Revived Fates

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Sincere Premonition

Man.. i'm fed.....

He stares up at the red sky, having finished his rampage kirino lays there in exhaustion

as if to relinquish the time he had just spent

Mori comes up next standing there and just watching at the distance.

Both now at each others proximity, now in a state of not zoning in. This somewhat unexpected turn of the event leading to such chaos

"Come on!, let's get outta here."

Mori says standing infront of kirink

"Wait a minute will ya? Kind of in a situation here."

"Whatever i'll wait"

Mori then falls face flat on the ground, although it was rubble he fell forth in nothing did mind, at all.

"Damn!, 1st that asshole then that skank! Are people that chicken these days?"

"Who knows, might as well settle that out"

"On what?"

"I dont know?! Ask somebody!"

Their banter shifted from rages towards questions enraged, they wanted a fifht but why couldnt they get a fair one? A fair one with the chaos, and perpetual confidence?

Well that is something to be answered once

And for all, as the 2 would then have to face overlapping foes who wont take this game seriously to their desire.

"Damn!, let's call it out!"

Kirino yelled out at the ground he kicked profusely lifting up his leg during the final kick hands in pocket as the stone flunged

Seered towards the other side of the broken down buildings.

"Off we go"

Mori stood up as he followed kirino behind, kirino now taking a turn towards his right now shredding holes through any buildings blocking his way.

Manifesting ice through his fists he clashed and clashed from wall to wall till he'd find the edge.

"You do know we could just bust through this easily right?"

"Hell, i'm fine on doing this on my own"

"I'll do my own thing then!"


Kirino looked at him sinisterly, as he then meets a gust of wind, cement dusting the place as mori crashes through with the limousine he summoned.

Kirino stares upon as the car mostly does his work for him, he sighs as he watches onward catching up whilst gliding through the ice'n floor whilst keeping his standing posture.

Eventually he catches up casually asking mori if he's still up for it, fueling his desire to even finish it quickly

"Still not stopping?"

Kirino said in a teasing look

"Hell i will!"

Mori responded fearsily driven by the sole purpose of getting the hell out of there

He makes then commends the car to do things more quicker reversing and crashing and sometimes luckily crashing onto 2 or 1 rooms or walls of concrete on the first try.

"Now that i think of it...., WE COULD'VE FLEW OUR ASSES OUT OF HERE!"

"Guess were that lazy!"

"Sure bet we are!"


Mori then stops to think about something

"You do know you could ice us out of here right?"

Mori said in realization as he looks at kirino through the opened car door

"Nice reminder, NOW KEEP DRIVIN!"


Mori pulls out a pistol and starts firing


Kirino runs back hysterically laughing and dodging the bullets at the same time

"Get back here you!"

Mori yelled back with a sinister smiled look

Mori commands the vehicle to reverse on full throttle speeding it at its full pace in catching with kirino's high speed on ice, upon the two catching up kirino takes one glance and says in a playful tone.

"Let's play something. Something that the game won't stop us now!"

He said it as if proposing a new law

"Get over here!"

Mori said with the crazed look on his face, eyes sort of dilated with his smile.

"Catch me if you can!"

Kirino said loudly with a smile, then met with bullets now also assisted with body guard fire as he then dodged these alongside increasing his pace.

Bastards now playing games of his own?, this will be interesting!

Kirino takes upfront towards the entrance of the first building that he went through sealing it with ice, this time focusing on to pack it more tightly to ensure maximum damage.

Let's see if he'd catch me here!

He said staribg at the ice with near expectancy, knowing full well he'd win


Although the car stopped it did not stopped him from flying out jumping him in a process.


He said and sprinted forward.

"A game of tag huh?"

Mori said as he perfectly lands on both feet.

"Damn car might take a while to spawn back! Might as well snipe the bastard down!"


Ice shoots a nearby building obliterating it instantly, he glances towards there it was the place he positioned his sniper at.


A single strand of sweat dripped as he summoned the next sniper this time not catching his attention.

He took control of the sniper and aimed very carefully at him still speeding away, the moment he placed his hand on the trigger he turned back facing him with a look similar as if he was asking him to give it all it takes.

Mori now with a disgruntled look as if he's gonna lose this little game uses all focus to spawn in another limousine and charges forth.

Kirino at that distance now taunt actioning him stands there not caring about him getting tagged but him driving mori to his absolute confidence to stimulate a chaotic battle as this little game would surely cause wide destruction.

As the car sprints towards him a blatantly dodged now the car still speeding barely even breaking due to the sheer speed, at the point where the car started to break he then shifted to reverse speeding forth to crash onto him.

Kirino now finding this somewhat amusing starts acting as if this is now sort of bullfight with kirino as the guy holding red and mori as the bull.

Kirino as devious as this already is playing this as if its the real thing, although it has been 4 rounds of dodging and taunting their whole pure self confidence is what drives them without exhaustion.

Now moving from place to place this makes it even more chaotic, with kirino now moving from street to another different street mori now crashing on to places the whole place now looks like its been through a riot.

Damn bastard! Now he's playing a game of bullfight huh?!

Mori now realizing this as he steers the wheel to make his point, then being seen with kirino effortlessly dodging not even using his ice abilities.

The two still at it, eventually things have to end in ways does'nt it?

"Still at it huh?"

Kirino standing there says to himself


He shouts out, as the car starts reving imprinting its wheels onto the road


Kirino actions as if he is ready and the moment the car speeds he dodges as he leaps towards his left and the car crashes.

"Bet i will!"

Mori clenching his teeth swirved the car towards him and phased through, piling up the broken pieces of shaft, glass and cement through.

I have one more trick up my sleeve.

Nows the time.

At full throttle miyano unveils something he has yet to try out.


The vehicle boosted by this combination of a

tactic flew through at high pace.

Kirino now with a cheeky smirk released his arms as if feeling the air flow, and without a doubt front flipped at the momentum, car crashed full front at a brick wall.

"Like hell i will!"

Mori screamed fastily drawing out a pistol once more, the bullet soared as this wrecked place is filled with the glee of kirini pridefully posing as if he praised himself for such his acrobatics.


He felt something as if a slight grazed had done it.

My ear....

He slightly tapped his left ear to feel that it has been grazed by 1 inch. He turns back to stare at mori still at the crashed car now facing him.

At this point they were bothing panting from exhaustion this event accumulated a few hours of their choice.

"Hm, surprising"

"How the hell--

Kirino said pointing towards him, both now fell unconscious due to fatigue.

● ● ●

Yo ______ wake up!


Class has ended already! Are you in or not?

Oh yeah! About the camping? Heck yeah im in!

Good! Now we'll meet up by the forest behind that convinience store up ahead.

5th day of winter break! Got it?

The classmate said as he headed out

Got it!

He yelled out in response

The youth check his watch to see that he has slept out this class, but worries not as he is a student with high marks.

______ the young student is your average student who studies hard, earns good grades and helps others but one thing he still wonders is that of his route ahead.

_______ heads home as his class has l

Already ended he exits the school and takes the usual route to walk back home.

_______ is fairly social at school he doesnt want to make enemies as he wants to understand his fellow students and connect.

He has friends and a few close ones, thats about how you'd sum up a random secondary schooler here in these parts of the region.

The only thought that crossed his mind was of the trip his fellow classmates are planning, as of now school is nearing its winter break.

As december closes up students plan to do various amount of things and activities to spend all on this short upcoming.

The youth thinks about how this would turn out but by then he has finally faced out front his house, a huge property indeed the fence flowering all outside corners as the sacred entrance beams towards him.

He opens the gate and heads in.


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