Chapter 30: DEN-DEN MUSHI
"GABABABABABA! Hey Dorry! I got some rum from guests!" "Excellent! I haven't had rum for so long! Pour me some will ya!? GEGYAGYAGYAGYA!" then both the giants got up and sat together at Dorry's place with Luffy, Ussop, Vivi and Carue joining them. "So you all are crewmates, huh!??" Brogy asked while drinking the rum from the barrel directly, "Yup, and we have three more members, two of them must be already on the island and the last one is training." Dorry nodded at that.
"Sorry to change the topic, but earlier you said that it takes a year for the Log Pose to finish recording on this island. Is that really true?" Vivi asked, "Haven't you seen the skeletons of them little humans, lying on the ground around these parts? Most humans who come here end up dying before their Log sets." Dorry said, "Some are eaten by the dinosaurs, others give in to heat or starvation. And some even try to attack us....Whatever the case, they all end up perishing on this island. Seems like spending even a single year on this island's just too long for you little humans." Brogy finished.
After that talk, they all started to enjoy their time together. Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of the forest, there was a one room house made of wax. The two very familiar figure of Mr.5 and Miss Valentine knocked on the door and entered into the wax house. Inside, there were already two occupant present, a man wearing swimmers glasses and had his hair done in numerical three and the other is the little girl with pink hat and a whole set of colours with her. The man with weird hair looked at Mr.5 and Miss Valentine while sipping his tea, "Ah...So you've returned, have you Mr.5?"
Mr.5 hummed, "Impressive little ability you've got there, Mr.3. Instantly crafting a hideout in these jungles...." he said while looking around the wax structure, then he looked at the Mr.3, "Let me make one thing clear to you right now. This mission is still ours to complete so I'd appreciate it if you didn't interfere." "We won't make the same mistake twice." Finished Miss Valentine.
Mr.3 just looked at them with straight face, "Mistakes? That's a little off, isn't it? You failed because you are weak." This statement caused Mr.5 to get angry, "WHAT!?" "It's because we carelessly let our guard down! And more so, those two pirates were very strong!!" Miss Valentine said. Hearing this, Mr.3 snorted, "What childish excuses you resort to, don't you think? Might I remind you that we are professionals. To lose to our enemies is an act as shameful as revealing our organization's existence to the general public. The missions we undertake must be accomplished perfectly with no careless mistakes, you realize?"
He then took another sip of his tea, "However considering you successfully managed to tail our target to this island, I shall grant you with the 30% of the pay for this mission....." he then looked at them straight in their eyes, "But if you still wish for me to not interfere, I'm afraid I'll have to take some actions as to have you two never interfere with me again." Mr.5 and Miss Valentine started to sweat hearing the underline threat. " need to make such a scowling face, help yourself to some of this black tea...." Mr.3 stated and poured them some tea. "There is a most fortuitous opportunity for us on this island. An opportunity to make such an enormous sum of money that we need not fight over it. I'm sure you've already seen what I'm talking about, haven't you?"
Both Mr.5 and Miss Valentine looked confused, so Mr.3 took out a bounty poster and placed it on the table, "Take a look at these wanted posters.....! to be honest, even I was completely taken aback when I first saw have my sincerest thanks for giving me this chance to come to this island." The wanted poster was of Dorry and Brogy, "These are wanted posters from a hundred years ago. There was once a group of giant pirates who pillaged town after town and terrified the entire world...they were called the Warrior Giant Pirates and the two giants who led this fiendish pirate crew are on the very island we're on. Known as 'Dorry the Blue Ogre' and 'Brogy the Red Orge', their names have long since faded away into mere legends of the past....however, they are still alive...! not only that, the bounties placed on their heads not been called off either.....presently, each one of their heads is worth 100 million beries....! In short, 200 million for the two of them!"
He then looked at Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, "And combine it with those two other pirates...we will be getting total of 900 million beries!!" "900 million!?" Miss Valentine commented, "...Finally, you grasp the gravity of our current circumstances. If we were to succeed in our mission and bring back 900 million beries on the top of that, our promotions are sure to be guaranteed." "So that's why you placed the bomb in their rum..." Mr.5 said. "Excatly. After all, we would stand no fighting chance were we to face them head on, you see? With this, they will think that one of the humans have planted that trap and this will cause conflict amongst them and we will capitalise on that conflict." He then looked at Mr.5 and Miss Valentine, "All you two need to do is follow my commands." He then took a sip of his black tea, "With a little scheming, even an entire mountain can be levelled down to the ground, you know?" but they didn't know was Sanji standing just outside the wax house and heard everything.
Then he saw Zoro, coming towards his direction. Hsi eyes twitched seeing this but he composed himself. Zoro looked at Sanji standing outside the some weird looking house and was about ask him, but Sanji shushed him and pointed towards the wax house. Zoro was confused at first, but after hearing the conversation from the inside, he understood. "What now..!!?? Sanji asked in hush voice, "Now, we take them down...." Zoro said and without warning slammed opened the door and startling the occupants, but seeing Zoro again, Mr.5 and Miss Valentine started to sweat, "'s you!!" but Zoro ignored them, "I've no time for you idiots..." with that he released his Conqueror's Haki and knocked them all out. Sanji walked in and looked at unconscious Baroque Works members, "Well, that was fast!!"
