Chapter 20: Commander Shepard vs Queen Aria T'Loak
It had been hell getting through the tournament, but Shepard had managed to survive with her sanity mostly intact. The human had lost her titles, her rank, and her ship, but she still had one thing left in her life and that was Liara T'Soni. The two lovers had been swiftly kicked off the Normandy, deciding to stay on Omega until they could figure out a plan going forward and where they would like to settle down. Liara's mind raced with ideas of lavish places across the galaxy, while Shepard just wanted somewhere simple to stay.
But the one place the two agreed they wouldn't stay was Omega. While the pirate den was the main hosting area of the tournament, Liara couldn't picture herself staying, and neither could Shepard. Both lovers agreed they would only stay as long as they had to, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't make the most of it. Liara wanted to build her name further after the tournament, seeking out jobs as a stripper while also shooting various pornographic films for various directors and studios.
The maiden was happily exploring her sexuality in the open, loving the attention that her youthful body was getting. Shepard on the other hand stayed in the shadows, keeping to herself while Liara got all of the attention, but that would soon change.
As Liara was taking center stage at the Afterlife, Shepard sat by in one of the VIP Booths, watching her wife climb up on the pole and get to work. Being the heroine she was, most of the men were tossing credits her way while ignoring the other dancers, but unbeknownst to her, this was getting under the queen's skin.
Aria had always prided herself on having the most attractive club on Omega, hiring all of the best-looking girls, and keeping them to herself, but this situation was different. The queen had allowed T'Soni to perform, hoping that her own girls could outperform Liara with their skill and embarrass the maiden, but it seemed that her name alone was enough to get her attention. Even with a 50% Cut, Aria wasn't going to be making as much as she liked and that wasn't going to sit right with her.
Fed up with the lack of attention her girls had been getting, Aria needed to send a message that her business could not be fucked with. She sent two of her guards to Shepard's booth, and when the former commander saw them, Shepard grunted a little standing up as she knew exactly what this meant. The human stood up with the guards, not making a scene as the two batarians smirked at Shepard's cooperation, but their eyes didn't leave her as they stared at her swaying ass.
When Shepard arrived at Aria's throne room overlooking the dance floor, the Asari dismissed everyone within the room. The Asari stood up once the room was emptied and pointed to Liara. "Care to explain why that maiden is interfering with my business?"
Shepard rolls her eyes a little as she walks up the steps up to Aria, looking over to the crowd of people surrounding Liara. Her pole dancing skills were mediocre at best, but unlike the other dancers, Liara was fully naked and letting her entire body be seen while fingering herself and letting everyone see her azure. "Looks to me as if she is putting on a better show than your other girls... Maybe they can learn a thing or two from it." Shepard smirked a little seeing how flustered Aria seemed to be getting.
The queen grunted a little, watching as the maiden slut continued to finger and tease her pussy for the entire crowd, watching as everyone was looking to catch the maiden squirting once again. "I Liked her better when she was swallowing shit in the middle of the arena… But she is earning too much, and my other girls are tired of not making money. So, you two are going to take a couple of weeks off."
The human let out a soft chuckle and shook her head as she stood next to Aria, watching the Asari start to squirt. Both women in the throne room were turned on, with Aria's cock bulging within her tight leather outfit, but the business meeting wasn't going as smoothly as she had hoped. "That isn't going to happen Aria. I have been cut off and don't have any of my money. So, like it or not, Liara is going to either keep coming here, or she is going to go to another club, which I imagine would be worse for business."
