Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 18: Mass Effect Breeding Request



Shepard stood just a few steps beyond the throne of crumbling concrete that made up Wrex's seat of power upon Tuchanka. She'd come alone this time, as she only had one task to accomplish and it was a very personal one indeed. Only a few hours ago she, along with Mordin, and of course, Grunt, completed Grunt's initiation into clan Urdnot. She'd been happy for her little tank bred Krogan, and as they left to re embark the Normandy, she thought that was that. With no other business on Tuchanka, they'd get underway. But, Shepard had barely made it out of the airlock before EDI chimed in with a message. 

"Reports from Clan Urdnot." She began, "Killing the thresher maw has produced several breeding requests for Grunt." She paused for a moment. "And one for Shepard." 

"Hah!" Grunt guffawed as Shepard suddenly froze in the middle of walking. She was near enough to the cockpit that Joker was able to swivel his chair around, a shit-eating grin plastered all over his face. 

"Well commander, it looks like you have the unique honor of being popular with everybody." He chuckled. 

Mordin tilted his head, almost confused as to the humor of the situation. "Could be a useful opportunity. Learn how Krogan breeding has changed since implementation of genophage. Ah! But dangerous. Human physiology, quite fragile. Much softer than Krogan. High probability of crushing."

Shepard was just about to give all those present an earful, but then she thought better on it. "You know what, I think you're right doctor. This could be an educational experience for us all. C'mon Grunt, I'm sure you're itching to go visit the female camp." She nodded to the Krogan before heading back in the direction of the airlock.

"Yes!" Grunt cried with glee, quickly falling in.

Joker looked so taken aback that Shepard wondered for a moment if he had broken a bone. "C-Commander… You're not really thinking of…" 

Shepard interrupted him with a laugh, "See ya' in a bit Joker." She waved as the airlock door closed behind them. To her surprise, however, Mordin seemed to have followed as well. She raised an eyebrow at the Salarian, who again expressed his confusion. 

"What are you doing, Mordin?" 

"Science." He replied, "Thought it worth tagging along. Might learn something. Unlikely, but worth the trip." 

She turned to Grunt. "You mind if the good doctor tags along?" 

Grunt shrugged, "To be honest, I barely noticed him. He can do whatever he wants." 

Mordin nodded, "Yes. Probably for the best." 

Departing the airlock, the three made their way towards the camp of Clan Urdnot, and Shepard broke off from the other two as Grunt went off to go breed with the females. She had the sense that the request had come from someone much closer. But, just to be certain, she contacted EDI. "Is there a name with the breeding request?" She asked the AI.

"There is Shepard." EDI replied, "The breeding request came from the Chieftain of Clan Urdnot. Urdnot Wrex." 

Even having had her suspicions, it hit entirely differently to have them confirmed so succinctly. Shepard had, for some time now, sensed that there was some unspoken tension between her and Wrex. She'd initially thought it was simply due to their different attitudes, or that the differences between their species rubbed Wrex the wrong way. But after a while, she'd started to see it for what it was; sexual tension. Shepard didn't know of any other humans who had mated with a Krogan before, but she was sure she wouldn't be the first one. The first one to survive , perhaps, but by no means the first one. Humanity was simply too horny for her to be the first to try it. 

Still, whatever her misgivings, it didn't stop her from marching up to Wrex's throne and crossing her arms with her usual military bravado and unshakable poise. They exchanged their usual greetings for each other, and for a moment were left in silence as they eyed the other carefully. Night had fallen on Tuchanka, and most of the camp had retired to their sleeping arrangements. Shepard assumed that Wrex had to have been waiting for her, as there was no other reason for him to be sitting on his throne, alone, in the middle of the night. It was an oddly dramatic gesture for the old Krogan, but she supposed he just wanted to make it easier to find him. 

Shepard looked at him, trying to get a read on him through his hard edged features. No dice, it seemed, as to Shepard, most Krogans generally just looked ready to hit something. She decided to go with the direct approach. "Mind explaining why I got a breeding request from someone in your clan?" 

