Chapter 69: Chasing Victory
हमें ये गेम जल्दी कोई बड़ा टीमफाइट जीतके खत्म करना होगा। (We need to finish this game quickly by winning a big teamfight.)
हाँ Brian इस गेम को जल्द से जल्द खत्म करते है वरना... (Yes Brian let's finish this game as soon as possible or else...)
वरना क्या? Kullu (Kullu else what?)
वरना वो Yasuo का बिल्ड पूरा हो जाएगा। (Otherwise that Yasuo build will be complete.)
सुनो सारे के सारे लॉकेट इंचेंट खरीद लो और मिड लेन में इक्ट्ठा हो जाओ अगर मेरे प्लान के हिसाब से खेले तो ये फाइट आखिरी फाइट होगी। (Listen, buy all the Locket Inchants and gather in the mid lane. If you play according to my plan, this fight will be the last fight.)
이 게임은 너무 어려워 보이는데 빨리 끝낼 수 있는 방법이 있을까요? (This game is getting too close for comfort can we do something to end it quickly?)
우리는 서두를 수 없어. 다른 팀이었다면 그렇게 말했을 거야. 하지만 그들은 정말 위험해. (We can't rush I would have said that if that were any other team but they are really dangerous.)
Spirit과 Deft 둘이서 그들을 중앙 차선으로 유인해서 우리가 측면에서 공격을 시작하도록 하면 어떨까? (Spirit and Deft why don't you two bait them in the mid lane where we will initiate on them from the sides?)
그래, 해보자. 우리가 기습 공격을 할 거라고는 예상하지 못할 거야. (Yup let's do it they won't expect a surprise attack by us.)
"Both teams enthusiastically execute their plans".
ध्यान से सुनना जैसे ही में Dade को पकड़ लूं अपने सारे लॉकेट इस्तमाल कर लेना और मुझे चारों तरफ से बचा लेना। (Listen carefully, as soon as I catch Dade, use all your lockets and protect me from all sides.)
हाँ आपकी सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी हमारी। (Yes, your safety is our responsibility.)
그들이 "Deft" 타겟을 공격할 때를 대비해 "Brian"을 무슨 희생을 치르더라도 죽여야 합니다. (Be ready for when they engage on Deft target and kill Brian at all costs.)
네, 나머지는 저희가 처리해 드리겠습니다. (Yes we will you handle the rest please.)
Brian यहाँ पे है वो मिड लाइन में उनका Adc और जंगलर है चाहते हो उनमेसे किसी एक को पिक ऑफ करना? (Brian is here, he is their ADC and Jungler in the mid line, want to pick off one of them?)
हाँ बिल्कुल Kullu में जिसपे एंगेज करूं उसी पे अपना अल्टीमेट दे देना और बाकी सारे अपना लॉकेट इंचेंट इस्तेमाल कर देना। (Yes, definitely. Give your ultimate to whoever I engage in Kullu and use your locket enchant on the rest.)
Oh Turkey Gaming is grouping at the mid lane but Samsung blue is also ready to counter strike.
Yes but-
"Everyone's eyes opens wide to the sight of Brian flashing onto Deft and his full team supporting him".
빨리 죽여! (Kill him fast!)
"Dade and Spirit brings Brian hp down to 15% but due to the 4 locket enchanments saves Brian's life".
Ohhhh Brian survive the onslaught of Dade and Spirit combined and not only that he is also helping in the teamfight.
Samsung! Samsung!
The fans are still in favor of the general will they be able to pull this one off?
Looks like not a doube kill for Brian and a retreat by Spirit now what will Turkey Gaming do?
아니, 어떻게 그가 죽지 않았지? 우리 둘 다 그를 궁극기로 공격했지? (Oh no how did he not die we both ulted him didn't we?)
그들은 모두 로켓 마법을 가지고 있었고 그의 체력은 갑자기 15%가 아닌 70%로 상승했습니다. (They all had locket enchantment and his health suddenly rose to 70% instead of 15.)
젠장! 우리는 그들이 그를 구할 가능성을 간과했어요. (Shit! we overlooked the possibility of them saving him.)