Hearing the defiant retort, Aria quickly snapped towards Shepard, but the human seemed unfazed. Despite her reputation as being nothing but a common slut now, the human still had her strength and military training to bail her and Liara out of any situation. "What's the one rule of Omega you insolent little slut?! I have allowed this unchallenged for a couple of months now, but this is now crossing the line!" Aria pushed herself to Shepard and grinned "So you have two choices Shepard, and only two. Get the hell off of my Station or You can fight me for the right to stay, but I warn you, the latter isn't going to be the kind of fight you want"
The commander tensed up at Aria's snap back, knowing she could not take down Aria and expect to escape the station alive, especially without the aid of the Normandy. Shepard looked Aria up and down, tensing up her fist and stepping back. "Alright, Aria let's hear it. Think you can take me? I will give you a fair shot"
Aria's lips curled into a wicked grin as she looked down at the club. "Still got that tight leather bikini of yours?" A chill ran down Shepard's spine as she knew exactly where this was going. The human nodded her head, remaining silent as the queen let out a soft chuckle. "Good. Then tonight we clash here at the afterlife once the club shuts down. It will only be us, so you won't be on galactic TV…. Unless you lose"
Shepard only grunts as Aria makes her offer for the fight and the human finally speaks up to challenge the queen. "Alright Aria fine I will play your sick game. We will fight here… I look forward to pounding your ass into submission!"
Aria bursts into laughter as Shepard makes her bold declaration, with the commander having never actually made anyone submit in the tournament but instead, getting all of her holes pounded by thick asari cocks. "Stand-up night isn't until Friday Shepard! Your ass didn't pound anyone into submission. Maybe I will have Ashix on standby just to give you a stark reminder of the power of asari cock!" Shepard stood her ground, knowing the damage Ashix did during the tournament had still not healed. Her pussy was still gaping, and would probably never heal without extensive surgery, but if she ever saw the purple hulk again, she could take the cock and not feel any of the pain she felt before.
The Commander just stared at the asari who was taunting her, and the human just started to storm off "Fuck you Aria. I am going to make sure you regret those words! And If Ashix wants to lose again, then send her ass over and I will make sure to destroy her properly this time." Shepard leaves the club, heading to the apartment to get ready, trying to get enough rest to make sure she could challenge the queen.
While Shepard had openly challenged Ashix, the human was afraid that if Aria brought her along, one of them was going to stand victorious over Shepard and if it was Aria, the human would be forced to give in to the queen. Shepard had left behind Liara to start getting ready, undressing fully, and staring at her body. She had returned her body to her normal self, ditching F Cup breasts, despite Daia's objections, however, she planned to get them resized once she settled down with Liara.
As she unpacked her gear that she had acquired from the tournament, Shepard took out the bikini, but also saw Liara's Omni-Strapon that she stole from the reporter. The omnicock came in at about 10 inches, with the program allowing for adjustments to the size of the strapon. Shepard made sure to download it to her omnitool and sync it up with her body, giving the cock a few jerks, but letting out a prolonged moan as the omnicock seemed to have been upgraded so she could feel just as if she had a real cock.
But this wasn't enough for Shepard, and she began to search the extranet for additional programs and smirked when she saw one. Bitch_Breaker_V3.0.exe was what the program was, and it described bringing full pleasure and pain to whoever the strapon entered into. The details were vague as to the specifics, but the warnings said that prolonged use could lead to a comatose state and that the manufacturers were not liable for permanent nerve damage. Whatever this program was, it was sure to tip the balance into Shepard's favor as she finished getting ready.
Once Shepard was in her tight leather bikini, she brushed her black hair to the side and then balled it up in a ponytail. She needed to be quick in her fight with Aria, as the pirate queen was going to be playing dirty and a prolonged fight could prove too dangerous to risk. Shepard waited, even spending some time with Liara, but not fully informing her of the situation, but just enough to let the maiden know that she had to be at Afterlife at a certain time to fight with Aria.
When the time came, Shepard threw on her long trench coat and began to make her way to Afterlife. The former Commander kept herself calm and collected, unlike when she fought for the first time when she was a ball of nerves. Sauntering her way into the Afterlife, Shepard saw most of the lights were out, but the Arena had been placed fully back in place at the center of the club, with Aria already standing inside, fully naked. Shepard gave herself pause seeing the enormous monster that was dangling in between her legs, coming just past her knees and already oozing with precum. As the human began to approach the arena, she undressed herself completely, stripping out of the outfit that Aria requested she be in, and entering the arena with just the omnicock around her hips.