Wrex chuckled, his low bassy voice was an old comfort to Shepard. "I would think the reason is pretty obvious, Shepard. Or do you want me to explain to you the ins and outs of Krogan mating rituals." 

Shepard raised an eyebrow, heat rising to her face as she seized upon the moment. "Actually, I was thinking you could show me the ins and outs. I've always been someone to learn through doing." 

There it was, the toothy smirk that crossed Wrex's face was a familiar sight to Shepard; but it usually only came out when there was something big to kill. "So I see you got the full message then. That's good." 

Shepard smiled, "I did. The only thing I'm stuck on now is why you sent me a message rather than just asking me." 

Wrex grunted. "That's the traditional way for Krogan nowadays, and I didn't want to put you on the spot. If you're as busy as I am with that suicide mission of yours then you're probably up to your neck with tasks that nobody else can get done. I like you Shepard, but more than that, I respect you. I wouldn't want to get in the way of your work because of some feelings of mine." 

Shepard chuckled, "Urdnot Wrex, talking about his feelings? You really have changed." 

Wrex smiled, before standing up from the throne and descending down the steps until he and Shepard were face to face. "Don't go thinking I've gone soft Shepard. It's a confident man who can admit he has affection for someone." He pointed a finger towards her, poking her on the chest. "Count yourself lucky that I consider you such a close friend; I still stand by the fact that I could put you in the hospital if I really wanted to."

Shepard smiled. There was something almost adorable in the way Wrex spoke, as if casual threats of violence were his way of flirting with her. "No doubts about that." She replied. "But it's been a few years since we fought alongside each other. I want to see this body of yours in action."

Wrex smiled, "Are you sure you could handle it? You humans are usually pretty squishy." 

"C'mon Wrex." Shepard pressed, "Do I seem 'squishy' to you?" 

Wrex grunted, "I suppose not. But I don't want to hear any whining if Dr. Chakwas has to glue you back together after I'm done with you." 

"You really know how to turn a girl on." Shepard jabbed.

Wrex chuckled, "Follow me then." 




Shepard hadn't known what exactly to expect out of a Krogan bedroom, probably some sturdy furniture, but she was caught completely off guard when Wrex led her into his personal chambers and she found that Krogan didn't really use much furniture at all. Though the room itself was rather nice for Tuchanka, free of rubble and dust and built from many shades of dark bricks and a few sturdy windows that looked over the blasted landscape, it was without any bed to speak of. There was a smaller room to the side that served as an open closet, which mostly just held armor, and a connected bathroom that was extremely spartan in design, with a single spigot for a shower. As if to round out the space, there was also a single massive desk in one corner of the room that looked to be made out of a concrete slab, with a small, flat-topped boulder sitting next to it that served as a stool. 

Wrex eyed Shepard with dry amusement as she took in the room, and it looked for a moment that he was resisting the urge to laugh. "Where's the bed?" Shepard finally asked. 

"Krogans don't use beds." Wrex replied. "We sleep on the floor, or on each other, if we're feeling friendly; which we usually aren't." 

Shepard raised an eyebrow. "How can that be comfortable?" 

Wrex grunted, "The same way some humans like firm beds I guess. We don't like the feeling of being coddled. We usually prefer a nice, flat surface without any give to it, or barring that, something nice and solid to sit against. Although, most Krogan I know prefer to sleep on their stomachs, makes 'em feel safe since all their soft spots are covered up." He smirked, seeing the hesitation on her face. "Having second thoughts?" 

Shepard shook her head. "No." She laughed, "Just thinking about some of the weirder places I've slept before. This probably wouldn't even make it into the top ten." 

Wrex tilted his head, and Shepard could actually make out a bit of wariness in his own expression. "Shepard, be straight with me, do you really know what you're getting into?" 

Shepard turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "You said it yourself, the message was pretty straightforward." 

"I know," Wrex grunted, "I just don't want us to get into the thick of it only for things to go sour." 

Shepard nodded, "So tell me a little about what to expect then, and I'll let you know how I feel about it. I've seen some vids on the extranet that gave me a general idea of how Krogans mate, but I doubt that they're entirely accurate." 

