Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 191: Temple Of Stillness

A breathtaking temple made out of pure solid earth was standing still in the middle of a split mountain under the moonlight.

Greg watched the massive building before him with awe when suddenly he noticed an air-thread movement on the side not far away from him.

Glancing to the side, he noticed that slightly behind an ash black boulder, a man in armor was standing and was watching at them in silence.

Greg squinted his eyes to get a better look, but when the moonlight fell on the man's face, Greg frowned slightly and thought, "Wasn't he the one who stopped us before the city gate?"

Carter feeling a gaze on his skin turned his head toward the left, but the moment he saw that Greg was looking toward his direction, he looked instantly surprised.

"He can sense my presence?", said quietly Carter with surprise, but knowing he already got busted he stepped forward and walked toward the four.

Zane feeling that someone was approaching them, looked to the right, and when he saw Carter's approaching figure raised his guard up instantly.

Cloud and Eliana sensing the changes did the same and looked toward where Zane and Greg were looking.

After stopping at a safe distance from the four, Carter crossed his arm before his chest and said in an emotionless voice, "Don't mind me at all. I'm just here to watch."

Hearing this, Cloud looked at Eliana. Knowing that they were in the Voodoo Family's territory, it wasn't a surprise that they will be monitored.

However, that was surprising that they didn't watch their move from the shadows but came before them and said it personally. It was quite strange.

Nodding slightly, Cloud waved toward Zane, Eliana, and Greg and without further hesitation, he started to walk toward the Earth Temple on the blossomed Mountain top.

However, as they approached the summit, Greg could feel a sharp gaze on the back of his neck, making him feel quite uneasy.

But still, he tried to ignore that feeling and continued to follow Cloud and the others before him.

Step by step, after close to 30 minutes, the four arrived before the massive temple's front, where a huge gate invited them.

The gate was made out of pure solid earth just like any other of its parts, however, there was a slight difference. While the walls had different kinds of carved symbols to make the building look even ancient, until then on top of the gate strange writings could be seen.

When Greg noticed them, he instantly realized that they were exactly the same as the ones on top of the Fire Temple in the Dimensional Zone, but they meant something else.

Zane on the side took out a scroll and after examining it for a while he started to talk, "Those writings say this is the Temple Of Stillness, where everything and anything shall stay unmoved."

After staying silent for a while Zane put away the scroll and continued, "They also stated, that only those can enter the Temple Of Stillness whose body and heart is as strong as an immovable mountain, while has the protection of the earth."

After he said this Zane looked at Greg and said, "From now on it's up to you. I don't want you to go in and risk your life, but just simply examine the interior and if you find yourself in a dire situation come back instantly. Understood?"

Greg hearing this nodded and started to walk toward the entrance when suddenly he noticed as Carter started to follow him also.


Looking back at him, Greg was confused, but instead of asking anything he just glanced at Zane on the side. Seeing his slight nod, Greg didn't have a choice but to sigh and turn back around, facing the entrance.

"Before going in, let's test out something.", thought Greg and with a slow-motion, he touched the gate with his finger.


However, the moment his finger got into contact with the gate's surface, sparks appeared around his palm, making him to pull his arm away instantly.

"What the?", thought Greg with surprise as he looked at his fingers which were bleeding quite visibly.

However, that small injury was nothing at all, and because of his body it started to regenerate and under a few seconds, the wounds vanished instantly.

"Then it is really true that I can only use my Fourth Flow in there, huh.", said Greg and without hesitation, he activated his Fourth Flow.

Instantly, the brown and solid cycle inside his body lit up, and with a small pace, they started to flow throughout his body, making Greg feel a connection between him and the earth below him instantly.

"Perfect.", said Greg quietly and touched the gate.

While he did this, Carter behind Greg was surprised, because a moment ago he could clearly feel that Greg's power was not associated with the element of earth, but with the element of wind. However, for some unknown reason suddenly his affinity changed and he had a massive connection with the element of earth, which he didn't ever see in the past.

"To think that a boy only on the Ascender rank has such strong element affinity... He surely has a red Soul Stone.", murmured Crater quietly, but seeing that Greg opened the temple's door without a problem and walked inside, he started to follow him also.

When the two walked through the gate, the entrance doors moved slowly, and with a heavy bang, they closed behind the two backs.

As this happened, Eliana's eyes turned golden, and small silver threads started to move in them, however after a small while she closed her eyes and sighed.

Cloud on her side looked at Mistress of Fortune and asked, "Can't use your powers to predict the happenings in there?"

Eliana hearing Cloud's voice shook her head gently and said, "I can't. The moment my sight enters the interior of that temple, everything turns... Motionless. I can see thousands of outcomes in there, but each of them has been frozen in place. It seems this temple is not called how it is for fun."

The moment Eliana finished talking, Cloud nodded and said, "Then let's hope the best for him."


While Greg was inside the Temple Of Stillness inside of Iron City, until then Joe, Emma, Mila, and Jay were walking on one of the streets of Mythbreak.

Because Emma's condition turned out to returned the best, she was let out of the hospital, however, the doctors said it should be the best if she doesn't use her power for a small while.

It is unknown why, but it seems her Soul Stone is under strange changes which affect her body, so if she tries to use it she could get in a worsened state than getting unconscious. There was the chance she could fall into eternal slumber or worse. She could even die.

With that in mind, the four were walking in Mythbreak looking for ways to relax, when suddenly a familiar voice sounded from their backs.

"Huh? Are you guys here?"

The four hearing the voice turned around, but the moment they did, their expression turned to surprise.

Before them, three people could be seen. Each of them was from one of the most famous families which had fame because of their strong potions, herbs, and medicine.

They were from the Alchemist Family, Juan, Sandra, and Sarah. The three looked surprised seeing Joe and the other, however when they noticed Jay, they looked confused.

Seeing their gaze, Jay started to smile wryly and scratched the back of his neck, however didn't say anything at all.

Seeing this, Juan thought for something, but after a while, he averted his gaze and looked at Joe.

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys yet again.", said Juan with a smile and shook Joe's hand.

Sandra and Sarah on the other hand looked at the three in silence and just nodded slightly.

Juan seeing this just shook his head helplessly, and after a small hesitation, he asked, "Um... About your friend, Greg. What happened with him? Is he doing fine?"

Joe knew that at the tournament Juan and the twins only saw Greg taken away and after that, they heard no news about him.

Knowing this, Joe just smiled slightly and answered, "He is fine. He went to Iron City with the three experts. He will be away for a while."

Hearing this, the twins and Juan looked surprised. After a small while, Juan smiled and said, "Then that is a relief. I still wanted to fight with him again."

Joe hearing this chuckled slightly and said, "I'm sure you have gotten stronger, but I know for sure you won't be able to beat him. He became terrifyingly strong."

Juan hearing this just smiled and said, "Then that is the best. It would have been boring if he didn't."

After he said this he looked at Joe and asked calmly, "But before that, I want to fight against you? I still own the favor you gave me back then."

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