The pirate queen smirked a little, seeing the 10-inch monster, and broke the silence that had filled the nightclub. "So you're not a pussy after all… Good. You know the rules slut, so it's on your go. Hope you are on the pill as this bad boy doesn't discriminate!" Aria gave her erect cock a few pumps before starting to approach Shepard. The human seemed confused at first but didn't have time to react as Aria started to close the distance at a rapid pace.
Shepard stepped out of the way, grabbing Aria by the tendrils and slamming the asari into the ground. The asari was quick to counter Shepard, pressing her foot against the human's stomach and launching her onto the ground. Shepard began crawling towards Aria trying to lock up the asari before she could get back on her feet, but the Queen seemed to be well conditioned to fighting as by the time Shepard reached her, Aria was on her feet, grabbing the human by her hair.
The Commander screamed out as her hair was tugged by the pirate queen, but she was silenced as the heavy set of balls was plugged into her mouth and the warm cock flesh began to rub against her face. Shepard was groaning as the slick cock rubbed against her, and she was forced to inhale Aria's musk, with the purple cock oozing precum onto the human's head. The asari was dominating the human with her thick cock, making sure that Shepard could feel what would soon be inside of her. "Feel that? Suck on my balls you nasty slut, feel the cum churning inside of them."
Shepard's lips wrapped around the heavy balls, wanting to give the appearance of submission, letting Aria slap the thick meat across her face while Shepard got the thick balls wet with her saliva. As the commander continued to inhale the dominant musk, she relaxed as Aria's grip seemed to loosen up, but the pirate queen continued to maintain control. As Shepard's tongue began to swirl around the shaft, Aria let out a deep moan, relaxing as she felt the human's hand trace up to the cock and begin to jerk it. As Shepard's tongue danced along the heavy nutsack, she could feel the cum churning inside like electrons racing through space.
Once Aria was satisfied with her balls, she took the hefty slab of meat and slapped it across Shepard's face, starting to club the human's face and get it slick with the precum. "Mmmm now let's feel how tight that throat is" Shepard's mouth continued to hang open as she gasped with each slap, keeping an O-Shape as she took the abuse from the asari. Seeing the mouth in the form of a pussy, Aria took advantage and pressed her flared cock head deep into Shepard's mouth, sliding the cock deep down into her throat. While Aria's cock was longer than Ashix's cock, the purple queen did not have the girth of the destroyer and it made the cock easier to take as Aria's thick cock began to push deep inside, with the asari wanting to go balls deep in the human's throat.
Feeling her mouth getting stretched, Shepard began to flex her tongue around as the thick cock was thrusting in and out of her mouth, and as Aria felt the flesh coax her cock, she let out a chuckle. "Oh getting it wet? Good that pussy better be tight! Or are you a buttslut now?" T'Loak was taunting Shepard as her cock slid in, leaking precum into the human's mouth, but all Shepard could do in response was moan to the rhythm of the thrusting. Aria knew the tricks of the human, knowing she would try to latch herself on and get a cheap win by sucking her opponent off, but luckily Ara was prepared for this.
Once the matron was satisfied, she pulled her cock out of Shepard's mouth, slapping the wet meat across the human's face. The Commander had hoped that the throat fucking would go on longer, but Aria had too much experience in these fights, so she just laughed at Shepard, whose mouth was still hanging open, and drool was pouring from it. The human had lost control of her mouth, looking like a slut after a Krogan deepthroat video, and all Aria could do was laugh. "Did you think I was that foolish slut? I think it's time to teach you a lesson in domination!" Aria pushed the human forward onto her stomach, raising Shepard's pale ass into the air and giving the firm ass a harsh slap.
Seeing the lower ends of Shepard, the asari once again busted into laughter while Shepard blushed in shame. "Wow, you really did have your anus annihilated Shep. Goddess it's still gaping out, wanting another cock to fill it up. Who am I to say no to this?" Shepard started shaking her head as she felt a hand caress her face, holding her still while Aria used her other hand to guide herself into Shepard's gaping asshole. Before Shepard could beg, she let out a deep moan alongside Aria as the cock plunged deep inside of her asshole, going deep inside the rectum and stretching her guts out once again.
