Revived Fates

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: The vain of Agony

" Start Running."

The phrase echoed across the dome, now panthing the individual quickly and forcibly got itself up despite the pain it ran.

It ran for its life eagerly reaching towards the sidelines in an attempt to escape the two monsters it saw.

Both kirino and mori watched on as it helplessly banged on the ice as they begin to sadisticly laugh.


They both were sadistically, maniacly, and ferociously as they watched on in entertainment as he exerted all effort to get out of there.

Kirino steps forwards towards it and raises his leg, pushing it towards his head keeping him in place there.

Ice them forms around his face as he is them leaning towards the ice face flat.

Kirini swiftly moves his arm exerting a noise that echoes around


A slap towards its backhead with the wimper of pain accompanied by it















Kirino ferciously and fastily slapped, punches scratched and did all sorts of things

To his helpless body he screamed and withered in pain and suffering as he experienced all this.

Kirino made laughs of excitement and satisfaction as he stared widely down on this wretch as he did as he pleased.

Kirino then grabbed him head on breaking the ice, then tossing him on towards mori's side.

Mori now his turn starts summoning bodyguards who then starting stomping on the ground flatted individual now suffering for the worse.

A fight now finished this was the cherry on top, this was the aftershow after the main course. This was the bonus to an extensive round.

He yelled yelled yelled yelled yelled as to ease his pain but it did'nt make any thing of a difference, all he could face is to suffer.

This game played by no rules, everyone could do whatever they want. Endless possibilities, literally anything can be done.

Both kirino and mori are prime representations of such an idea, people can

Complain, people can choose morality, people try to balance the forces of good and bad.

But this isn't no testimony of the moral of a being this is the submission to do anything for the gift that chooses who are of worth.

Time passes as the individual suffered under their grieve twists and vile efforts of such a concept.

He was to be subject to more as he felt more and stronger pain through his weakness to ice, water and other material.

The art of pain is but the art of ones intake of such a drearly function.

Kirino and mori felt no such thing as pain, suffering losing or such simple factions,

This was game, game was game.

As they continued barraging him with insults, assaults, attacks and taunts, and forceful movement.

He trembles, trembles, trembles, trembles weakish as he sought to be after all that

at that matter he stood up after thrown to the utter middle of the dome.

Kirino and mori still in a dellussioned tranced playfully skippingly and hoppingly ran towards the individual with great and childish happily expression as if this was some sort of childhood fragment replaying in a persons mind.

Seeing the holed entranced kirino using to

Make his entrance there, he tried and despite the pain exerted all effort and power within himself to generate the last inches and fumes of flame to project himself out of there.

He did as he tried.

The moment he used all focused to his luck flame generated, enough to boost him to the skies of freedom.

He projected himself as he further soared and got gloser to the bright light of the sky so he imagined.

He opened his hands wide open to embrace such, omnipotence to the greatest and fullest of his morality.

He grew closer, closer, closer and closer to achieving his desired goal the goal to get out and set off to what he could even do to achieve the prize to get what he wanted.

Despite all that torture, beatings and torment he still had the little urge to try beating the game, as if it was necessary it was indeed. Why would they have been summoned there without no reason at all?

There he was closer and closer to the lights sky ready to embrace it to its fullest his hand reaching out and ready to sense the flowing air of wind to a propiety of reasons so then he see's it he----

A sudden blockage emerges to his gaze.

Ice quickly blocked the hole as he slowly descends down, his facialnexpression turned grim as he tilts down.

He is then crashed onto the ground with great force.

Kirino, he descends down alongside him as he did exert a huge amount of force when he landed that damaging kick.

The kick, strongest to its fullest pushed him towards making a crater onto the ground.

Now there he cradles and huddles himself preparing for the worst.

"Might as well get rid of all this for the fun of it!"

Kirino glanced as he dismantles all the ice away, the ice cracks them tumbles all around causing great mist to seep out throughout the destruction.

