Chapter 32: VIVI
After departed from Little Garden, Merry sails calmly along the wind. "Guys listen! One day! I swear! I'll visit Elbaf and the Village of Warriors!" Ussop stated. Luffy and Ussop then started to do weird dance together, "Alright Ussop! We'll go for sure one day! To the homes of our new members!" "EL~BAF BAF~EEEHHHL~BAAAAHHHFFFF~~~WHERE EVERYONE IS GINATIC~'CAUSE THEY'RE GINATS~" Luffy and Ussop started to sing, "Aren't those two lively...." Zoro commented while swing giant barbell which weighs 5000 ton like a sword.
Sanji was making some light snacks, suddenly a News coo-bird arrived and dropped today's newspaper and looked at Luffy. "What, I ain't got no money on me...." The bird deadpanned and looked at Ussop, "Oi oi....don't look at me!!! Go and ask someone else!!" "Here!!" Vivi said and paid for the newspaper. The bird saluted her and then gave a middle finger to Luffy and Ussop and immediately flew away. "Oi, the hell was that for!!??" Luffy yelled at the bird, but the flying creature was already gone.
Vivi then picked up the newspaper and walk towards the chair but suddenly she got dizzy and was about to fall, but Sanji came to her rescue and caught her, "Vivi~chan~~ are you okay!!?? Your face is all red!!" Vivi then balanced herself, "Thanks Sanji, but I'm fine.....just need some water!!" Sanji nodded and slowly settled her on the chair and gave her a glass of water to drink. "Here!!!" she took it and after drinking it, she thanked him and opened up the newspaper to read some news.
Meanwhile, On the port of Alabasta Kingdom, "Mr.2-Bon Clay! The Swanda is ready to sail." A man said. "Fiiine, fiiine, just pipe down already! Jeez Louise! Why do I have to go! Can't you boys take care of little ol' Mr.3?" a shadowy figure identify as Mr.2 asked his men. "T-there's no way! Even if all of us attacked him at once, it'd be impossible! And the super-boss asked for you to personally Eliminate Mr.3 but why, we don't know!!?" one man said, "P-please sir...! it's the boss order!!" another man stated. "Oh, Pooie! Mr.0 can be so bothersome!" said the Mr.2.
Back with Strawhats, Luffy was rubbing his chin in contemplation as if he is trying to remember something, "Oi Luffy, what happened!!?" Ussop asked seeing Luffy was in deep thought, "Ya know.....I think I'm missing something very crucial!!! Now what was that!!??" "It can't be that important if it is not coming to your mind....." but before Ussop could finish his words, a shout came from the kitchen, "VIVI~CHAN~~~~~!!!!! OI HELP ME....." Sanji's loud voice was heard. Hearing this everyone rushed in the kitchen and saw Sanji holding an unconscious Vivi on his lap and trying to wake her up. "What happened!!??" Ussop asked in panic, "I don't know, she just fainted suddenly!!"
Then Luffy remembered, "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!! How can I forget about this!!!" they all looked at him, "Oi Luffy, What's wrong?" Zoro asked. But Luffy instead of answering him, rushed towards Vivi and carried her bridal style, "Follow me.....quickly!!!" then rushed towards the sleeping quarters. The Strawhats and Carue looked at each other and then immediately ran behind Luffy. They entered the quarter and saw Vivi lying on the bed with wet cloth on her forehead and a thermometer in her mouth. "Oi shitty captain....what happened to Vivi-chan....!!" Sanji asked seeing her shivering even though she is covered in four blankets.
