Chapter 3: chapter 3 - the price of living

At this chapter, I think I will write the most.

- You? You... are my parents?... I thought you would be older, said Soki, looking at the two of them while holding them in her arms.

- Watch how you speak, young lady! said her mother.

- Sorry, but I still can't believe I'm seeing you in front of my eyes after so many years; I don't even know how to react! said Soki.

- Now that we are here, you don't have to worry about being alone! said Soki's mother.

- And Dooc! Thank you for bringing us back to our daughter! exclaimed Soki's father.

- You're welcome, ma'am and sir Kokagu! said Dooc.

- Hi! I am... Lee... Soki's best friend. said Lee, butting in.

- Oh yes! You must be one of the children from the Kochiiro family, right? asked Soki's father.

- Excuse me... one of the children? asked Lee.

- Yes! Before we had the accident with your parents, I clearly saw 5 people in the car: a woman with her hair tied back who had a child in her arms and a man was driving, and in the back, there were two kids, or two boys? I don't know. They were sleeping. After that, I didn't see anything.

- "Dooc, if you could do that with Soki's parents, why are my parents still not here!" Lee said in an angry tone.

- "I tried, twice, and it had no effect! All that appeared after each incantation was a rusty key!" Dooc said, handing the key to Lee.


After that, the girl ran up the stairs to her room, crying incessantly.

- Lee, wait! said Dooc.

- Let her be, Dooc! She needs some time alone. said Lee's grandmother, picking Dooc up in her arms.

In Lee's room;

- I hate you!...I HATE YOU!! Lee shouted very loudly, taking a chair and slamming it against a wall.

Afterwards, Lee knelt down, put both hands on her face, and started crying until;

- huh? Huh? HUH?.. Lee's heart began to pump 4000 times faster than the normal rate of 60/100, gasping incessantly because she couldn't breathe from the heart pumping, running out of air in a few seconds, about to lose consciousness and finally... her heart stopped.

Those downstairs thought Lee had calmed down and was ready to talk about the situation with her parents.

They advised sending Dooc and Soki to talk to her because they were the ones she was most attached to. But when the two entered the room, they found Lee lifeless at the edge of the bed.

Soki quickly called for an ambulance, starting to cry and sitting next to cry, kneeling beside her and shouting;

- "Lee!... Leeeee!" Soki shouted as loud as she could, taking Lee in her arms.

Those downstairs, upon hearing, quickly came upstairs into the room, starting to panic.

The next day;

They were all sitting in the waiting room, believing that the doctor was coming with good news and bad news. But he only came with bad news;


Soki and Dooc stayed home because they had suffered enough just seeing Lee lifeless, and if they had found out about the news given by the doctor (earlier), they would insist on coming to see Lee, but any sane friend wouldn't let their best friend sleep, right?

That being said, Dooc and Soki will not find out that Lee is in a coma, and Lee's grandparents had to lie to the two that Lee is undergoing a special treatment that cannot be disturbed and must be done in the hospital.

A month after the events, we see Dooc sitting in Lee's room looking at some photos of her. After about 2 minutes of staring at the pictures, he grabbed a small backpack and set off to visit Lee at the hospital.

- I know you're hiding something from me, grandparents, that I don't know! But I will find out! Dooc said, jumping out the window, while Soki was waiting for him in front of the house, and the two set off towards the hospital, running into the sunset.

In a few moments, the two arrived at the hospital, but to their surprise, the hospital was closed;

- What?! It's closed? Dooc wondered and Soki.

Afterwards, Dooc saw an open window above them, through which some voices could be heard; - What did the boss say we should do with her? - I thought you knew!

- Soki! Throw me up to the window! said Dooc.

- But what do you want to do? asked Soki.

- I just want to see if Lee is inside, he replied.

- "Okay!"

When Dooc reached the window, he only saw two doctors in black coats who stayed for about 20 more seconds to see if anything came up about Lee. When;

- "Where have you taken her, you fools! We can't find her anywhere! Come on! Come and look for her! And if you dare to say anything to Jiu, I'll kill you first," said another doctor, who was wearing a white coat.

- "Huh! Lee is with them!" Dooc was surprised.

He stretched out his hands and pulled Soki next to the window so they could enter.

- "Okay! What do we do now? Do we search for her throughout the hospital where there might be doctors who are not hospitable?" Soki asked.

The two stepped out into the hallway, making sure no one was coming from the left or right, and then walked about 4 meters when suddenly Lee appeared in a white coat covered in blood, about to collapse while running.

-"LEE!" shouted Dooc, "We're here!"

When Lee saw Dooc and Soki, she thought they were some kind of doctor, so inexplicably, Lee transformed into a monster with large horns, looking like a werewolf. Lee jumped on Dooc, ready to devour him, but Soki quickly stepped in front of Dooc, getting bitten on the right arm.