The thick cock began to rearrange Shepard's intestines once again as she felt the purple flesh burrow deep inside. The cock seemed to go on for what felt like an eternity, but when Shepard felt the heavy balls press against her pussy, her body shuddered as her long moan came to an end. Aria had pressed her entire body into Shepard's backside, keeping the human's head up as she planted kisses on Shepard's neck before grinning. "I'll have you begging by the end of the night!" Was all Aria whispered before she began to thrust into Shepard's gaped butthole, causing the human to start crying out in pleasure.
Shepard wanted to deny the pleasure, but after spending so much time getting her ass ruined by Isessa, she fell in love with anal sex and couldn't get enough of it. Feeling the balls slap against her wet pussy, she couldn't help but get wet from the feeling of having her ass stretched out once again. Finding her voice once again, the hand around Shepard's throat got a little tighter as Aria maintained her power position, fucking Shepard into the ground. "Ah…A…Ar...Aria! Fuuuuck… My ass… It feels sooo good" Shepard was genuinely turned on by the thick cock, but she figured she would play the whore to create an opportunity to escape once Aria had came inside of her ass.
Aria's hips continued to collide with Shepard's hips, smirking as she heard the human screaming out in pleasure, with the declaration only encouraging her to go faster. "That's it whore! Go on submit to my cock!" Aria's balls continued to smack against the wet pussy, with the human's slit only continuing to leak out as Aria hammered in harder. The pirate queen's cock was throbbing already, seeming like it was on the verge of climaxing already, however, this was just Aria testing to see the Commander's gameplan. Aria's hips continued to slam downward, aiming her cock at an angle to drive the cock as deep as it could possibly go into the anus, while Shepard was looking to get the asari off so she could break free of Aria.
Feeling the cock flex and throb deep inside of her ass, Shepard let out a sultty moan, crying out in pleasure as the cock wrecked her insides. "Mmmmm fuuck… I can… I can feel it… Cum… Cum in me please Aria! My ass is on fire and needs it!" Shepard wasn't lying about the way her ass was feeling. The human was overwhelmed with pleasure and could feel her body starting to betray her as the asari only continued fucking the human into the floor. Shepard began to clench her ass tightly around the asari's thick purple cock, making Aria feel as if she was trapped in a vice with her cock unable to be removed.
Feeling Shepard's ass get tighter, Aria began to reposition herself, removing herself from Shepard's back and grabbing onto the human's small hips. She pulled Shepard into her cock once more, hilting her cock inside before thrusting back deep inside of the human, this time driving much harder than before, looking to make the human cum this time rather than get herself off. Feeling the drive that Aria had, Shepard went into a spot of panic as Aria started to hammer in much harder than before with a speed that suggested she didn't care for how Shepard felt.
The Commander needed to get free from this anal pounding as she was unable to control the pleasure she was feeling within her tight ass. Aria's grip around Shepard had greatly loosened, with the asari now holding onto her hips, occasionally letting go to slap the commander's flat ass and illicit a cheap moan from the human. Shepard was unable to control her moans, biting her lip to stay as silent as she could, but as she did that drool seeped from her mouth as her eyes began to roll back. The human was prepared to let it go, but when Aria saw this, the asari shook her head, slamming her cock deep into Shepard and unleashing the floodgates of cum, letting it seep into Shepard's stomach.
The Commander's eyes rolled into the back of her head as it took everything in her not to squirt all over Aria's nuts, but the cum didn't seem to stop as if she had months of pent-up sexual frustration within her. It took nearly a minute for Aria to stop cumming within the commander before the cock was removed from her ass, but Shepard was so desperate to get off, she tried to push herself back onto Aria, only earning a kick to the ass in response. "You disgusting slut! Look at you almost squirting for my dick" Aria slaps Shepard's ass harshly, causing the commander to moan once again as Shepard begins clearing her mind, trying to get back in the fight. "To think you are the cheap whore that somehow saved the galaxy. If the reapers came at you with cocks instead of guns, I think they would have beaten you!"