"Dade", "Spirit" 우리는 넥서스를 구할 수 있을까? ("Dade", "Spirit" Can we save the Nexus?)
아니, 끝났어요. 다음 전투를 준비하세요. (No it's over get ready for our next battle.)
The answer is finish they are pushing down mid with all their might and this is it Samsung Blue cannot stop them it's a game for Turkey Gaming!
Unfortunately the spectators don't seem too happy about this development.
Kullu: वाह यार क्या गजब एंगेज किया उनको अपनी रणनीति के बारे में भनक तक नहीं पड़ी। (Kullu: Wow friend what a great engagement he did, he didn't even get a hint about our strategy.)
Brian: लेकिन उन्होंने भी तो एकदम श्रेष्ठ खेल खेला एक हमसे अगर एक भी गलती होती तो ये गेम उनके नाम होता। (Brian: But he also played a very good game. If we had made even one mistake, the game would have been his.)
Guddu: ज्यादा दिक्कत मत लो हमने एक भी गलती नहीं की लेकिन में कल का नहीं कहे सकता। (Guddu: Don't worry too much, we did not make a single mistake but I cannot say anything about tomorrow.)
Luke: कल तो वो सब के सब हमसे खुखार बदला लेने आएंगे। (Luke: Tomorrow they will all come to take brutal revenge on us.)
Ash: माना मेरा प्रदर्शन इस गेम में इतना बेहतर नहीं था लेकिन कल के गेम में में पहाड़ दूंगा। (Ash: I agree my performance wasn't that good in this game but I will have a hard time in tomorrow's game.)
Guddu: ये हुई ना बात। (Guddu: This is it.)
"After returning from the chaotic battle the heores starts rank pushing".
*The next day*
Men and ladies here we have the contenders for the finals and today is the 2nd day of which they will advance.
It is a 1-0 in favor of Turkey Gaming if Samsung Galaxy Blue wants to fight the finals and lift the summoner's cup they will have to defeat Turkey Gaming twice without losing.
The underdogs which everyone thought would get disqualified in the group stages are in the semi finals up a point.
कोच अगर हम आज का गेम जीत जाते है तो हमारे फाइनल्स कल से शुरू हो जाएंगे? (Coach, if we win today's game then our finals will start tomorrow?)
नहीं Ash अगर तुम और All Stars दोनों भी क्यों ना जीत जाओ कल के दिन या तो तुम सेमी फाइनल्स खेलोगे या बूट कैंप। (No Ash even if you and All Stars both win tomorrow you will either play the semi finals or boot camp.)
तो क्या करेंगे कल सोच है क्या किसी ने? (So has anyone thought what will we do tomorrow?)
हाँ रैंक पुश और क्या? (yes rank push and what else?)
*20 minues for game start*
준비하세요, 우리는 빈손으로 집에 돌아가려고 온 게 아니잖아요, 알겠어요? (Get ready we didn't get here to fly home empty handed understand?)
그렇습니다. 올해 열심히 일한 목적은 모두 올스타처럼 컵을 들어 아이스크림을 먹는 것이었습니다. (Yes indeed the whole purpose of the hard work for this year was to lift the cup and eat ice cream from it like All Stars did.)
The pick and ban phase has begun.
Turkey Gaming. Vs Samsung Blue
Guddu (Malphite) Acorn (Trundle)
Kullu (Pantheon) Spirit (Rengar)
Brian (Galio) Dade (Ryze)
Ash (Corgi) Deft (Lucian)
Luke (Janna) Heart (Nami)
Bans: Varus Bans: Zed
Morgana Jayce
Orianna Thresh
Ash और Guddu भाई दोनों अपनी लेन्स बदल लो। (Ash and Guddu brothers both of you change your lenses.)
Malphite और Nami थोड़ा अजीब नहीं होगा? (Wouldn't Malphite and Nami be a little awkward?)
नहीं बस लेन को जमा के रखना वो आप दोनों का कुछ नहीं बिगड़ पाएंगे। (No, just keep the lane safe, he will not be able to do any harm to both of you.)