Mori stands there viewing all structure fall to the ground, he gazes as the shiny pieces of ice flow as the mist covers view throughout.

The mist blindingly eminent as it flushes throught the vmfield and through the vision of the few.

Kirino after the mist cleared glanced on to him now on a chokehold he comments

"Lets see what your gonna do next?"

Kirino said as he smiled inhumanely

The individual gazes back with eyes not in rage nor in revenge but eyes in sternability as he slowly regains his flamability the moment that seized he shined bright.

The brightness scoured kirino's eyes presumably blinding him but that did not matter the moment he shined so bright.

Kirino did'nt flinched nor bat an eye all he did was just simply and solidly threw him down with full force, now causing an even large crater to form.

Kirino seeing he had stopped him from regaining composure not started covering a portioned amount of the crater with ice.

Now backing up he tossed him onto the frozen parts, he feel and helped himself up by knee, as he ignited himself with a dim flame of weak.

The flame now enough to liquify the ice, he then stepped forward with another step coming in. On the third step as he stared with kirino with pure focus he suddenly fell forth onto the ditch of water he had subsequently ignored to noticed he had melt.

Falling in he felt more pain, pain that was now caused by his own ignorance.

He did not flail'd he did not comprehend he did nothing, as if he had fully given up.

Kirino stepped forward grabbing his neck and forcefully submerging it into the water,

keeping him down there till he desired to take off.

Bubbles did not circulated as he submerged his head longer, had he given up to the point of not even struggling?

He pushes it even more as he awaits for the end result, kirino now pressing on his neck to restrict airflow now starts shaking his head aggresively as if to see any reaction whatsever.


Kirino bewildered by this tosses him aside and scoffs, before leaving.

This was the view of how he saw things, to the eyes of what was going out truly it was true chaos, chaos he couldnt bear to even listen to.

"Oi!, wake up!"

Kirino yelled out as he had a confused face

Hands in pocket as he came to inspect him.

"Bastards just staring at the sky!"

He then said proceeding to kick some snow on him as insult.

He had no reaction as if he had disconnected himself to the world, he is as charcoal as the world out there yet he wouldnt dare flinch nor sensate to his very own weakness.

Kirino clicked his tongue in anger and walked away.

"Now that was crazy!"

Mori stated as he sat on the ground staring at the crater that kirino made.

"Man! I feel hella tired! Damn fight made me busted."

He said lying down facing the sky which has been dark throughout always.

"Would'nt have said enough than this"

Mori then glared at the valleys ahead as he shot an rpg throught there.

"See that."

He said whilst pointing at the projectile

"Yeah, why?"

Kirino questioned him

"I have no god damn idea."

Mori then said


He yelled out

"According to that, that must be well our next destination"

Mori exclaimed whilst still pointing towards that direction, as he straightened his cap and aligned his cap.

"Hm, seems fair to me"

Kirino agreed without hesitation as he dusts off any debris of ground on his sweater as teal as he is.

He then glanced back at the individual still there, staring at the sky as he is still semi-submerged in the water his his down hald dealing with the wetness the water had brought him about.

"Might as will, finish this and head off"

Kirino headed on there, prepared with something on his hands.

He stepped forward at an edge of the crater leaning himself to see the person in a more clear view, he then hopsnon there.

Now facing him who still stares at the sky defeated as he had lost all will to continue on, kirino helds the item still unseen towards the sky and plunges forward.

Towards and deep within his neck an ice blade stuck steep, as his gaze fixated towards the object plunging his neck, as he slowly dies and dies towards the loss of blood.

The water now slowly diluting with read as his eyes permanently grew out his mouth gaping open with the little teeth left back due to the forces used upon him.

The blood slowly and fully coverd his enttire lower half as the water truly becomes polluted to a point of no clear.

Kirino see's his reflection through the water as he poses a smile whilst pointing both fingers towards his reflection.

Lookin good as always!

End of chapter 9

7 remaining....

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