Wrex scowled. "You actually watch that trash?"

Shepard blushed, feeling personally attacked. "Well you weren't exactly throwing yourself at me before now so what else was I supposed to do? I was curious and horny and you refused to make a move." 

He laughed, "I hadn't realized this was such a long time coming Shepard."

"Shove it up your ass Wrex." She spat back, "Don't act like you didn't have eyes for me back then too." 

"I won't." He acquiesced, "But back to the subject. For Krogans, sex is a power struggle, just like everything else. For male and female Krogan, at least, the male will attempt to overpower the female as a means of showing that he is worthy of mating with her. This is all after requests have been sent and accepted and whatnot. Usually, the female lets him win no matter how he performs, but I've known some who play the ritual honestly, and have rejected male Krogans because they couldn't demonstrate ample strength." 

Shepard listened closely, feeling her body getting warmer as the implications ran through her mind. "So, you want to 'overpower' me." 

Wrex seemed oddly sheepish at the question. "I guess that's a way of putting it." 

Shepard nodded, a blush having crossed her face. "And is this before or after we take our clothes off." 

Wrex pressed his lips together, almost as if he were trying to remain stoic, but was failing to hide his excitement. "Depends. Some Krogan like the feeling of tearing armor or clothing off of each other, but it's usually a waste of time and money." 

Shepard nodded again. "Well, as much as I'd like you to tear my armor off of me, this stuff is pretty expensive." She reached towards a panel fitted into one of her vambraces and after prying it open, flipped a switch which released the clamps of her armor; and without further ado, having made her way over to the bare desk, Shepard began to remove bits and pieces of her armor. 

Wrex watched, and Shepard smiled to herself as she felt his eyes on her back. "Shepard." He uttered, hoping she'd turn her attention back on him, but she continued. "Shepard." He repeated louder.

"Yes Wrex?" Shepard replied as she removed the heavy armor plate from her chest.

He huffed, "I get the feeling you haven't been listening to what I've been saying." 

That got her to turn around, half of her armor plates having been stripped off, revealing the more flexible padded fabric below. She raised her eyebrow, this time, her expression more serious. "Wrex. You're one of my closest friends. So believe me when I say that I really do appreciate you trying to be cautious with me. But with that having been said, if you keep treating me like some green in the gills spacer who's never seen an alien before then you'd better be ready for me to start throwing punches. I helped to kill a thresher maw earlier today Wrex. I know damn well what I'm getting into, and at this point your worry is starting to feel patronizing. So do you want to fuck me or not?" Shepard hadn't intended to come across as mad, but she was feeling more than a little sexually pent up at this point, and Wrex's hemming and hawing hadn't been helping matters. 

Wrex listened respectfully, letting her get it all out before he talked again, this time, with a smile. "Sorry." He grunted, in perhaps the first instance Shepard could think of where Wrex had apologized for something. "To answer your question. Yes. Even if nothing comes of it, I want to mate with your Shepard." 

Shepard nodded, "Good. Now start taking off your armor. If you're going to fuck me, then you're going to fuck me like a Krogan." She demanded before turning back to the desk and continuing to remove her armor plates, this time with a bit of added frustration.

Wrex grunted, "Aye aye, Commander." Shepard was turned around, so she didn't see Wrex as he began to remove his own armor, but she could hear the clicks and scrapes as he removed the heavier outer plating and tossed them each to the side. Shepard hurried to get her armor off, if only so she could turn around and look at Wrex's body. All the plates were off, and Shepard began to shrug off her combat boots. It was more of a hassle to strip out of the full-body suit she wore under her armor, as it held much closer to the skin, but eventually she'd removed the thing and tossed it onto the desk with everything else. With a face hot with lust and excitement, Shepard removed her bra and panties, adding them to the rest as she finally stood naked and ready. By the sounds of things, Wrex was nearly done, and Shepard turned around to look at him. 