ठीक है फिर Ash उस Trundle की हालत खराब कर देना। (Ok then Ash, spoil Trundle's condition.)
वो तो में बिना कहे भी करने वाला हूँ। (I am going to do that without even being told.)
And here it is Turkey Gaming's adc and top laner exchange strategy will it work against Samsung Blue?
I don't think so Samsung Blue have played the last game with extreme precision they have already made up their minds that they won't fall for baits and tricks this time around.
2 4 7 8- (2 4 7 8-)
장군님, 무슨 계산을 하시는 겁니까? (What are you calculating Mr general?)
'그의' q가 업그레이드되는 레벨입니다. (The levels in which 'his' q will be upgraded.)
뼈 부수는 사람이 맞나? 하지만 그는 궁극기를 위해 여전히 자신의 팀이 필요할 것이고, 우리가 싸움에서 이길 수 있다면 게임에서 이길 수 있을 것이다. (Bone crusher huh? but he will still need his team for his ultimate and if we can win the fight we win the game.)
첫 번째 팀 전투를 시작하기도 전에 '그'를 막아버릴 생각입니다. (I intend to shut 'him' before even starting the first team fight.)
그렇게 해 보는 건 어떨까요? (Why not let's do exactly that.)
Samsung Blue is surrounding Brian from all lanes will it be a turret dive in the mid lane?
I seems as it will be but Turkey Gaming will also fight alongside Brian and if any of the other teammates join Samsung Blue will have to retreat.
Brian ड्रेगन ले या फिर तुम्हारी मदद करे? (Brian should we help you or take the dragon?)
सारे लोग जल्दी से ड्रैगन लो में मिड लेन खुद ही सम्भल लूंगा लेकिन ड्रैगन लेके हाथों हाथों मिड में आना। (Everyone, quickly take the dragon, I will take care of the mid lane myself but come to mid immediately after taking the dragon.)
And they have decided to prioritize dragon over Brian and mid turret.
재난은 하룻밤 사이에 일어나지 않습니다. 작은 실수가 쌓여서 일어나는 것이고, 이것이 바로 그 재난의 시작이 될 것입니다. (Disasters don't happen over night they are the accumulation of small mistakes and this will be the start of exactly that.)
In straight in no heaitation no other thoughts Spirit just uses his ultimate and dives in the mid turret.
Brian flashes and here is the power of Galio they are not able to finish him off and they also get the dragon.
네. 이제 팀전을 시작하겠습니다. (Yes and now we will begin the teamfight.)
What is this Samsung's objective was not to take the mid lane turret but to initiate a teamfight.
But Turkey Gaming is lacking their Galio was this the plan all along?
Brian क्या करे मिड लेन को बचाए या नहीं। (What should Brian do, should he defend the mid lane or not?)
चिंता मत करो फाइट करना शुरू करो। (Don't worry, start fighting.)
फाइट? अगर हम हार गए तो मिड जाएगा। (Fight? If we lose, the Mid will go.)
हाँ तो? एक मिड लेन के लिए तुम लड़ाई से पीछे हटेंगे? (So yes? You would back off from the fight for a mid laner?)
नहीं! (Noooo!)
तो फिर घुसो इस लड़ाई को अपने जिंदगी का आखिरी मकसद बना लो। (So then enter this fight and make it the ultimate aim of your life.)
And Turkey Gaming is not backing out they are going straight in.
그들은 두려움이 무엇인지 잊은 듯합니다. 그들에게 두려움의 중요성을 가르쳐 주자. (I guess they forgot what fear is. Let's teach them the importance of it.)
"Kullu retaliates of the attack of Spirit".
But look at that Brian is also joining in.
물러서지 말고 먼저 Brian 을 죽이세요. (No back off and kill Brian first.)
Samsung Blue is going for Brian once again.
अभी मेरे किल के बदले में पूरी टीमफाइट जीत लो। (Just win the whole teamfight for my kill right now.)
इस सिर। (Yes Sir.)
नो सिर हम पूरा गेम जीतेंगे। (No Sir we will win the whole game.)
