"GABABABABA! You little ones really helped us out back there. If there's anything we can do to thank you….." Brogy said while eating Sanji's cooking, "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! I had completely forgotten about the bounties placed on our heads! If you guys were not here, we would have surely been tricked..." hearing this Vivi looked down, "But even so…..It's originally my fault, that those agents came to this island…." But Luffy patted her shoulder, "Why the long face!? No one's blaming you….here, eat some Rice-crackers….." Luffy shared his Rice-cracker with her. She smiled and took it, "Thank you, Luffy."
"Now that everything settled, we need to move on...." Zoro stated, to which everyone nodded. "Yeah, we already had an Eternal Pose to Alabasta and now Sanji took those guys Log Pose… yeah!!!!" Ussop said. Luffy then looked at the giants, "Yo mister giants, I would like to ask something from you two….." the giants hummed and looked at Luffy, "What is it, little one!?" "You see, for past few weeks, I was kinda trying to amplify my Conqueror's Haki for long range…..but it only results in wildly flowing here and there, without any targets!!!! What should I do!?"
Hearing this, even Ussop, Sanji and Zoro perked up, as they too wants to know this or likely, Zoro wants to know this because he too have Conqueror's Haki. "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!! Of course it will be difficult, not everyone with Conqueror's Haki can control it to its finest, there are few rare cases but very small ones." Dorry said, "But to answer your question, by listening to you I can tell that you're trying force it to cover more areas…..but that is the wrong thing. You see, in our village, the majority of the giants are Warriors only few are there who likes to work at the farms or for the village. But the matter of fact is, we are thought to master our Haki from the very early age and the process to be a true master of your Haki is to first, you need to master yourself."
"What Brogy is tryna say, let go of any doubt and negative emotions you have in you, clear your mind. Only then you can fully realize your true potential and as for Conqueror's Haki, try to feel the world around yourself and don't use your Observation Haki, but feel it naturally….only then you will notice that you can do much more with Haki then it is said." Dorry finished. The monster trio, Ussop and even Vivi was listening to this carefully. Luffy was contemplating about what he heard just now, 'Is this how Shanks can do so much with his Haki!!?' "Nowadays people had degraded what true Haki can do! Only using to nullify Devil Fruit powers, using it to enhance their attacks or just overwhelm their opponents with just brute force." Brogy added, "Yeah, remember what one of our elder said, that once Haki was the key to everything and now it is only used for showing off one's power!!!" commented Dorry.
'So I was right, there is more to Haki then what Manga has shown us….or maybe Worldgovernment or Imu did something so that no one learns about the true use of Haki!!?' Luffy nodded to himself and then looked at Dorry and Brogy, "Thanks a lot for that, guys!!! I think, I understand it now!" "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!!" "GABABABABABABA!!" booth Dorry and Brogy laughed loudly, "You are more than welcome my friend….." then Luffy grinned, "Hey, I have an idea!!! Why don't you two join my crew!!??"
Hearing this both the giants and Vivi were surprised, but the other Strawhats just smirked, knowing their captain, "Huh! Are you sure about that!? Wouldn't it make you the bigger target for the Marines!?" Dorry asked, "Nah, the very moment I decided to become Pirate King, I had already broke the law….so now, what do you guys say!!?" Dorry and Brogy looked at each other and then started to laugh, "It's been 100 years since we saw those guys!!!" Brogy said, clearly indicating to his former crew, "Yeah, I hope they are doing fine!!" Dorry added. Then both of them looked at Luffy, "It would be really awesome to be part of your adventures…..What do you say Brogy!!??" "GABABABABA!! Indeed Dorry….indeed. But there is just one problem….." everyone looked at him, "How are we going to fit on your small ship!!??"
Luffy laughed loudly at that, while others just face planted, "No need to worry about that, you guys can go back to Elbaf and re-establish your crew once more and this time put our flag too with yours…." The giants immediately understood where Luffy is going, "Oh, you want us to become part of your fleet!!!" Dorry added, Luffy nodded, "You guys will be the very first to join my fleet, 'The First Commandment, Dorry and Brogy' of the Strawhat's fleet!!"
The giants hummed, "Commandament, it sure rings nice….what do you say Brogy!?" "Yes it is…." Then both of them looked at Luffy, "Then, we are now in your care, Captain." Both of them said. Luffy grinned at achieving his very first fleet, then he turned serious, "But I have some rules which everyone has to follow….first, never ever harm any innocents or common people without any good reasons. Second, only pillage or loot those whom you see are just evil and finally and most important one...we are one family, different cultures or religions, I don't care because all those who joins me will automatically become part of my family. Which means, betrayal is not traded lightly…..the motto of Strawhats Fleet will be 'Freedom and Adventure'" he then looked at everyone present there, "Do you understand!?" "Aye, Captain….." "I didn't hear you…..I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!??" "AYE AYE CAPTAIN..." everyone said in unison, even Vivi yelled back and Carue was doing a salute with his wing.
