomach with the shape of her girthy Loli cock. She was gonna use several more condoms on her until she learns to get used to her new role as her personal onahole, Eri was busting out thick loads one after the other to fill a few dozens. Getting Mirko to feel the true strength that no other hero told her about, getting the whole bed coated in both of their sweat as Eri had all those condoms getting filled up with her virile futa load.

She spent at least two hours with Mirko on missionary, letting her feel her girthy cock throbbing and spurting loads into the condoms that protected Mirko's womb from getting impregnated by a brat like her. With how sweaty they ended up hitting the showers, Mirko finally had them fixed after all. She dragged Mirko wherever she wanted as she could barely even feel her legs after being fucked by Eri, her pussy still felt all heated up and stretched out. She stood behind Eri inside the shower as she struggled standing up with wobbly legs. Eri placed another condom around her cock, Mirko asked, "...W-Why do you keep wearing those inside the shower...?"

"I told you already, you bimbo...It's to stop the drain from clogging with my cum!" Exclaimed Eri.

Mirko crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow, she said, "I don't really believe that, Eri...E-Even after you filled all those condoms a few minutes ago I don't think the drain can be clogged so easily with that stuff..." She clearly didn't believe what Eri kept telling her, which only upsets Eri further and has her taking off the condom right away. Eri forced the bunny girl to turn around and push her against the glass of the shower, having her juicy tanned tits squeezed on it as her nipples rub on the glass with Eri getting her cock slipped in between her ass cheeks. Her small hands squeezed Mirko's ass cheeks around her cheeks as she made Mirko give her and assjob.

The hung Loli exclaimed, "THEN SHAKE THAT FAT ASS AND PROVE ME WRONG THEN! MOVE IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, AND MAKE ME CLOG YOUR STUPID SHOWER!" Mirko grunted as she pushed back on Eri's cock, getting all the inches squeezed right in the middle of her dumptruck. The droplets of water that fell on top of them bounced off Mirko's ass cheeks as she shook it all over for Eri to feel on her dick. Eri's hips pushed back with tenacity, she loved how bouncy her bunny cheeks were. So the more they bounced, the more her fat Loli dick throbbed with all that ass meat falling against her crotch and smothering her cock with it.

The wet slaps of Mirko's ass against Eri's cock echoed in the shower, they were so loud that Mirko got embarrassed with how much she shook her ass for the little pervert behind her. All while her tits were in full display against the glass as she tried not to slip in the shower, she could barely feel her legs after all the pounding from before...All that shaking ended up with Eri already feeling her climax coming up, with her veiny Loli dick smothered in that sea of tanned bunny ass the Loli ended up humping her from behind as fast as she could before she began to unload all over Mirko's back and on her ass.

Thick spurts of semen flew behind Mirko, with the cum being dragged away by the droplets of water that the shower spreads all over them. Mirko watched as her thick Futa cum was going down into the drain, all those thick and virile drops that belonged to Eri getting down the drain...Until they stopped. The drain was unable to take any further rope from Eri's fat cock that it ended up stuck, with the rest of Eri's semen overfilling it and unable to go down at all. Mirko was in disbelief seeing how her cum did actually ended up clogging her shower, Mirko stuttered, "H-HOW?! There's no way...E-EEEEEEEEK!" She got interrupted by Eri with another slap to her wide pro hero butt, having her fat ass continue to shake around her cock.

Eri said, "That's for not listening to me, stupid bunny bimbo! I told you my loads end up clogging the drain no matter what!" Mirko was left with yet another red handprint on her butt as proof of how rough Eri could be with her. At least they actually "showered" a bit, but probably in minutes Eri's cock would end up being sweaty again. Once they stepped out of the bathroom, Eri and Mirko went to their bedrooms...Or so would Mirko have wanted. Eri didn't let go of her, she would pull her back into her room and have Mirko sleep with her.

"H-HEY...! HERE'S NOT SPACE FOR THE TWO OF US, L-LET ME GO TO MY BEDROOM ERI...!" Mirko exclaimed, but would only be ignored by Eri who locked the door behind them.

