Chapter 68: Chaos Ensues
स्प्रिंग सीजन चैंपियन और समर सीजन में दूसरे प्लेसमेंट पे Dade के आने के बाद Samsung Galaxy blue के तो भाग्य खुल गए। (Samsung Galaxy Blue's fortunes changed after Dade became the Spring Season Champion and secured second placement in the Summer Season.)
मैने तो सुना है वो अपना जनरल जैकेट 40° गर्मी में भी नहीं उतरता। (I have heard that he does not take off his General Jacket even in 40 degree heat.
अगर हमने उन्हें हरा दिया तो हम दुनिया में दूसरे नंबर पे आजाएंगे। (If we defeat them, we will become second in the world.)
और रैंक पुश का क्या? (And what about rank push?)
अरे हाँ वो तो हम भूल ही गए थे जल्दी से लीडरबोर्ड देखो। (Oh yes, I forgot about that. Quickly check the leaderboard.)
कितने स्टार्स? (How many stars?)
151 पहले पायदान के लिए। (151 for the first place.)
क्या? ये कुछ ज्यादा ही तेजी से नहीं बढ़ रहे? (What aren't these stars rising too quickly?)
हाँ लेकिन हम आज के दिन में आराम से उसे पार कर लेंगे। (Yes but today we can easily cross them.)
सच में Ash? (Really Ash?)
हाँ हमें बस 8 स्टार्स ही और चाहिए चलो जल्दी जल्दी गेम्स को स्नोबॉल करके दुनिया के लीडरबोर्ड में #1 आते है। (Yes we only need 8 more stars so let's quickly snowball the games and come #1 on the world leaderboard.)
लेकिन ये नंबर एक पे है कौन? (But who is number one?)
ये तो All Stars का Alex है। (This is Alex from All Stars.)
तभी वो इतना जल्दी जल्दी पुश कर पा रहा है। (That's why he is able to push so quickly.)
हमें भी जल्दी करनी होगी वरना वो और आगे चल जाएगा हाँ एकदम सही बात बोली। (We also have to hurry up otherwise he will go further ahead. Yes, you are absolutely right.)
*8 matches later*
अभी वो कितने स्टार्स आगे है? (How many stars is he ahead now?)
5 बस 5 स्टार्स आगे है। (5 stars only 5 stars ahead.)
लेकिन हमें कमसे कम 8 घंटे की नींद तो लेनी पड़ेगी तो हम उसे ऐसे तो नहीं हर पाएंगे। (But we will have to take at least 8 hours of sleep, so we will not be able to defeat it like this.)
"Krishnamurti उन पाँचों की बातें चुपके से सुन लेते है" है गाइस। ("Krishnamurti secretly listens to the conversation of those five" hey guys.)
कोच हम एक दुविधा में है हम सबने ये प्लान बनाया था कि हम वर्ल्ड के मैचेज के साथ साथ रैंक पुश करके दुनिया में #1 पायदान हासिल करेंगे। (Coach, we are in a dilemma. We all had planned that we will push the rank along with the World Cup matches and achieve the #1 position in the world.)
लेकिन #1 पे हमें विश्व विजेता ही मिल गया। (But at #1 we got the world champion.)
ये तो अच्छी बात है? अगर तुम उसे वर्ल्डस में हराना चाहते हो तो तुम्हे उसे यहां पे भी हराना होगा। (Isn't that a good thing? If you want to beat him at Worlds, you have to beat him here as well.)
वहीं तो दिक्कत है हमें Samsung Galaxy Blue को हराने के लिए तैयारी और टोह और नींद लेने के लिए भी टाइम देना होगा। (That's the problem, to beat Samsung Galaxy Blue we need to prepare, research and give time for sleep too.)
तुम लोग कुछ ज्यादा ही सोच रहे हो हाँ लीग जटिल हैं लेकिन इतना भी जटिल नहीं के तुम पूरा पूरा गेम की हर एक संभावना बैठकें सोचो। (You guys are thinking too much yes the leagues are complicated but not so complicated that you have to think about every single prospect meeting for the entire game.)
तो फिर हमे क्या करना चाहिए? (So what should we do then?)
में तुम्हारे लिए एक जितने की योजना पहले से ही तैयार करके बैठा हूँ। (I have already prepared a winning plan for you.
सच में? अपने बना भी ली तो क्यों ना आप हमे बताते क्यों नहीं जिससे हम उसका अभ्यास कर सके। (Really? You have already done it then why don't you show us so we can practice it.)
