Chapter 41: Chapter 41
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After lying in bed for a couple of dozen minutes, I felt drowsy. It felt like falling into darkness. A moment later I had a strange dream. I was climbing up on the roof of some building driven by a vile call. Even though I was seeing it all in first person, the body was definitely not mine. It was weaker, more inexperienced. Its movements were more instinctual than controlled. But the strange instinct leading this creature I did not understand. The call was at once native and so repulsive. In one of the leaps between the rooftops I was thrown from my body.
I was swallowed up by the darkness again. I don't know how long I spent in that state, but I woke up in a strange position. My field of vision was covered with a red veil, and my mouth tasted very strange. I don't know why, but it made me sick. With each new drop of this sweet drink, my gut just twisted into a ram's horn. Then I was swallowed up again and woke up in my bed. Abruptly turning over to the corner I threw up. My neighbour had already gone about his business and this awakening did not cause any questions.
I felt disgusting. I didn't realise what it was. But my sixth sense told me something was wrong. After giving myself ten minutes to minimally recover, I went to get a rag. After cleaning up any signs of waking up, I headed outside. Right now I just wanted to sit and do nothing. People were giving me strange looks as they passed by. When I saw my reflection in one of the windows, I realised what the problem was. I didn't look good. I felt like I had been out all night and had only just returned to the institute. Going to the vending machine, I bought a few bottles of water and downed them all in one gulp. It made me feel a little better.
Walking around the grounds of the institute, I spotted Fitz. He was sitting alone on a bench. And the atmosphere he was creating told me that I wasn't the only one suffering today. As I approached my friend and lowered my body onto the wood, I decided to find out why he was moping.
-Why are you being negative? - Ryan asked, glancing at his friend's sour face.
-And you, what happened? - Could not help but ask Leopold, noting the very unconventional appearance of the comrade.
-You first. - Smirked Pierce conditioned.
-Yesterday I asked Simmons out on a date. - Fitz said, pulling himself together.
-"Finally. I was beginning to think you'd wait until you were old enough to be able to grab her pram if she refused. - Ryan was genuinely happy for his friend.
-You knew?! - Leopold could not help but be struck by Pierce's answer. He thought no one knew about it.
-I'd have to spend a minute in your company to notice the looks you're throwing Simmons' way. - Ryan told the ugly truth.
-It doesn't matter, though. - Right in front of his eyes, as if he'd lost all emotion, Fitz said.
-"I somehow messed up.
-What happened?
-Everything seemed fine. A walk in the park, a restaurant, a cinema. But halfway through the film, she went to the loo and didn't come back. Gemma even ignored all my calls. I don't know what I did wrong, but now it's over. - Fitz hung his head in doom. It seemed like a couple of seconds before a small cloud appeared over his head and it started to rain.
-Stop moping. - Said Ryan clapped Leopold on the shoulder and lifted him out of his seat.
-I, for example, today was tormented by nightmares, and in the morning emptied my stomach on the floor of the room. - Pierce shared his problem.
-Maybe you should see a doctor. - Fitz suggested with concern.
-Maybe, but first let's find Gemma and find out why the evening ended like that. - Pierce dragged Fitz towards the women's quarters. Raine realised that his friend had spent all his courage on that invitation. And it might take more than a year to re-gather that amount of courage.
At the entrance to the corps, they met Simmons' friend and learnt that Gemma had gone to an extra seminar. Once they got to the right classroom, they waited for the class to end. When it was no more than a couple of minutes away, Fitz's bladder gave out and the brilliant scientist had to leave for business.
After the bell rang, the crowd of students poured out of the door in an unstoppable wave. Concentrating, Raine was able to pick Gemma out of the relentless stream of people. Pulling her by the arm, he may have been a little rude. But there was no other way in such a crush. Simmons immediately pulled her hand out of his grasp. And held it like Pierce was gonna break it.-What do you want? - Said Simmons, looking round all the time.
-Sorry for pulling out like that. -Sorry for pulling out like that. Fitz and I wanted to know about.... - Pierce apologised and then looked around for his sad friend.