Eri shook her head and said, "Nuh uh! You're sleeping with me, Miss Mirko...You promise! Three days is three days, and that also counts night time! Now lay upside down so there's enough space for me and my cock~"

"W-Wait...! I'm...I'm not ready for that. I don't think I ever had someone to sleep with like this before...Please reconsider...!" Mirko tried to convince her, which only ended with Eri forcing the Rabbit Hero to laid down just like she wanted. Eri didn't care about how single Mirko was that she wouldn't get to sleep the night with another person, and would just get on top of the small bed and just use Mirko as her bed instead by laying on her bulky bunny buddy. Eri made sure to laid down her cock and balls on top of Mirko, with her cock on the side of her face for Mirko to always look at it. And her balls right on top of her face to smother Mirko with them while they sleep, giving her something better than a facemask for her beauty sleep. And just as Mirko thought, barely minutes after the shower they already got sweaty...

Eri's cock produced so much warmth, it made Mirko felt strange having her pent up Loli balls all over her face. She felt Eri shuffle around, with her balls rubbing off against her right before Eri said, "Wait wait wait...I just had another fun idea! I'm gonna practice my bitch

taming skills with you until I get bored! It's uh...fingering and pussy eating mostly, hehe~" Mirko didn't seem to be quite fond of the idea as she tried to stop Eri from doing so by trying to push her off her. Her hands sunk on the bubble butt of Eri, unable to move the fat assed brat even an inch right before she began to practice her skills. Eri had two fingers go straight up Mirko's cunt, even if it was less overwhelming than having Eri's cock inside her. Two fingers still caused a reaction in her.

She pushed them in and out of her pussy, and every now and then just rubbing the entrance to see all those sticky juices coming out of her pussy. Eventually, she had three whole fingers playing with her bunny pussy. Mirko moaned under Eri's balls, "M-MMMHHHHH...! T- TOO MANY...!" She was muffled while she moaned, unable to get the attention of Eri as she played around with her cunt. Eri ended up getting her fingers all covered in Mirko's juices, the little girl began licking her fingers to taste the sweetness of her juices. She loved the taste of a mature woman's cunt, so what better way for her to get more than just going town with her pussy by eating it out?

Eri shoved her face against Mirko's wet cunt, her lips pressed on her pussy as she began eating her out. Her tongue pushed all the way in, twirling around the clenching walls and getting all there was to taste of her bunny cunt. Mirko squealed with Eri's needy mouth eating up her pussy like that, her toes curled in bliss as she could barely take the way she ate her out. She couldn't believe a girl her age even knew how to make her moan like a fucking bitch when eating out her pussy...Eri made out with Mirko's privates, getting sloppy with it with how deep her tongue could get inside of it. Mirko ended up squirting out like crazy. "NNNGGGGGGGHHHHH OUGGGGGHHH ERRIIIIIIIIIII FUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK NNNGGGGHHHHHHHHH CUMMINGGGGGGGG!" Orgasms Mirko. Even with Eri's ballsack in the way, she orgasms the hardest she ever had in her life.

That stupid hung Loli gave her one of the best, if not the greatest orgasm she ever had. The Rabbit Hero ended up passing out minutes after as her energy was completely drained from today, and she just needed to rest. Eri would do the same, and just remain on to of Mirko through the whole night.


What felt like a nightmare of day after, Mirko ended up waking up to what seemed to be her reality with Eri still sleeping on top of her. The smell of that musky cock and balls were real for sure, she could clearly see them in detail as they were resting on her face all this time. That veiny cock twitching against her face alongside the loudly churning Loli nuts that covered half of her face. "Mmmgghhh...E-Eri? Are you awake? Please...mmphhhh get these

stupid things off me!" Mirko exclaimed. However, the little girl remained fast asleep even when she tried to wake her up by shaking her and holding onto her bubble butt ass again. She really wasn't gonna wake up that easily...Mirko had to wait for her to wake up naturally while having to face Eri's hairy balls and steaming hot dick for at least a few more hours. With all the sweat dripping down onto her face, and even some of Eri's precum.

