Chapter 7: Chapter 6: The Thought
Passing through the gate he walks through the simple but plain yard, his parents never really have much on mind on what to decorate it with, this house has been in use for a couple of generations now.
Reaching the front door he opens to step in
Welcome back!
Someone said to him as he took off his shoes.
"I know!"
He replied back, as he headed towards his room. The only thought he crossed in his mind is that he should take some rest.
"You should eat, a young man like you needs energy after school."
Maybe later.
"Looks like your back!, hows school today?
It was nice.
"Got any plans for winter break?"
Got a plan to do some camping with some classmates.
These were the usual things my relatives, parents and siblings would say to me everyday.
Just the usual family interractions as i washed my hands and interracted with them more.
More on so i think i should probably cleanse myself before heading on to my room, even at the bath the thoughts never go away.
On an insiders note i have never considered on trips like these back then even in elementary, as happy as i am about it i never really wanted to go on them.
They feel like as if they are interfering with my studies as if cutting time off of it, each day in class it gets slower and slower, i am the type of person who wants to get things over with, i hope for the best my classmates do get things easily with the lessons the teachers are trying to tell us.
I might as well be the only quick learner in class, but i'll give in to hope and think for it to the best, besides that i should probably consider myself the teacher too, some of the other guys sleep in on class and ask me for help after it.
It's questionable but i see why they'd sleep in the first place, just today i tried to do that myself. It was seemingly nice but i could'nt remember what i dreamt of, Of course but
That would'nt stop that from making my classmates feel downed that i slept through this one.
Either way i should probably not sleep in class for their sake, and probably mine grade wise.
Well probably its time to finish up and dress up in my room.
That bath was relaxing, it drained all the unnecessary dirt off of me, i feel clean as a sponge. Boy i feel drowsy better head on to bed.
Its still about late in 6 but i should take the rest i so called deserved.
The youth wakes up without a struggle, he checks his clock, its early and enough for him to prepare.
He heads on to have his breakfast, he sat there alongside his family chatting, eating the usual thing.
This is normal, normal as in this will be the same process everyday till tradegy, conflict,
Event, or the day of his graduation will come.
The norm in short, he finishes up after that haul of bathing, clothing up and preparing to set out onto the days before winter break.
The route he took was the usual and quickest, a route only filled with houses taking then a left turn and passing by the
Convinience store next to the forest.
And taking a straight turn then right until his school could be seen.
The gates, the students, the staff coming in as they reach inside and on time. So does he.
He awaits at the gym to now attend class assembly and other usual things he has to
Live through.
After all that he is then sitting in class, on his trusty arm chair and the usual bustling of his classmates chatting, sleeping, noting , and being silent and listening just like him.
The teacher does his work although this comotion either way, they probably dont pay him too well so i feel for that.
I should probably sleep.
I thought, this time its unusual for classes to be like this, might as well sift this one out.
_______ the teacher left, lets discuss about our plans.
Oh right! About the trip!
Fellow classmate, woke me up? Well i was going through some sort of a nice dream but okay.
He and others alongside me discussed the plan, majority accepts to go on with the trip including me.
The usual stuff i'd heard plentiful amount of times yada yada they repeated this many times, the convinience store the forest, the 5th day into winter break.
Have they lost their minds? Either how i'm pretty sure things like blizzards or something wouldnt happen on that particular day so yeah.
"I'll head onback to my seat, tell me about it later"
Sure thing
I said whilst listening mid discussion, either way they can give me an insight later.
Now then back to my dream....
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
"Woah i'm awake!"
I jolt upward as to sync my posture with others, as i got used to my vision i was greeted with one of the teachers looking at me with a very strange and bizarre look.
Now then young _______ can you give me the answer to how _______________________
Crap i'm now in english, yes i know english very well but the teacher is very strange indeed.
Like what in the worlds that haircut suppose to look like? He's balding. At this point i dont even want to describe what it looks like.
Besides that, i really am not fond with this subject, i can speak english but people point out i speak it like a person from england, like what the hells wrong with that?
