Ice vs Fire

Chapter 67: Riding the Bull

ड्रैगन आने वाला है हमारे पास ना ही हत्याएं है ना ही लाने कंट्रोल ये ड्रैगन पे कैसे लड़ाई की जाए कि हमें थोड़ी सी गति मिल जाए? नहीं Brian तू ये क्या सोच रहा है अगर तू अपना सबसे श्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन देना होगा। (The dragon is coming and we don't have the kills or the control, how do we fight this dragon and get some momentum? No Brian, what are you thinking, you have to give your best performance.)

Brian ड्रैगन या नहीं? (Brian Dragon or not?)

Kullu क्या आप कुछ कर सकते हो? (Kullu can you do something?)

क्या? मुझे बस आदेश दो और में उसे कंप्यूटर की तरह खाला दूंगा। (What? Just give me the order and I'll eat it like a computer.)

आप duo लेन की साइड से उनको प्रलोभ करो और हम mid लाइन से उनके ADC और Mid लेनर को मर देंगे। (You lure them from the duo lane side and we will kill their ADC and Mid laner from the mid line.)

वाह क्यों नहीं चलो करते है। (wow why not let's do it.)

इसमें बस एक दिक्कत है कि अगर उन्हें पहले से ही पता है कि आप ड्रैगन चोरी करने के लिए नहीं बल्कि उन्हें चिढ़ाने के लिए आ रहे हो। (The only problem with this is if they already know that you're coming not to steal the dragon, but to tease them.)

अगर उन्हें पता लग भी गया तो क्या हुआ? वो लोग जैसे ही एक गोले के आकार में आए तुम सब अपनी अपनी अल्टीमेट उनपर मर देना। (What if they find out? As soon as they form a circle, all of you use your ultimates on them.)

और Guddu-

में टेलीपोर्ट से अभी बेस से आऊंगा और अगर हम टीमफाइट जीत जाते है तो में mid लाइन का टर्रेट दिलाने में मदद करूंगा। (I'll teleport to base now and if we win the teamfight I'll help get the mid line turret.)

The game has been a lot quieter after first blood.

Yes JJ maybe Turkey Gaming is planning something for this mountain dragon it might not necessarily be the buff that they want but rather the kills with it.

Yes they have not ganked or played aggressively so this is their chance to take back the game.

*Dragon has been spawned*

The reptile of defence has entered the arena who will defeat it and take it's buff?

चलो सारे योजना को क्रियान्वित करो। (Let's put the whole plan into action.)

है? "Brian ये देखके आश्चर्यचित हो जाता है कि ahq ड्रैगन पीट में तो क्या रिवर में भी कदम नहीं रख रही" वो हमें ड्रैगन दे रहे है? ("Brian is surprised that ahq isn't even stepping into the dragon pit, let alone the river" They're giving us the dragon?)

Yes indeed we don't want to give up the tension just because of a single dragon it's either you take it and we have a teamfight or we can just enjoy our lead and push it into the late game.

नहीं अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा तो ये गेम हम नहीं जीत पाएंगे। (No, if this continues, we will not be able to win this game.)

क्यों Brian हम आखिर तक जाते जाते कोई ना कोई टीमफाइट जीत ही जाएंगे। (Why Brian, by the time we reach the end we will definitely win one or the other team fight.)

हाँ Guddu सही कहे रहा है और तो और उनके पास Lee Sin है जो आखिर के खेल में इतना अच्छा नहीं होता। (Yes Guddu is right and also they have Lee Sin who isn't that good in the end game.)

नहीं तुम लोग समझ नहीं रहे हो Prydz चाहता है कि हम उसे गेम को आखिर तक लेजाने की छूट दे लेकिन हमें ये गेम जल्दी से जल्दी जितना होगा। (No you guys are not understanding Prydz wants us to allow him to take the game to the end but we have to win this game as quickly as possible.)

लेकिन भला क्यों? (But why though?)

जैसे विकल्पों में थीटा क्षय होता है, वैसे ही इस खेल में भी हम नियंत्रण क्षय कर रहे हैं। (Just like in options there is theta decay in this game we are having control decay.)

Hehehe he only caught onto the first part of my plan if he cannot get the second his will team surely lose.

That gank really did it huh? They are not even trying to gank.

If they believe they will win a good baron fight they are surely mistaken.

Calm down guys let's focus on our games do not let any mistakes take place.

Yes coach.

Ahq! Ahq!

बोहोत सही अब तो दर्शक भी उनकी तरफ ही गए। (That's right, now the audience also turned towards him.)

नहीं ध्यान से सुनो। (No listen closely)

Turkey! Gaming!

जब तक हमारे प्रशंसक जिंदा है तब तक हमारा नाम इस स्टेडियम में गूंजता रहेगा। (As long as our fans are alive, our name will echo in this stadium.)

फिर तो हमे ये गेम जीतके उनकी आवाज को और ऊंचा करना होगा। (Then we have to make their voice louder by winning this game.)

जीत जीत जीत Brian तुम्हे जीतने का रास्ता मिला? (Win win win Brian did you find a way to win?)

हेहे हाँ मिला तो है लेखी सी रस्ते के बहुत कठिनाइयां है। (Hehe yes I have got it written that there are many difficulties on the path.)

उस रास्ते में भलाई माउंट एवरेस्ट ही क्यों ना आजाएं हम उस रस्ते को पार करके ही रहेंगे। (Even if Mount Everest comes in that way, we will definitely cross that path.)

Woah look at that Turkey Gaming is splitting into the Ahq's jungle? We have never seen this type of rotation on Worlds stage before.

