Marvel: Summoning Xandar.

Chapter 52: Chapter Fifty-two.

~~~Palermo, Italy~~~

~~~February 6, 1943~~~

As the Panzer fell on the other, a silence spread across the battlefield, the soldiers, both Italian and German, stopped firing for a full three seconds, to them, a sight like the one they had just seen was complete madness, one had to keep in mind that a Panzer weighed between 21 and 25 thousand kilograms, so the scene they had just witnessed. Seeing both Steve and Isaiah throw one of those tanks over ten meters with only the force of a fist was a shock.

While Steve and Isaiah complemented each other in action, it's safe to say that both of them must have thrown the equivalent of twelve tons, something more than superhuman. But it wasn't just the fact that the Panzer was sent flying, but if you got up close, you could see two large dents in the 50mm steel plate.

Easily a head could be turned to mush in the event of a hit from one of the two. And the fear among the soldiers was evident, especially among the Italians.

"Weiter schießen!" However, the astonishment did not last long among the German soldiers, as after some soldiers shouted to keep firing, the hail of bullets from both sides continued.

"Damn it, remind me not to piss them off," in the Allied group, Rachel couldn't help but speak her mind aloud after seeing the scene of the Panzer being tossed around like a toy.

While they had witnessed the scene in the bar, seeing a tank being thrown was not common, especially being at the hands of two men, nay, two supersoldiers.

But once they saw the fighting resume, they went back to support their two leaders.

Steve, seeing that one of the three Panzers was moving its turret, rushed towards the tank, while covering his eyes with his forearms due to the hail of bullets he was being subjected to. Although they did not manage to pierce his skin, he still felt the impact of the blow.

But Steve didn't have to endure much, because he reached the front of the tank in just a few seconds.

"TRRANCK!" The Panzer lurched forward, as if after gathering momentum it had crashed into a Bedrock wall, the blow was so hard, the steel faceplate dented.

Steve had moved his body at the moment of hitting the tank, turning his body and hitting the tank sideways, more specifically, with his shoulder. Steve walked away from the crash unharmed, more than a slight ringing in his ears, and without wasting any time, he looked up and noticed the long turret.

If many soldiers were surprised before, no doubt the new sight stirred fear in hearts, because Steve began to apply force with his bare hands on the turret, which began to buckle under Steve's strength.

All this time, Steve took fire from the German machine guns, but they could not pierce the plates of carbon-titanium alloy. And if they had, they would at least have stopped the momentum of the larger caliber bullets, which would make Steve's ultra-strong skin able to block them.

At the same time, Isaiah was taking care of the foot soldiers, while the remaining seven members of the Howling Commandos provided cover by assassinating the others while under cover. Because they had no special alloy armor, or bullet-resistant skin.

"TRRANCK!" The last tank standing was disabled as Steve crashed as he did, using himself as a battering ram, but which in the end, served its purpose, because all three tanks were knocked out, as well as the large machine guns positioned above them, which were giving them the most trouble.

"Now, let's go!" Stefan shouted, encouraging the others to get out from behind the dirt dune they were on, and then jump right into the fray, the momentum helping to take out several Italian or German soldiers, with Frederick even going up to a Panzer and climbing on top of it, and then removing the body of the soldier who previously manned it, and who now had a crushed chest, with ribs sticking out of his chest.

Once this was done, Frederick began to operate the large-caliber machine gun, providing a new wave of enemy kills. "HAHAHA!" Frederick laughed like a maniac as he felt the strong recoil of the machine gun, feeling unstoppable.

"Die you fucking Nazis!" He was saying in the midst of his... Joy? That was perhaps not the sentiment, as tears ran down his cheeks, and an ugly grimace made its presence known amidst his laughter.

"What, already!" he shouted angrily once he realized that there were no soldiers left on the field, other than bullet-riddled bodies at best, at worst, mutilated bodies with limbs forcibly detached, as well as their heads smashed to pieces.

And in the midst of it all, Steve and Isaiah, their breathing quickened by adrenaline, blood staining their armor, and guts falling from their palms.




~~~Sanctuary of Xandar~~~

When the whole world was at war, the situation in the entire realm of Xandar was the exception, and that was something Azrael had taken special care of, war should not have to affect civilians, and that was what made Xandar different from the world, because as much as news came out all over the world about the end of the Pacific war, and how thousands had died, this was about soldiers, essential personnel in the scales of war, but it was not about civilian and innocent lives.

For just as in Xandar, the idea of war was not felt because daily life went on, and civilian affairs were not interrupted, the same doctrine was carried by the generals and soldiers of Xandar onto the battlefield.

Coming from a medieval society, the Xandarians exalted honor and good practice, and even in war this was respected, so that although large cities in Japan were destroyed, few civilians were killed, it was a way of keeping a clear conscience.

And it helped, since when the news of Japan's defeat and Xandar's complete victory, no Xandarian was happy, sure, they were happy that the nation that had dared to attack them was put in its place, but not because the war had to be the modus operandi to accomplish this, since that only meant that fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, had to leave home to fight elsewhere.

If that were the case, a Xandarian would never leave Xandar, and this, in large part, continued to fuel xenophobia, something Azrael did not bother to correct. He was concerned with more important issues than trying to change his people's behavior toward foreigners.

Like today, specifically the task of welcoming Ancient One and the wizards who would occupy the Xandar Sanctuary for the next few months, at least until the first wizards coming from Xandar could take over their local sanctuary.

Ancient One was not late or early, but at the exact moment he said he would arrive, the orange portal opened in one of the huge courtyards of the sanctuary, and Ancient One stepped out of it, wearing an impeccable burgundy robe, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Mr. Jaesyrian, how nice to see you again," Ancient One greeted Azrael modestly, who smiled back flirtatiously, "the view is still splendid," Ancient One couldn't help but praise the view again, and how could he not? If from the sanctuary one could see Xandar in all its splendor, from the Great Canyon, the Sunset Gates, the Great Wall, the Pink River, the huge mountain range that surrounded the city of Xandar, and finally, Ischyros, which although it was somewhat blurred due to the distance, it did not take away the fact that it could still be appreciated a little.

"It's Xandar, everything is better here," Isabella, standing next to Azrael, gave her opinion, to which Ancient One agreed, "It's very true, I think once the shrine is up and running, I'll be spending a lot of time here."

"Well, you are welcome, we could even have tea, I have the bees that make me honey, and I dare say it is the purest and most delicious honey in all of Xandar, you will love tasting it," Isabella replied, unlike Valka, she did like the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Well then, let's make this quick to go, shall we?" Azrael said, motivated to build the shrine's defenses so they would be free. " Let's go," the Ancient One said softly, starting to walk inside the shrine, where he would create the defenses and make the Shrine of Xandar fully operational.

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