NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 62: Entering Alter Village

He headed towards the gate where there was no one else but him. He knew in the next few days, this place would be brimming with players. He went towards the gate, which was a large semi-circular gate made of one of the glimmering ore that was like a gem.

There was one NPC standing there, doing nothing but looking at the distance with dazed eyes. Bloom went directly to him, as he said in greeting:

"Hi hi mister, may I get a ticket to go to the village?"

The NPC was jolted awake, as he glanced at Bloom for a moment before smiling widely:

"Finally one brave player will be able to join the first hundred players to reach the village. I'm honored to give you the ticket, son. Here, take it, it's free for you."

Bloom knew this ticket was free for all players, but it will move him randomly to any village. This made all the teams done here useless, as they wouldn't be able to go to the same village, even if they came here at the same time and used the ticket simultaneously.

"Thanks for your kind words and support mister," Bloom replied with courtesy, as he didn't forget his past life as one of the NPCs in a game.

The ticket was a small piece of silver paper with the word 'Village' written on its surface. He grabbed it from this NPC before hearing the system notification.

"System alert: Player has acquired the ticket to the village. This is a random ticket and the player would go to a random village. if a player wants to go to a specific place, he has to pay an extra fee of fifty gold coins to upgrade this ticket into a golden one."

"Oh, is there such a thing as well?" Bloom muttered as he was totally surprised by this offer. He would pay one hundred gold coins if he wanted to move from village to village, so spending fifty only here seemed a good bargain to do.

"I want to upgrade this ticket mister to a golden ticket."

The NPC glanced briefly at him before smiling warmly to him as he replied:

"Good lad, very good lad, fine give me this and pay fifty gold coins to me for the golden ticket."

Bloom didn't delay and took out fifty gold coins, handed them all to the NPC with the silver ticket. The NPC then took out one golden ticket, slightly larger than the silver one. The moment Bloom touched it, another system notification kicked in.

"System alert: Player has acquired the golden ticket to the village. a player is needed to state the name of the village he wanted to move to out loud and the system will move him at once."

Bloom evilly smiled as he was so near to devastate that player's quest with this single move.

"Alter village," he loudly said the name of the village, and in the next moment, the golden ticket shone brightly before disappearing, and a golden light engulfed him, moving him to the Alter village.

The moment the light disappeared, Bloom found himself standing in an empty village square, with a fount made up of a statue of a sword wielder player with his face representing in a very realistic way the moment of intense fight.

Bloom marveled this statue for a brief moment before sighing in admiration to this extreme elegant art. Just as he was about to set foot to explore this village, a row of system notifications appear one after another.

"System alert: Player has reached the Alter village. as one of the first hundred players reaching the village in the game, the player is rewarded one hundred gold coins."

"System alert: Player has reached the village using a golden ticket. As the fifth player doing so, the player is rewarded by the chance to unlock a skill of his basic skill tree."

"System alert: Player has reached the village stage. As the player has a secret class already, the player has to open and select one mission at least, and make sure to fulfill one mission per week, or else the player will get punishment applied to his stats."

"System alert: Player has reached the village. A member of the death shrine was nearby and he sensed his presence. Player will be reminded each time such a thing occurs."

"System alert: Player has reached the village. a member of the life shrine is nearby and he sensed his presence. Player will be reminded each time such a thing occurs."

"System alert: Player has reached the village. A member of an unknown faction has noticed the attention given to the player by the members of shrine of death and shrine of life. the intentions of this member is unknown. Hostility to player is currently neutral. Player will be reminded each time such a thing occurs."

Bloom stood motionless in his place, while feeling dazed by all these notifications. What interested him were the ones related to the shrine of life and shrine of death, and that mysterious party.

"Is there such a thing in the game after being an enemy for one or more shrines?" he muttered to himself, marveling this simple, yet effective, move of the game.

As such he already knew his two targets were currently in the village, or nearby it. he had to defend the shrine of death convoy and stop the shrine of life elder from attacking it.

"Per history, that player will first accept the shrine of life quest, but what if I made contact with the two, and started killing them?" Bloom evilly thought about this scenario, as like this the entire quest would be lost, and nothing would happen as a result.

"Bye bye the era of prosperity then," he sneered as he turned his attention towards the reward he got, and the condition he had from his quest.

"So the system is quite generous to grant me one skill for free, that's something I had to thank the game for. But I'm the fifth to do so? Who are the other four then? And I'm not even in the top twenty players reaching the village? that's absurd!"

He was thinking deeply about the hidden messages related to him in the system notifications. He thought his level was quite high, and he would end up being in the first twenty players joining the village.

This was an unimportant ranking in the game, as the first one thousand players to the villages, the towns, the cities, and the capitals were recorded in a separate hall of fame ranking.

He wasn't concerned about the ranking, but he was concerned about the identity of these players. He felt regret as he couldn't check the list now, as the ranking wouldn't be open until players exceeded level twenty, and all the list would be full with one thousand players' names.

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