Shepard pushes herself to her hands and knees, feeling nauseous, seeming as if she was going to vomit up the cum that Aria had just shot inside of her. Seeing this, Aria walked alongside Shepard, slapping the thick meaty cock across the human's face, letting the human not only taste herself but inhale the scent of her cum filled ass! Shepard hadn't expected to be this weakened after the buttfucking, but the human was taking this time to gain her strength, letting Aria smear her cock across Shepard's face.
As Aria began to angle Shepard's head, getting ready to thrust into the human's mouth once again, the commander quickly reacted head-butting Aria's thick cock. Shepard knew if she sucked on that cock again she couldn't help but submit to Aria's wicked demands, and she needed to act quickly.
Still at a crawl, Shepard began moving over to the down queen, who was holding her balls in a fury and grunting in pain. Shepard tapped her omnitool, loading the program up on her Omnicock and the shaft came to life, fizzling and letting out a soft humming sound. The commander looked down at Aria and then grasped onto the asari's hips, shoving her cock deep into Aria's tight pussy. Both Shepard and Aria let out a howl of pleasure, with the Human screaming out from the tightness of Aria's cunt, while Aria was feeling her pleasure and her pain nerves go to 11 from the strapon.
For the asari it was like every inch of her body was reacting at once to the pleasure, and the Pirate Queen was struggling to keep it together as Shepard began to thrust in and out of the asari. Aria banged her hand on the ground, fighting through the pleasure as she felt her cock straining from the intense pleasure. She had to escape Shepard as the human had played her trap well, and this was something that she would ensure Shepard would pay for dearly if she managed to escape from this torment.
While Aria was struggling to combat Shepard, the commander felt in heaven as her thick Omnicock was delivering the revenge for the anal fucking the human had received. But Shepard's mind was racing from the intense pleasure, with drool pouring from her mouth and her own cunt also leaking its slut juices. The tight cunt had engulfed Shepard's mind, with the human never feeling something this tight before in her life, but she knew she wouldn't be able to just hold this position and she would need to try and get Aria off as quickly as she could.
When the human started to thrust into Aria, the asari let out a deep moan as Shepard's hips collided with Aria's bubbly ass. "Gugghh…Fuuuck so tight… Fuck Aria you must not get any sex… Maybe you should cut back and enjoy this cock! When I am done with you, your ass is going to be grinding that pole again!" The thought of Aria grinding against a stripper pole for Shepard was an enticing thought, even as Aria's thick cum oozed out of her anus. Aria slammed her fist down upon hearing Shepard's idea, this time she was determined to break Shepard's mind with her cock, not wanting to ever return to the life of a stripper again.
However, despite Aria's best efforts, she could feel her cock building up an orgasm rather quickly, with her balls reacting to the pleasure she was feeling within her cunt. The human could feel the cunt getting tighter around her cock, signaling that Aria was likely to cum but the asari was far from finished, still having some tricks up her sleeve. "Ggg… I… I'll admit Shepard… You…Your Ahhhhh!" Aria was soon silenced by Shepard's hand covering Aria's mouth, only frustrating the asari.
Shepard only laughed as she heard Aria grunting and growling underneath her hand, but the commander followed it with a harsh smack to the cock. "Slut's speak when spoken to Aria! Now shut up and cum all over this arena already." This filled Aria with rage, and her anger began to overcome the pleasure and pain she was feeling within her. Shepard began to feel the cunt tighten even further as Aria was now trying to make the pleasure irresistible for Shepard and get the human to cum from her own device.
Using the skills that she acquired from her stripping days, Aria flexed her knees up, using the momentum to spin herself onto her back all while keeping Shepard's hands firm on her hips. The matron winked at Shepard, trying to act as if she was into the human all while taking control away from Shepard. When Aria pushed against her, Shepard leaned back, letting the Pirate Queen ride her omnicock as the human, groaned in pleasure, watching the large purple tits bounce up and down from the intense fucking. Once Aria had reclaimed dominance over Shepard, the asari's hand traced up to Shepard's face, squeezing it lightly as she began to ride the omnicock at a steady pace.
