Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 19: Commander Shepard vs The Reporter

After Liara's humiliating defeat to Khalisah, where the former reporter not only deflowered the maiden in front of the galaxy but also enslaved the maiden, Shepard swore that she was going to destroy the sadistic reporter when they fought in the arena. The Commander might have had her ass ruined by Isessa in the first round, but the human had found herself working overtime to prepare for the fight against the reporter. For too long had this repulsive journalist made snide and false stories about the Commander, and now that this woman had started taking the fight to her crew, Shepard was going to ensure that the reporter wouldn't ever so much as write a blog post about the spectre again.


While the Commander was training for the fight, Khalisah was enjoying the spoils of her conquest. Back in the motel room the reporter was renting out, she had spent what was left of her money on a latex suit for her new slave, covering most of the blue flesh inside of purple latex suit, leaving the large breasts to hang free as well as Liara's crotch and ass to hang out. The suit dug into Liara's flesh, and while the maiden was deeply humiliated, she wasn't broken by the reporter's cruel punishment. As Khalisah exited the shower, she was fully naked with a smirk, walking to Liara and putting her wet foot directly onto Liara's face.


The maiden groaned as the human's foot pressed into her face, and the reporter only chuckled in response "Come on slut lick! You did it so well in the arena!" The asari shamefully blushed as the human ordered her around, degrading her and reminding the maiden of her failure. "You are mine for two weeks bitch! You are going to pay for what Shepard has done to me over the years!" Liara extended her tongue, not wanting to face the consequences of disobeying her mistress once again. As the blue tongue started to trace up and down the foot, Khalisah moaned out, but only kept the foot against Liara's face briefly before pushing the asari down onto the bed.


With her body burning in humiliation, Liara rolled over, covering her body as much as she could while she focused on the human. "Shepard is going to destroy you bitch! She isn't going to let this go" Khalisah laughs at the idle threat posed by Liara before activating her omni cock and leaping onto the bed.


"Seems someone didn't learn their lesson! Time for another round of punishment" Liara shook her head in fear as the human forcefully spread the maiden's legs open and began to rub the glowing phallus against the tight muff. The lube automatically dispensed onto the phallus; however, it still wasn't enough as the cock tore straight through Liara, stretching her cunt out again, and brutally pounding into her asari slave. The maiden was crying out in pain as the cock hit deep inside of her cunt, stretching through her cervix as the reporter took revenge.


Liara had been drug through hell during the reaper war, but nothing had prepared her to be fucked like a slave. Khalisah wrapped her hands around Liara's legs, bringing them up and placing them both behind Liara's head, painfully stretching the maiden, but asserting her dominance over the asari. Thanks to the lubrication dispenser built into the strapon, Liara's cunt was starting to glisten from the lube, making it look as if she was a horny slut for the vaginal rape she was receiving, but the cries made it clear she wasn't.


Adding to T'Soni's humiliation, the reporter activated her drone, starting a live broadcast with the camera fixed on Liara's body, showing the bimbo like frame being pounded by the human. "Ooohh the way your wet pussy squeezes my cock is sooo good. You asari sluts cry like you don't want It but your whorish bodies don't lie!" Liara shakes her head as the human continues to pound deep inside of her blue pussy, now ravaging the maiden in front of the entire galaxy. Wet slapping noises and Liara's cries of pain were the only thing feeling the room, but the camera continued to hover over the maiden, capture the large bouncing breasts as they rolled up and down Liara's chest.


Not being satisfied with the current power position Liara was in, the reporter withdrew her strapon, flipping Liara onto her stomach and rubbing the strapon against the unclaimed sphincter. "Mmm now beg for Shepard to come save you bitch! Ask your commander to save you from this buttfucking." Khalisah groans out as she keeps rubbing the slick phallus in between the fat asari asscheeks. Liara's body seemed cursed as she looked like a whore who had undergone professional surgery, but her body was completely natural. "Mmm I can feel the silicone in this ass… You must have had a good doctor… Now beg slut!"