"AAAAHH!" screamed Soki in pain.

"Lee, stop!!!" shouted Dooc.

After the commotion caused by the three of them, two doctors came with guns and shot at Soki and Dooc, leaving them dead on the blood-stained floor. After witnessing this, Lee returned to normal but underwent another transformation, this time becoming faster than the air, taking the form of a magical fireball. In a microsecond, all the doctors and the building exploded, with Lee taking another form to protect Soki and Dooc, who were nearly dead.

After all the smoke from the explosion, Lee could be seen crying next to her two friends.

- "Dooc!... Soki!... What have I done?" Lee said.

At Lee's house;

- "Huhu?! What's happening there?" Soki's father asked.

- "I don't know! Go check on Soki!" Tame said.

When Shichiari went to Soki's room, obviously no one was there.

- "Tame! Soki isn't in her room!" Shichiari said.

- "Check if Dooc is still in his room!" Tame said.

- "Neither is Dooc!" Shouted Shichiari from Dooc's room.

- "If Soki did this, I won't let her out until 17!" Tame said.

- "But dear! Soki is 17..." Shichiari replied.

- "Come on! Let's go see what's happening!" Tame said.

And they headed towards the exploded hospital. Where;

- "HUHH! SOKI!" Tame said, seeing her daughter in a pool of blood.

- "Lee! What happened?!!!" Tame asked Lee.

- "It's... it's my fault!" Lee said calmly.

After Tame looked at Soki's arm, she stared horrified at Lee and slapped her.

- "Dear!" Shichiari intervened. "It could be dangerous! Get away from there!"

But Tame didn't listen and started beating Lee severely; she grabbed her by the hair, took a rock, and smashed her head. Lee lay unconscious on the cold ground.

- "DEAR! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Shichiari asked.

- "SHE KILLED MY DAUGHTER!" Tame said, starting to cry with the rock in her hand.

*The sound of a police car was heard*

- "Oh no! It's the police! RUN!" Shichiari said to Tame.

The two wives quickly ran away from there, taking the rock with them, so they wouldn't leave fingerprints.

*Lee opened her eyes*

- "What happened?!" she said.

*Dooc also woke up*

- "Lee? What's going on?"

- "I need to get home!" Lee said, running away.

- "Lee, wait! I'm coming too."

As Lee ran, she remembered the words of a man with long hair who had kept her captive in a cage bound with chains (when I put ">", know that it's a memory)

>"Did you think I wouldn't find you, Lee?" that individual asked.

>- "Don't forget this! After you wake up from the substance I gave you, YOU WILL CAUSE CHAOS WHEREVER YOU STEP!" that individual said, starting to laugh heartly.

"-HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Take her and put her in the capsule! We need to get to EarthDeath as soon as possible! HURRY UP!"< În engleză, "începând să râdă cu poftă" se traduce prin "starting to laugh heartily." <

- "Grandma! Grandpa! Where are you?!"

"Lee screamed. She had searched the whole house, but when she looked in their room..., the room was dark with blood on the windows. The grandfather's body was on the ceiling while the grandmother's body sat on a chair, swaying in a sinister manner. As for their heads, they were placed in the window facing the room, each with a note in their mouth. Lee was horrified by what she saw and began to cry as loudly as she could. As she knelt there crying, she told herself;"

-"Who... who would do this?.... I MUST HAVE MY REVENGE! AT ANY COST! After that, she stood up and said: - At any cost! She went to the window, took both heads, and went to the backyard. There she made a hole to put the heads along with a jar of her blood that she collected when she passed through the kitchen. - We lived together! ..we will die together! After saying this, she took the tickets from the mouths of the heads and buried them along with the jar.

"Then she went inside where she took some clothes that she had torn. She went to the kitchen, took some supplies, and while eating the pancakes made by her grandmother, she read the notes.

The first note;

'I told you that wherever you step, you will cause havoc.'

The second;

'If you want your loved ones not to share the same fate as your grandparents, come to Tokyo tonight at 23:00, come alone. And by the way! Do you like the family gift?'

- The family gift?! Lee was astonished.

- *You must be one of the Kochiiro family kids, right?* Lee thought about Shichiari's question.

- Maybe I am one of my siblings! I need to find out!

- Wait! Where's Dooc?!

And just then, Dooc came in, panting from exhaustion;

- How... small are my legs?! said Dooc. What did I miss?

- Look for yourself! said Lee.

- Who would do this?! Dooc asked horrified.

- That's what I was wondering too! But I will find out! said Lee.


[[(Sorry for that scene with the grandparents, but... that's how the story goes. As for the new chapter that will follow, I don't know when I'll write it because I have to study this year, but next week or even this week I will start it.)]]

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