Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 226.5 – Forbidden Arts (18+)

“Heh… it actually came”

“H-Hmmm… what w-was that Petra?”

“Heh, we’ll have to stop if you want to know Ikarus”

Making out on our irritating pink bed like a bunch of rowdy teenagers, Petra’s eyes wander while we’re in peak make out. I normally would pout and be pissy about her not putting her full attention into this, but we all know I’m as curious as that monkey George. I want to know what’s she’s looking at.

‘Huh… I’m less interested now. Unless it’s secretly hiding porn under its cover, that book looks too thick to be something good’

Up on the desk wrapped in pink ribbons is an old and dusty book, thick enough to hide a bottle of whiskey yet I’m doubtful there’s anything like that inside. I do read on occasion but nothing that’s thicker than a brick… and preferably has some kind of sex in it.

Moving our kissing onto the pink bed, I’m still hating this place, Petra finally gives in and decides enough is enough. Pain in the arse chooses the book over me! I’ll just cross my legs and keep myself ready and willing to go if that makes sense, funny how just a little kissing and groping can do so much.

“Heh, you’ll definitely want to look at this Ikarus. Here”

Placing it on my lap, I’m immediately overwhelmed when the explicit levels hit a point I wasn’t expecting. Sure, we haven’t exactly read smut or anything like that together yet, but starting with this? This is deranged! But in a good way of course.

Drawings and descriptions of pretty much anything sexual you can imagine. Positions, toys, floggers, bondage, anything and everything you can imagine, and it’s all contained within this book. This would destroy the mind of anyone innocent, I’d love to see Charlotte’s reaction to seeing this. Then again, she has a rough history so it might not be great. Enough about that… this book is really great.

“Think I know where you get your inspiration from wifey. These drawings are hella explicit”

Already glued to the pages, the quality of the bondage drawings I’m quickly roaming through are intense. In this world, trying to find something like this is near on impossible. It’s like the closest thing to actual porn this world has… unless you’re a fan of sneaking in and hiding, watching someone from the closet. That’s kinda weird, right? Yet it’s basically the same thing watching stuff online. Mind getting distracted like usual.

“Heh, this is my first looksee at this Ikarus, and they’re not just drawings, they’re also spells. This is an old grimoire filled with forgotten and ancient spells, first found in a powerful succubus’s library long ago”

“Damn… I can tell this isn’t from the same succubus we all know and love. How do you even come across something like this?”

The fact Petra’s snuggling into me and I still can’t help but look at all the stuff inside this… oh dear God, I’ve just found the spells. Long lasting aphrodisiacs, drawings of tentacle summons, binding petsuits, even portals that attach to genitalia, this has it all. It’s like a documentation of everything perverted about the world!

“Penelope, Ikarus. Asked Aesa to take a look for something different and this is what she found. This must’ve been painful to find because Penelope collects anything related to magic, even forbidden and forgotten tomes like this”

[<Ikarus can thank Aesa later, this took years to find>]

“Oh, come on now Aesa! She’s claiming it took literal years to find this”

[<Poor choice of words. Aesa means it took months to find but years to get through it all. All spells were still working last time Aesa checked>]

Now knowing my system doesn’t know when to stop, it might be for the best to get back into the book… or my wife’s endless ocean like stare. I’d rather look at the book for now though, she’ll be getting jealous if I keep this up. Jealous Petra is great and all.

“Of course, it had to be Aesa finding this… more t-tentacles? Okay… this really is deranged”

If it isn’t obvious, I’ve become engrossed in this. Look, I’m not saying I’d be into it all, the idea of becoming a limbless sex doll is not at all appealing… that’s just the tip of the iceberg with some of this stuff. I kid you not when I say, if there’s a fetish that exists, it’s somewhere within this book. Anything that has a potent smell can go away as well.

“Heh… never have to do anyth-”

“You’ve said that enough for a lifetime Petra. If I don’t want to do something, I’ll say”

“Heh, that may be difficult when a lot of these spells remove the ability to speak Ikarus. That’s… slightly excessive”

Arriving on a page full of magical gags, I think it’s safe to say we won’t be using any of these. We’re talking about the unrealistic kind that stop all sound and delve right down into your throat, making breathing impossible. Huh, I guess most of them are hollow… some aren’t though. Not sure what to make of that.

“Heh, choice to make Ikarus. We can spend all night looking through this or get started… might be safer to head into your headspace first”

I don’t even need to question her about that. Summoning a pervy Kraken, hellbent on causing on the women on our islands endless edging really isn’t the way I want our islands to fall. Would make for a funny ending though.