Eri woke up at least two hours after with an extra hard and throbbing morning wood, Eri didn't even warn Mirko before she slipped in her morning wood down her throat. First thing in the morning that Eri did was to start humping her face, even if she just woke up she was already so full of energy that she could swing her balls all the way up and slam them down Mirko's face. The Rabbit Hero ended up with her face upside down outside of the bed when Eri started humping her, getting constantly slapped by the fat sweaty sack of Eri over and over. Mirko could barely breath with Eri's balls being constantly smothering her while she had a mouthful of her sweaty Loli cock, Mirko groaned, "GGGHHUGGGGHHHHHHHH GRHGRGHRGUGHGHGHGHGHHHHH!" Unable to say anything back at Eri when she bounced off her pretty face with her dick balls deep in her mouth.

She had every inch of her cock lubed up by Mirko's saliva, all that drool of hers splashing everywhere just like the droplets of nasty ball sweat on Mirko's face. She spent half an hour humping Mirko's mouth before she felt ready to continue with their day. Even after Eri pulled her cock out of her mouth, Mirko still had her mouth wide open with her tongue slipping out and her eyes rolled all the way back. It took Mirko a while before she could say anything, " is your cock still so musky? I washed it yesterday, and we even showered!"

Eri giggled, "Oh! Hehe, that?'s my quirk's fault. Even when I know how to control it, at night it leaks out into myself and it always ends up making my cock back to being dirty the day after. Funny isn't it? I'm already feeling hungry, we should have breakfast soon" She got off Mirko's body as she stretched her own body after getting a good night sleep. Mirko on the other hand took several minutes to get up, her body still felt so numb after yesterday's workouts and today's facefucking from Eri herself. In the meantime, Eri wanted to surprise Mirko with something...She wanted to give her a better protein shake. The same carrot ones she always drinks weren't enough proteins to keep her strong, it was better if Eri herself prepared her one...

Mirko got up after she got her balance on her legs back, being able to walk to the dining room and see Eri holding her protein shaker. Eri handed it to her and said, "I made this just for you, Miss Mirko! I made it with so much love, please drink it down to the last drop pretty please~!" Mirko looked down to see nothing but Smegma filling the whole cup up, with some pubic hair sticking out of it. Eri pressured Mirko into drinking it down, even when she

hesitated the smirking brat standing so close to her with her cock rubbing between her thighs pushed her into drinking it.

"G-Ggghguhhhhh....nnggghhuggglglughhhhhh..." Mirko groaned as she lifted the protein shaker and began drinking it. She struggled with how thick her smegma was, all while she avoided swallowing any hairs even if they did end up sticking to her lips in the end. Mirko had her eyes closed when she drank it, being disgusted by how salty and disgusting it was... She kept the cup lifted all the way up as her smegma went down her throat, she drank all of it like Eri asked her to. Her breath turning up all hot again as she smelled like Eri's filthy cock. Mirko rubbed her wrists against her lips to take off any hairs that were still sticking out her delicious tanned lips before taking her authority as Eri's tutor, she said, "W-We need to start the training, Eri. No more playing around..."

"Sure thing, Miss Mirko! Just oneeee sec..." Eri said, placing another condom around her cock and continuing, "We should be filling more condoms today too~!"

"N-Not like that Eri...ugh, can we just do some normal workout first? Please...?" Mirko said. Eri sighed and just nodded in agreement. Letting Mirko start the usual workout as always. The bunny hero went ahead and laid down on the floor to do some sit ups, trying to get her mind off Eri's stinky Loli dick for at least a few minutes today...Not before she found herself facing Eri's hanging nutsack right above her face. The droplets of sweat were falling right on top of her face as Eri appeared to be doing squats on top of her. Each time she went down, her balls would end up resting all over Mirko covering her eyes and nose with them. It was annoying for Mirko who just wanted to do some sit ups but continued doing them.

Sometimes Mirko would end up doing them and just end up with a faceful of Eri's sweaty and disgusting ass in front of her face, her unwashed asshole covering her vision and just making Mirko squirm with the smell of it. After a few sets, Eri got impatient and exclaimed, "Ughhhh! So boring! I don't wanna do normal work out if you're not worshiping my cock!" Mirko felt annoyed at her for saying so, especially after yesterday where Eri herself punished Mirko for not finishing the workout. But the moment she decided to talk back at Eri, the brat went ahead and pulled one of her legs up. Mirko still didn't have her bottoms, so Eri had no issue slipping her cock inside her pussy once again. She had Mirko laid to her side as she stood up and humphed from the side. Still, those thrusts were able to shake Mirko's tanned tits from side to side while she watched Mirko clench her teeth in pain while taking her full cock inside.