Liara whimpered as she felt the nails of the human digging into her ass flesh, and soon she let out a cry as the reporter pulled up on the cheeks "P-p—Please Shepard… S…Save me! Don't let her ra- GAHHHHAAAAAHH NYAAAH" Liara let out a scream of pain as the reporter pushed the cock straight into her tight blue asshole, pushing the strapon in as far as it would go.


When the crying asari finally calmed down, with her screams being buried into the mattress, the human let out a chuckle as she grabbed Liara's head, forcing her to look into the light of the camera. "Look into the camera bitch! Let the galaxy see your whorish face as I claim your body's virginity!" Liara continues to scream out as her ass is hammered by the strapon, with the pain only being reduced thanks to the lube from the strapon. As Khalisah continued to rape T'Soni, she grabbed the camera and focused on Liara's sobbing face. "See this Shepard?! This is all your doing! Be ready as for tomorrow you are getting raped by an even bigger strapon!" Khalisah turned her camera to an enormous strapon that was at least 22 inches long "Get ready to meet your doom Shepard because I won't stop until you are broken!" With her final declaration against the commander, the camera shut off, but the reporter continued to pound Liara throughout the night.


When the morning came, Shepard had seen the reports of the video on almost every tabloid journalist, shaming Liara as a wanton slut, and questioning if Shepard would protect her crew. The commander growled seeing some of the reports, to the point of smashing the datapad she was reading them from and getting ready in her leather bikini as her match was first on the card once again.


As the Commander walked into the locker room, all eyes were on her as she finished getting ready for her match, but when Khalisah entered, the room became tense. Both women were out to destroy the other for good, and when Shepard turned her head, she could see that the reporter was already wearing the massive strapon. The silicon dick looked much bigger in person, and this sent a shiver down Shepard's spine, knowing that if she lost the fight, she would be taking that up one of her holes.


Shepard diverted her attention away, not wanting to break any of the rules, but that wasn't about to stop the reporter as she began to walk behind Shepard. "Bet you are disappointed I got to pop that asari cherry before you… Don't worry slut, soon I will wreck your ass worse than Isessa did. Maybe then you will show respect." The Commander's ass still had yet to recover from the intense butt fucking during her match but was managing to push through the pain.


Hearing the attempts to get under her skin, Shepard stood up, turning to face the reporter "The only one who is getting taught a lesson here is you. This time you've gone too far, and I am going to make sure that your ass knows that Commander Shepard isn't one to fuck with!" The commander stormed off, heading to the arena and the entire crowd was cheering, seeing the savior of the galaxy out there once again in her leather bikini.


Shepard raised her hand up, covering her eyes as the lights shined directly on her body. The commander saw the oil on her table much like last time and decided it would be best to get herself slippery just in case she needed a quick escape. The human rubbed her body up and down, making sure that there was a thick layer on herself, and to tease the crowd, she reached her hands into her bra, rubbing her bare breasts to oil them up. As the Commander continued to put on a show for the crowd as Khalisah began to make her entrance, coming out bare breasted and having the hung plastic cock in between her legs.


When the reporter entered into the arena the cheers only seemed to get louder as Khalisah held her head high. Everyone was wanting the reporter to come out on top and have a repeat of Shepard's match where the heroine was completely destroyed. Flanked on either side of the reporter was two hover cameras, and at her side was Liara, crawling on her hands and knees, wearing her purple slave outfit, as well as a anal plug that had a purple tail on it. In addition to the new anal plug, Liara had a bright red ball gag protruding from her mouth. The asari looked wounded, like she had been beaten all night long, but Liara was still holding strong.


Seeing the asari still holding in strong, Shepard was filled with resolve knowing that she could save Liara. When Khalisah took her spot on the stand, she clicked her fingers, and the drones floated to the side, getting closer shots than the cameras from the tournament. Their bright lights flashed on Shepard's skin, making it shine and causing the reporter to laugh. "Oh all oiled up for me? That shit isn't going to save you when I wreck your pussy! You will be my slave when this is over Shepard."