पहला: हम सब अपनी अपनी लेंस छोड़के उनके जंगल में जाके उनके जंगली की जगह पता करेंगे और उसके बाद- (First: We all will leave our lenses and go to their forest to find out the location of their forest and then-)

Ahq is not even intrested in meeting Turkey Gaming in the jungle.

Yes but now it seems like Turkey Gaming is coming towards mid maybe a mid lane 5v1 gank.

5v1 gank? Do it and we will surround you when you come to take our mid turrret.

Have they gone nutz? Using such a simple plan that can be easily countered.

No what they are after is-

Now Turkey Gaming has left the mid lane and they are clearing all the minions of the side lanes.

What do they want to achieve from all this?

दूसरा: चलो ड्रैगन और वहां है लेलो पूरा नियंत्रण। (Second: Let go of the dragon and take full control from there.)

Now they are marching towards the dragon a 5 man juggernaut ready to destroy everything in it's path.

Prydz what do we do should we fight at the dragon?

No that's what they want do no engage.

तीसरा: ड्रैगन लेने के बाद वापस चलो उनके जंगल में। (Third: After taking the dragon, go back to their forest.)

Now they are again killing the minions and jungle buff of Ahq and if they don't contest soon Turkey Gaming will gain the advantage.

Killing our minions and stealing our jungle are they really that desperate to have a fight with us?

They will have to recall sooner or later if they don't then their health will slowly deplete and we can just eliminate them.

But we also have to recall are they waiting for us to recall?

Maybe maybe not this strategy is too bizzare yet it's achieving it's function.

चौथा: जैसे ही वो रिकॉल करे तभी मिड में ग्रुप होके मिड का नियंत्रण हासिल करो। (Fourth: As soon as he recalls, group in the mid and gain control of the mid.)

Which team will recall first? Turkey Gaming or ahq.

लेकिन वो तो रिकॉल कर ही नहीं रहे। (But he is not recalling.)

रिवर के साइड में एक वार्ड लगा हुआ है Kullu उधर जाके रिकॉल करो तो वो लोग भी तुम्हारा साथ रिकॉल करेंगे। (There is a ward located on the river side in Kullu, go there and recall, then those people will also recall with you.)

ठीक है। (Ok.)

What is this Turkey Gaming tricked Ahq to recall now they are going towards mid lane.

Oh shit! That was a bait?

*First turret has been destroyed*

Turkey Gaming has the gold and control lead.

पांचवां: जैसे ही हमारे लीड ahq से आगे निकले लड़ाई करनी शुरू करो उन्हें लगेगा कि हम गेम के आखिर तक आराम से खेलेंगे लेकिन नहीं। (Fifth: start fighting as soon as our lead gets past ahq they will think we will play comfortably till the end of the game but no.)

Fuck now what should we do.

Do not make any careless decisions listen to me carefully we will ambush their mid laner when he comes to clear the mid wave ok?


Now both their duo and too are in their lanes Brian is all alone kill him.

"Naz flashes in to kick Brian into their side of the map" eat this.

Not so fast! "Kullu ults and jumps onto westdoor and Alex ignores Naz and starts attacking westdoor".

Noo they have reversed the situation.

Wait I'm teleporting we three will kill them.

चिंता मत करो Prydz तुम्हारे साथ में भी टेलीपोर्ट कर रहा हूँ। (Don't worry Prydz I'm teleporting with you too.)

The gank has turned into a teamfight 3v3 but Guddu's ult changes everything.

Double kill for Brian.

मिड लेन पूरी खोल दो। (Bulldoze the mid lane.)

Ash और Luke तुम दोनों बॉटम से मिड रोटेट करो। (Ash and Luke rotate from bottom to mid.)

Brian क्यों ना आपसब मिड से उनके जंगल में आओ और उनको दोनों को सैंडविच करके मर दो। (Brian, why don't you all come from the middle of their forest and kill them both by sandwiching them.)

अच्छा इंडिया है चलो करते है। (Nice idea why not let's get to it.)

Ahq's duo lane is rotating to save their mid lane inhibitor turret but will they expect Turkey Gaming's surprise attack?

They won't it's like a beetle has closed it's pincers they have nowhere to run they are cooked.

*Killing Spree*

Ash माफ करना, किल चोरी करने के लिए। (Ash Sorry for stealing your kill.)

हैहे माफी क्यों मांग रहे हो किल किसी को भी मिले लेकिन जीत हमारी होनी चाहिए। (Hehe why are you apologizing, whoever gets the kill, the victory should be ours.)

Now Ahq's mid lane is a history will they be able to finish the game under 30 minutes?

Seems like it Prydz is not able to defend the game is nearing it's end the inhibitors are falling.

They have re spawned but they won't be in time it's a game over!

4-1 what a game just one fight and it's all over.

Are you serious? Just a single misplay and we lost?

No westdoor it was a string of misplays that cost us the game but they sure outplayed us.

"After the match Prydz rushed to meet Brian".

Hey I was waiting for you.

"Prydz wheezes and sits down beside Brian"

You played well.

Brian what would you have done if we all didn't recall?

Hehe simple we would have recalled and enjoyed the item advantage as we had killed your minions first we would have controll over our waves.

How did you come up with such an upsurd strategy?

Prydz this is the League of Legends here nothing is upsurd or normal and I came up with it after your gank on me first my strategy was to get map control via wards and pressure but after your gank I knew you guys would punish even a single button press very heavily.

Then you knew if you had messed the teamfight or the rotation you would have lost?

Yes I did that's why I already warned my teammates to not let even a earthquake shake up your gameplay.

Hehehe I'm very happy to have played you "Prydz offers a handshake".

Thanks "Brian takes Prydz hand and puts in onto the table for arm wrestling" whoever loses pays for the dinner ok?


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