And Turkey Gaming are collapsing on Blue.
Blue is stuck they cannot escape they have to fight a losing teamfight and there it is 3 for 1 trade by Turkey Gaming.
젠장, 우리는 좀 좁은 시야에 갇혀 있었나 보다. (Shit we might've gotten a bit of tunnel vision.)
이제 무엇을 해야 할까? (Now what to do?)
승리로 가는 길은 교통 체증으로 막혀 있습니다. 목적지에 도착하려면 많이 기다려야 하므로 누가 더 뛰어난 싸움꾼인지 가리기 위한 격렬한 싸움을 시작해 봅시다. (The road to victory is covered in traffic if we want to reach our destination we would have to wait a lot so let's go for the slugfest to decide who is the better brawler.)
*2 minutes later*
It has been 2 minutes and Samsung Blue is looking for blood another gank onto Brian.
इतना भी क्या जल्दी है? अभी तो हम बस आए हैं। (What's the hurry? I have just arrived.)
Kullu laches onto Spirit, Tiger vs Warrior who will get hunted?
"Brian's stun ability shuts down any incoming damage from spirit and with help of Kullu finishes him off".
아, 아니 아니 아니 아니! 갈리오는 큰 위협이에요. (Oh nonononono! that Galio is a big threat.)
심호흡을 하고 단 한 번의 나쁜 습격에도 당신의 결심을 잃지 마십시오. (Take a deep breath and don't let a single bad gank consume your resolve.)
"Heart"이 옳고 "Spirit"이 옳습니다. 냉정함을 유지하고 적절한 시기에 공격해야 합니다. (Heart is correct Spirit we have to keep our cool and strike at the right time.)
Samsung has to be patient to make a play or they will fall prey to Turkey Gaming's high damage killer comp.
Hehehe they have already fallen prey to it.
You don't think they can make a comeback?
No they surely can that guy Turkey Gaming's leader won't let them win tomorrow no matter what.
Moe maybe you should start betting again.
Nope I refuse I'm here to enjoy the limitless fun without feeling the constant stress of winning or losing here.
You remind me of a soldier playing fps(first person shooter) games after retiring.
आज की हसीन शाम करदू तुम्हारे नाम, हो जाए जो संसार हमारा जीत तो हमारे किस्मत में लिखी है तो क्यों देखे हार का नजारा। (I will dedicate this beautiful evening to you, if the world becomes ours, victory is written in our fate, so why should we see the face of defeat.)
वाह क्या शायरी है Brian वैसे ये तुमने अभी सोची या गेम से पहले? (Wow, what a poetry Brian. By the way, did you think of this now or before the game?)
मैने ये कही सुनी थी अभी अभी याद आ गई। (I heard this somewhere and just remembered it.)
एकदम सही समय पर याद आई तो फिर चलो ड्रैगन पर और हासिल करें अपनी जीत? (You remebered at the right timing so now let's go dragon and achieve our victory.)
हाँ ड्रैगन पीट के दोनों साइड से फील्डिंग लगा लो अगर टीमफाइट शुरू होगी तो वो हम करेंगे। (Yes, field on both sides of Dragon Pit. If a teamfight starts then we will do that.)
Turkey Gaming is rushing towards dragon will Samsung Blue contest?
I think it would be the best to not contest the dragon and risk the fight instead they should focus on split push.
But they sure are ready for the risk.
Spirit과 Acorn은 중간과 아래에서 분리되어 Heart와 Deft는 중간에서 나와 함께 와요. (Spirit and Acorn Split yourself from mid and bottom Heart and Deft come with me from the middle.)
Woah Samsung's team formation is really good all the ranged damage dealers are safe and the fighters are looking for the opening to steal.
अरे मोरी मैंया ई का होगे? इतना सारा डैमेज। (Oh my Mom what is this high damage?)
Ash down just from the poke dragon is at 15% hp and Spirit is ulting into the pit and he does not get it Brian stops the hungry Tiger.
But the teamfight is far from over Samsung is taking over double kill.