[<Good call. Ikarus doesn’t want to know about what happened with test subject number 17 when you were gone>]

‘Imma pretend I didn’t hear that Aesa…’

Ignoring Aesa because I really don’t want to know, me and the wife quickly enter my headspace and arrive un the endless void. Now, if we’re about to be ploughed to death by an octopus sex machine, at least we won’t bring everyone else down with us. Why do I keep thinking about tentacles? Maybe that book isn’t so great.

“Let’s both pick out a spell and see how things go. Heh, ladies first Ikarus”

Creating a copy of the book from nothing and passing it to me, I can’t help but pout from that needless tease. You’re just as female as I am Petra… our dynamic is so weird, let’s just forget that. She does seem to be the more masculine one out of us at times.

Scrolling through but knowing I’ll become unstuck if I look for too long, I settle for an aphrodisiac that seems relatively safe and ends after an hour or two. There are also versions that last for a week or a month… that doesn’t seem dangerous at all.

“Let’s see if this incantation works then. To the ancients that dwell, this person shall become lovestruck with this spell! Erm… just need to release magic and…”

And… poof! A cloud of pink smoke engulfs Petra and when said smoke fades, a face of pure redness and cuteness stands before me. For some reason, it’s also made both of us naked. I guess this spell doesn’t waste it’s time then…

“H-Heh… pure evil Ikarus. You’ve somehow managed to m-make my feelings for you even stronger. Can b-barely hold myself back now”

She’s still able to but those eyes… they’re screaming of lust. This is way stronger than those love potions, she’s physically shaking with love. It’s a good thing she’s got good willpower because I’d be all over my arse if I were in her shoes right now.

Petra’s turn at the book and just before deciding what she’s going to use, a subtle but sinister grin appears upon her face. Whatever it is… I think I’m going to regret doing this now. Maybe those gags would’ve been useful…

“Heh, n-need some revenge of sorts. Here we go… the life and soul of the God Rakma shall consume all, as the need for lust must feed on those who fal-…”

Expecting something different but getting a huge shock, Petra becomes engulfed within smoke again. Did the spell backfire or something?

When vision returns and my wife once again appear in my line of sight, I’d say I’m even more shocked but honestly… this isn’t that unexpected.

An absolute grotesque mess of tentacles stand before me, as clearly the wife has turned herself into something sinister. The odd thing… is it just me or does she still look cute, even like this? It’s most likely the humanish eyes that help… she does look cute. I’m not insane!




“E-Erm… Petra? Is that you? You still with me?”


<Ikarus can relax. Wife is fully aware and conscious within that form… Aesa should probably give you Ikarus a warning though>

“A w-warning?”

<Yes. Ikarus may regret making wife lustful now. That form makes everything easier>


And like Aesa predicts, I swear a sense a sinister smile coming from my wife now turned creature. Oh shittt…

“T-This is so freaking strange. Is this when you decide you can’t hold out anymore and pounc-… wah!”

Answering my own question, both my ankles get wrapped within her sucky grasp and I’m lifted high into the air, like a piece of meat on a rack. She’s so bloody strong like this, guess she’ll be taking control today. Yay…

‘Heh, I really should get a move on and stop hanging aroun-, fuck! Horny little shit!’

Still hanging me upside down, the mess of tentacles begin to slowly wrap around me, hugging me tightly and completely leaving me at their slimy yet sucky mercy. I’d say this is comparable to mummification, little surprised this isn’t giving me claustrophobia. Guess genitals really have a mind of their own. This is only getting sweeter by the second.

“Urgh… n-no, I mean y-yes… ah! Not there! P-Petra… oh sweet merc- ah!”

Still being held up like a piece of meat, the other tentacles begin to work basically sucking, licking and kissing nearly every part of my body in a mind-blowing feeling that clouds all the senses. I’d say it’s comparable to a massage but that doesn’t do it justice. The only problem is how ticklish I can get especially around the armpit area, tickling sucks!

Thankfully, the creature I’m married to leaves the torment to a minimum and just focuses on pleasure. I really am helpless like this so even if she demanded a little Ikarus tickling, I’d have to deal with it. Not sure if it’s a good or bad thing she’s so gentle with me.

Taking her sweet time, it feels like hours before one of the many tentacles begins to explore a place down below… or up above considering how I’m hanging. The blood has already gone to my head, couldn’t care less about that. This really is intense.

Now slowly rubbing against the prize, that tentacle of Petra’s already is driving me mad. Unfortunately for this, she is going to take her time before putting it where

What feels like a painful thirty seconds of the most sensual yet teasing rubbing you can imagine, that damned tentacle finally finds its way inside, sliding smoothly in using my natural lubricant to full effect. I’m starting to get desperate now, I swear Petra was supposed to be the one full of lust.

‘Urgh… damn! She really isn’t cutting corners it seems’

Not content with just one hole filled, another tentacle finds its way inside the other hole close by. It’s a good thing with all this slimy lubricant running all over me because that slid in pretty fast, actually hurt a little. Maybe she’s getting impatient now as well.

