Chapter 9: Chapter 8: 8th sector
I'll show them....
The flamed beibg gritted his teeth as he raised both hands in the air, flames circled around him till they circled beyond his height.
Flames spinning and spinning till it gleamed a foreseen light, tall as it is and rushing towards both.
Kirino said in astonishment, his eyes filled with absolute glory as this site was pretty insane.
"A Tornado!, a tornado! FIRE TORNADO'S EXIST?!"
Mori exclaimed as he points towards the huge thing coming closer and closer.
The two shoved themsekves out of its way as the fire monstrosity passes through as it them redirects towards them.
Do i really need to think, JUST FOR ONCE?!
Kirino mindfully said in his head, he isnt the type to want to deal with things where you gotta think during the fight instead of thinking before the fight. All he wants is action within chaos.
Kirino fired ice towards the flamed monstrosity but instead of absorping or melting it, the sheer speed of the circling flamed ended up making it orbit around it.
Then so on end it redirected the projectile towards himself.
He yelled out as he narrowly dodged it, as then then prepared to fire more.
"Not now!"
Mori pulled down his arm, as it then fired blankly onto the ground.
"Watch it will ya?!"
Kirino said as he is then pulled to the ground.
"Listen! We need to devise a plan."
Mori said
"A plan?! You think nows the time to plan?!
We've got a huge flaming asshole running around. At high speeds he'd most likely catch up with that long black thing of your's
I know what i am doing isn't that right?!---
"A simple but easy plan, doesnt that sound right?"
"You'll be the bait"
Kirino said towards mori's face
His face expressed in utter disbelief, how the hell can this person come up with a plan in the middle of a rant session.
"Now get the hell over there!"
He yelled out, mori starts following his idea and heads on to face it.
Mori stands there catching its attention, adverdingly its focus spanned towards him now standing. It wont move until mori does so as it noticed he is standing still.
Kirino viewing this from a far sneaks up to do what he is going to do.
Damn! Making me the bait, how the hell is he going to do it---
Ice then forms around the wide field as if compacting it like a contained specimen.
The flamed individual emerged up top to see a clear view of whats happening. Moment mori see's this he dashed towards left to
Distract it.
This better work! This better fuckin work!
He thought as he ran to the sidelines, whilst started being chased by the thing.
The fired up individual raised his fist adn spewed flames all around the closed up dome, in all attempts to melt their way put.
[Sizzling] Gah!
It yelled out as the dripping commences but it didnt matter. It will do anything to make it out of this trap.
Seem's like its working, might as well add in more touches.
Kirino thought as he could hear the yell and sizzling of fire, he then places both palms on the dome and rapidly as his ability flows to combat the flowing flame.
Mori screams but was then ignored, knowing he cant do anything at this point he stood and watched as to how this plan would work.
I need to do something.
Mori devised as he stepped forward and forward till he started dashing. His mind focused on finding a way to direct its attention towards himself.
Mori then started summoning bodyguards, he knew he can't tryo firing bullets in such an ice dome nor even the inoenetrable target.
The body guards were theb scrambling as part of mori's command of action.
Flame started filling the fields slowly as the flamed being quickly drew notice of this act.
The flame soonly and will surely reach mori, he stared up and yelled.
He retreated back until he was backed up to the sides of the dome. With no choice he summoned a body guard with an rpg to blast himself out of there.
The moment of truth as he was about to command it to fire, he felt a sensation as if he was unable stance for the get away.
As if he cant really move his legs. Staring down they were frozen, his eyes directed towards the other grounded fields, now also slowly being turned into ice.
The fire'd tornado then shifted towards stopping the ice but to no avail the ice around them started producing mist.
Mist scoured the field as only the sound of mist remained, cloudy towards his vision mori shot both the ice clusters trapping his feet and proceeding to move forward.
He heard it as if it was twice its sound, he see's a light slpqly dimming and dimming and followed by soared screaming as the the light dimmed away to just the bare minimum.