Aria let Shepard have the illusion of control, with the pirate queen slamming the cock into her, letting it rub against her G-Spot. The pleasure sensors stuck to every inch of her pussy, pulsing with an electric buzz that sent the waves of pleasure, but once Aria's tough body had adapted to the Strapon, the strapon did not hurt her like it did when it first penetrated her. Shepard's hands started to trace upwards towards the large I-Cup breasts, squeezing the asari MILF's massive tits, trying to see if she could milk them. The Asari's hefty cock rested on the human's stomach, with the thick purple meat oozing precum onto Shepard's stomach with each thrust going hard into the purple azure.
With Shepard squeezing the large breasts, Aria was letting out a deep pleasurable moan, letting her pussy and cock leak out their juices onto Shepard's body. Were the stakes not so high, Aria likely would have climaxed onto the omnicock by now, but she needed to beat the human. She needed to prove her power was still absolute. With the strapon buried deep within her tight cunt, Aria's hands drifted from Shepard's breasts, tracing all the way up to the human's face. The human tensed up, unsure of what was about to happen, but her fears were confirmed when Aria tightly squeezed her head, lifting it up and slamming it into the ground harshly!
The Commander took several blows to the head like this, unable to fight back with Aria on top of her, and soon her grip around the Asari's ass faded. The Pirate Queen stood up, and as she did her knees began to wobble, nearly giving out on her, but the asari managed to break free from the Omnicock and stand above Shepard. The purple azure was drooling, leaking the asari sex juices and dripping onto the Commander's face. When Shepard started to come to, she was soon smothered in Aria's cunt, with her eyes going wide as the dominant asari began to smear her sex juices all over Shepard's face, with the heavy nutsack trailing on her forehead.
Shepard let out a scream into the asari's cunt as Aira continued to hump Shepard's face, marking the human with the signs of sex. "I must admit I didn't see that one coming. But you shouldn't let your opponent get on top of you like that! Now I am going to break your cunt, and make sure you regret fucking with Aria!" The Pirate Queen stood up off of Shepard, taking several steps back, and kneeled in between Shepard's legs.
The asari grasped onto Shepard's legs, pushing them up over her head and hooking them behind the human's head. Once the human was locked in the humiliating position, Aria rubbed her cock against Shepard's cunt before thrusting in deep, causing both women to moan out in pleasure. Feeling the cock drive deep into her cunt, Shepard's entire body spasmed, quivering with pleasure as she felt her cunt being fully stuffed by the massive cock. "Mmm fuck this cunt is tight. Glad this part healed up better than that ass!" Aria laughed as she began to hammer deep inside of Shepard, causing the commander to moan out in pleasure.
Shepard was defeated, laying there and taking the Queen's cock, all while moaning like a needy whore in heat. When Shepard's head went to roll to the side, Aria's hand was quick to grasp onto Shepard's chin, forcing the human to look into her eyes as she slammed her cock deep into the tight pussy! Shepard's devious device was no match for the superior alien cock that was ravaging her tight pussy, filling it up and stretching the cunt out, much like her anus.
Seeing that the human had fully submitted to her large purple cock, Aria let go of Shepard's head, placing her hands on either side of the commander's head and starting to drive her cock in at a much harder rate. Each thrust inside of Shepard's cunt tugged onto the human's G-Spot, pulling up on the sensitive flesh, causing the moans of pleasure to turn to screams of ecstasy. Aria began to jackhammer into Shepard's cunt, looking to finish this fight and ruin the commander for good. "Ahh alright Shepard here it comes! Get ready to become a mother!" Shepard seemed to snap out of the sexual high momentarily, but it was far too late for the spectre to stop anything.
Aria gave one final thrust of her hips, slamming downward into the commander's cunt and letting her cock erupt directly into Shepard's womb. The human's body was trembling as her eyes rolled back into her head, screaming out in pleasure as Shepard also began to climax, feeling the warm spunk flooding into her and starting to bubble out of her cunt. The pirate queen had been victorious, and she gave her cock a few victory thrusts into Shepard's fuck hole, before pulling out with a loud pop of her cock.
