Chapter 53: Chapter Fifty-three.
~~~Xandar DC~~~
~~~Third Person, February 10, 1943~~~
"Your Majesty, it's done," Phastos expounded cheerfully, with a pleasant feeling welling up from his being, "I was finally able to do it, that yes, it will take your help to control the devices in terms of delegating power, but now all of Xandar can be covered in its entirety with the help of the command blocks."
Phastos was happy because he had created a central network that could connect two or more command blocks, with no limit to the number of blocks connected. He also created a central station that could act as a transmitter of the commands that would be issued to the command blocks.
This meant that from a central, could be controlled at will, either activating or deactivating the commands that have already been imposed on a command block, thus, the versatility of the command blocks would be overwhelming, both in the civilian sector, as in the defense and war sector.
But the main reason behind Phastos' effort in creating this was to get the initiative to get unknown forces to Xandar, both from the rest of the world and from space.
The idea of the project was to position at least over half a million command blocks around the entire perimeter of Xandar, energy barrier style, only unlike the photon, or electromagnetic energies with which a barrier could be made, this would be provided by the commands imposed on the blocks, which, relying on their own as yet unknown power, would be a better option.
"No problem Phastos, as long as we save ourselves the trouble of being on the receiving end of unwanted visitors, this is a small payment for it," Azrael told him somewhat amused, though in truth he was not, he more than anything had been furious when Xandar began to receive visitor after visitor, first the Japanese, then the Americans, then Asgard, and now the mutants.
But now, the opportunity was presenting itself to stop that, and hopefully; for good.
"The way it works is as follows, you, as the controller of the command blocks, will have to impose the expected command, once this is done, from the headquarters, a signal will be sent which the command block will take and absorb, with which it is hoped that the command block can be controlled once you, under the effects of your connection to the blocks, accept, and well, the rest will be to divide one headquarters to each state, with one headquarters on Xandar having power over the others."
The reason behind the fact that Azrael would have to impose the commands himself was that the command blocks would not accept commands from someone else, after much testing and analysis, a result could not be arrived at where the command blocks could accept commands from someone else, and many times the block would simply stop working, or in worse cases, implode.
It was for this plain and simple reason, that the lord of Silvert Port had to wait for Azrael himself to come and position the command blocks.
"Okay, when can we start with the isolation process?" Azrael asked Phastos, ready to begin on the spot. "Right away, Your Majesty, you can provide us with the command blocks, I'll take care of the precise place to position them, Minister Gallio already contacted me regarding where the headquarters will be set up, which will be in the stately palaces."
"Very well then, I'll get on that right away, the sooner we can isolate Xandar from the rest of the world, and hopefully, the universe, the calmer I'll feel," Azrael said, then left the Phastos lab and began walking through the halls of the Arcane Center, the place that had been chosen as the location to research all the technologies that would propel Xandar to new heights.
The Arcane Center had been used not only to teach people with gifts in magic, or some sort of supernatural aptitude, but also served for research into the enhancement of the magical aspects tied to Xandar, such as enchantments, potions, or research into other aspects, such as pearls of Ender, or the beacons.
After walking for a few minutes, Azrael came to a huge complex, much like Phastos' space, but instead of having the workshop aspect of Phastos' space, this place looked more like a laboratory, there were strange-looking advanced machines scattered on tables or shelves, which Phastos had provided, and unlike Phastos' workshop, this place was filled with witches making potions or making notes while seeing the effects of these under use on rats.
And in the middle of the lab, there was Dr. Erskine. After his knowledge of the world and the universe as a whole was expanded, the doctor embarked on a quest for a supersoldier serum that was better, that was perfect.
He rarely left his lab, even having a room of his own on the premises to be closer to his research, so much so that he even lost track of time due to his obsession with creating a better serum.
"Dr. Erskine, while I find it nice to see you so motivated in research, know that a rested mind and a strong body are also important for the advancement of man," Azrael greeted the man the moment he reached him, and as he got closer, he got a better look at the doctor's appearance, and just as he had thought, and as he had been told, Dr. Erskine did not take rest.
He may have 'rested' by taking health potions, which replenished him physically, even from lack of sleep rest. However, his physical appearance was not the best. He may not have had dark circles under his eyes or pale skin due to a lack of vitamin A, but his hair was now long and untidy, and a bushy beard and mustache were on his face, which made him look older than he actually was.
"Oh, Your Majesty," Erskine greeted Azrael the moment he looked up from his papers, making a small but humble bow, "I fear that will be scarce ever on me, Your Highness, research is my passion, and until I see the result that comes closest to what I hope for, I will not rest."
Azrael nodded, unwilling to discuss that subject further with the doctor, as it would be futile. "The witches told me there was significant progress," this made Erskine's eyes sparkle, and like a small child, he became excited. "Yes, your majesty! The results that have been given with the help of the witches' research have borne fruit."
Dr. Erskine then asked Azrael to follow him, to where there were at least ten large cages, with a lemur in each of the glass cages. "We have managed to implant the effects of some potions in the DNA of these lemurs, although many tests are needed, the most important thing is to know that the effects of the potions are presented actively or passively depending on the effect they have."
Dr. Erskine then pointed to a cage that appeared to be empty, but the dry leaves on the floor were moving, and footprints could be seen in the sand of the cage, "for example, this lemur was implanted with a base of an invisibility potion, and well, this is the result, now we know that with this procedure, there will be no problem with the effects of the potions ending, as it usually is, but that the effects are always present, as long as the host is in optimal conditions for his body to produce the effect of the potions".
"The problem is that none of the lemurs have been able to present any kind of control over the implantation of the potions, so this cannot be added to the final serum until we do human testing," Dr. Erskine finished explaining. But Azrael dismissed the doctor's concern, "Don't worry Dr. Erskine, there are many captured Japanese soldiers, we can make use of at least a hundred of them."
Dr. Erskine tensed at hearing this but putting his ambition to create a perfect serum, he was willing to go to great lengths to achieve it, and even going over the moral line was no problem. "All right, but before I forget, I have something to show you." Dr. Erskine spoke, then walked over to a wall, and pulling a lever, the wall retracted, and the result pleasantly surprised Azrael.