Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Clinging and burning
I messed up....
He's in unbearable pain, the coldness seeps through his wounds.
He see's the world in echoing chaos as he slowly panics, and panics as he dwelts into madness.
The sight of what was once supposed to be an average trip day was now the final day of a youth who now lays there grasping to move himself.
But pain seers through as he suffers through it all, it could not only feel as if this could be worse than this.
Man! Please i must be dreaming! Yes this is a dream!
This wasnt a dream, he cant accept he would go on like this, how come the blizzard tricked him into running into a ledge, he saw the light!
A light!
Unfortunately it was his mind. His own thoughts that betrayed him, how could he ever know such thing could happen?
Unfortunate indeed!, he is slowly dying and dying and dying till his last breath in agony, but why bother than just embracing the snow!
The bodies laying there.....
won't change for the better he's covered up at this point he's dead.
His body's all frozen up as pale as it is to be left much like to the appearance of a ghoul....
How oddly sad.....
He frozed to death, between hypothermia and his blood cells. Such a fate in this frozenly forest.
Who wonders what his last thoughts were, probably his family, his friends or maybe even his own self.
But most of all he had much in line for potential how grief it is that he would suffer such a fate.
Snow piles up his body as his body is guaranteed an appearance just like a ghoul
His pale skin lifeless his face lifeless his body gone cold.
How unfortunate.....
○ ○ ○
He yelled out loud
"That was frickin insane!"
Kirino said after yelling
"What the hell even happened there?"
Miyano replies back
"Either way, we totally wrecked the whole place"
Kirino said as both started laughing hysterically as they walked down the barren lands of this realm.
"Say you feel that?"
Mori said in question
"Yeah... i hear something too"
Tumbling crumbling down as they both percepted it.
They both felt it from behind, as they glanced at their opposite direction the buildings have started to crumble and tumble.
How chaotic was kirino's little game speaks for itself as both watched in amusement and moved on with their path.
"For sure we would find an opponent!"
Kirino yelled out pridefully
"Lets move!"
Kirino yelled out as he skated through the grounds using ice.
Mori now standing there, zones out for a bit only to realize he's being left behind he yells out and catches up by car.
"Hey! Kirino!"
"Let's stop here for a bit, i feel something for sure"
"Hm. Alright."
Kirino stops for the moment, glances at mori
He does also feel this weird sensation.
It wasnt the sensation of those buildings falling down back there but something far more different.
"Pretty sure were far back from that wreck over there, must be something else"
Mori said as he got out of the car.
Kirino stares upon in his left direction, giving eyes, eyes to whats over there.
"What the hell?"
He said as he pointed towards the thing.
To what he pointed was bright, flameful and full of flaming blaze. It was headed towards them as if it knows they are there.
Kirino yelled out in the most questionable manner
"Yo yo yo, let me try this one out"
Mori pushes kirino aside as he points a pistol at it, he then fires but nothing happens.
"Damn! Kirino do your thing"
He said as he assured him, blasting a chain of ice towards the figure ahead.
His face puzzled as to what just happened, his ice just melted what? How come?
Both now puzzled started aproaching it.
Kirino said the first thing they got close, upclose this guy was a living flame is he even alive or something?
Mori stares as his eyes could only question how bright this individual even is.
"What do you mean yo?"
It said in a questionable manner
"Listen, Sun face if your here to fight? COME AT ME!, BRING IT ON"
Kirino shouted out loud as he leapt towards it, attempting to clash with his ice but ultimately getting it melted the closer or even the times he got near him.
"Now thats rude! Attacking before introductions? Very very very RUDE!"
The flames around that thing got higher and higher as it prepares to engage in combat.
"Mind you ice isn't very good against fire, even at that you stilldare to challenge your own weakness"
It said as it saids firing bursts of flames at kirino
"Got it!"
The thing wonders what happened, as it spots a bodyguard holding an rpg it then flares it to dust.
"No way!"
"Kirino this assholes immune to explosions!"
"Wont work"
The firely individual pouted as it then engulfed the car, as it then starts targeting mori he ducks for cover as kirino starts building an ice wall.
The firely madness starts rushing around melting every piece it goes near as it leaps toward kirino grabbing him by the neck and crashing him onto the ground.
Now on a crater kirino kicks the thing off of him not minding the burning sensation he's currently experiencing.
"We need to think!"
Mori says
"We've got to distract him! Run around till he vomits or something!"
"Thats even more worse!"
Mori summons another limousine as he drives around the thing it then starts shooting flames at him.
All the while he's nearly getting burned and escaping the flames kirino fires a beam of ice at him.
He yells out loud as if scolding them suddenly.
Kirino and mori looked in surprise as he got damaged.
"What happened?"
"I dont know, must still have some sensation after it got melted"
"Try it again!"
Kirino fires again, only to realize he can still somewhat control the ice when it got liquidated.
"Hm, now thats interesting"
You fools!
It starts running around at high paces in order to evade the ice, now that kirino found something out.
Its racing and racing and racing till a circle of fire appears towards them, it rages on and on and on and on they need to think of a way out of this.
"Bullets wont work, the car wont budge, explosions nah"
"Listen, just use the ice and try to trap him insome sort of concoction."
"Chaos it is!"
Kirino starts catching up with the thing using ice although its melting he can still time his steps, his pace starts getting faster and faster and faster till he could catch up with the guy.
Kirino yells out as he got closer and summoned a wall of ice the liquid then capacitates its left leg.
It leaps behind kirino as it, throws high end flames.
The flames almost reaching him as he summoned a wall of packed ice keeping him stable for now.
The wall now slowly melting kirino then manifests a huge ice tower which then melts into liquid.
Kirino now in control of this starts shooting droplets, with no other choice the flamed individual starts running and dodging with its own might.
He wreaths in pain as some droplets catch up to him, it wasnt till the moment that kirino lost control of the remaining liquids which then drenches him.
He said as he spreads his arms wide.
Crap! This assholes drenched he might as well have an upper hand but i still have one more thing to try out.
"Hm?,giving up? You truly are some chicken GIVE ME A GOOD FIGHT!"
It screams as the floor starts heating, kirino leaps into the air making yet another ice tower which starts to melt quickly.
Upon closer inspection he notices the flames are coming through the ground.
"I'm in a tight situation too here!"
Mori yells as he is dangling in the edge of the tower.
"Damn! Full force it is!"
Both screamed as they start blasting their ability full force garnering both beams to fighting as to which one would strike first.
"The ice's melting!"
"That aint melting!"
The ice is started to evaporate this heats too much even towards the ice, no longer it was in to be a liquid now it shall immediately take the form of gas.
Shit! I have to focus on two subjects! Both this tower from melting and this fuckin asshole.
"Might as well, see who's winning!"
Kirino pouts
As the two's beam of both ice and fire grew stronger and stronger and stronger.
Bma bright light gleams throughout this battlefield as the flames grew stronger and the ice reflects more'r.
Mori could only watch as this situation is absolute chaos.
Heh heh hah hah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
The flamed individual laughed through his mind as he believes this was the edge of victory.
Kirino, then starts deviously laughing as if he saw something funny.
"What the hell?!"
He said as he still beamed ice
What the! Why is he laughing?! He thinks i'm a fool?! I'll show him---
The flamed individual flew back, he hit the ground and got back go his foot steps.
Kirino back flips and lands feet first perfectly on the ground, with his smiled look mori then lands perfectly as if his plan came perfect.
What did you do?
"If we cant damage ya might as well play with ya!"
Kirino said
He said in utter shock as both kirino and mori playfully gestured him to keep on fighting.
Are they insulting me?!
End of chapter 7