Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Soki

-So... did you want to tell me something before those guys showed up?" Soki asked.

"Umm... no, I don't know..." Lee said, a bit scared at the thought that Soki couldn't keep the secret that Dooc exists, being someone who would post anything on social media just to be famous. And now, as the author, I will finally tell you Soki's origin;

Soki was born with an extra toe on her left foot, her parents were named:

Mother - Tame Ritonomo

Father - Shichiari Kokagu

And at 1 years old, she lost her parents who had an accident with Lee's parents.

That evening, the lives of the two friends changed, both being taken to an orphanage, where they stayed for 2 years. Lee was 3 and a half years old at the time, and Soki was and when it turned 2 week old.

Soki's parents died as soon as they arrived in Japan because Lee's family intended to move from Japan to Korea, while Soki's family was moving from China to Japan, which caused Lee's family and Soki's family to have an accident while heading to the airport [you will find out why they had the accident in the last chapter... chapter 51? Idk]

The two girls went to class. After they finished their classes, they went for pizza where;

"Seriously, you didn't want to tell me anything? You seemed pretty serious... oh wait, you're always serious!" Soki said with her mouth full of pizza.

"Soki! I forgot what I wanted to tell you! So just leave me alone and eat! Because it's a rare event for you to treat." Lee said.

"That's because I need to earn my salary, okay? You're not the kind of person who would waste all your salary on Shine or Sinsay!" Soki said, still with her mouth full of pizza.

After they finished eating;

"Uh... Soki? Do you want to come with me to a store to buy some... gifts for my parents? Because today is the day... they died."

-->public information; the date when the parents of the two girls died was on: 08;08;2011<---.

"Sure, I'll come! After all, I had the same plans, only I've already ordered everything I need." Soki said, starting to walk about 4 meters ahead and telling Lee;

"Are you coming? Or do you want me to buy gifts for yours?"

"Yes, I'm coming now!" Lee asked.

Lee and Soki stayed in the store until evening, searching for everything they needed, and finally;

- "What? What's happening?" Soki asked.

- "I've closed!" said the owner.

- "Oh no! What am I going to do now?" Lee exclaimed.

- "I don't know what you're doing, but I'm going home! I haven't finished my homework and I'm cold!" Soki replied.

- "Huh," Lee sighed.

- "Are you okay?... If you want, I can stay longer; I'm not going to turn into an ice cube," Soki said.

- "Really?!" Lee asked, surprised.

- "Yeah... OF COURSE NOT! Can't you see it's 1° outside?" Soki retorted.

- "Fine, go! I'm going to get some flowers and... I'm going to see my parents," Lee said.

When Lee arrived at the cemetery, she told Dooc that he could come out now, but;

- "Dooc?... Dooc!... Dooc!" Lee shouted.

After calling for Dooc continuously, a voice shouted back;

- "Lee!.. Come quickly!"

[- Lee's family lived next to the cemetery -]

Lee hurried home where;

- "I thought you were alive!" Dooc said.

- "Yeah, we were worried!" Soki added.

- "Soki!! I... um... I can explain, I... um..."Lee was getting agitated when she saw Dooc and Soki sitting next to each other.

- "No worries! We told him!" said Lee's grandfather.

- "And? Was it really that hard for you to tell me about Dooc?" Soki asked.

- "Uh... Weren't you supposed to do your homework?!" Lee said.

- "I'm Soki! I can do my homework in 2 minutes!" Soki replied.

- "Look, I know I seem like a girl who would post anything on 'SocialMedia' - "What? Noooo..." Lee interrupted. "But I'm your best friend! And friends never hide anything from each other! Or... do you just want us to... be friends?" Soki said after what was said.

- "Ohh Soki, I didn't say that! Look,... I'm telling you I like Katuro from the 11th grade, are you happy now?!"

- "Of course, girl! So? When are you going to kiss?" Soki said, her sadness disappearing from her face.

- "Ahem!" coughed the grandfather.

- "Ohh!... Soki! Sit down!" Lee sat next to Soki, whispering in her ear; "I'll kill you!"

- "It's pointless to kill me if you are the coffin!" Soki whispered back to Lee.

- "So? Why aren't you in the cemetery to my parents?" Lee asked.

- "Because we have something important to tell you!" said the grandmother.

- "The four of us, after Soki found out about me, thought we'd surprise you and bring your parents back to life, like we did with Soki's parents." Dooc said, interrupted by Soki;

- "What?! You brought my parents back to life?!" Soki shouted.

Then, from the next room, two people entered, a man and a woman, who looked very young.

- "Soki!.. my girl!" said the man, running towards Soki and picking her up in his arms.

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