Shepard was aware that her own attraction towards those of other sapient species was often seen as peculiar by other humans, but even she marveled at the immediate reaction her body gave upon witnessing Wrex as he stripped out of what remained of his armor. The hard, crimson scales that covered his body were beautiful, coming in dozens of different shades of red and fitting together in an exquisite harmony of interlocking plates and ridges. In those places where he needed flexibility, she saw his tough skin, scaly, and yet soft and cream colored. He wore scars upon his body, just as she did, though she boasted far more. Unlike her, however, he sported an adorable little tail, which was a happy by-product of Krogan evolution. He turned to her, eyeing her body curiously as she did much the same to him. Looking between his legs, Shepard at once tried and failed to hide her disappointment.

"Looking for someone?" Wrex laughed. 

"Did you lose it somewhere?" Shepard retorted, crossing her arms. 

Wrex smirked, "We don't leave our bits hanging out like humans do. Our testicles are internal, and the rest only comes out when we want it to do so, kinda like a tongue. Honestly, I don't know what idiot thought up human testicles; they're so soft and squishy, perfect weak point, and you all just leave it exposed." 

Shepard laughed, "I don't think it was anyone's decision Wrex."

Wrex snorted, "I hope not." 

Shepard couldn't help but stare at Wrex's body as they talked, for she was now able to enjoy the front as much as she did the back. The plates on his chest and stomach looked and functioned much like body armor for humans, though it too sported his softer skin within the chinks. Even outside of his armor, Wrex looked hard, and powerful, and his appearance simply screamed to the world that he was not to be fucked with. "Jeez Wrex, you've really been holding out on me." 

Wrex chuckled, "I could say the same to you Shepard. I wasn't aware that you had so many scars." 

Shepard scoffed, "Is that all you appreciate." 

"'Course not," He replied, "But a Krogan's gonna flirt like a Krogan." He turned his head, cracking his neck as he began to roll his shoulders, like a boxer getting ready for a match. "So are we gonna do this or what?" 

Shepard felt her body getting warmer, whether it was from her eagerness to fuck or to fight, she couldn't decide. She held her hands to either side. "Your move." 

Wrex smiled, "Let me know if you need to tap out." He told Shepard calmly before suddenly rushing her. She braced herself, and her breath was nearly knocked out of her as he pushed her into the wall, his forearm pressing against her throat. Shepard recognized the movement for what it was, a demand for her submission, but she had no intention of giving in that easily. She had told Wrex to fuck her like a Krogan, and Krogan didn't simply submit at the first hurdle. Wrex clearly hadn't expected her to fight back so quickly, as he didn't even see the resulting punch before Shepard's fist impacted with his jaw. The pressure on her throat released, and Shepard dodged away as Wrex tried to grab at her again. She could see well the smile that crossed his face at that moment, as the sparring match had truly begun now. 

Shepard could only assume that Wrex was working off of his knowledge of Shepard from their time aboard the first Normandy. What Wrex didn't know was that Shepard's body had received some significant enhancements since they'd last seen each other; and now, she was likely one of the most dangerous humans in the universe when it came to hand to hand combat. Hell, she was sure at this point the only thing that would break her bones was if she fell from a tall enough building, but at this point, she felt she might survive even that. Regardless, she had no fear of playing rough with Wrex. 

The two of them rushed towards each other, meeting in the middle in a naked melee. After dodging a few of Wrex's blows and landing a few of her own, Shepard was suddenly caught in a bear hug by Wrex, her arms pinned to her side as he contained her in his grip. "Ready to give in Shepard?" He asked, grinning.

Shepard returned the smile, the adrenaline of the fight rushing through her veins. "You're talking too much." She jabbed before jerking her head back and headbutting him. Wrex dropped Shepard as the blow landed, which was fortunate, as Shepard's world was swimming a little bit. 

"Bold Shepard!" Wrex cheered, and as Shepard dodged out of the way, she noticed something growing between Wrex's legs. 

"Look who decided to show up!" She remarked, her insides tingling at the mere sight of the thing. 