हाँ भालेई में तुम्हारा रणनीतिज्ञ नहीं हूँ लेकिन में तुम्हारा कोच तो हूँ और कोच होने के नाते मेरा ये फ़र्ज़ बनता है कि मुझे आपको सही मार्ग पर ले जाऊं। (Yes although, I am not your strategist but I am a Coach to you all and being a Coach, it is my duty to lead you on the right path.)
*The next day*
We have seen the world's best league of legends players compete in the most gruelling format possible in only 2 days 12 teams have been eliminated now for the semi finals there will be best of 3 whoever teams scores two wins gets to play in the finals the teams are:
Samsung Galaxy Blue vs Turkey Gaming
All Stars vs Star Horn Royal Club
सब तैयार हो हमें दुनिया के सबसे श्रेष्ठ मिड लेनर को हराना है। (Everyone get ready, we have to beat the best mid laner in the world.)
अगर तुम्हे Dade को हर दिया तो तुम दुनिया के नो.1 मिड लेनर बन जाओगे। (If you defeat Dade, you will become the world's no.1 mid laner.)
उम्मीद करते हैं ऐसा ही होगा। (Let's hope that happens.)
नहीं Brian उम्मीद नहीं विश्वास करो कि हम ये कर सकते है। (No Brian, don't hope, believe we can do this.)
경기가 시작되길 바랍니다. (May the match begin.)
Samsung Galaxy Vs TurkeyGaming
Acorn (Kayle) Vs Guddu (Akali)
Spirit (Lee Sin) Vs Kullu (Rengar)
Dade (Yasuo) Vs Brian (Jayce)
Deft (Varus) Vs Ash (Twitch)
Heart (Morgana) Vs Luke (Janna)
Woah what are these picks they are all aggressive.
Yes the Assassins and squishy lineups from both teams shows this will be a very high kill game.
*Minions have spawned*
At 1:39 we already have our first skirmish.
ओय वो जब वार्ड लगने आयेगा तो उसे पकड़ लेना। (Hey, when he comes to set up the ward, catch him.)
घुसा रिवर पे पकड़ लो Spirit को उसका 2nd एबिलिटी इस्तमाल हो चुका है। (Enter the river and catch Spirit, his 2nd ability has been used.)
*First blood*
강에서 뭘 잡았어? (What you got caught in the river?)
네, 걱정하지 마세요. 곧 다시 답변드리겠습니다. (Yeah don't worry I'll get back at them in no time.)
And here it is the duo lanes are really exchanging some heavy blows both Adc's are at 20% hp who will die first?
Ash बस थोड़ी दी रूकजा में स्कटल क्रैब लेके आता हूँ। (Ash, I'll come after slaying the scuttle crab in a minute.)
नहीं Kullu आप बहुत लेट हो जाओगे अगर मुझे इस Varus का एक भी तीर लगा तो में मर जाऊंगा। (No Kullu you will be too late, if even one arrow of this Varus hits me then I will die.)
Ash में आपको शील्ड देता हूँ अपनी फ्लैश करके उन्हें सरप्राइस हमला करो। (Ash gives you a shield, use your flash to surprise attack them.)
हाँ ठीक है। (Ok then time for some kills.)
뭐야? Heart 가 지금 당장 그를 빨리 죽이는 데 도움이 돼. (What? Heart help me fast kill him this instant.)
시발, 널 구할 수는 없겠지만 교환은 할 수 있을 거야. (Shit I won't be able to save you but I'll trade.)
And we already have another exchange both Adc's are down.
Janna를 차선에 두세요. (Keep that Janna in the lane.)
उस Morgana को जाने मत देना।
Now both junglers are also making their way towards bottom Heart(Morgana) stuns Luke(Janna) what will happen?
Oh but Kullu(Rengar) has arrived earlier morgana is in daner!
Spirit(Lee Sin) is also down morgana goes down with a simple flash combo but a double kill for Spirit and the gold is equal.
The fights are not stopping anytime soon now the mid laners are also showing their skills.
Here Brian has the advantage but Dade has the experience 1st + 3rd +2nd ability combo by Dade is the cleanest not only he brings Brian to 60% hp but also clears the whole wave.
This is the type of match where both boxers just wants to knock the other boxer out without defending themseleves.
Oh look at the top lane they are the most passive I wonder why? Maybe Guddu is waiting to hit level 6 so "Kullu hits level 6" and there he goes.
"As soon as Kullu hits level 6 he ults onto Acorn forcing him to use his flash".
