Omni First Origin

Chapter 892: Chapter 15

Passes by they have already finish about fifty percent of there base work in a single day as that was going valerie can be seen doing both her homework and ant work for this little experimentation that they are doing with her not fully being focused to it like the rest as she cracks her finger joints one by one while stretching her back against the chair looking over her own custom made desk saying damn she did a good job on this as she fixes her hair bun making it sure to stand up on her head saying time to keep on working on her stuff with her suddenly hearing a light knock coming from her room door asking come in revealing it to be her own aunt naia who's saying to her what's up my good little niece has she finish her homework yet with her saying yes she just checking it twice to make sure nothing is wrong on her question problem with her asking her aunt what's wrong you never bothered me unless it's something you want like being flirty with the boy kenny even though she said no from the beggining she was right either way since he's not even interest in her at all with naia saying smiling are you by chance interest in that young boy from today.

With valerie turning her whole body around to go back to working on her own homework in her desk with naia walking up to her turning the chair to faced her face to face saying if she wants she could let her go out the base to go out with the boy as a date if she really wants to but if she doesn't want to that's find with her with naia seen standing back up taking her leave waving goodbye to her niece who's seen in her chair struggling to mutter the courage to do so by saying yes she wants to go out with the boy in a normal date with no camera's watching over her like today by the front entrance naia says you knew with valerie saying she could hear the damn thing moving side to side when she was alone with kenny as naia says okay she got her let her call the town supervisor since he was the one who contracted the young boy to come here to handle the giant ant promblem they are having as she pulls out her phone calling the old man who's at home having a nice dinner with his own family saying to himself who's calling so damn late in the night looking at the name that pop up that says naia as he takes a deep breath before answering the phone call.

Saying how you been naia my friend with naia saying hey by any chance do you have the young man phone number or know where he's currently staying with the old man saying why would you like to know naia respond by saying no not her it's for her lab assistant who is just curious about the boy herself wanting to take him out on a date as the town supervisor says he can't find out today since he's at home eating already with his family and he doesn't feel like ruining the nice calm time moment they are having so he will send the boy number by tommorow afternoon can her assistant wait until then with valerie saying sure she can with naia thanking the old man for helping her out with this before hanging up leaving the town supervisor a bit confused on what just happened with this phone call late at night as he puts his phone away he starts having small talk with his family about there daily life asking has anything important happen today with the kids talking about almost graduating by the end of the year shocking the old man to find out that they aren't juniors anymore saying he has miss so much of there life i am so very sorry.

My children he didn't want to take this job as town supervisor but he had to to make there lives easier since he always saw how sad they we're every time they moved away from home to home every year since they was younger both kid's say it's alright since he has given both a good life to work on since coming to live here full time as the old man thanks them both for being such good kid's by holding each of there hands in silent back at kenny motel room who's training out his physical body and working on his mentality for the incoming match up against the most powerful giant ant he has faced in his life saying if he's being trained by the ant queen herself he has to improved way faster than it can since he doesn't exactly know how he looks like or how strong he will be in his base form alone so he has to be really prepared work on all of his ability and power to the limit with no sign of slowing down as he works for a few hour's he looks at his watch that says five twenty-three pm already saying to himself wow time do fly fast when your distracting yourself as he goes on with his training still standing up with his arms with his lower body.

Pointing to the air as he starts doing pushups like this working on both his balanced plus making his forearms extremely powerful for any scenario he comes face to face with as he then changes form focusing on his legs by kicking the air around him trying to reach new heights if his hands ever get caught and he can't used them as he focus on low and high fast kick while using mid kick to spin his upper and lower body for more power in closed ranged as he finishes those sets he cracks his neck side to side saying that was very good training but he has to keep on going but he also doesn't want to be too bulky at all since that shit looks disgusting in meatheads who goes to the gym every day just to have huge biceps or thighs that is horrifying in his opinion he wants to have normal size muscle to still fit in his casual and mission clothes and not wear a dumb tank top around as he looks again at his watch five fifty-eight pm almost closed to six he has to remember the boss said to come home at nine-thirty pm so he won't be late for school tommorow morning as he decides to leave his motel room after taking a warm shower from all the sweating.

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