The Pirate Queen began to flex her cock as she looked down at the human with a smirk. "On your knees slut, this cock isn't going to clean itself!" The commander struggled to push herself up, with her body having cummed out all the remaining energy she had left within her. When Shepard finally made it to Aria's cock, the asari just grabbed Shepard's hair, pulling the human into the cock and using the Commander's face as a fuck toy! "You are pathetic Shepard!" Aria shouted as she began to roughly fuck the human's face, stretching the jaw and throat out once again. "Now you see why no one fucks with Aria, especially you slutty paragons of justice!"
Tears began to flow down Shepard's face as the cock began to slam down into her throat, once again going balls deep. The human flexed her tongue around the shaft, fully submitting to Aria and giving the fat dicked asari a proper blowjob now that she was in control. Due to Shepard's depleted strength, Aria had to jerk Shepard along her cock, making sure that the tongue wrapped around every inch of Aria's cock.
Shepard knew she wouldn't be getting out of this until the pirate queen had gotten off, unloading her spunk into the human's mouth to claim all of the holes. Raising her hand up, Shepard's fingers traced up the soft purple flesh, pausing at the heavy balls, fondling them, and eliciting a moan from the victor. The asari balls were heavy, churning with an unfathomable amount of seed, feeling just as heavy as it was when the fight first started. The nimble fingers glided past the taut sack and brushing against the murky wetness of Aria's clit.
The asari gasped, turning into a smile as she felt the fingers entering her burning slit. "That's it Shepard. Don't be a tease, use all of your fingers." Shepard whimpered a little as Aria's grip loosened and the commander was free to move on her own. Hearing the Queen's commands, the human slid all of her fingers into Aria's slit, stretching the hole out and pleasing the leaking slit. Shepard's submission was on full display, and she was far too gone to turn back from this, going fully into Aria's domination and expertly working the slit while her tongue danced around the thick asari meat.
The assault on Aria's sexes was causing the asari to leak out from both her cunt and her cock, with the human slurping up the intoxicating musky liquid. Shepard could feel her fingers being squeezed, the once loosened pussy was now tight, and the impending orgasm continued to build up as Shepard obediently sucked on the cock before her, now with her tongue flicking the cum slit. Shepard began to wonder what would become of her and Liara. Would they be sold to some brothel? Or was Shepard going to become Aria's sex slave, being a cheap whore to please the queen of Omega?
Shepard began to picture herself, large rounded H Cup tits, bouncing up and down the thick heavy cock and crying out in pleasure. Or maybe she would be encased in Latex, hidden from the galaxy in plain sight as she was gangbanged by a pack of big dicked asari.
The lustful thoughts were interrupted by the asari dominatrix. Aria grasped the back of Shepard's head, pushing the human down and the Commander soon found her throat being painted with a thick creamy load that flooded her throat. The hot load was too much for Shepard's mouth and it soon began to splatter out of her mouth, running down her pale chest. The human's eyes had started rolling back into her head as she was slurping up the cum, cleaning it, and making sure there were no traces left on her cock.
Not only was the cock spewing it's cum, but so was the tight asari cunt. As the cock was pumping Shepard's mouth, the cunt was ejecting its juices onto Shepard's hand, coating it in her thick girl cum.
Shepard had not only been completely defeated but was now covered in the queen's cum, and after she was satisfied with Shepard's tongue, Aria pushed the human to the ground. The Commander crumbled, falling back and looking straight up to the ceiling as Aria began to circle the human. "My I haven't gotten head like that in quite some time. Never thought a heroine like you would be such a fucking depraved whore. So now what shall I do with you? An example needs to be made of you… I think I have an idea." The asari's lips curled into an evil smile as she looked upon the commander with lewd intentions.
The bass of the nightclub thumped hard as Shepard prepared to make her way to the stage. The commander was nervous, shivering a little, but a kiss from Liara reassured her as the human shifted in her tight pink bikini.
