I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 42: Chapter 42

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I bought a cloak and a half-face mask and waited for nightfall. Just in case, I decided to start my patrol at midnight. On the plus side, I could only increase my knowledge of the city. Not that I was bored. In the past three hours, I've even managed to come across a robbery. An armed robbery. It was funny to look at the face of the gunman when I dodged all the bullets and came in close to break the fingers of his right hand. And then with the same gun I hit the other hand with all my might. He hadn't done any damage to me, of course, but it was still a favourable outcome for attempted murder. Of course, I didn't wait for the police, but I found a way to restrain the cowboy. So upon arrival on the call, the brave cops found an unusual bin acting as a lootbox. Perhaps someday they'll be able to pull a Kingpin-like rara out of a similar box, but for now it's just a dream.

Since my maniac's hunting time had already arrived I was as focused as possible. Suddenly my hearing picked up a hushed cry for help. It felt like someone's mouth had been closed very quickly or relieved of the useless ability to breathe. Neither option was in my plans, so I rushed in the direction of the scream. When I reached the street from which the shout had been heard, I looked for the owner of such a ringing voice. I didn't find the girl, but my sense of smell was very good at catching the bloody amber emanating from a small van at the end of the street. And since the chance of running into a mobile donor centre or a specific artist was slim, I jumped down next to the van and tore open the side door with all my might.

A rather expected picture unfolded before me. All over the back of the car was spread oilcloth, and on it was a smarmy guy in the hands of which was an unconscious girl. I could tell from the tear stains on her face that this was not a voluntary act of generosity.

-Who are you? - Torn from dinner, or is it breakfast for him? The vampire asked.

-And I see you're already prepared. Glue, sachets, just like Dexter said. - Said Ryan as he climbed into the car.

The bloodsucker was pinned against the metal wall with one hand as he tried to stop the strange guy from getting into his canteen. Pierce's other limb, however, had broken every bone in that mouse's hands. Of course, such injuries wouldn't stop a vampire, and for a fed up one, that was only a matter of a dozen seconds. But no sooner had the arrogant bastard grinned than a small knife slid into his body. The pain caused by such a ridiculous weapon made the vampire ready to scream at the top of his voice. And if it weren't for the hand gripping the bloodsucker's throat, he would have woken up the whole neighbourhood.

-Why are you trying to scream? -You're trying to scream. The real pain starts if I can't help her. - Said the weird kid. Meeting the monster's gaze made the vampire shiver.

After checking for a pulse and realising that the girl was still alive, Rain looked for a viable way to save her life. It would take too long to carry her to the hospital. From the colour of her face, it was immediately obvious that her body was severely lacking blood to function. Pierce did not dare to transfuse his own, and he did not know the girl's blood type. Only one idea came to mind. It was risky and depended purely on luck. Hoping for the girl's organism resistance and at least 700-800ml of blood Rain opened her mouth and dropped a few drops of the solution created during the day.

This liquid was based on a standard cocktail of stimulants. Pierce also added some of the energy cocktail created by his skill. The final ingredient of this mixture was a drop of god's blood, namely half of the bottle after dilution. So a couple of drops should have been enough to stabilise her condition and faintly improve the situation. Pierce couldn't give more. There was still too little blood left in the victim. After giving a murderous look to the bloodsucker that was cut in almost all places, Raine smiled affectionately and then stabbed the child of the night in the heart.

Calling an ambulance Pierce continued his patrol. After forty minutes of searching, he was finally able to pick up the remnants of that vile odour. Fully transformed, he accelerated sharply and headed down the trail. After ten minutes of tracking, Raine located his target. The creature was covered in a cloak, but the pungent odour and planning on a human gave no chance for error. Jumping in front of the creature Pierce didn't notice as the intended victim turned towards the looming threat with a calm face and a strange flashlight-like device pulled from her purse.

A couple of seconds before making contact with the monster, the device emitted a powerful burst of ultraviolet light towards the creature. With a pitiful cry, the creature hurried to get away from such an unpleasant victim. The creature pushed off the ladder and flew up as if it weighed no more than a couple of kilograms, and flew back to the roof. Rain, not expecting such a development landed a couple of metres away from the girl. Having put aside questions for later and going to chase after the creature Pierce was immobilised by an electric shock that had appeared on the concrete. Taking advantage of the target's deceleration, the attackers stabbed the victim with three arrows.

-The first one's gone, but I think we got his mate. - Said the girl, putting her hand to her ear.