The commander gritted her teeth as the cameras floated around her body, taking in the glistening body. "You aren't wrecking shit Khalisah! Let's make a deal then bitch… If I win I get Liara back and I keep you as my slave!" The crowd booed a little at Shepard's request as they all wanted to see the heroine fucked by the large cock, but the reporter did not seem phased by the demand.


"Well Shepard allow me to retort. Sure, I will take your offer, but when YOU lose bitch, you will be my slut and I will let everyone in the crowd fuck you!" The crowd went wild as Shepard took a step back, shocked by the counteroffer, but the heroine did not refuse as she would do anything to protect her crew.


Shepard's body was on the line here, but she wasn't in a position to back down as she took a defensive stance. "You're on bitch." Shepard was ready for this fight, and when the buzzer sounded, both women slowly began to approach each other as the crowd cheered for the two of them. As the two fighters grew closer, Khalisah smirked as Shepard threw the first punch, and when the reporter ducked she followed the motion with a swift upper cut, clocking Shepard on the bottom of her jaw.


The commander fell back on her ass, with the reporter landing the first strike on Shepard for the first time since they met. Khalisah didn't want to give Shepard a chance to get up, and leapt on top of the spectre, straddling Shepard's waist and immobilizing her as she began ripping Shepard's bra off. After the humiliating victory yesterday, Shepard made sure that her clothes were extra tight this time, but even it wasn't enough as she found herself being stripped once again for the galaxy to see. With her B-Cup breasts being exposed once again, Shepard's hands covered her chest as she tried to hide her small breasts.


The commander was quick to start using her feet as she put them right to Khalisah's head and kicked the reporter off of her. Shepard began crawling over, keeping her breasts covered up and when she reached the reporter, she gave her hand a soft lick to entice the crowd before slapping the reporter's ass. "You fucking bitch! You look better in this position." Shepard continued to spank the reporter before activating her omnistrapon and slapping it against the tight butthole of the reporter. "Time to make you pay!"


Much like with how Khalisah violated Liara last night, Shepard returned the favor, pushing the thick strapon deep into the reporter's tight ass, and letting out a deep moan as she bottomed out. The glowing cock pulsated when it went fully inside and the reporter was letting out a pained cry as Shepard began to rock her hips back and forth with the strapon, all while the crowd was booing the commander, wanting to see Shepard in place of Khalisah. Shepard didn't want a repeat of the humiliation she suffered beforehand and needed to keep control of the situation as she hammered her cock into the reporter.


Khalisah on the other hand, was burning with humiliation. She had come to the fight prepared and was still having a hard time getting an edge over Shepard, with her ass getting wrecked. Her breasts mashed into the floor, being crushed under each thrust, but her luck seemed to turn as she felt Shepard easing up.


Continuing to thrust into the tight butthole, Shepard started to take her time, savoring the asshole the Commander wanted to make sure her thrusts were slow but deep. Never in her life did Shepard see herself bringing herself this low, but after seeing what Khalisah done to Liara and with the fight she had before, the commander saw herself destroying the anus of the reporter. Thanks to Isessa, the human had developed a kink for anal with the Commander seeming fixated on them even as her own ass had yet to recover from the brutal anal assault. Shepard might not be able to do the damage that Isessa had done to her, but she was going to make sure that the reporters ass felt a similar pain.


The commander soon lifted up Khalisah, trying to get a better angle on destroying her opponent's ass. Shepard grasped the reporter by her hair, hoisting her to her feet and moving her to the glass. Feeling the strapon leave her rectum, Khalisah found herself able to think straight, and as she was being dragged to the glass, the reporter knew this was going to be now or never. She put all of her strength into an elbow, first driving it right in to Shepard's pale stomach, then after Shepard had recoiled, Khalisah drove her fist upwards, clobbering the spectres face.


