Lucifer Quirk

41 – Proverbs 27:23-26

Proverbs 27:23-26

Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever; and does a crown endure to all generations? When the grass is gone and the new growth appears and the vegetation of the mountains is gathered, the lambs will provide your clothing, and the goats the price of a field.

He opened the absurdly large door to classroom 1-A walking in with a girl clinging to each arm.

It seemed even if Himiko had gotten a little less possessive over him after he absolutely destroyed her in the bedroom and was now more willing to allow Momo around him she still had some resistance to other girls fawning over him and possibly stealing him away.

Momo on the other hand was even worse. She hadn't even managed to get as far as Himiko had and she would be damned if someone else stole a march on her too. She had known him the longest and Himiko managing to beat her to the punch was already more than she could bear.

So both girls were possessively hanging onto his arms while looking around their new classroom glaring at the other girls to show the other girls in class he was their territory right off the bat.

James could only smile charmingly knowing full well that all their actions were going to achieve was making the boys jealous and the girls intrigued. After all, what were the other girls going to notice? He was attractive and apparently so desirable he already had two girls fighting over him before even starting school. Some of them might even know he is a somewhat famous child model raising his image even higher.

It was pretty much the best advertisement he could get himself. Sure some of the most prudish girls might be put off, but given what he wanted from them why would he care about putting off girls that weren't willing to give him what he wanted? When you cast a net to catch big fish you make sure the holes in the mesh are big enough to let the little ones through. So he walked in confidently with the two girls on his arms.

He finally got to see what class 1A looked like after his interference. He saw Ibara Shiozaki and Itsuka Kendo in the class which made him very happy. Mineta Minoru, Koda Kodji, Sero Hanta, Ojiro Mashirao, Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako were all missing though some of them may just be running late. In canon both Midoriya and Uraraka showed up last. He doubted his changes would have gotten the main character or his love interest removed from class 1A.

They certainly grabbed the attention with the girls all zeroing in on him with curious gazes. Some of the boys looked at Himiko and Momo, but they looked a lot less confident than the girls did. If that changed he would be more than happy to do something about it. No one touches his things.

A delinquent looking boy with short, spiky, sandy blond hair was giving him the stink eye. That was definitely Bakugo Katsuki. James just ignored him though, why would he bother with an annoying weakling?

The first to actually greet them was Tenya Ida.

"Good morning. I'm Tenya Ida from Somei Private Academy," he said seriously even ending it with a formal bow.

"Uh yeah.. sure... I'm James," James responded dryly. He wasn't great with such straight-laced people.

Himiko simply ignored him, but Momo at least gave him the courtesy of introducing herself. "Yaoyorozu Momo," she said, though it was rather lacklustre.

"I look forward to getting to know you all better," Ida continued passionately not seeming to notice their lack of interest.

"Yeah... us too." James said while guiding the girls away from Ida before the conversation could drag on any further.

He could see Tsuyu, Toru and Mina sitting together so he walked up to them with a warm smile.

Mina was a cute girl who's quirk turned her entirely pink except for her eyes which had the sclerae turn black with yellow irises. Even her wild short hair was bright pink with two thin yellow horns poking out of its locks.

“How have you ladies been?” He asked them. Himiko and Momo pouted now that his attention wasn't exclusively on them anymore, but James simply ignored their reactions.

“These two beauties are Momo and Himiko. Momo has been with me since the beginning of elementary school and I’ve known Himiko since the end of elementary. It was just the three of us together in junior high,” he said introducing the two girl that perked up from his compliment.

“As for these two lovely ladies, we met during the entrance exam. They were in the same battle centre I was in. This adorable little tadpole is Asui Tsuyu,” he teased pointing at Tsuyu who seemed mostly unaffected unless you paid closer attention and noticed the ever so slight blush on her ears and beck despite none being on her face.

He then shifted his finger towards the floating girl's uniform he said with a smirk"And this cutie right over here is Hagakure Toru."

He smiled watching a blush form on her cheeks. It was amusing how one of them was perfectly visible yet her emotions were hard to tell, yet the other that was invisible couldn't hide her expressions from him to save her life.

"As for this last girl, I unfortunately haven't had a chance to get to know her yet," he said to Ashido Mina.

"Ashido Mina and you're Busujima James right?" she said with an excited smile.

"The one and only," he responded with a playful smirk which caused her to giggle.

"I've been looking forward to meeting you ever since I saw your name on the ranking. I'm your number one fan. I've seen most of your shoots and I'm a big customer of your mother's. She's amazing!" she responded excitedly.

"Thanks. It's always nice to meet a fan. Even more when they're this cute," he said.

She blushed, but wasn't deterred. "So what made you enrol in U.A.? You're practically set for life if you went into full-time modelling," she said.

"I just thought I could apply myself to a great purpose," he said vaguely with a smile to make her think he had heroic aspirations without actually lying. He did want to pursue greater purposes, but those purposes were entirely selfish. Quite the opposite of heroic. Even Endeavor or rather Todoroki Enji, Shoto's father, was more heroic than himself and that wasn't even a very high bar.

Nobody needed to know that though.

Unlike the boys in class that were still mostly keeping to themselves it didn't take the girls long to start talking and get to know each other. Even though Himiko and Momo weren't thrilled about more girls being around James even they couldn't resist the draw of socialising and gossip.

James made sure to not sit on one of the outer seats keeping seats free all around him which actually lead to a few of the other girls in the class giving up on the seats they had chosen to sit closer to him even bullying away some of the boys that had taken those seats already. Himiko ended up sitting on his left by the window. He was sure she chose the spot not only because it was next to him, but also the abundant sunlight she would be able to enjoy sitting next to the window. Not because it was the protagonist seat.

Momo happily sat on his right. Toru sat in front of him probably expecting it to give him a clear view of the teacher. Unfortunately that wouldn't work, but he much preferred the view she did present him with. Tsuyu and Mina sat on either side of her.

Behind him sat another newcomer to class 1A like himself, Himiko and Momo. It was Shiozaki Ibara who was in class 1B in canon. To her left sat Kendo Itsuka who was also originally supposed to be in class 1B.

Class Floor Plan:

Aizawa Shota's Lectern
Tokoyami Fumikage Mezo Shoji Tenya Ida Aoyama Yuga
Bakugo Kastuki Jiro Kyoka Kaminari Denki Kirishima Eijiro
Ashido Mina Hagakure Toru Asui Tsuyu Uraraka Ochaco
Himiko Toga Busujima James Yaoyorozu Momo Midoriya Izuku
Kendo Itsuka Shiozaki Ibara Sato Rikido Todoroki Shoto
the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 10+ chapters ahead.

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