The huntress bent down to put a specialised collar on the beast. But at the last moment, the creature threw some blades at the girl with terrifying force. To the hunter's surprise, they easily penetrated the armour and cut into her body. The creature smiled bloodthirstily, and then the girl's body was engulfed in flames, and she flung herself away from the lycan in a scream, trying to knock down the fire. Only the source of this fire, being inside the victim, almost immediately destroyed all her organs. So the grief huntress' colleagues came running to the aid of the already corpse. Having pressed a button on the remote control, they found that the power grid stopped working. The monster rose up and let out a terrifying howl, throwing the hunters back a few metres and incapacitating them. Approaching his opponents Rain took the strange weapon, collar and crossbow.

Then climbing up onto the roof he tried to pick up the maniac's scent again. It was faint, but he could still pick up a trace. Holding back a scream with all his might, Pierce pulled out the arrows. The tip of the arrows was covered with silver, and their structure resembled whale harpoons. Therefore, each arrow had a weighty piece of meat hanging from it. The collar also had an interesting device. It had a mechanism with silver spikes and a good amount of explosives built into it. There was no time to deal with the rest. So, throwing the machine gun and crossbow on his back, Pierce continued his pursuit.

Every second the smell was getting fainter and fainter. But he could still follow it. The creature seemed to think so, too, so the trail ended at a sewer manhole. In wolf form, it would have been suicide to go down there. In human form, Pierce wouldn't have been able to pick up such a faint trail. Cursing at the hunters, Rain had no choice but to break off the chase.

To help his body cope with his injuries Pierce decided to drink a cocktail of his own making. Of course, one that included a little bit of Thor. Pondering the possibility of similar drinks in the future, only with a bit of Odin and Hela, Raine fell asleep. Lying on the bed in a complete blackout, he didn't see the light beginning to spread from his stomach to his body.

Pierce woke up with a terrifying headache. His head had never cracked like that before. Trying to figure out what was wrong with him he opened his stats.

Name: Ryan Pierce









-Free points:182

Specialities: major, lab mouse, hitman, under-alpha, semi-high.

Skills/Skills: "martial arts 75ur", "shooting 71ur", "polyglot 5ur", "psychology 28ur", "strategist 39ur", "stealth 57ur", "player's mind MAX", "intimidation 57ur", "animal style 30ur", "drug resistance 63ur", "hackerman 43ur", "Engineer 50ur", "Alpha Will 15ur", "Regeneration 43ur", "Chef-Alchemist 27ur", "Poker Face 29ur", "Howl 19ur", "Falcon Eye 28ur", "Pain Threshold 49ur", "Maximum Strike 11ur", "Masochism 28ur", "Biology 34ur", "S Class Rights 26ur", "Sixth Sense 21ur".

Superpowers: "time acceleration", "lycanthropy", "hellfire".

The strength, agility, and stamina stats jumped up immediately. And if at first they raised questions, but after the discovery of a new feature, the picture began to form itself. Am I now something like Hercules? I wonder if I can go to Asgard for Thor's alimony. It was his blood that made me superior to humans. It's confusing, but it's nice. Especially the free skill boosts. Will, regeneration and resistance.

But the feeling of joy was interrupted by another headache. Raine decided to get some fresh air to ease his pain.


Somewhere in an abandoned house.

-What was that? - Asked the old man looking at the two bratty kids.

-"We thought it would be business as usual. - Said one of them.

-"You two morons can't think. You're the reason Emma's dead. The collar is missing from the gear, don't tell me you degenerates are playing your games again. - The grey-haired man yelled. His level of anger could be gauged by the speed of the veins bulging on his forehead.

-We needed a tongue. This case is extremely strange. On the evidence, it's a Lycan endeavour, but in the big picture it looks more like a vampire. Even the cannibalistic tendencies found on the latest corpses are quite unusual. - Said the guy, realising that no amount of excuses would bring Emma back to life.

-And what have you learnt. - The man gave them a fierce look.

-There are two creatures. One is a standard vampire, but the other is an extremely dangerous creature. It was the other that killed Emma. He recovered too quickly from the 40000 volt charge. After that, he somehow managed to set Brown on fire. When we came to the rescue, the thing let out a terrifying howl. We were thrown a few metres away and knocked out. - As the boy recounted the horrifying events.

-If you were knocked out, why are you still alive? - The man asked a logical question.

-We don't know. Maybe he wasn't interested in us. - Another kid answered.

-Stop. Let me get this straight. The bait worked, and you lured the vampire. It got a shot of ultraviolet light and ran away. Then a lycan came down from the roof. I can see from Brown's camera footage that he tried to get away right away. And you degenerates decide to open fire, then use their most despicable method of capture?! - Finally, George said, shouting.

-Why did I train you at all. - The man asked a rhetorical question and then launched a magazine into the forehead of one of the guys.....


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