-Is Fitz with you? - Interrupting Ryan, Gemma asked with some fear.
-Yes, he should be here now. - Pierce replied.
-No! -I-I don't want to talk to him. I need some time alone. - Simons said quickly, then ducked into the stream of people and disappeared.
Ryan didn't even have time to respond.
-Fuck. - Said Pierce then made the famous hand gesture to his face. Then he yanked his hand away, smelling a foul odour.
Where the fuck did I get into this, Ryan wondered. As he headed towards the bathroom, he realised that now he would have to pass on Simmons' not-so-positive response and try to cheer his friend up.
Partially dealing with Fitz's moping and putting his not-so-sober friend in a taxi to the Pierce Institute, he went for a walk. Walking around the city and enjoying the rare passersby Raine came across a light pandemonium in one of the alleys. As he got closer, he saw police tape. Wrinkling his nose at the foul, yet somehow familiar smell, Pierce joined the gawkers. He became an observer of a not at all pleasant sight. A good portion of the alley was covered in blood and body parts. Forensics were busy removing body parts from the walls. Police officers were trying to disperse the gawkers. The corpse was covered, but even so it was obvious that it was badly mutilated.
Listening in, Ryan could overhear the police talking.
-This is the third one. I hate to admit it, but it looks like we have a new maniac. - Said the detective as he looked round the meat grinder with a steely gaze.
-But according to the forensics, it looks more like an animal attack. - Said the cop.
-You're just young and haven't seen the shit I've had to deal with. So there's only two possibilities. It's either a total psycho or a mutant psycho. The other possibilities are unlikely. The victims are unrelated. The first victim was a tourist. Also, the age ranges are too different. 17,28,42. And you know, I can't even tell you which one's worse. - The detective spit as he walked away.
Ryan was distraught. The rest of the way to the hull he was in a state of prostration. In his head he replayed his dream in minute detail. Something told him of his connection with the murders. He arrived at his door at ten o'clock in the evening. To the physical fatigue was added an emotional one.
As Pierce fell asleep, he didn't know if last night would happen again. But his body, capable of spending a week without sleep, demanded rest. Giving in to this weakness, Raine sank into the arms of morpheus.
That same night a strange creature was moving in the darkness of the rooftops of the city. Its body was hidden under a black cloak and only the red light from its eyes shone through the darkness of the hood. A new victim had already been targeted and the creature descended from above for its dinner.
In the morning, the cops discovered another corpse. The girl's body had been ripped to shreds. Her chest had been opened up and some of her organs had been bitten off. Previously, small parts of the limbs had been missing at the junction, which made the cops think it was just carnage. But now they know the maniac is also a cannibal. For the past week, the whole department has been eating very poorly. Those who did not listen to the advice of their senior colleagues after arriving on the scene quickly cleared their stomachs.
Raine woke up feeling rested. His body had regained almost all of its vigour and his thoughts flowed smoothly. Pulling out his laptop and making preparations, he began hacking into the DC police database. He needed all the available information on the murders. After an hour of non-stop work, he was able to create his secret passage into their database. Now Pierce could peek into their files at any time without being detected. And until they decided to completely upgrade all the software, this move would be relevant.
As Ryan started going through the files, he came across new data on today's victim. Emma Richards. Young, 23-year-old lawyer. Body was found by a kid wandering around. It must've messed with the kid's psyche. Looking at the photos, Raina's stomach often urged him to get rid of the burden. It was only the player's mind that calmed his psyche. After such colourful photos he already had some suspicions, which were confirmed by a note in the file.
-This is also a fucking cannibal. - Pierce muttered quietly through his teeth.
After hours of piecing together the maniac's case, Ryan hadn't learnt much new. The only detail noted in the murders was the close proximity of the murder sites to the institute. But if it was one of the students, how could it be determined? According to the forensic expert's assumptions, he usually killed between three in the morning and five in the morning.
The only other option that came to mind was patrolling the city at night. The area around the institute was decent, but given the hearing coverage and the peculiar stench at the crime scene, there was still a chance. With his priorities straightened out, Raine moved into the city to get a disguise.
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