People should know the boundaries between vocality besides the spoken word,
I was raised in a country where our tones have to be high and strong!
Enough with this! As i went on to get this over with, and alas everyone was holding their laughter. I've seen people with worse accents but why laugh at me if, they should laugh at them?
This pretty much sums up today, the rest that went on was pretty much absolutely normal, a normal day a normal life.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
Eat, sleep, shower, study.
A few days have gone, school has already entered its winter break. Currently at the 4th day in as in to prepare for the eventd that are to happen tomorrow.
Usually the coldness outside wasnt that much of a deal during november and earlier on in this month but damn! I could feel something.
Somethinf as if my clothing wont budge with it, either way i should get this over with, getting it over with till the deed is done.
Experiencing it would be fun as hell, and a lifelong memory to me, at some sorts hell why not?
I lied there staring at the ceiling in my own bed, ready to doze off to whatever crap i'm thinking.
Heh heh.....
5th day into winter break morning
Awake as always, prepared for never, awaited as i am always are. I stood there the convinience store right next to the forest.
Seems like its covered in snow but there no use to it, this is it, we are doing this here and there.
Firstly i should buy some snacks to kick off the mood when i first get there.
The snacks arent that expensive but enough for a few others to share.
Okay! Its now and really now!
I stepped foot in the forest and walked carefully as to avoid trippingnon unseen stones scattered across the grounded area.
I trekked and trekked and trekked and trekked until i found the designated spot.
Right by the tree with the big branch thats where we'll meet up.
Sounds right to all of you?
Sounds right.
Hell lets just do it at there!
He replayed the scene in his mind, ensuring that he got it right. It took a while but eventually he found his way.
Okay! This look like footsteps, these probably show the way there!
He carefully followed then step by step and carefully eye to eye as to not lose track on where he is going, essentially this wont do much but he will find his way.
I see something? Oh yes! The tree and some tents too!
He found it! The place!, he ran forth towards the camp site.
His mind raced as he is finally there away from being lost but at the moment he felt he's found it, his way towards succession and forwardness.
Wheres everybody? His face shocked where is everybody?
Nobodys here?
He walked around camp, eagerly searching for traces as to why no ones here
Looks like he stepped on something, he immediately grabbed it and read
Looks like you might arrive last, just wanting you to know a blizzards coming its unexpected and i know im sorry about it,
I placed this here just in case you did not read the group chat.
Group chat?
Oh... damn!
The messages in the chat were as he expected news about the blizzard.
And for the tents for safety reasons they are left there.
_______ tried to chat but to no avail his phone ran out of signal to receive nor chat towards his group.
Well might as well read the rest....
For safety lets call this off till lets say the 7th day in you should probably head home for now, its not safe---
Oh crap!
A huge gust of cold icy wind flew to him knocking him on the ground without hesitation he ran forth the way back.
This is bad!
This is bad!
This is bad!
Why'd i not check the messages earlier! damn why am i such a dumbfounded idiot?!
This is bad.
I cant see.....
Its too foggy.....
I should run no matter what! Even if i end up ina different part of town the walk may be long but i'd eventually end up back in home.
He ran fast forth exherting all his confidence and luck in finding a way out.
He sighs in pain he has tripped on a stone and bruised his ankle either way he must run.
He bumped into a tree hurting and injuring his arm in the process due to the pace he ran at.
I should'nt run hhhnnnggg!
He resisted the pain but slipped on the ground the moment he step back up.
I wont die like this!
He ran forth, trusting himself as to what he's going to become as he see's the light of a building with every fast step he takes throufh the dense tree's.
Lung freezing air and the unseeable mist.
There he saw a light, the light of a building flashing towards him the closer he ran the closer he felt he was near safety----
A ledge?
It was too late, the moment he realized it he fell, breaking his bones, scratching and bruising his parts, his face now injured and his clothing now teared apart.
He laid there on the ground as he is unable to move due to his injuries.....
The thought.....