It seemed like Wrex had been unaware of his growing erection before Shepard pointed it out, "Ah," He chuckled, "Guess I just couldn't contain myself anymore." His cock had emerged from between two plates on his pelvis that would usually protect the organ. His cock was similar in coloration to the rest of Wrex's skin, though it was obviously much softer than the rest of his body, being protected most of the time. Shepard watched hungrily as it grew to its full length. It was so thick around that she'd need both hands to give the thing a proper handjob, and it was longer than any human cock she'd ever seen. "Hah!" Wrex laughed, seeing the unmistakable lust in her eyes. "I don't know why I bothered with the usual way when all I needed to do was let you get a good look at the package." 

Shepard laughed, though it was becoming more difficult to keep her focus on the fight rather than what was to come after. "And what makes you say I'll just give myself up?"

Wrex stepped towards her, and Shepard felt her back touch the wall as she allowed him to get closer. "I think the fact that you've gotten wet is a pretty good indicator." He pressed both hands against the wall, looming over Shepard, and she could feel his cock pressing against her midriff. 

If merely seeing the thing was enough to get her going, then feeling its heat pressing against her skin was more than enough to drive her body crazy. "H-How could you tell?" Shepard asked, the sparring practically forgotten, though her body still sported at least a dozen bruises and about as many scrapes. 

Wrex smirked, "You forget that my sense of smell is far better than yours; it's how I could tell you were attracted to me in the first place. You reek with desire. So," He prompted, putting his hand against Shepard's throat. "Think you're ready to submit?" 

Shepard could barely contain her excitement, it felt impossible to form the words properly, and so she nodded, urgently, her body aching for Wrex's cock. He smiled, "Good." 

Shepard let out a choked gasp as Wrex suddenly grabbed hold of her shoulders and muscled her to the floor. Her back hit the hard stone, and she let out a gasp as she felt Wrex's weight above her. His hand was between her legs, and Shepard moaned as he put a large finger inside of her, her walls parting gratefully as she grew ever more wet. "Believe it or not," Wrex began, "The genitals of Krogan women aren't too different from Human women." As if to accentuate the point, he began to pump his finger in and out of her, and Shepard clung to Wrex, searching for handholds along the lines of his plates. "'Course," He continued, "There aren't plates in the way when it comes to you. Means it's easier to do this." And before Shepard could think to ask his meaning, Wrex buried his face between her legs and started to lap at her pussy with his broad tongue. 

Shepard arched her back against the hard ground, her jaw screwed open as Wrex dragged gasps and moans out from deep within her throat. Her hands were upon the crest of his head now, her fingers curling into the ridges of his plates as he ran his tongue along her folds. The texture of his tongue was rough, with small bumps along its length that felt positively divine as they rubbed against Shepard's clit. She wrapped her legs around his head, resting her feet against his hump as she urged Wrex to continue. For if she knew had known that he had this in him all along, then she would have put caution to the wind and fucked him far sooner. 

But, just as quickly as Wrex had begun, he stopped, and Shepard felt no need to hide her groan of displeasure as his tongue left her. "Bastard," Shepard whined, "Why'd you stop?" And her answer came as Wrex rubbed his cock against her wet folds. He laughed as Shepard's complaints suddenly clammed up in her throat. "Fuck, Wrex." She breathed, putting a hand on the massive thing, it was warm and hard in her fingers, and she yearned to feel it inside of her. 

She didn't have to wait too long, as Wrex pressed himself against her opening, slowly coaxing her walls apart with the tip of his cock. Shepard's breath caught in her throat, her legs trembling as Wrex entered her. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate him, but slowly, after a few tentative pumps, Wrex had pushed himself to the hilt inside of Shepard's pussy. She clung to him, her legs splayed far apart by his body, his plates pressing hard into her skin. His breath was on her neck, hot and wanting, and she let out soft, breathy moans as he began to thrust and hump and rut. Wrex was surprisingly slow and gentle as he began to fuck Shepard, and she could only assume it was in deference to their difference in size, as he would be liable to hurt both of him if he didn't give enough time for them both to adjust. Wrex felt so agonizingly good inside of Shepard, and the pleasure only grew as he began to truly fuck her.