After losing the fight to Aria, Shepard was forced into dancing for Afterlife for 4 months, and tonight was to be her debut night to the entire galaxy. The Commander was wearing nothing save for a tight G-String, a pair of latex stockings, and a pair of elbow-long latex gloves, all in the dark maroon of Omega's stripper outfit. Shepard's breasts had been greatly enhanced by Aria, bringing them up to H-Cups, and the people of the galaxy would see the Commander put on a show with the heavy-set breasts. However, Shepard's breasts weren't the only things enhanced by Aria, with Shepard's ass now spilling out from her asscheeks and her hair had been tied in pigtails.
Hearing her name being called, Shepard gulped, starting to saunter up to the stage. The lights shined on the commander as her hand grasped the pole, starting to spin around. Shepard had been training with Liara for the past several days, working on the technique for Shepard's first show. The human began to hump the dance pole, grinding and thrusting her hips against the metal as her soaked leaked through her panties. The men of the station flooded the nightclub as Shepard was announced, with a large crowd of every race in the galaxy pouring into see Shepard's first performance and strip show.
Shepard's breasts bounced around as she began to bounce on the pole, climbing up to twirl around on the pole, flexing her body downward so her large breasts smacked her face. The foreplay was slow as Shepard was expected to finger herself while sucking off Aria who was going to come on stage at any moment. After several minutes of the human grinding up on the pole, Shepard slid down to her knees, digging her fingers into her pussy, and began to finger herself as Aria came on stage to a thunderous applause.
Aria unzipped her suit, whipping out her thick cock once more, and as Shepard was fingering herself, rubbing her digits into her drooling snatch, Aria's cock smacked across the pale face. Shepard's mouth opened up, with her tongue sticking out of her mouth as the thick purple cock slapped in between her lips. As Aria felt the tongue wrap around the cock, the queen began to boast out loudly so everyone can hear. "Let this be an example to all who think they can fuck with Aria. Get used to seeing this ass as she is going to be free for everyone on Omega to use for the next 4 months!"
The music could barely be heard as the crowd began to chant, wanting to claim Shepard for themselves first before anyone else could, but Aria would be the first. The asari grabbed Shepard's head, guiding it upwards to the cock and forcing Shepard to suck on the thick cock once again. Shepard's throat was still stretched from the blow job last week, but the human still had a tough time taking the immense cock. Once Shepard's jaw had popped open, the human began to bob her head up and down the thick cock, running her tongue up and down the asari meat.
This time the entire galaxy watched as the savior of the galaxy was now sucking off the pirate queen, slurping up the pre cum and having her throat bulge with each thrust of the cock. Being the cock sleeve of asari was Shepard's new place, with the human swearing complete loyalty to Liara after the tournament, and now becoming the bitch of Aria T'Loak. Even during the tournament, Shepard couldn't help but get fucked by every single asari that participated, with Isessa having been the one to fully break the human. Aria was going to ensure that everyone on Omega would get their turn with Shepard and the queen raking in the millions of credits that the whore will earn.
The lustful human sucked and swirled her tongue around Aria's cock, panting with lust as she was working to extract Aria's gooey load from her shaft. There wasn't anywhere else Shepard would have rather been, sucking on the large asari cock was paradise for the former commander and she didn't want to leave her place. As the lights continued to dance around, bouncing off her skin, it also illuminated the human's soaked crotch, with juices flowing out of the syrupy cunt. Shepard looked up to Aria, staring into the dominant asari's eyes as the balls slapped against the commander's chin.
The lewd display continued for some time before Aria began to blow her load into Shepard's mouth, prompting a loud cheer from the crowd. Shepard also began to squirt in front of everyone, climaxing all over her fingers as she swallowed the cum directly from Aria's cock. The asari made sure to pull out, spurting a few ropes of cum from her cock before looking down at Shepard's humiliated body.
The human bimbo simply licked her lips, reaching her hand up to suck on her digits as Aria turned to the crowd once more. "Starting tomorrow night you will be able to visit my brothel and fuck the famous Commander Shepard. Don't miss this opportunity!" The live feed cut out as Shepard picked herself back up, soon being flanked by several asari as they all began dancing to the rhythm of the song once more.
Shepard's old life was now long gone, with the human settling down as a whore instead of a savior like she once envisioned, but as long as she had her then it was fine.