"What!" "How did you?!" "Theres no way!"
He sprawling ln the ground in pain, attempting to use its abilites, an individual with a seriously charcoaled appearance, he fell face down as he is truly in unbearable pain.
"Looks like my thinking worked"
Kirino jumped down to meet up with mori, he posed pridefully towards the now deep fallen individual he layed there as kirino stood top to him.
"So what was this all of a sudden?"
Mori questioned kirino
"Geez! Now i have to frickin explain all of this HELL!"
He fitted out, as he did not expected explaining as part of the outcome
He then fell into a sequence of ranting and complaining, most of it personal crap mori doesnt give a crap about, all he needs was how his plan got into motion.
He listened on as he tried to get an insight on how this even played out little by little he was able to descipher how he even did it in the first place.
The plan goes as simple
Create a dome like structure that is wide enough for someone to distract the enemy.
Focus first the ice by layering the dome tightly and packed with the ice's packed strength this would then make it harder and slower to melt the more itd concentrated.
He made about 8 layers all across the dome in order to ensure this would be guaranteed, the second act came next.
Once the 8th layers of ice was done, it was but a quick race to quickly manifest it towards ground before the enemy notices it.
Mori's role in the plan was crucial to ensure the flamed individual was to not focus on melting through the ice in order for kirino to finish up the 8 strong layers of ice.
Despite his weakness to water at that point the opponent was too determined to get out even going as far as risking to the weakness just to get out.
As soon as the ice manifested in the ground this would make an entrance towards the mist, as the opponent hurriedly would focus on melting away the ground.
Kirino would then have to rapidly spread icy mist throughout the inside of the dome incapacitating it and preventing the ice inside from melting, easily granting both for the win.
Mori all thought that out as he finished with the descipher, he sat down waiting till his ranting session finally finished.
Until then kirino finally hit the floor solid as he is pretty exhausted from the extertion of ice.
Mori pans over towards the now huddled up individual as he then pokes it with his feet.
He then saw, he then turned over to kirino to question him about what to do with the now
Defeated person
"What should we do with this bastart anyway?"
"I dont know, play with him"
"Seems about right"
Mori kicks it harshly, tilting it to the left.
"Oi! Oi! Oi! Play with us would ya?"
Mori starts preparing snowballs as snowfall then appears after such high quantities of mist.
He then aims carefully at the subject and the commences the first throw with bright force.
First one hits perfectly seamingly hitting its head
"Come on! Bring it on here!"
He yelled out challengingly and tauntingly
*Thud* *Thud*
Both lf which landing at its back and neck, still isnt moving, till the 4th throw
Growing and then screaming in utter ragingly despair as he attempts to run towards him only to be stopped forcibly face now hitting the snow.
A show now pushing his head towards the ground as he is then mushed side by side towards another using the feets direction.
Kirino now staring at him with a sinister yet satisfied face as his foot applies pressure as he then slides it alongside the individial still facing down.
"Now this is where the fun begins!"
Kirino's eyes turned wide as he his smile turned into an entertained twisted grin as he began stomping on the individuals head.
Gyah! Augh! Gaaahhh....
The individual screams as he trembles and yells out in pain.
Miyano starts directing his laughter away as he attempts to not laugh at the situation being funny.
Kirino still stomping on the guys head knows this isn't enough, and proceeds to grab him by the neck forcibly holding him up and making him face to him eye to eye, kirino taunts.
"The fight may be over but that doesnt mean we cant do shit for nothing!"
Kirino said as he smirked and laughed a bit, followed by a plead to end it all
JUst do it! I lost! End it all!
He started yelling as he is in unbearable pain.
Kirino tosses him aside throwing him across the dome as he tumbles due to the weakness he is experiencing.
Kirino scoffs and wipes off the frozen breath from his mouth he stares at wreched thing that is sprawling around in fear and agony then coldly states.
"Start running"
● ● ●
End of chapter 8