“W-Wait a sec- mhmmm…”

Again, another tentacle finds its way into another hole but this time around, said hole is a great distance away. All plugged up with two tentacles in my nether regions and now one filling my mouth, Petra really is making this an experience never to forget.

‘Fucking hell… it’s like I’m really being captured by a pervy creature’

[<If Ikarus isn’t liking things, just tell Aesa and it will get through to wife>]

‘Didn’t say that Aesa… I’m kinda liking her not asking if I’m okay every five minutes’

Now trying to thrash around in my bindings, I’ve got absolutely nowhere to go as I still remain at the mercy of the creature. The roleplay of acting like a helpless adventurer, down on her luck and now in the arms of a monster from the depths of hell… okay, I really wish she would do more with those tentacles deep inside me now

Unfortunately, Petra seems to pause from me doing this. Come on now, stop being so kind and act like a real monster! I’m such a freaking degenerate when I’m horny…

<Wife needn’t worry, Ikarus is just playing the part of helpless maiden>



Already sensing that unsureness has gone and returned into a grin, Petra continues her torment of the helpless prey within her grasp, only this time making sure the tentacles begin to throb and expand. This feels like a completely new kind of thrusting I’m all for.

It’s so subtle yet the feeling is so fulfilling, as any second now, I’m spent. My endurance is always bad but the thrashing around with the throbbing deep inside me… my eyes are just rolling in my head right now.

‘Urgghhhhh… fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!’

Writhing in my restrains, the violent orgasm shakes cannot be contained as my body loses all sense of control and this time, I’m thrashing because I can’t help it. This is amazing…

Thankfully, even though I’ve already finished once, Petra is more than happy to continue on with this ‘torture’ so to speak. To add onto to everything already going down, more tentacles seem to spawn from thin air and attack my breasts and horns, rubbing and sucking on exactly where you expect. This is way too much pleasure for just a simple kidnapping, this creature must really like me it seems…

“Mhmmm… mhm! Mmmmm…”

Not even a minute later, I’m thrashing again as the second orgasm rips through me. I’m loving this.

Even after this one, more tentacles show up and this time, they start to wrap around my head mainly blocking my eyes and ears. It doesn’t take long before the only thing I can hear is my own heartbeat pounding away as I’m whisked into the life of blindness. This is starting to hurt with how turned on I’m getting…

‘Urghhhh… never want this to end. Getting a little dizzy though’

I think being upside down is making this a completely new and stronger experience, just would be nice if things weren’t so dizzy. I wonder if it’s possible to switch off that feeling? Guess it would defeat the point of being upside down if it did though.

[<Wife is asking if Ikarus is okay with wife finishing as well. Ikarus needs to be warned>]

‘Finishing? She can do what she wants… urghhh…’

[<So Ikarus is okay if wife releases pent up energy into her?>]

‘Don’t care Aesa… in the zone’

Obviously, the tentacles must be doing something for her if she feels the need to finish, honestly had no idea those tentacles could feel pleasure but guess it’s nice she can have some fun as well. We all know I’m slightly selfish when it comes to all this so who really cares though.

‘Oh, sweet Lord… argh!’

As the third orgasm comes around and my thrashing gets even more violent, this is when the tentacles begin to throb to a size that I didn’t think was possible. Thankfully, it’s not unpleasant as it only lasts a split second, but it quickly releases a great deal of fluid in every single hole that’s filled.

‘Fuckkk… huh. That’s not as bad as I thought it would be’

Right now, it’s either swallow what’s down my throat or begin to choke. I’m sure Petra would let me spit but I think that form she’s possessing is also in the zone, I’m not going to bother to get Aesa to help.

Before you ask… this is perfectly fine. I think my horniness and the fact this slimy stuff isn’t that other crap makes it okay. There are no third legs in sight here and even if you could make that comparison, my mind is saying it’s not the same. Besides, if Petra gets to finish inside that form, then I’m okay with being flexible with this sort of thing.

The taste is not at all salty and basically has no flavour to it all, although it definitely makes me feel bloated. If this is where you expect me to inflate and end up being impregnated, I’m sorry but things don’t work that way. I mean, Aesa could probably make a scenario in this world and the book might have a spe-… sorry, no! We have our limits and pregnant Ikarus is not happening! Vore as well, they are hard no’s!


‘Aww… I guess we’re done for now’

It doesn’t take long for all that ‘energy’ to disperse and for Petra to unravel her arms and set me down, much to my dismay of course. I’m not saying I’d be happy to cum till I pass out… but I’m also NOT saying the opposite. Ah, whatever. The point is, that was way too much fun.