Shepard felt the hard bricks below pressing into her back as Wrex pushed her walls apart, each thrust feeling like the bucking recoil of a shotgun. Every movement, each deliberate contraction of muscle and sinew, every shared, panting breath between the two of them only driving her to further fits of euphoria. The room was soon filled with their moaning voices and the sound of slapping flesh. Shepard had been close even before Wrex had put himself inside of her, and now, as she felt each and every inch of his cock, she couldn't hold herself back any longer. She came, her walls tightening around Wrex as he continued to thrust and fuck, not once ceasing or slowing. He fucked Shepard through her orgasm, making the commander scream as her legs shook and her toes curled. "Fu-u-uck, Wrex!" She cried, her voice lilting with every hot and heady thrust. It was almost too much for Shepard to handle, but it was worth the trouble, for it all felt so, so good!

Shepard was given a brief break as Wrex pulled out of her and began to adjust Shepard into a new position. She moved willingly with his hands, her skin damp with sweat, as he motivated her onto her hands and knees. There was no adjustment needed this time, and Wrex slid into Shepard with ease, resuming the fucking at once as he thrust himself into her, his hands resting on her hips. Shepard moaned with utter abandon as Wrex picked up where he left off. The stones below dug into Shepard's knees, scratching against her skin, but she was in too much ecstasy to care. 

Shepard clawed her fingers against the floor and braced herself as best as she could against Wrex. Even so, she felt herself gradually sinking to the floor, Wrex's sheer weight driving her further down and down with his furious desire to breed. Shepard couldn't have spoken even if she tried, her mouth constantly agape, used for nothing but gasping for air and moaning for Wrex's cock. Wrex himself was barely keeping himself from screaming as he ravaged Shepard, his fingers breaking the skin on Shepard's hips as his grip tightened around her. Shepard could feel herself approaching her second orgasm, and she could feel in Wrex's desperate, rutting thrusts that he was close too. She'd been nearly pressed prone against the floor, but she held on with all her strength until Wrex gave that one final, hungry push. Wrex roared with ecstasy as the two of them came together, his cock throbbing as he emptied himself inside of Shepard, who moaned wantonly as her eyes threatened to roll into the back of her skull. She could feel his hot seed filling her and spilling out past her tight lips, the sheer volume of it simply being too much for a single human alone to handle. For what felt like an eternity, the two of them were locked together in their shared euphoria, before eventually, Wrex pulled out of her, his cock slick with cum. 

Shepard could barely move, much less register anything other than the waves of post-orgasmic bliss that washed over her. She dully acknowledged Wrex laying down next to her and pulling her into an embrace before sleep took her. Had she been aware enough to think about it, she might've found the move strange coming from Wrex, as she never pegged him as one who appreciated that kind of closeness. But in that moment, all she could do was hum in appreciation as she rested her head against his scaly chest, and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.




"You're lucky you have all those enhancements," Dr. Chakwas scolded Shepard as she treated the commander's multiple cuts and abrasions. Shepard had returned to the Normandy that morning with a sense of triumphant pride at achieving what no other human before could boast. But, to the crew of the Normandy, Shepard looked as if she had lost a fistfight with an Elcor. "And honestly," Chakwas griped, "How on Earth did you get so many cuts on your breasts?" 

Shepard blushed, already feeling a bit sheepish at having to strip down for treatment. "Do you want the truth?" 

Chakwas narrowed her eyes. "I've already heard all about the 'breeding request' you received, Commander." 

Shepard swallowed, "Right." She bit her lip, wincing at the sharp sting of the disinfectant. "Can't say it wasn't worth it though." 

That earned a chuckle out of Chakwas. "I'm sure it was Commander, just don't make a habit out of it and expect me to take pity on you when you come back to the ship looking like you went three rounds with a thresher maw." 

Shepard let out a soft laugh at that, keeping her movement low in deference to her wounds. "And here I thought Joker was the only one with a sense of humor." She quipped, letting out a startled yelp as Chakwas suddenly poured disinfectant into one of her cuts.

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