Then Luffy grinned, "Phew….you all don't know, how long I'd waited for this to say…..SHISHISHISHISHI..." hearing Luffy's laughter everyone's mood lighten up. "GABABABABABA! I must say captain that was a nice speech!!" "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!! That was truly amazing!!" Dorry said, then he recalls what Luffy said about their motto, "'Freedom and Adventure'..." he looked at Brogy with a grin, "Looks like we've chosen a crazy human as our captain, Brogy!?" "Yes…..yes indeed!!"
With the announcement of their first fleet, they all partied like crazy and Sanji was making food for everyone. After few hours, it was time for the Strawhats to depart from Little Garden. Sanji looked at Zoro, "Oh by the way, you haven't forgotten about our hunting contest, have you?" Zoro looked at him, "Hm? Oh, I'm sure I've won that. I caught a rhino 'bout thiiiiis big." He emphasized by spreading his arms. Sanji just looked at him, "A rhino!? Can you even eat that thing?" hearing their bickering, Dorry and Brogy remembered a certain memory. Luffy then looked at them, "It's time for us leave, but you guys just wait for us in New World." "Master! I'll go to Elbaf for sure one day!" Ussop yelled and Carue behind him quacked.
Seeing them boarded their ship and set sail, Brogy grinned, "Our friends are setting sail….." Dorry stood up, "Well then, let's perform our first service as the 'First Commandment' for our captain." He said and took his sword, "I guess this is for my axe and your sword, isn't it…." Brogy commented and took his axe. Dorry looked at Brogy, "Having trouble letting go?" "'Course I do. This is the axe I've fought with for over a hundred years. But I guess…..this symbolizes as the end of our old journey and by taking on new sword and axe will be the beginning of our new journey with our New Captain!!!" "Then it's decided…"
On the Merry, "Look! My lizard is clearly bugger." Sanji said, "Are your eyes just for show or something? The bigger animal is my Rhino." Zoro said headbutting Sanji. "Why you….." "Who cares, they both look pretty tasty to me." Luffy added his own. "You stay out of this!" both Sanji and Zoro said this simultaneously. Seeing them going on it again, Vivi got used to it. She then looked at the Log Pose, "If we sail straight from here, we should be able to exit on the western side of the island." As they were nearing the open waters, they saw Dorry and Brogy standing each side of the exit pathway.
"The most important reason why all the little ones who come to this island," Brogy started, "Do not reach the next island lies straight ahead." Dorry finished. They then looked at Luffy, "Let us do our first service for you, Captain!!" Luffy grinned, "Oi Vivi, whatever happens….just let Merry go straight and do not panic!!" Vivi was confused hearing that, when suddenly, sea water started to rise and an enormous Gold fish emerged from the depth of the sea. "WAAAAAHHHH..." Vivi yelled, while Ussop and Carue were hugging each other in terror.
Brogy grinned, "In the name of Elbaf, we vow to clear a path!" then the island devourer opened its humongous maw and was ready to swallow Going Merry. "Are you serious!? We're really going to sail straight into that monster!?" Dorry looked at the fish, "Well well well, haven't you grown quite a bit, Island-devourer…?" "The most surprising thing isn't the size of this goldfish….but rather the size of feces it craps out, after swallowing islands whole!" Brogy said and readied his axe. "Yes, certainly….feces enormous enough to be called the 'Vacant Islands', GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! I still remember the time we landed on it, mistaking it for dry land….!" Dorry added and hafted his sword high.
They both then stood in stance, "Only the 'Great serpent soaked in blood' can withstand our attacks!" Dorry started, "Behold the mightiest spear of we Giants of Elbaf…..!" Brogy finished. Luffy then yelled, "BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" with that, Dorry and Brogy collided their weapons together, generating an immense force and split the sea in two and carved a giant hole into Island devourer, "HAKOKU!" the force caused Going Merry to sent flying in the air, as the Going Merry was disappearing into the horizon, the Strawhats heard the giants for the last time, "DON'T TURN BACK NOW! FLY STRAIGHT AHEAD! CAPTAIN!!! NOW GO!!!" Dorry and Brogy shouted together while their weapons broken.
Long ago, there was a Group of rowdy Warriors, called the Warrior-Giant Pirates. The two overwhelmingly strong captains of this pirate crew were, 'Brogy the Red Ogre' and 'Dorry the Blue Ogre.' Mere humans could only helplessly watch by, as these Giants wreaked havoc across the World. in the end, what stopped these rampaging Giants was a single little human girl. "Did you see our captains' catch today!?" one giant asked, "You bet! I don't think I'll ever be able to forget a catch that big!" they were docked on the nice island with small village. "Each of our captains just took down those enormously huge sea kings!" "Even if we are Giants of Elbaf, the only ones that can take care of monsters that big are our captains! Isn't that right, my brothers!?"
Meanwhile a little human girl was watching the giants from her farm, she then walks towards Dorry and Brogy, who noticed the little girl. The little girl with a cute and innocent smile looked at the Giant duo, "So which one was bigger?" Dorry and Brogy listening to this started to contemplate, "Which one…." "… bigger!?" they both looked at each other, "Brogy look! Mine clearly seems to be bigger one!" "Hogwash! My catch is exactly 3cm bigger!" "What did you say!?" "WHAT!" "Please stop arguing, Captains!"
That one question from a little human girl sparked a duel which lasted 100 years. Such things were events of a long, long time ago.