Chapter 891: Chapter 14
As the two shake hands before kenny walking out the old man office heading through the long hallway reaching the front door with the butler waving goodbye at him saying don't be a stranger kid walking on the sidewalk kenny says today was a good day but he still wants to know both side's true objective on this matter with the town supervisor telling himself wow he can't believed this little crisis will soon be over with by exterminating the giant ant species sphecomyrmafreyi for good leaving no trail of there existence to the world and make sure the whole researcher team member's are hold accountable for whatever they did to start this battle of theirs and caused them to partake in this dispute with no concern for there safety at all turning around in his chair to look out the window one last time at the mountain where all this mess has started because he wanted to get the placed check out for a amount of fame that was not worthed at all as he walks out his office room heading to his family home who are surely waiting for him while telling the butler the home is all yours now enjoy with him leaving the building the butler is seen heading.
To the living room taking a seat in the couch before collapsing saying thank you sir as he fall's asleep from this long day work back with research leader naia who's at her own office telling his trusty comrade on how are they doing in the dark web sells with him responding very we'll at first it was slow but now it has blown up big that more and more people want what she selling for a higher price to overtake the other competitor's good says naia who is seen smiling devilish in the shadow saying has they managed to keep valerie away from this drama situation he doesn't want her to be involved with them much longer since she soon has to go home at new york land with her family who loves her and who are thinking they aren't doing dangerous stuff but in reality they are do with the guy saying they can send her home on tuesday since that's when the town supervisor plan's on making his move to leave the ant colony devastated with no more survivor's only tons of ant eggs for themselves to grab and sell plus the special one that the ant queen is guarding herself the man ask why did she invite her niece to come work for her if she has no interest in this kind.
Of stuff with naia saying it's caused her stupid big brother said you don't spend time with your family they all miss you and all this sentimental crap but she knows them already they don't so to shut up her brother she decided to bring her in this amazing trip sight to test the giant ants colony and newfound ecosystem together as a family but she has a attitude promblem that reminds her of herself when she was way younger making her smile a bit saying don't worry she will be off there hair soon and then they can soon focus on working on bettering themselves with the experimental plan they have been doing as the guy says okay he will take his leave and keep her updated with how much money they are making each day opening up the office door before closing it on his way out as naia thinks while in her chair about her current situation saying fuck why did she bring her niece here they are in so much trouble now and she could be accountable as a accomplice in her crimes if she were to get caught up in this sticky situation there in as she tries to find a way to send her back home without drawing to much suspicion on her case but how.
Thinking about this she thinks if her niece could find a way to maybe convince the boy kenny to help her escape this place she knows that he has a thing for her but is not acting upon it maybe he's a very shy guy or he just doesn't trust her that much yet since he did hear them talking about betting his life against the hundreds giant ants army for money so that might throw a wrench at there main problem thinking she has to help her niece valerie make the boy like her to then be used later on to help her escape from this town in less than two day's since tuesday is coming up already as she thinks in her chair she has to check with her later to see if she might have any feeling for the boy before she tries to push them together for her own niece benefit as that is going on the ant queen can be seen talking to her colonies in the ant hill telling them that they had loss the plan to launch a surprised attack toward the human town but worry not my children she has come up with a better plan by explaining about her secret egg that she is molding to be even more powerful than herself in strength and energy no longer will they be scared of the human race they will soon take over.
The land's one town at a time until they have made this place there own territory to thrive in for many generation's saying when the prince is soon born she will have to be sacrifice herself to be eaten by her own kind to become even more powerful than she is currently is making the ant colonies cheer in delight saying long live the ant queen and soon to be ant prince who will lead them to victory in the coming day's the ant queen says to her children to make the whole entire mountain there new ant hill base since the human will surely soon attack there tiny base for control over the ant eggs and the special egg that she is holding within her at all time's until the time is right to give birth to this amazing child of hers that will make her proud as the ant colonies get to work making the whole mountain an even bigger ant hill base to watch over the humans and there town for the right time to attack with there leading general in the front as the ant work's together working fast on surrounding the mountain with web's that they can make from there mouths closing off the cave hole entrance and making this place even more durable than ever as time.