Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Lyrical Nonsense
What happened?...
She postured up having awokened suddenly, she focused all her might to recollect what had happened earlier
Explosion, fire, unconsciousness
3 images pictured in her mind, the 3 stages she had witnessed before her descent to the world of nothingness.
She said to herself as she then peaked towards the bottom of the hill seeing that the 3 people fighting had vanished.
"Oh god! Where are they!"
She frantically looked everywhere, then she noticed the crater. She looked closer to notice a body there. Submerged in what it looks like red fluid.
"They killed him?"
She then glanced at the right to see two silhouettes moving away at the distance.
That must be them!
She instantly figured as she ran catching up to them before they were out of her sight, as she got closer she saw them both.
Underneath her the two individuals she'd think could help here out. She stared confidently as the two walked and chatted away at their search for an opponent to fight.
She stared and stared whilst still keeping her composure to hide and find the right time to make her entrance as she crouched down
Observing them from above.
At that moment she messed up, sliding down the hill she fell forth tumbling down and landing face down towards the ground
"Huh?" "Huh?"
The sound of something that fell played behind them, both kirino and mori now surprised.
As they both glanced behind them to see what it appears to be a girl face planted on the ground.
The two crouched down to face the thing at close proximity to question it themselves.
It has been a little after the death of the burned individiual that they wont resort in some sort of violence this time.
What the....
This was the first thing she gazed upon the moment she lifted her head after the fall, was the sight of two individuals staring at her full pace.
The look on their faces absolutely eye curdling to the core, as to how someone would even do that the first thing they'd see a person interrupting them.
"Well well look what we have here!"
Kirino said
"Well little missy you got something to say?"
Mori said, both said that teasingly
"What the?!, what did you just called me?"
Her faced turned red with expression having been called a *little missy* that moment which striked a feeling of insult within her.
"Little missy? Suits the little skank that came out of nowhere"
Her face then turned boiling red after hearing such statement
"What did you just called me again!!??"
Kirino and mori then laughed arguably to the obscene famity of such a face.
"Sheesh, reactive as fuck. Chill out will ya?!"
Kirino laughs
"Damn right!"
Mori says next
"Anyhow, we might as well kill ya!"
Kirino said boldly, as he stood there helding mori's hand as to forcibly summon the pistol and shoot here.
"Wait!, wait!, wait! Nows not the time for that nonsense! I know 3 people! Yeah 3 you can fight!"
She proclaimed
"Whats that now? Little missy is proposing us a deal?"
Mori said teasingly
"Yeah but... its more of a favor, uh.... i need to get something back."
She said keeping her calm
Crap! I better mind my words or i'm dying right here on the spot.
She mindfully noted to herself as she ready's herself to what she should say next.
"Hm? Really? A favor? in exchange for 3 asshole's whearabouts is that what your trying to say?"
Kirino sinisterly questions her
"Of course!, they stole something from me and really need some help! Like right now."
Kirino excitingly yells as he jumps around, prepared for more fighting at last till plopping right down on the floor.
She stood there watching the once fully energetic prick now having fell to the ground
"Damn, Mori use thay transport thing you got there."
"On it!"
The car spawned, unfortunately due to the amount of damage it gained from the previous fight it wont do for now.
"Crap!, it needs some repairs!"
Mori frantically shouted towards the sight of his spawned vehicle, there are things he that his role can't do and others could do.That being that patience, and the difference between on how roles work.
"Shit! Whats gonna happen next?!"
Kirino said
"Might take a while for it to spawn perfectly back so might as well use you for the time being"
"You know, do something with your ice or some sort."
She questioned
"Of course! My abilities focus on ice, as a matter of fact you have'nt told us about yours yet, very suspicious as hell"
Kirino said whilst giving her the suspicious look, as he stepped closer to face her.
"Listen! I'm not that type of person, my role's the Artist and--
"That artist?, do you paint and all sorts of stuff?"