But the Malphite + Galio combo knocks up 3 players at once it's a back and forth brawl.
And Turkey Gaming wins a 3 for 2 trade all the ranged damage dealers are gone.
아, 그들이 우리를 무시하고 당신들을 표적으로 삼을 거라고는 생각지 못했어요. (Oh no I did not think they would ignore us and target you all.)
상황이 나쁘다는 건 그들이 농장을 운영할 뿐만 아니라 완벽하게 조직화되어 있고 우리에게 공격을 가한 후 주저하는 사람이 한 명도 없다는 뜻이야. (This situation is bad not only are they farmed but fully coordinated as well not one of them hesitated after he initiated onto us.)
They are being shy.
Shy of each other?
Yes what they really want to do is face each other to a grand showdown but their position as leader are holding them back.
Can you make them realize it Ben?
Don't know if only the old man was here I would ask him but the only thing we can do it cheer both of them on with Go Guns Blazing!
Oh the crowd picked it up.
Go Guns Blazing! Go Guns Blazing!
ओह तो उन्हें ये चाहिए? चलो फिर क्यों ना एक बार ये करके देख ही लिया जाए। (Oh so they want it? Then why not give it a try.)
सही में Brian में इस दिन का कही घंटों से इंतजार कर रहा था चलो फिर। (Seriously Brian, I've been waiting for this day for hours now. Come on.)
Turkey Gaming is grouping and pushing into Samsung's jungle as 5 man.
They really want to gang up on 1 or 2 players.
And they have not been spotted will Spirit fall to this plan?
Yes he does a 5 man assault on Samsung Blue's jungler.
뭐? 게임이 이렇게 늦게 우리 정글러를 침략했어요? (What? they invaded our jungler this late in the game?)
5명의 남자들이 모여서 스플릿 푸시로 벌을 줍니다. (Split push punish their 5 man meetup.)
안 그래, 만약 우리가 그렇게 한다면 그들은 미드 레인을 무너뜨리거나 더 나쁜 경우 바론을 무너뜨릴 거야. (No if we do that they will bring down mid lane or worse the baron.)
그러면 우리는 어떻게 해야 할까? (Then what should we do?)
우리도 함께 뭉쳐서 그들과 적절히 싸워야 합니다. (We also have to group together and fight them adequately.)
Now Samsung Blue also has to group because of Turkey Gaming what a map influence they are having.
ये हुई ना बात Guddu जब उनका पांचवां बंदा उनके साथ मिल जाए तो उन पर अल्टीमेट दे देना। (Let's go Guddu, when their fifth guy joins them, then give them your Ultimate.)
तो हमें उनके 5 आदमी होने का इंतजार करना होगा? (So we have to wait for them to be 5 men?)
हाँ हमें उनको एक साथ हराएंगे। (Yes, we will defeat them together.)
और कोई भी गलती मत करना वरना पारा पलट जाएगा। (And don't make any mistakes or else the tide will turn.)
이건 우리가 팀전에서 이길 수 있는 최고의 기회입니다. 물러서지 마세요. (This is the best opportunity we are having to win a teamfight don't back down.)
*1 minute later*
अभी Kullu, Guddu, Luke और Ash घुसो! (Kullu, Guddu, Luke and Ash charge in now!)
Turkey Gaming has made an all out initiation.
Guddu's ult knocks up two players and the rest are going- no they are also retaliating Samsung Blue is make Turkey Gaming rethink their decision.
नहीं भलेई हमारा आरंभिक दीक्षा काफी नहीं था लेकिन हमारा दृढ़ता हमें ये लड़ाई जीतके रहेगी। (No, even though our initial initiation was not enough, our perseverance will help us win this battle.)
아니요. 지금은 우리가 이기고 있지만 결국에는 이길 수 있을까요? (Nope we are winning right now but will we win in the end?)
"Each player quickly unleases their abilities, enchants, spells, ulimates and their fighting spirit towards the other team in the end of this erupted exchange only two players remain".
And it's over Samsung Blue were not able to sustain against Turkey Gaming Ash and Brian survive or should I say wins the teamfight.