Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 190: City Of Iron

Greg was slowly following the three experts from behind while looking at his surroundings.

Because they entered through the outside, they were still walking in the mountains toward the city below them.

However, even like this that several huge trees, colorful bushes, and different sized stones could be seen in his proximity, it was quite evident that the citizens who were living here created the road in a way that it would show the clear beauty of the city in the distance.

Around a few miles away, Greg could easily see the city's breathtaking scenery before him, which was quite amusing.

"Even though it's nighttime, the city looked amazing. It's almost on par with Mythbreak!", thought Greg with awe as he looked at the city.

However, this awe of his slowly started to disappear when they got closer to the city. It was because the moment they did, Greg noticed as all the buildings in the city were made out of pure iron and metal, giving off a factory-like feeling, which he has never seen before.

Black smoke floated up toward the sky from the chimneys, while on the streets, people on different sized wooden vehicles could be seen taking raw irons and metals here and there in a hurry. 

Watching all of this, Greg was very shocked. The sight from the outside and the inside were completely different. 

"No surprise that it is called the City of Iron.", thought Greg as he looked around.

After walking for close to 30 minutes, the four finally arrived before the city's gate, however, Greg noticed that before the entrance of the city, four people could be seen waiting for them calmly.

Two men and two women. Each of them was clad in an iron armor, but instead of a silver or obsidian shade, all four of their armor had a crimson color, giving off a somewhat dominant look.

"Such powerful presence!", thought Greg with surprise as he looked at the man on the left, feeling the leaking God rank aura from his body. 

However, his presence didn't look as strong as Zane before him, so Greg didn't feel any pressure at all.

But Greg thought it was only natural. Out of the several people who reached the God rank, Zane was the only one currently on earth's surface who reached the summit of this rank with a white Soul Stone and a very powerful Guardian.

While Greg thought about this, suddenly the man which was on the God rank stepped forward and after putting his hand on the hilt of his weapon which was on his waist, he started to talk.

"My name is Vo Carter from the Voodoo Family. I hope you know this city is strictly restricted for foreigners."

Cloud hearing this stepped forward and after a slight bow he handed over a scroll to the man called Carter.

Looking at the scroll with a raised eyebrow, the man took it away from Clouds hand and after opening it he started to read the information in it.

After a few minutes of silence, the man looked up at Cloud and said, "It seems our leader approved you to enter the Earth Temple. However, only for a single hour. I hope you understand this."

Cloud hearing this nodded as a thanking gesture and without saying anything else, he started to walk forward again.

When the three experts walked by the man, suddenly Carter put out his arm to the side, stopping Greg on his track.

"You are not allowed to enter.", said Carter with an ice-cold tone as he looked at Greg with a sharp gaze.

"He is with us. He will come.", said Eliana in a calm tone, but it was visible that deep inside her neutral expression, anger was visible.

It was only natural by the way. She was an expert who was on top of humanity if it came to influence, yet here they treated her like some kind of commoner who had no fame and glory from the past at all.

This was also true at Zane and Cloud. Both of them were visibly annoyed by the treatment they got here, but they needed to control their emotions because they were not in their own territory. They were currently in the region of the most scariest Family in the Federation, and one wrong move could lead to a life-or-death fight.

Hearing what Eliana said, the man squinted his eyes, but after a small while, he lowered his arm.

However, even after he did that, Carter glanced at Greg and said in a quiet voice that only Greg was able to hear.

"If I were you, I wouldn't act recklessly here brat."

After he said this, Carter looked at the other three behind him and with a wave of his hand, they walked away slowly, leaving Greg and the three experts behind.

"Don't worry a thing, kid. The Voodoo Family acted always this cold toward guests and foreigners. Let's get going, we still have one hour to reach Black Mountain.", said Cloud and continued to walk forward.

Greg seeing the three experts walking forward, glanced toward the direction where Carter and his three subordinates vanished to, and after thinking for a while he sighed and just shook his head helplessly.

"This will be even more troublesome than I have thought."


Time passed slowly, and even after more than 30 minutes, the four were still walking through Iron City.

Iron buildings on the side, stalls on the streets selling all kinds of things like food, drinks, artifacts, weapons, and also raw iron, gold, and jade materials.

Even late at night, when it was almost midnight, Greg could feel the bustling life in this city.

"If I think about it once again, except for the fact that almost everything is made out of iron and metal, this city is amazing! Everything that people want could be found here also. Even things that I saw only in Mythbreak could be found here!", thought Greg as he looked around with curiosity in his eyes.

However, even like this that he was looking around, Greg could easily feel that someone was following them, but from where, he didn't know.

But Greg wasn't feeling anxious at all. He knew that he was in a city which was under strict control, but he knew the fact also that he was with 3 other experts, who were on the top if it came to power.

Especially Cloud. If someone tried to do something, he was quite sure he would help him out immediately. Maybe he looked polite and easygoing with almost everyone around him, but Greg could also feel that he had an indescribable aura which told Greg, he was under great protection.

And because of this, Greg continued to walk forward but he made sure to raise his guard up a little bit higher than usual, just in case if something unexpected should happen in the future.

After walking for another 10 minutes, Greg noticed that they left the city and now they have started to walk up on the side of a mountain.

Greg looked around and noticed that unlike the beautiful mountain he walked down the moment he entered through the walls, this mountain had no trees and no colorful bushes in his vicinity.

Only huge stones and rocks with an ash-black color could be seen wherever Greg looked at, making him to realize the reason why it was called Black Mountain.

"Amazing! Even though we are still on the bottom, I can clearly see the summit of the mountain before me.", thought Greg calmly and watched the abyss black Mountain top before his eyes.

The four walked with a steady pace toward the summit, when suddenly Cloud stopped moving and said quietly, "Here it comes."

Greg looked at Cloud with a slight frown, because he knew that it wasn't midnight yet, however before he could have reacted, suddenly the ground below his feet started to shake like crazy.



Greg steadied his posture to avoid falling behind because of the trembling and when he did, he raised his head toward the summit above him.

However instantly as he did that, his eyes widened with shock.

Before him, the summit of the mountain started to form extremely huge cracks, and a small while later like just a blossoming flower at spring, the mountain's hilltop split into several directions, while in the middle, a crazily massive temple emerged slowly.

Under the moon's light, the moment Greg saw the ancient-looking Earth Temple, the only thing that appeared in his head was the word breathtaking!

The architecture, the design, the look, and everything about the Earth Temple was just simply way too dominant and gorgeous, that Greg was left speechless. It was 100 times more glorious than the Fire Temple which was in the Dimensional Zone back in the Forbidden Land. 

"I don't know who created this building, but whoever made it had an extremely sophisticated taste that is for sure.", said Alice suddenly in Greg's head, making Greg to nod in agreement with her statement instantly.

After a small while, the earthquake finally started to weaken, and when the temple has come fully out from the interior of the mountain, everything turned back to normal and peaceful again.

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