Kirino says teasing
"Why don't you make the mona lisa or something---
Mori said until being interrupted
"No, not the paint type i'm the music type"
She corrected
"Okay. We might as well head on out! Little missy don'tdo anything funny or you'll get---
"Just so you know i have a name!"
She said
"Oh, i thought you were an orphan"
Kirino said
"Kirai. Matsuzuri kirai for full.... just call me kirai thats it."
She said facing them whilst giving them their stance.
"Okay, *Kirai*. Lets get going"
Kirino tauntingly replied
"And you guys are?"
"Kirino" "mori"
"We're only repeating this once, so you better memorize that"
The only main problem is where the hell am i supposed to find these three?
She thought as she followed them, walkihg wont do any justice, like at all but there wasnt much of a choice.
Minutes passed by still there wasnt any much to do but walk, she's pretty sure she told them the location she supposedly had to guess, but either way she'll just need to depend on her luck on this one.
These two idiots.... why did i have to end up with the help of these two.
She stared as the two were doing absolutely cracked ahead, skipping, singing, saying the most random things and casually repeating their goal for chaos and fights for the minutes as she walked.
At this point she needed to garner up the confidence to speak up, nearing the time for this she asked the question.
"So, is there any faster way to do this?"
Kirino stops alongside mori
"Kirai. Great question! There seems to be that i have forgotten something!"
"What is it?"
"I dont know! Guess it"
Shit! This guys playing games with me! He's asking me to remind him of something he forgot....
I think i could figure it out somewhere, something he might have said earlier? I think i know but i'm not sure if thats thats but. Might as well give it a shot
"Your abilities right?"
She said hoping to get the answer right
"Hmmm. Somewhat correct..... wait i did said something earlier"
"Is it the thing about using your ice powers for transportation?"
Mori answered
Kirino answered himself as he snapped his fingers.
"You there!"
"Kirai! Its kirai!"
"Kirai, which way did you said the three people were?"
She pointed onto the east of north, she's pretty sure they might be there but its just a possibility
"Alright! Here i go!"
Kirino prepared to dash off as ice manifests around him
But right before that mori caught on clinging onto kirino's sweater as both dashed off, leaving kirai right on the spot.
Crap! What the hell!
She ran forth but they were too late, she fell forth on the ground looking down on it, but she helped herself up looking onward towards the too she slips again.
Staring down on what had caused her to slip, she had a eureka in mind
The ice its still there
She had an idea, whilst stepping carefully on the ice she slowly pushed herself in attempt to gain momentum.
Ideally this is somewhat working she's speeding up with each step as she takes without further a do she skates forward.
Now speeding up herself, the only challenge to this is that she needs to focus and properly and navigate from route to route or she might fell off track.
God this is very slippery
She was not use to this type of ground but this was her only choice to bargain with, kicking her legs and kicking them more as
She tries all her might to follow up.
With more of this came exhaustion, something that was'nt on her mind
This really hurts! Its making me tired!
She thought as she skidded and skidded, all throughout. But she still kept moving forward. Not minding any of it, eitherway this was all in effort to retrieve the item that needed to help her in strength.
The more she got further into the tracks the more misty they got, something she noticed along the way. Could be an indicator that its fresher and nearer.
To that she kept on going faster and faster, till her only focus on mind was to reach the end.
Or so she thought, she spent all the way to 30 minutes skidding through her limits and limits and limits.
Crap! I feel like i'm gonna pass---
She thought but that moment she, felt something weird something as if she might
Reaching what seamingly means the end of the line she face plants towards the ground,
Pulling herself up she stares upon, what seems to be an overgrown area.
What the?
She seemed surprise as if she never expected that her random guess would even lead to such a place.
Standing up she inspects her surroundings to focus her mind again after all that skidding and skating through the ice which at this point has already disappeared at this moment.
Through the looks of it the overgrown area seems to look like a former temple or something but its really overgrown with vines, vegetation and flowers of some sort.
Its really green, dark green but who's to care but wonder what in the world are the two doing inside this place.
She takes a breath and steps in.
End of chapter 10