Zoro then lifted Mr.3 and Mr.5 on his shoulder and started to walk towards where he can sense Luffy and the others, while Sanji suddenly noticed a Log Pose and pocketed it and also took their Den Den Mushi and with that he lifted Miss Valentine and Miss Goldenweek and followed behind Zoro.
With the others, as they were enjoying their time, Luffy suddenly perked up and looked at a particular direction and saw Zoro walking towards him with someone over his shoulder and soon Sanji too followed behind while also holding two people over his shoulder. "Well, I'll damn....if it isn't Baroque Works agents!!!" Luffy commented and walk towards them. The giants, Vivi, Ussop and Carue looked at them in confusion. "Ah...guys!! where did you get them!?" "They were making plans of capturing those two giants by spiking their drinks with explosives and to let all blame fall upon us."
Hearing this, both Dorry and Brogy got angry, "How dare they try to stop our sacred duel!!!!" Dorry said, "Yeah....let's kill them!! No one will know what happened to them...." Brogy added and they both ready to kill the Baroque Works Agents, but Luffy stopped them, "Guys...guys....calm down! I still have business with them...." after finally calming the raging giants, Luffy looked at Ussop, "Tie them and make sure they won't get free at any cost...." Ussop nodded and used one of his special seed and used his sling shot to fire it at the captives, the seed immediately transformed into vines and circled around them, binding them tightly.
Sanji then gave Luffy the Den Den Mushi he found from them and also gave a Log Pose, which is already recorded, "Well, this solves our main problem...." he gave the Log Pose to Vivi. He then looked at the unconscious idiots, "Wake them up...." Ussop nodded and pour water on them, waking them up. "Wahhhh.....Where...huh!?" the four looked confused as where they are and how are they tied up.
"Wakey Wakey..." they heard a voice from behind and what they say made them terrified. Luffy was sitting on a giant boulder, Sanji and Zoro were standing each side of him followed by Vivi and Ussop and finally, the giants Dorry and Brogy were standing behind him. (THINK OF IT AS, WHEN LUFFY LANDED ON ONIGASHIMA AND HIS CREW WERE STANDING BY EACH OF HIS SIDE....)
"W-who are you!?" Mr.3 asked in shock, "It's them Mr.3....they are the ones who defeated us on Whiskey Peak and took princess with them...." Miss Valentine stated with some fear. Mr.3 looked at them, "You guys don't know, who you're dealing with!?? When the boss finds out about this, he will personally come after you...." Luffy just waved his hands, "Nah, I know exactly who we are dealing with...." then he looked with a gaze which terrified them, "But you guys don't know, who you're dealing with!!!"
At that very moment, the Den Den Mushi which Sanji gave to Luffy started to ring. Luffy smirked, "About time....." he then looked at his captives, "Now, if you wanna live, then say exactly what is written on this paper..." he nodded to Ussop, who took the Den Den Mushi and the paper and bring them near Mr.3 and then picked up the call,
"Hello, Mr.3 speaking....."
"It's already been quite some time since I sent you my orders. What is your status, Mr.3?" said the voice from the other side.
Hearing this voice, Vivi immediately recognizes it as Mr.0's voice aka Warlord Crocodile.
Mr.3 and the other Baroque Works members gulped in nervousness and looked at the Strawhats and the giants staring at them intently.
"What are you being so silent for? I'm asking you a question. Have you eliminated Princess Vivi and the Strawhat pirates or not? And also captured those giants!?"
Mr.3 looked at paper which Luffy gave, and started saying the exact words...
"Ahh....I'm sorry boss, but the Strawhats didn't came to Little Garden. I waited and waited, but there was no sign of them....."
"....I see!! And what about giants!? Surely you're capable of capturing them!?"
"Well, about that....."
"Speak clearly....."
"They are much stronger than we anticipated!!! Somehow and I don't know how, but their each clash is causing the island to shake and the sky to split in two.....I really don't know how the hell they are doing this!!??"
"I see, so they can still use it.....!!!!"
"What we do now!!??"
"Abort the bunch are weak to take down those giants, leave them be."
Mr.3 gulped, "And what about Strawhats!??"
"Let them come to Alabasta, I'll personally take care of them. Now return back to base, I've other missions for you."
"Yes Boss!!!"
And with that, the call ended. Luffy clapped and congratulated Mr.3 on job well done, " pulled it off perfectly." Mr.3 slumped to the ground, "Now please, let us go.....!!" Luffy smiled at that, "Of course...of course....." he then looked at Zoro, "Zoro, tie them to a raft and throw them to the sea....." hearing this the Baroque Works agents started to panic, "NO," "Aye....aye Captain....." Zoro then tied them to a giant log nearby and was about to drag them towards the sea, but Dorry stopped him, "Let me do it...." Zoro shrugged and let Dorry grab hold of the log and looked at tied Agents, "This is what you get for disturbing someone's duel." He then yanked his hand back and threw the log towards the sea. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." They can all hear the screams disappearing at the horizon.
"Well, that was something...." Ussop commented. "Yosh....Sanji, cook a big feast for us and our new giant friends...." "Aye..aye..Captain!!" Meanwhile, somewhere in the Grandline seas, a Navy ship was sailing towards unknown destination, "CAPTAIN!!....CAPTAIN SMOKER! WE'VE JUST INTERCEPTED A HIGHLY PECULIAR CALL!" "What!???"
Well, it looks like, the things started to get in motion.....