At this point, Mirko felt like her pussy was already reshaped to the shape of Eri's cock and her walls struggling to go back to normal. They would still clench around Eri's cock and

squeeze on it naturally to milk the loads out of her Loli dick, even when it was against her will. Eri didn't care at all when it felt so good, being able to fuck the top five hero stupid with her cock was one of the best things to happen to her. Her throbbing cock spurting out pent up loads into the condom and filling it out in mere seconds, expanding it like a balloon inside Mirko before taking it out and quickly replacing it with another. Eri switched positions quickly, with Mirko suddenly on all fours. The strength on that brat wasn't to be underestimated, she was able to get Mirko on any position that she wanted.

She went doggystyle with the bunny girl, her cock still balls deep inside her wet cunt as her hips smacked and sunk into all that ass meat. Her thrusts had her tits swing back and forth as she was fucked like a mere animal, unable fight off Eri and her animalistic lust. A pro hero like Mirko was unable to keep up with the stamina of Eri, who only wanted to "train" for the only purpose of gaining even more stamina and being able to fuck the fat assed bunny stupid. Mirko could barely stay on all fours with Eri behind her, having her ass cheeks bounce against her hips. The clap of Mirko's cheeks against Eri's hips just echoed for hours inside the gym, with Eri finishing inside another condom and filling it up while humping her. Eri continued their sweaty fuck session by placing Mirko into a mating press once she got tired of her being on all fours, again, she tossed the condom away and replaced it with a brand new one. Mirko yelped, "A-AAAAAAAHH NOOOOOOO~! NOT T-THIS POSITION ERI PLEASE!"

Eri didn't stop and just slammed down her sweaty Loli ass on top of Mirko's, flattening her tanned ass against her white ass cheeks while her churning balls rest on top of her cheeks. Eri's stamina was only getting better with all the practice she was getting with Mirko, being able to bounce off her bunny ass while her cock was warmly welcomed by her wet pussy. Eri just couldn't stop herself from humping her like crazy and claiming that pro hero pussy as hers. Ripples went across both of their asses whenever they crashed together, Eri's bubble but being like a meteor falling down on top of Mirko's ass. The droplets of sweat from both their asses flew off with Eri's crazy fast thrusts, making the clap of their asses together sound so wet and disgusting...Yet, Eri just ended up more aroused hearing how their fat asses clapped together when mating pressing the rabbit hero on the floor of her home gym.

She dumped another load inside Mirko's tight rabbit cunt, letting yet another condom get filled with her thick Loli slop. Mirko wondered how Eri was even able to consistently produce such thick cum in the first place, how were her balls so full with loads that would get dozens of women pregnant if they were in contact with all the cum that she spurts out. Mirko moaned, "A-AAAAHHHHH E-ERI PLEASE...! I NEED SOME REST OR I'LL P-PASS OUT AGAIN! I...I NEED TO UNCLOG THE SHOWER AS WELL, P-PLEASE LET'S STOP THE TRAINING TODAY...!"

Somehow, Eri ended up getting convinced to allow her a break from all the fucking, Eri saw it as the "right thing to do" at least for now since she already filled quite a few condoms with her. She still saw herself as such a nice and sweet girl despite of how many times she has raped Mirko's pussy. Eri needed to get hydrated after all that excessive workout anyways...But she felt proud that she lasted more than Mirko as she clearly had no stamina left. The rabbit hero would eventually get back up, feeling how her pussy squirted out onto the floor while she walked around with her gaped holes as she tried to pass the rest of her day normally while taking a rest from Eri's filthy and veiny Loli cock.

That is until she got a message on her phone from Ryukyu herself, Mirko checked the message and read, "Hey Rumi! I hope you didn't forget about our plans tomorrow...Haven't heard from you in a few days so decided to send you a message to remind you I'll be visiting tomorrow. Lots of love and hope you have a goodnight sleep <3" Mirko panicked a little as she did indeed forgot that Ryukyu was visiting her tomorrow, all because of a hung little girl who couldn't stop fucking her and making her swallow her smegma.