Shepard went down hard, crashing into the floor as Khalisah panted with anger as she stared down at Shepard, but she wasn't going to waste her time. The reporter grasped the leather bikini bottoms, unable to rip them, but she was able to remove them and have the holographic dick dissipate as it needed to be recalibrated before use. When Shepard's ass was fully exposed, the crowd began to cheer, with Khalisah pointing to Shepard's sphincter so the crowd could get a look.


The once tightly sealed butthole was still gaping wide open from the brutal buttfucking from Isessa during their clash, but that wasn't the only thing going on down in Shepard's panties. Her cunt was soaking wet, drooling all over the mat thanks to her buttfucking of Khalisah, and everyone could see the Commander was turned on by this. The reporter bent down, grabbing Shepard by her dark hair and dragging her to the window, hoisting up the spectre and throwing her down onto the ground again, with the head bouncing off the glass pane.


Khalisah smirked seeing Shepard in this position, grasping the commander's legs and lifting them up. She spread them out wide so that everyone could see the wet pussy as she began to line the silicone cock up with Shepard's ass, seeking to further ruin the destroyed hole. The hero started to come to, but it was too late for her to take any action as Khalisah began her plunge into Shepard's anus.


Feeling the strapon enter her, at first the commander could barely feel the cock thanks to Isessa's anal annihilation, but as the cock got deeper, Shepard began to let out pained cries until all 22 inches were deep inside of her guts, deforming them completely. Shepard's body was shaking uncontrollably as she cried out in pain, with her anus unable to accommodate such a huge phallus, but the reporter was far from finished with Shepard. "You know what Shepard? Fuck the rules of the tournament, I am not stopping until I hear you scream out that you submit! I want you to beg me to stop. Revenge is too sweet!"


With her sudden change the crowd erupted as Khalisah began to pile drive into Shepard's ass, causing the human's screams to get louder. At first it was like a slow jackhammer, moving at a deep but steady rhythm, but as the cock stretched her ass out, everyone could see that more juices were starting to seep out of the commander's ass. At first the reporter was lost in driving the cock deep into Shepard's ass, but when she noticed the pussy only getting wetter, she laughed, giving the sloppy cunt a few slaps. "God Shepard you are a nasty whore! Come on everyone let's chant for Shepard, egg her on to cum from having her ass wrecked!"


Shepard's face went bright red as everyone began to build up a chant, shouting for the depraved whore to cum. The commander couldn't deny it. Her underlying masochistic kink was on full display as her ass was brutalized and the pain coursed through her body. Her natural whore was winning out over her own mind, and she could feel her cunt pulsing, wanting to erupt all over the glass pane.


Seeing the resistance from Shepard, Khalisah began to speed up her hips, twisting the strapon like a corkscrew as she hammered in deep inside of the human. Shepard's ass was further stretched, with the commander's cunt building up pressure as it pulsed and leaked out onto her stomach. Each thrust clapped off the ass cheeks, causing them to ripple with each bounce, and as the thighs collided with each other, the slaps echoed through the arena but was also drowned out by the screams of Shepard. With the thunderous clapping continuing, Shepard could no longer take it, and instead of letting out a cry of pleasure as her pussy erupted.


Her body had fully betrayed her, with her cunt starting to spray against the glass, splattering the screen and were it not for the glass she would have been cumming hard all over the crowd! Shepard's body was convulsing and twitching from the intense orgasm, but her body was still cumming for the reporter as her anus was once again pounded into oblivion. When the commander's shameful orgasm finally began to die down, so did the reporter as she wished to see if she had broken the spectre. Much to her disappointment, Shepard still seemed to have her mental sanity intact, with the commander seeming to start to stir and regain her focus.


As Khalisah began to reposition herself, Shepard pressed her feet against the face of the reporter and kicked the woman off of her. Shepard wasn't at full strength, but she had enough force to push the reporter off of her and make it to her hands and knees. Crawling like a lustful dog, Shepard made her way towards the reporter who had been pushing herself to her knees and holding her jaws. Not giving her opponent a chance to recover, Shepard mounted herself over the reporter, reactivating her strapon and plunging back into the ass of the reporter.


