Lucifer Quirk

40 – Psalm 101:7

Psalm 101:7

No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

James rubbed Himiko's sore ass.

"Mmm... no more. Go find Momo or something," she moaned in exasperation.

James couldn't help but smile watching his efforts take hold already. Himiko hadn't even registered what she said in her exhaustion, but it said plenty about her thoughts conscious or subconscious. He didn't care about how passionate they were, rather he happily encourage it, but he couldn't have them going around interfering with what he wanted to do. Spending money on them or telling them some of the things they wanted to hear were things he gladly did.

He had a strong revulsion towards lying though. Something deep inside him seemed to revolt whenever he said something that was literally untrue. It had no problems with him bending the truth or implying falsehood with words that were true. He wasn't sure if his quirk caused him to dislike dishonesty and was just bad at enforcing it or if it was indignant when he manipulated someone in a low-brow way.

It made for a fun game though. At first he was concerned, but after some testing he discovered he could still lie and very well at that, it just made him extremely uncomfortable. It was a little troublesome, but it didn't stop him from lying if it was necessary to protect himself. This meant manipulating people with the truth was more like a challenge his quirk provided him with, one he gladly participated in.

There was still a month before classes started. Even though he had succeeded at getting into U.A. he didn't let up on his training at all though. He knew that more than likely the league of villains would still be attacking class 1A shortly after classes started. He had made sure to stay out of things involving All For One, the league of villains, All Might and U.A. until at least the entrance exam. By doing so he hoped he didn't affect those events too much because taking advantage of them he could definitely take advantage and build himself a rock solid reputation right from the start.

He would need it too given that he had other things to "make up" for. Between his womanising and his secret life running an hidden organisation comprised of spies and killers he definitely needed to give the best impression he could in other ways and nothing would be quite as effective as saving a bunch of children from super villains after all.

Since he was planning to take advantage of the events he needed to be as powerful as possible to deal with any eventualities. All For One wasn't like the small time enemies he had dealt with so far. The only reason so many of the plans failed was because All For One had stepped back to let his successor Tomura Shigaraki take the lead and gain experience and that guy was almost as dumb as he was batshit crazy neither of which worked well for planning intricate plots. If All For One did decide to step in though he had no clue how he would stack up against him.

He wasn't even powerful enough to beat peak All Might quite yet and peak All Might had been beaten into his current state by All For One. His main concern wasn't if he could beat him yet though. It was whether he was powerful enough to avoid having his quirk stolen by All For One. His quirk was weird so maybe it wasn't possible to steal, but that wasn't something he was going to try experimenting with.

His growth was fast, but not so fast that one or two months would completely change his power level, but he would take every little benefit he could get. Work hard and play hard was effectively his motto and he did both to excess. If it weren't for his quirk's regenerative effectiveness there is no way he would be able to live the life he did spending time working out, running a shadow organisation, flirting with girls and taking them to bed. These days he only needed to sleep for 4 hours a day to stay in peak physical condition and the amount of rest required kept shrinking.

He received reports regarding that Izuku having locked himself in his room for the week finally coming out full of energy after receiving the invitation. Recently he had his organisation focus more on keeping track of things related to the events that were coming. In his mind there was no such thing as being over-prepared. Wasn't that Batman's superpower after all? Well that and money. He had that too though.

The only ones hard to track were the league of villains. Since they had a teleporter to help them getting around it was near impossible to track them from their scenes of crime, they just tended to disappear and they hadn't been very active with Tomura taking over the mantle and needing to rebuild.

It didn't take long for Momo to find out what had happened between him and Himiko. It wasn't like she was going to hide it, rather she seemed excited to share her progress with Momo as if taunting her. It took James quite a bit of coaxing to appease her without also sleeping with her. Thankfully she wasn't quite as mischievous as Himiko was. Despite being tempted by Himiko's actions Momo didn't have the courage to lock herself in the bedroom with him.

His parents went all out having hero costumes created for them. They wouldn't spare an expense. James wasn't too concerned though. He didn't need a suit to enhance his abilities, he needed a suit that could simply keep up with his abilities.  Given his abilities there wasn't much a suit could do to improve them unless he strapped jets to his back or something ridiculous. They were already pretty well rounded as is and his main worry was ending up naked at the end of a serious battle.

Due to his concerns he had the designer focus entirely on only two things, style and durability. It needed to look good and it needed to last.

For Himiko on the other hand he took inspiration from her costumes and equipment in the show having improved versions designed with a slightly more heroic look so she wouldn't run into trouble at U.A. Not that the looks were that concerning, there were multiple students attending U.A. that didn't sport a very heroic look after all.

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