Mirko quickly went and talked Eri about this, she said, "Eri we have visits tomorrow, please act normal around them okay? A-And dress up tomorrow as well, we don't want them seeing....that. And do me a favor, clean your room in case they go inside" Eri nodded as she went back inside her room and cleaned it up. She was still pretty responsible despite of her bad habits, Mirko felt glad at least...But once she was done cleaning up Eri dragged her back into her room and did the exact same thing she did yesterday to her pussy. With her practicing her fingering skills, and eating out her pussy until Mirko herself was the one that was getting Eri's bed sheets stained in her juices.


Mirko woke up with Eri's filthy cock yet again right on top of her face, she wasn't kidding that her cock would end up just as dirty thanks to her quirk rewinding it to its previous state...Mirko quickly slips out from the bed without waking up Eri as she got ready for Ryukyu's visit. She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed up casually to welcome Ryukyu. Once she heard the doorbell, she yelled, "COMING!" and opened it. She saw her fellow pro hero standing on the other side of the door, wearing her hero costume. Mirko asked, "Jeez Ryukyu...I thought I was the one unprepared..."

She replied, "Haha, yeah...I just think these are my prettiest clothes, you know?" Ryukyu walked inside Mirko's apartment. Her traditional qipao showed of her curvy figure so well, making her thighs and hips accentuate under the red dress. "I love the feeling of duty at all

times, and hey, you can't deny how pretty my hero costume is! Anyhow, how you been? I was wondering what you were up to that you haven't replied to my messages in days...."

"O-Oh that? Well, uh...I got a little busy, that's all. I had some work to do at home, nothing too important" Mirko said while she laughed awkwardly, she didn't want Ryukyu to know what she's been dealing with...It would be too disgusting to tell a friend in the first place. However, that would change while the two were too busy speaking and Eri finally woke up. Mirko hoped that Eri would act normal in front of the visits, but once she saw who the visit once she didn't hesitate and ran towards them while they were walking towards the living room. Eri extend her arm to the right as she spanked both of their clothed asses at once.

Eri exclaimed, "KNEEL DOWN, SLUTS!" Mirko's body reacted instantly, she was basically trained to listen to whatever Eri told her so her body would instantly be kneeling down for her. Seconds later she realized how she just did it right in front of Ryukyu, she was sweating nervously knowing that she was gonna be so weirded out by her and be hated for obeying a brat like her. That was until she looked to her side and saw Ryukyu basically placing her arms on the floor while she kneels in complete submission. Ryukyu was holding onto one of Eri's feet and kissing it, she was even smiling about it.

"R-RYUKYU WHAT THE HELL?!" Mirko exclaimed

Ryukyu looked at Mirko and said, "Wow, I didn't know you also were one of Eri's bitches! I should have know why you were so makes more sense now! I'm so happy to be able to share this happiness with you Rumi~" Mirko ended up more confused when being called one of Eri's "bitches", as if there were more than just her Ryukyu as well.

Eri laughed, "Hehehehe, yeah~ What did you think, Mirko? That I would only fuck you and Midnight? Bzzzzt! Wroooong~! I had Mount Lady mount my dick all night, Star and Stripe fly all the way from America to suck me off, Cow Lady, and even 10T!" While she bragged about all the heroes she fucked, Eri took off all her clothes at once, letting that musk scent spread all over the living room again. She continued, "I have many heroes who want my cock~ So, start undressing....NOW!" The two of them started doing so naturally, not even hesitating at this point as they placed their clothes in front of Mirko while they placed their heads down in front of their pleading hands on the floor after obeying her.

Ryukyu asked, "M-Master Eri...Can we that? You know the...the hero and villain roleplay?" While Eri nodded happily at her request, Mirko wouldn't get it until Eri herself

stood in front of them with her morning wood towering over them menacingly. Ryukyu herself said, "Nnngghh...Please, don't use use like your sex dolls you criminal...! A- Aaah...we won't give up against the likes of you"

"W-WAIT WAIT WAIT! YOU'RE ENCOURAGING HER TO NOT RESPECT HEROES WITH THIS! THIS IS DISGUSTING!" Mirko exclaimed as she expressed her feelings towards their disgusting little roleplay. But after she raised her voice, Eri just slapped Mirko with her cock for trying to get in the way.