"She got infected by a bug from Little Garden. I thought she was with me so she will be okay, but I clearly underestimated the fate!!!" Ussop then took a looked at the thermometer and his eyes widen in terror, "F-forty degrees!?? Oi oi, that is enough to put her life at risk!" hearing this both Carue and Sanji started to cry, "WAAAHHH.....PREEZ DUN' DIE BIBI!!!!" "QUACKKKKKK..." Zoro rubbed his forehead in annoyance by Sanji's behaviour. He then looked at Luffy, "Is there any way to cure her!!??" Luffy nodded, "Yeah, but we need to immediately sat course to Drum Island which is famous for its doctors...." Zoro nodded "On it...." with that, he dragged the crying Sanji with him and Ussop followed behind them to monitor the rudder. "Carue, please go and check on them so we won't get lost in the sea!!!" Carue wiped his tears and saluted at Luffy, "QUACKKKK"
Luffy then put the wet cloth over her forehead, "I am sorry Vivi, it's all my fault." Luffy was internally cursing himself at how can he forget this event. "'s.....okay.....not.....y-your...f-fault." Vivi slowly muttered. Luffy then grabbed her hand, "I-if...something....ha-happen to me....will h-home??" "I promise you Vivi, we'll going to save you and once you're cured.....I gonna kick that Crocodile's ass to kingdom come and save your country." Vivi weakly smiled, "Th-thank you....for everything." She then closed her eyes and fell asleep, while Luffy was taking care of her.
Ignoring the needle pointing to Alabasta, the ship is now sailing towards the Drum Island. It's been three days and no one has slept or eaten during that time. Luffy was taking care of Vivi while the other Strawhats were managing the Ship. It's snowing outside, which was the clear sign for them that they were nearing the Drum Island as per Luffy's instruction. Sanji entered the room with hot soup for Vivi, black lines are easily visible under his eyes, "Soup for Vivi~chan~~~" "Thanks Sanji...." Luffy said, "No need to thank me, we all are doing our parts." Luffy nodded and then slowly shook Vivi, "Hey Vivi, soup is here....come on!!" Vivi groaned but none the less, with the help of Luffy she slowly sat up and Sanji started feeding her the soup.
Meanwhile on the deck, Ussop was on the crows-nest, keeping the eyes on any sign of any island, while Zoro was standing on Merry's head, looking out for any danger. "Uhhh, you think a person could stand on top of an ocean....?" Ussop suddenly asked, "Can a person stand on top of an ocean!??? What kind of bullshit is that??" Zoro asked with raised eye brow, "You sure, you are not seeing anything by the lack of sleep!!??" "Nah man.....I can clearly see a person is standing on top the ocean!!" Ussop answered while looking at a distance with his binocular.
Zoro squinted his lone right eye and saw figure standing on the ocean, 'Something is not right!!' he thought and flared his Observation Haki and sensed multiple signature below the ocean. "Oi, on guard!! It's a trap." Ussop hearing this, readied himself for any surprise attacks. Merry slowly neared the person standing on ocean, Zoro looked at him with straight face, "What do you want!??" but the man kept staring at Zoro, "Quite cold today, isn't it?" "You're in our way, get lost!!!" but the man didn't move, "Is that so!??"
"RAISE THE SHIP!!" both Zoro and Ussop heard this and then the water started to rise up and then a giant metallic ball kinda thing emerge from the water causing Merry to shake violently. Inside the room, Luffy was holding the bed tightly, so that Vivi won't fall down. "What's all this shaking!?" Sanji asked in irritation, soon the shaking stops, Luffy looked at Sanji, "Go and see outside." Sanji nodded and exit the room.
As Sanji walks out the room and lit his cigarette, "Hmm....Well? what's going on...?" "We were ambushed." Zoro stated plainly, "Yeah, that's what I figured...from the looks of it...." Sanji plainly looked around and saw so many men pointing their weapons at them. Then a fat looking guy walks on their ship while eating a freaking iron rod, "Hmm...that makes 3 people in total....there can't be only 3 people on this ship....well whatever....." he then walks infront of them, "But first, let me introduce you all to myself....I am the Majestic captain of Tin Can King Pirates, 'Tin-Can King Wapol'!!! Now bow down to me!" But the trio Ussop, Zoro and Sanji were un-amused.
"Oho....tough crowd, I see!! Then let me ask you something...we wish to head for Drum kingdom. Do you happen to have an Eternal Pose or even a Log Pose on you?" Wapol asked, "No, and we've never even heard of that place before..." Sanji answered will puffing on his cancer stick. "Now if you're done asking, hurry up and get the hell out of here." Ussop stated. But Wapol just dismissed it, "Oh there's no need to rush through life like that....well, if you don't have it then I might as well take all your treasures and your ship instead." "The hell you said!!!" Ussop asked angrily.