छी यार बच गया बस एक और ऑटो अटैक लगता तो वो खत्म हो जाता। (Yuck man, he survived, if he had hit one more auto attack he would have been finished.)
Guddu वो खत्म होगा में भी टॉप लेन में आ रहा हूँ। (Guddu he will be finished, I am also coming to the top lane.)
नाईस Brian जल्दी आओ। (Nice Brian come fast.)
Brian is trying to rotate to the top lane and help out Guddu will Dade follow him? He doesn't I wonder why?
Acorn, 당신 스스로 그들을 방어할 수 있어요. 아이템 이점을 얻고 중앙으로 밀고 나가서 맹공격에서 살아남으세요. (Acorn you can defend them yourselve I will recall to get an item advantage and push mid so survive the onslaught.)
He is putting too much trust in his teammates.
Moe this is World Stage this is what you are suppose to do.
I don't think so Ben look at the match between All Stars and Royal Club Alex is single handedly scaring them off to take control over dragon.
If Turkey Gaming wins I really want to see them play against All Stars.
Then I want to see Samsung Galaxy Blue play against All Stars.
내게 와라. 죽어도 두렵지 않아. 누군가를 데리고 갈게. (Come at me I'm not scared even if I die I'll take someone with me.)
Guddu हमें टर्रेट के अंदर घुसना चाहिए क्या? (Guddu should we enter the turret?)
नहीं Brian हम दोनों स्कूिशी हैं हम उसको डाइव नहीं दे सकते। (No Brian, we're both squishy, we can't let dive him.)
तो कोई जरिए है जिससे उसको उसके ही टर्रेट से बाहर निकल कर मर दे? (So is there any way to kill him by taking him out of his own turret?)
क्यों ना आप उसे बाहर से डैमेज दो। (Why don't you damage it from outside?)
Guddu मेरेको एक इंडिया आया आप अपना 3rd एबिलिटी एक मिनियन पे मरो और अन्दर घुसो में टर्रेट का डैमेज ले लूंगा। (Guddu, I got an idea, you use your 3rd ability on a minion and go inside, I will take the damage of the turret.)
हाँ चलो। (Yes let's go.)
And here they dive will Acorn die before reaching level 6 or will he turn around the attack and win.
"Brian and Guddu use their combo simultaniously because of that Acorn dies as soon as he reaches level 6".
What a bad timming if he had just gotten level 6 one second before he would have survived.
Brian क्या करना है? रिकॉल या फिर टर्रेट किसको प्राथमिकता दे? (Brian what should I do? Recall or turret which should I prioritise?)
टर्रेट Kullu मेरे मिड लेन को बचा- (Turret Kullu saves my mid lane-)
We have another fight Kullu has ganked the bottom lane and seems as if he is dealing a lot of damage he gets a kill onto Heart.
But Dade and Spirit are also at the bottom it is a teamfight.
Spirit은 궁극기를 사용하여 최소 2명의 플레이어를 클립합니다. (Spirit use your ult so you clip atleast 2 players.)
And what an insane ult by Spirit he airbornes all 3 members of Turkey Gaming will they lose?
Ash जल्दी से Yasuo को खत्म करके रिकॉल करो। (Ash quickly finish off Yasuo and Recall.)
लेकिन आप लोग तो मर जाओगे। (But you guys will die.)
हाँ लेकिन हमें टॉप टर्रेट भी तो मिल जाएगी। (Yes but we will also get the top turret.)
This might be the most fights we have seen in any worlds game till now.
Yes I definitely have to agree both teams might be thinking whoever is more aggressive will most likely win.
*3 more teamfights later*
Baron has been spawned and yes the fight for baron has started without any hestiation.
Dade puts on an excellent shield to block all the procjectile attacks but Kullu is killing all the damage dealers.
Tripple kill for Brian and a tripple kill for Dade and we at equality again.
젠장, 그는 나와 맞먹는 수준이야. 이기고 싶다면 그를 제압해야겠지. (Damn he is on par with me if I want to win I will have to overpower him.)
वाह तो ये है दुनिया का नंबर 1 मिड लेनर ये तो गेम को पूरी तरह से अपने काबू में करके बैठे है उनको Dade को हराने के लिए मुझे खुदका गेमप्ले और बेयर करना पड़ेगा। (Wow, so this is the world's number 1 mid laner, he has completely taken control of the game, to defeat him, I will have to improve my gameplay even more.)
"Both Brian and Dade feel each other's deep passion to become the best and to surpass themselves to the point where the other couldn't".