Eri said, "Respect what? Your slutty bodies? Don't be silly, heroes are meant to be raped by villains Miss Mirko! Now because of that, you two are gonna clean up my smegma!" She quickly tugged on her foreskin, showing off the new batch of smegma that she got this morning thanks to her quirk. Ryukyu went right ahead and started slurping the tip all over with no shame, being followed by Mirko who got forced by Eri to be cleaning her cock with her tongue. The two heroes were made into the "villain's" cock polishers as she coated their tongues with her smegma, they were pretty quick at cleaning so the next thing she would do was to give each one of them the dicking of their life. She did of course put on more condoms so she could have even more semen for her to sell, but she wouldn't be focusing on just fucking one at the time. As all that practice she has done with Mirko helped Eri in learning how to use one hand to make needy sluts like Ryukyu reach their orgasm through mere fingering.

"A-AAAAAHHHH YOU VILLAIN, NOT YOUR—NNNGGGHH SEXY FINGERS, I'M CUMMING FOR THEM! I'M Y-YOOOOOURSSSS FUUUUUUUCK~!" Moaned Ryukyu, squirting all over the floor while Mirko's stomach got stretched out by Eri's dick and used to just fill up more of her cheap condoms. She would switch to Ryukyu with a new condom, and instead be fingering Mirko in the meantime. She had one of her arms cover her face while she drooled. The bunny girl ended up squirting just as much if not more than her friend as they had a massive puddle of their squirt all over the living room. Eri and Ryukyu forced Mirko to sit down on the dining table, with Eri standing on top of the table and having her fat and sweaty loli ass in front of her.

Ryukyu stood behind Mirko while keeping her on her seat while Eri began pushing her unwashed ass against her face, she said, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME, SLUT?! REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY!" She was interrogating her using her filthy Loli ass and making her huff it in order to get answers from her. Whenever she pulled her ass back, Mirko's eyes were crossed with her tongue slipping out of her mouth as she felt like she huffed something she shouldn't have.

Mirko answered quietly, "R...Rumi Usagiyama..." right before being smothered in Eri's sweaty Loli ass once again and being asked more questions.

"DO YOU HAVE KIDS? DO YOU LIKE BEING SPANKED? WHO OWNS YOU, HUH?" Eri asked while rubbing her ass all over her face, not letting her breathe for five whole minutes under her ass.

Mirko answered once Eri allowed her to, "N-Not yet...Yes, a-and....Y-You do E-Eri...." Both her living room, and even the dining room ended up with dozens of used condoms everywhere. All of which were full of Eri's superior Loli cum, and she wouldn't stop even after midnight arrives...She dragged them both into her room to continue fucking them after they get some rest.


There was no need for an alarm clock in Eri's room, as the sounds of Ryukyu's and Mirko's moaning were good enough of an alarm for her. Having them take turns riding her cock and watching how bulges out their stomachs with her massive Loli dick, she didn't need to watch any TV with her entertainment being the pair of fat mature tits bouncing for her as the pro heroes moaned her name. Mirko was hops on her cock like the good bunny she was, slamming her tanned cunt on top of her Loli dick and taking it all in, she moaned, "A- AAAAAHH NNNGGGHH ERI PLEASE LET ME ADOPT YOU! FUCK FUCK FUCK, I NEED IT. BE MY DAUGHTER PLEASE! I WANT YOU TO BE MY DAUGHTER AND GIVE ME YOUR COCK EVERY DAY, I'LL DO ANYTHING!"

"Mmmmhhh...Only if I get to be in control at all times, then I'd gladly let you be my mommy~" Eri replied, slamming her cock balls deep while holding onto her hips.

Mirko immediately answered, "A-ABSOLUTELY! Y-YOU'RE IN CONTROL ERI! I-I DON'T CARE IF MY APARTMENT ENDS UP LOOKING LIKE A BROTHEL ROOM, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. CUM IN MY PROTEIN SHAKES, FUCK ME IN THE GYM, DO WHATEVER JUST – NNNGGGHHH BE MY DAUGHTER!" Mirko was completely broken by this point, unable to think reasonably and just letting her instincts and needs speak for her.

Eri giggled as she started to fill yet another condom inside Mirko, "Good! I'm glad we're able to think the same, Mommy Mirko~"

End Notes

Story updates, life updates, etc at @3amseeddemon on twitter

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