"Now now, no need to scowl....but hold on, I'm feeling a bit peckish....." he then opened his mouth wide and was about took the bite of the Going Merry, but suddenly, an immense amount of Conqueror's haki came from inside the room, knocking out every intruders and Wapol immediately. And as it came suddenly, it also disappeared leaving Ussop, Sanji and Zoro looking at the unconscious men lying on their ship. Then Luffy walks out of the room with his Strawhat covering top half of his face, "I just heard a little girl cry about how an ugly looking stupid fuck face was harassing her, and I personally hate those types of people." No one asked what he is talking about.
Luffy then looked at them, "Sanji, get these trash out of my ship and tie up that ugly face, we have use for him. Ussop go to their ship free the prisoners, there should be 20 of them and they all are doctors.....maybe one of them can cure Vivi and finally Zoro....after Ussop's done his part, sink that Tin-can. Now get to work...." "Aye aye Captain!!!" and with that, the trio started to do their part. After everything was done and Wapol's ship was sank, Going Merry moves forward again. The 20 doctors who were Wapol's prisoners thanked the Strawhats for saving them and they even checked Vivi's conditions, but sadly none of them can help to fully cure her. They still gave some prescription to help lower her fever, but they do told Luffy that, there is a witch in Drum Kingdom who can cure Vivi. So without anymore huddle, Merry kept sailing towards Drum Kingdom.
After two more days, they finally saw the outline of the island, "LAND HO!!!!!" Ussop yelled, alerting everyone. "Land!? Vivi, did you hear that! We are finally here! Now we can get you all better!" Luffy told the sleeping Vivi, while Zoro was standing by the door and looking at them, he sighed, "Oi should rest, atleast until we dock at the island!!" he was really concerned about Luffy's health as he had not slept ever since Vivi was fallen ill, well to be honest....none of them had slept after that day. Continuous changing of weather and handling the ship so they won't get the situation like these, he really wished Nami was here.
Luffy then walks outside the room and saw the doctors were sitting around the deck and chatting excitedly amongst themselves as they were nearing their home. "It's so white!! It must be snow! A Snow Island!!" Ussop commented, "Yeah, the Drum Kingdom is covered completely in snow throughout whole year, we call it Winter Island." One of the doctor's said. "Hold on a that island be safe? If there's snow, couldn't there be snow monsters or something!?" hearing Ussop's muttering the doctors looked away innocently.
The ship soon enters the river going towards the island, "Hey look, a meltwater waterfall.... we should be able to dock our ship around here." Sanji suggested. "So..? Who's going to go look for that witch doctor?" Zoro asked, "I'll go!" Sanji immediately answered. But suddenly they heard a loud voice, "STOP RIGHT THERE, PIRATES!" all of them looked and saw they were surrounded by the peoples of the island. "Hey, there's people and judging from their mood, they are not happy to see us...." Ussop said.
Then a huge man stepped forward, "You will turn around immediately, and leave this island at once." "Wait! We've come here for a doctor!" Ussop said, "We have a sick person on board!" Sanji added. "THOSE LIES WON'T WORK ON US, PIRATE-SCUM!" one shouted, "This is our country and we won't let no stinking pirates run amok on it! Now pull your anchor back up and beat it! Or else we'll make you leave!"
" about a bad first impression...." Sanji said, but a shot was fired at his feet but he dodged it, "DON'T TALK BACK AT US!!!" one man yelled, who had just fired the shot. "They opened fire!" Ussop yelled, while Sanji's eyes darkened, "Now you've done it...." Sanji stated and was ready to attack but Luffy stopped him and stepped forward while his face is shadowed by his Strawhat, "Yeah Luffy, show them who is the boss!!!" Ussop cheered, and the people of Drum Kingdom were ready to fire at Luffy.
But to everyone's surprise, Luffy took off his Strawhat and knelt down and slammed his head on the deck and placed his precious Strawhat on the ground, "I beg of you! We promise not to set foot on your could you please just call over a doctor!?? Our friend is gravely ill and in much pain! Please, I beg of her!" Luffy said with so much emotion in his voice which shocked the peoples and even his own Crewmates. They slowly Zoro stood beside Luffy and took out all three of his swords and placed them on the ground and slammed his own head on the deck, bowing just like his captain. Soon Sanji and Ussop also followed and bow down to the people, "PLEASE SAVE OUR FRIEND!!!" they all said in unison.