Chapter 893: Chapter 16
He was doing from his serious training he decides to go see how the mountain starting to look by flying there he spots something unexpected during his trip there finding out that the whole mountain has been covered with some type of brown web even the main entrance making it impossible to enter anymore only placed that looks remotely open is the top of the mountain where's there a giant hole leading to the sky for them to get out is available for his entrance as he stands by the outside of the big hole he decides to look down with his super eyesight spotting many ants crawling around making more brown web to be placed all over the mountain for them to be able to climb even faster or trap future enemies inside as we'll as he looks around he senses a high power energy level coming from the former ant hill base sensing something no someone training down there by how much force his punch or kick is making down there he tries to get a closer look but a few drone ants passes by quickly making kenny hide outside the whole without making a sound as he looks inside the hole no longer spotting the drone ants anymore he tries to sense the ant monster.
Inside the ant hill base trying to get a good read on him to see how much of his power up form can he handle if they we're to fight one versus one but to his surprise he backs up slowly saying he's fuck right now that ant monster is only growing stronger from the looks of thing's he has to train even harder than ever as he also realizes that the ant queen still has that massive energy signature deep within the same ant hill base meaning the ant monster could even become more powerful than her own mother who's matching his power in his aztlan force form already trying to not get too worry he takes his leave but suddenly a powerful energy signature has already lock on to his own energy without him sensing it from the very start as he turns around slowly he finds out that the energy signature was from the ant monster himself who's directly staring at him feeling his intense gaze fall upon him while they are far away from one another he tell the ant monster why have lock on to my energy signature you wanna see for yourself if im a threat level to you in the near future ain't that right mr.ant who screeches in delight saying you aren't.
A worthy foe to fight him you are only the appetizers before the real challengers come here to fight him in a few day's around tuesday morning is that right boy with kenny seen getting a bit agitated saying what do you mean he's only the appetizers he is much stronger than those fool's who are only evolved human's and not an aztlanian race like himself so bring it on you fool bastard fight him to see who's the real unworthy foe is in the end as the ant monster says fine he will go to him stay where he at he be there soon cutting the energy connection off with kenny changing into his mission clothes once again saying bring it on ant monster with him seen teleporting in front of kenny who eye's goes wide from what he just witness happen saying so you aren't all talk then good let's see what you can do as he power's up to his base form full power already knowing damn we'll this is not an enemy he should be holding back against as the ant monster talks saying we'll we'll nice to see you young warrior he has heard so much from his mother the ant queen and his brother and sister from within the ant hill with kenny saying how did you learned.
The human language so fast if you we're still a newborn when this shit went down the ant monster says we'll his mom was teaching him everything there is to learn about the human race like weak points or weaknesses to exploit plus there single language that majority of human's speak to one another as kenny says so there species we're that advance from the very beggining good to know so does he have a name or no with the ant monster saying he has only been born for a couple hour's now so no name yet as kenny say try to find a name that suits you we'll with the ant monster saying warrior kenny please choose a name for him will you please as a way to honor him in the afterlife with kenny saying sure he can do that give him a minute to think this through since he want to pick a name that would bring fear to those who hear it for the first time as kenny snaps his finger saying ento the bug prince will be his name since he was born from the queen herself with no father ain't that right ento who smiles at his new name saying yes no father just mother created him few week's back but he was being built to a warrior ant unlike the soldiers ant who are weak.
Compared to him since birth as he thanks the warrior kenny for giving him his name since he didn't like the name ant prince at all so having ento as his name will do quite nicely for him throughout the coming day's as kenny says time to get this battle started as they both show off there fighting stance with ento stance looking easy to disarm with a couple light moves while kenny stance is strong enough to make the ant prince sweat a drop from his forehead saying you are truly a proud warrior to have ton of experience in such short little time as ento charges toward kenny who sees this coming with his inner energy predicting his first couple movement's before the match has even started he land's a devastating blow to ento stomach who tanks it thanks to his heavy body armor that he has one right now attacking randomly at kenny who just dodges and weaves to the side away from the incoming enemy fist as kenny catches the enemy fist he knees two time's on ento bottom chin who screeches in pain but he still don't back up away only moving forward until he land's an attack on kenny who thinks to himself why is this man not backing up.