Chapter 1: Lost In Space-chapter 1 -
In a city called Chikaho in Japan, there was a 17-year-old girl named Lee. She lived with her grandparents, as her parents had died in a car accident when Lee was just 3 year old. Her grandparents had limited mobility since they were both between the ages of 96 and 98, and Lee was forced to do everything in the house. Lee attended an expensive computer high school, so she had to work as a guide in a planetarium, where she didn't earn much, but it was enough to pay for school and ensure she had enough food for a whole month. Lee always came home from school at 5:30 PM and left at 12:00 PM, which made her routine:
- 6:00 AM - prepare meals for her grandparents.
- 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - get dressed, make her lunch, and go to work.
- 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM - work.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - study for school.
- And she goes to school from 12:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
Until one evening when Lee could not sleep, she saw a blue light that fell from the sky into the backyard. Lee took a flashlight and a knife with her and went to see what was happening. There, she saw a tiny spaceship that was broken at one corner of the window. Lee did not hesitate and took a peek inside the ship, but there was nothing until a small green creature with pink glasses, two sharp horns, a pink lizard-like tail, and covered in scales peeked its eye through the window.
-HEY! said the creature.
-huh?? What the hell is this? A prank, Lee thought before saying:
- umm, w...w...what are you?
-And what are you doing in my backyard! said Lee, scared.
-Don't be afraid! I'm just a Caranian who crashed on this planet! said the creature.
-What are you?! A cranian? asked Lee.
-My species is called 'Caranian' and I'm from another universe! said the creature.
-But how did you get to Earth?! asked Lee.
-It doesn't matter! My name is Dooc, what's yours? asked Dooc.
-My name is Lee! I see you have problems with your ship.
-Yeah... it seems like I'm going to stay here longer than I should.
The two continued to talk about what they had been discussing and entered the house (in Lee's room).
-And! How come you know about our existence while we don't know about yours? asked Lee.
-We were created before you by the Creator and the Great Kayura, replied Dooc.
-Who?! asked Lee.
-So! I assume you don't know about the existence of Kayura because on Earth, people believe they were created only by the Creator, but!..
You see, I'm going to tell you a story, okay! said Dooc.
-So! 20,000 years ago, there were two cells in an infinite black space. These two cells were the Creator and Kayura, everything was quiet, there were only the two of them.
Until Kayura had a thought in which he said to himself; 'Everything is too quiet, my brother is stronger than me, and if I can't be stronger than him, then I will be more desired,' so Kayura created an alien form, which made the Creator realize what his brother wanted to do, but the Creator also thought that he wanted to exterminate him, so the Creator took on a form, but as a human.
They began to symbolizing his brother.
Kayura, having seen everything the Creator had done, and because he still could not control the power to create, he tries to create a man to spy on the Creator to see how he can control his powers, said Dooc.
- Whoa! Wait! What was that man's name? Lucifer? Lee asks.
- " Yes! Exactly! "Dooc replies.
- "Aha, I think I know what's going to happen next," Lee said.
-"Can I continue?" Dooc asks.
- "Of course!" Lee replies.
- "So, after Kayura created the little man, he named him Lucifer, and then he immediately sent him into his brother's universe to spy on him. But the Creator didn't take long to catch on, which forced him to curse Lucifer to cast out all his goodness into the fire, then sent him back to his brother who was waiting for Lucifer with great news. But Lucifer said to him;
- "I can't get close to his universe! I'm not a creator!" And Kayura gave him half of his powers because the hatred between the Creator and Kayura had worsened, and Kayura didn't want to be in second place.
After he gave Lucifer his powers, the little man, who was now something spiritual, went to the Creator and told him that if he gave him back his soul, he would give him half of the power he received from Kayura;
- "No, Lucifer! I don't need power! I need love!" said the Creator.
- "You and your brother are like trees! You don't know which one is good, as both will be blown by the wind!" said Lucifer.
Then Kayura appeared in front of his portal and called Lucifer into his universe, but Lucifer refused.
- "Why! Why won't you..."
[■○it will continue....I don't know when○■]👋bye-
- "Because I won't leave this universe until your brother gives my soul back!"
- "Creator! Give my servant back his soul, or else! You will face the consequences!" Kayura said.
But the Creator ignored him and began to create the lakes and their tranquility, after which Kayura said to him;
- "Cursed be you! Spawn of the devil!"
After that, the Creator created a key, "the key of life," a key with which Kayura would have found his end, but Lucifer stole the key and told the two creators that if they didn't give back his soul, the key would be destroyed, and their powers and everything they had created until now would disappear.
The two brothers saw that they had created a monster with their hatred, so they exiled Lucifer to the place where his soul was and retrieved the key from Lucifer's claws.
He found his soul, but it was burned, so he promised the two creators revenge one day.
-! What a story!" Lee said.
- "Oh no, what time is it! It's 22:43 Dooc! I have to go to bed! Tomorrow I have a big day!" Lee said anxiously.
- "What's tomorrow? Is it something special?" Dooc asked.
- "Yes! Tomorrow is my parents' day, and I have a lot to do. So please turn off the light and go to sleep too," Lee said.
- "Well, the thing is, the Caranians can only sleep for 3 seconds," Dooc said, then he thought about what to do during the 8 hours that Lee would be sleeping.
The next day;
- "Huaaaaah!" Lee yawned and got out of bed looking for Dooc because she hadn't seen him anywhere in the room.
She got scared not to scare her grandparents because they also had heart problems, but;
- "Good morning, Lee!" said Lee's grandfather, looking more athletic and energetic than in the last week, just like her grandmother.
- "What's going on? How come you... who?.... HOW! DOOC, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Lee started shouting loudly, making Dooc jump.
- "I... I... I thought that if I took away their age by 40 years, they would feel better, and then you would have more time!"
- "Come on, Lee, be happy!Now you just have to do everything around the house!" her grandmother told her.
"But can you make people younger?" Lee asked.
"It seems that I can! I didn't know I could do that, but I managed!"
"Okay, Dooc, come on! You will go with me to school where you will have to stay in the backpack all the time."
They arrived at school, and Lee thought to introduce Dooc to her friend named SOKI, who was passionate about robots and hacking accounts, but that doesn't matter;
Soki and Lee had been friends since they were 4 years old when Soki moved to Japan. At school, Soki was bullied and beaten by some older boys, but one day Lee stepped in for her because Soki was covered in blood and crying in a corner after being badly beaten by those boys. When Lee came and beat them all up, Soki said that if she and the mysterious girl who saved her from that situation became friends, Soki wouldn't get beaten anymore. Before, Soki used Lee so that no one would pick on her, but later they started to understand each other better and became best friends.
Let's continue with Lost in Space;
Lee was in front of Soki ready to introduce Dooc when suddenly three angry boys came with bats towards Soki, but none of them managed to hit her because Lee used an explosive pen she created, which, once the tip of the pen makes contact with something, starts the countdown.