“If possible… could Aesa have some time with the wife like this?”

Forming in the nude, eager Aesa can’t help but look awfully flustered after experiencing what just happened. Now, she must want the same experience.


Looking at me with a puzzled look, the cute creature does something similar to Mute in how she questions things. I’m not sure why she even needs to ask, Aesa is part of me after all. She convinced me of that long ago.

“Do you really have to ask for permission Petra? Just do me a favour and make sure you don’t hold back at all… Aesa deserves a ‘real’ treatment”

“Aesa… has no words to Ikarus… other than thank you”

Already biting her lips, it doesn’t take long for the creature to swoop up Aesa and begin the wrapping sequence. This could be fun to watch.

“Remember Petra, the tighter you can make it, the better. Our little bondage slut needs it to hurt”

“Mhmmm… u-urghhh…”

Actually taking my idea into account, Petra squeezes Aesa even tighter and then begins to slap her backside without remorse. The sound of the tentacle now turned whip beckons throughout the void and the pain slut can’t help but begin to glow from the pain.

Already seeing those eyes light up, it’s obvious Aesa is at her breaking point. For fuck’s sake, my kinky system! She hasn’t even entered you yet!

“Slow down Petra! At least make her work for it!”

The creature takes my advice and begins to continue the same process that happened to me, that being the filling, sucking and sensory deprivation stuff.

Creating a comfy sofa and taking a seat, I might as well make myself comfortable for the show. Very quickly, almost suspicious so, Aesa ends up in the same position I once was just in.

The only real difference is that now, Aesa is getting whipped every thirty seconds or so, making it painstakingly difficult for her to finish as just pure stimulation from the throbbing inside isn’t enough. Hey, we might as well edge the fuck out of my torture loving system. If she really wanted things to end, she’d just cancel the scene considering she apparently has full privileges within this place. Not like she’d ever consider doing something like that.

Watching everything that just happened to me now happen to Aesa is even more thrilling than I can imagine, so much so my hands can’t help but wander. Even if I’ve already finished three times already, touching my forbidden fruit is just so satisfying watching my system get treated like a piece of meat. The only real difference is that she doesn’t try thrashing about in those loving tentacles of the wife’s. She’s a good little slave, I guess.

“Mhmm… mhm!”

“Why are you… oh. Sure then”

It doesn’t help my libido that Petra has just offered a tentacle upon my breasts. I obviously accept and allow it to start sucking the ever loving crap out of the two peaks. I’m already going to cum again…

And just as I’m about to ride that high, another tentacle finds its way to my wrists, softly pulling them away from my loins and to my sides. Guess number four will have to wait a little longer.

‘Huff… think this is her way of saying I’ve got to wait if Aesa is as well. Fuck fairness if you’re still playing with my boobs like this!’

I guess it’s only fair if I ride the pleasure train for a little longer while Aesa continues to get fucked like there’s no tomorrow. Seriously though, Petra’s holding nothing back as those tentacles literally pound in and out of Aesa at a speed I wouldn’t mind experiencing. Maybe not the gag one but the rest would be fun as hell. Can she even breath with how far that’s in her throat right now? Guess Aesa is into breathplay, I think that might be another hard no for me.

“Mhm… mhmmm… mhm!”

Thrashing about like a madwoman, Aesa finally gets her big finish when multiple whips begin to strike her body all together, causing exactly what you might expect. This also coincides with one of only free tentacles left remaining, finding its way deep inside of my ever-growing wetness. Being kept in this constant edged state with that freaking tentacle still hiding my breasts, a gust of wind would send me over the edge.

“P-Petra… urghhh… p-phew. Y-You know, think I’m finished for now”

And still showing as much willpower as usual, the tentacles leave and go to a place they are more needed. That being used for causing Aesa as much pain as possible. She’s having the time of her life right now.

“Hey Aesa, how long was that spell supposed to last? The wife’s one I mean”

Giving her a second to speak by removing one of her many limbs, I guess Petra is allowing her to respond. Let’s just forget about the fact she can communicate through our brains but feels the need to speak right now.

“Mhm hum! *Cough cough*… total time should amount to six hours Ikarus. Why?”

‘We’ve got six hours of this left!? Okay, my wife might be an idiot then’

Even though time runs slower inside this place, Petra forcing herself in that form for six hours sounds insane! Just how lustful was that spell I put on her?


Already sensing that creature isn’t regretting her decision, are we really going to spend all night being fucked by Petra the monster? It’s awfully tempting… no Ikarus. Sometimes, you must learn to say no… even if you’d rather not. I’m just playing hard to get but in reverse!

“Nah, maybe we’ll go for round two later on Petra, but I’m good for now. Feel free to torment Aesa as long as you want though. I’ll just grab a bag of popcorn and get comfy…”

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