Khalisah began screaming out in pain as Shepard grasped onto the hair of the reporter, squeezing it tightly and thrusting into the tight butthole of the reporter. "Take this you stupid bitch!" The reporter screams out in pain as Shepard pounds inside of her, with the hero taking out all of her anger onto the reporter. Much like Shepard, Khalisah had gotten turned on by her domination of her opponent and she was heavily excited. The anal fucking had only started to build up her orgasm, and Shepard was on the cusp of beating the reporter.


Feeling the strapon drive deep into her, Khalisah tried to fight back against Shepard, but with the tight grip on her hair, Shepard was in full control of the fucking. "Nnnnn…. No fair! You came already! You squirted like a whooore!" The reporter was screaming out in pain as her ass was destroyed by Shepard, and all the commander could do was chuckle, with her smirk growing.


Shepard slapped the reporter across the face. "Weren't you the one who didn't want it to stop until you broke me? Well, you wanted to change the rules for yourself…. I just have to get you to cum and you are all mine!" The reporter let out a groan as Shepard continued to fuck the reporter hard, slamming downward into the human. The skill Shepard had picked up on seemed to be working as Khalisah was on the verge of cumming hard all over the mat, giving Shepard the victory.


Despite her best efforts to fight back, Khalisah was no match for the strength and endurance of Shepard. She couldn't overpower or outlast Shepard in this position, and with her body submitting, she let out a loud scream as she began to squirt, with the buzzer sounding and the human cumming all over the arena. Despite the cries of dissatisfaction, Shepard was the winner once again, and seeing this Liara leapt up from her kneeling position, heading over to the reporter.


Shepard didn't stop thrusting into the reporter as Liara approached the two, sitting down and spreading her legs. Seeing the maiden there, Shepard was filled with relief seeing there was still some fight left in Liara. The asari grabbed the human's head and brought it between her legs, pressing the lips up to her azure. "Lick!" Was all Liara commanded, and the human obeyed, starting to suck on the asari's pussy as both Shepard and Liara double teamed Khalisah.


The Commander began to gyrate her hips, much like Isessa did when she was ruining Shepard's anus. Shepard's morals had been fully corrupted with this fight, seeing Liara dominate and take back control, only made Shepard get more aggressive with her thrusting. Wet slurping sounds were mixed in with the slapping sounds that echoed from Khalisah's ass as the human and asari duo worked to break the reporters mind and spirit.


As the time ticked down, the destruction of the reporter only continued as Khalisah continued to climax all over the floor, looking completely broken before finally Shepard withdrew her cock. The holographic Phallus was coated in the sexual juices of the human, and Liara looked a little confused when Shepard took out her cock. The commander bent down, detaching the large cock that still dangled in between Khalisah's legs and held it up with an evil grin. Once the maiden saw Shepard taking the phallus out, she knew what the human was doing.


The blue hands traced back to Khalisah's rear end and spread the ass cheeks out wide, letting the cameras soak in the gapping butthole. The reporters ass still did not gape as much as Shepard's, but was showing some signs of healing that the commander looked to rectify. Adjusting the enormous silicone phallus, Shepard angled it downward and pushed all 22 inches deep into the rectum of the reporter!


Khalisah seemed to come back to life feeling this cock drive deep into her, with her legs starting to kick and an agonizing scream echoing through the arena. Shepard didn't stop, looking over to Liara, she leant over and shared a passionate kiss with the asari, making sure that the dildo had been fully hilted within Khalisah's ass before removing her hand. The reporter rolled out from under them, reaching back to her ass and trying to pull the dildo that was balls deep out of her. Shepard seemed only to focus on Liara, as when the kiss broke, the two lovers stared into each other's eyes, both sharing the same loving gaze.


Liara might have been out of the tournament, but Shepard knew that she could win this if she pushed hard enough. Her next hurdle would be Ashix, and when she turned her head to the large cock that had popped out of Khalisah's ass, she knew that would be her only option to train with.

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