Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 192: Juan's Challenge

The moment Joe heard Juan's request for a fight, he just smiled and started to examine him.

Looking at him, Joe could feel that he too reached the top of the Calamity rank, but its presence was stronger. Joe knew that it was because the one before him had two Soul Stones, so his cultivation power should be stronger than others on the same rank.

However, cultivation power alone didn't mean you were stronger than your opponent. If you couldn't utilize your powers, no matter if you have the heaven-defining ability, you will still remain a weakling.

Knowing this, Joe just looked at Juan with a calm smile and said, "Yeah it would be my pleasure to fight against someone like you."

"Perfect. Then let's go now!", said Juan with a wide smile and turned around, leading the way toward the place where they will fight.

Jay looked at Emma on the side and in a lowered voice he asked, "Who are they and why does that guy want to fight against Joe that much?"

While they were walking, Emma glanced at Juan and answered, "We have fought once against him and those two in the tournament. He is extremely powerful with two unique Soul Stones under his control."

The moment Jay heard this looked at Juan with now more seriousness and asked, "I see. What is his power?"

"He can control the gravity around him, restricting his enemy's movement, while the other power of his lets him obtain inhuman physical strength from an ancient dragon. He is quite a terrifying foe to fight against."

"How did you were able to beat him, if he has such ridiculous abilities? A power that can restrict enemies and a power that can beat them into a pulp... Just alone hearing those abilities made my head feel a bit dizzy.", said Jay quietly as he looked at Juan before him.

If he were to be in the same rank as him, he wasn't sure if he would be able to beat him in a one-on-one fight, showing that even Jay saw Juan as a threat if he were a foe.

Emma knew what Jay was thinking, so she looked at Joe and explained, "He used a Soul Creature which helped him beat him. Unfortunately, however, he said he could only use it only once."

"Does he have another one?", asked Jay curiously.

Emma next to her father started to think for a while, but in the end, she just shook her head and said, "I don't think so. That Soul Creature looked quite rare, so it's not quite likely." 

"I see.", said Jay with a nod, and without asking anything more he just looked at Juan and followed him toward the place where he will be able to see his true power.

Time passed quickly and in a short while later, Juan finally stopped before a medium-sized building.


The moment Joe, Emma, Mila, and Jay saw the building they looked confused because if Juan and Joe would start to fight, this building was definitely starting to collapse in no time.

Seeing Joe's and the other's confused faces, Juan smiled slightly and said, "I know what you are all thinking currently, but please, just follow me and you will understand it shortly why we came here."

As he said this, Juan touched the entrance door and pushed it wide open.

Joe and the others followed Juan inside, however the moment they saw what has been revealed inside, their expression looked stunned.

Immediately as they entered the building, Joe looked around with awe. All around him what he could see was a huge space with several green crystals floating on the sides next to each other.

The place was around a hundred meters in length, making Joe question if the building's size was truly as big as it looked like from the outside. It was like someone from the outside saw a tent, but the moment they went in they found themselves inside a huge and spacious cave. It was a shocking sight indeed.

When all of them finally walked in, what Joe noticed the very first time was some strange green crystals floating on the side next to each other.

Juan seeing where he was looking at smiled and pointed at the crystals on the side while saying, "Those are our family's new investment, the Sky Crystals. I brought us here because those crystals can take our attacks without difficulty, so no problem shall fall on this place even if we go full out. However, because it is only in the beginning phase, one Sky Crystal can only take only one full attack from a person on the Calamity rank, but we hope that one day we can make it to resist against attacks from God rank fighters."

"So this is the reason why there are so many.", said Joe with a slight nod, and after a while, he continued, "These are truly amazing! If you don't mind I can talk with my father to buy some of these. I'm quite sure he would be interested in these crystals."

Even though Joe didn't like his father's personality, he clearly knew that these kinds of crystals would become a great help for the Dia Family in the future, so that was why he said what he said to Juan.

Also, with the current skyrocketing fame and power that the Dia Family was currently going through, asking for a request to buy a few of these crystals shouldn't pose a problem at all.

And just as Joe thought, the moment Juan heard this he smiled widely, and with a nod, he said, "Of course! It would be our pleasure to make a deal with the Dia Family. I will report this request of yours to my family and will discuss the remaining details later."

"Perfect.", said Joe with a nod, and after a small while he looked at Juan and asked, "So... How should we duel against each other?"

"Just like on the tournament, it will be a one on one fight. Whoever makes the other one to withdrew won.", said Juan calmly and after he glanced at the twins on his side, he walked toward the middle.

While he did that, Sandra looked at Emma, Mila, and Jay and said calmly, "Please follow us."

Emma, Mila, and Jay hearing this looked at Joe, but seeing his calm gaze they nodded and followed the twins slowly from behind, leaving the two boys behind without saying anything else.

When Joe watched as the five walked away and walked up onto a well-protected viewing area in the distance, he glanced at Juan in the distance.

Not far away from him, he could see that Juan was already waiting for him with crossed arms before his chest and with a slight smile.

Seeing this, Joe looked at the sword on his waist which was always there since the moment he obtained it from the treasure room from the Forbidden Lands.

After thinking for a while and knowing that the sword could become terrifyingly strong to the point where it could injure and even kill a creature on the God rank, Joe just shook his head gently and was about to take it off, when suddenly Juan's calm voice sounded from the side.

"I don't know what that sword is, but please don't underestimate me. I'm not someone who's is that easily beaten, so please use that weapon."

Joe glancing at Juan and seeing his confident posture, sighed slightly and said, "Well, he is right. Back then I needed a powerful Soul Creature's help to beat him, so now that he became even stronger, it should be the best to use this."

As he said that, Joe put his hand on the sword's hilt and with a serious expression, he said to Juan, "Then if you let me, I will use this sword as my weapon, but please don't be angry at me if something awful will happen."

Juan hearing this smiled widely and said loudly, "Of course I won't be. Also, there would be no fun at all if we don't take risks, right?"


Instantly as he said this, a scary presence broke out from Juan's body, while behind his back three half-transparent dragon's body started to appear slowly one after another.

Each of the three had a pair of huge wings, two horns, a long tail, and razor-sharp teeth and claws. However, even though their traits looked somewhat similar, there were still quite a few differences that separated the three from each other.

The one on the left had golden scales, while its body looked quite fragile, but even with that appearance Joe could clearly feel a terrifyingly calm aura and will coming from its body, which gave him a relaxed feeling too.

The right one had black scales, and while it had a body similar to that of the golden scaled dragon, its presence alone gave Joe the complete opposite feeling than the first dragon. It gave him an insane amount of threat, which made Joe feel instantly uneasy.

After looking at those two dragons, Joe finally glanced at the one in the middle, which had crimson scales. Contrary to the previous two creatures, this dragon's body looked extremely strong to the point, that Joe could easily imagine it destroying half of Mythbreak's territory just by a single swing with his tail. However, except for that trait of it, there was nothing special about that dragon at all.

After examining each of the dragons for a while, Joe finally looked at Juan and said calmly, "You truly became extremely powerful."

Juan hearing this grinned and wanted to say something, but before he could have done so, suddenly Joe grabbed the sword's hilt and said, "But not to the point where I couldn't beat you."

The moment Joe said this, a robe made out of pure thunder and lightning appeared around its body, while a circle appeared below his feet making his presence to reach the God rank instantly.

Tightening his hold on his weapon, Joe looked at Juan calmly and said, "I will win this fight with a single attack."


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