Ice vs Fire

Chapter 66: Reunion

After their Strenuous victory towards Taipei Assassins All Stars face off against their rivals.

वाह यार मजा ही आगया हमने विश्व मंच पे अपना प्रदर्शन दिखकर पूरी दुनिया को बता दिया कि हमें है कितना दम। (Wow friend it was so much fun, we showed our performance on the world stage and told the whole world how powerful we are.)

क्या हुआ Luke? तुम इतने शांत क्यों हो? (What happened Luke? Why are you so quiet?)

तुम सबने अपने अगले प्रतिद्वंद्वियों का नाम देखा? (Did you all see the names of your next opponents?)

नहीं तो कौन है वो बदकिस्मत टीम? (If not, then which is that unlucky team?)

ahq e-Sports Club।

क्या? सच में दूसरे ही राउंड में वो। (What? Really in the second round already.)

वाह यार अब तो हमे अपने ही दोस्तो को हराना पड़ेगा। (Wow friend, now we will have to defeat our own friends.)

हाँ Ash बिल्कुल esports में व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं का कोई जगह नहीं है। (Yes Ash there is absolutely no place for personal feelings in esports.)

Brian जब आप ahq के लीडर Prydz के साथ द्वंद्वयुद्ध कर रहे थे तब आपको कैसा लगा? (Brian how did you feel when you dueled with ahq's leader Prydz?)

वो के बेहतरीन योद्धा है उसके हर कदम में आत्मविश्वास झलकता है उसकी आँखें बाज के तरह अपने निशाने पे लॉक हो जाती है और तो और- (He is the best warrior of all. His every move reflects confidence. His eyes lock on to his target like an eagle and-)

Brian ये सब तो तो ठीक है लेकिन उसका प्लेस्टाइल कैसा है? (Brian This is all fine but what is his play style like?)

में तुम्हे वहीं तो बता रहा था एक बार फाइट लेने के बाद वो नहीं पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा। (I was telling you right there, once he took the fight he never looked back.)

तो ये तो बड़ी अच्छी बात है मतलब हमे बस उसे हरने वाली लड़ाई में लेना होगा। (So this is a great thing, meaning we just have to take him into the fight that we'll defeat.)

लेकिन वो वो वाली लड़ाई लेता ही नहीं जिसमें उसकी हार हो। (But he does not take up that fight in which he might lose.)

अरे तो फिर हम कैसे जीतेंगे हमारा खेलने का स्टाइल आक्रामक है और वो बोहोत परिकलनशील। (Hey then how will we win, our style of playing is aggressive and they are very calculative.)

दिक्कत मत लो मैं उनकी ये प्लेइंग स्टाइल का तोड़ निकल ही लूंगा जब तब तुम सब उनके खेल देखो और उनकी कमजोरियों को ध्यान से नोट करो। (Don't worry, I will find a solution to his playing style while you all watch his games and note down his weaknesses carefully.)

*In the ahq e-Sports Club's room*

Oh wow our next opponents are Turkey Gaming.

Really? I can't beleive it.

They would also be shocked.

It's unfortunate that they would not be able ro get to the finals.

Unfortunate indeed so we will lift the Summoner's Cup instead of them.


Hey hey bros don't be so ahead of yourselves they are a world class team we should entertain the possiblity of a loss.

Really? But our playing style directly counters theirs.

I'm sure Brian is cooking something and I have to be ready for it.

*All stars after watching ahq's first game*

क्या? ऐसा ही भी हो सकता है क्या? 20-0 का प्रभुत्व। (What? Is that even possible? 20-0 dominance.)

उन्होंने तो कुछ ज्यादा ही अच्छा खेल। (They played a little too well huh.)

अब समाज आया कि Brian हमें क्या बताना चाह रहा था। (Now we understand what Brian was trying to tell us.)

इसका मतलब हमें उनकी हारने के लिए कोई अलग सी रणनीति लगानी पड़ेगी। (This means we will have to use a different strategy to defeat them.)

अब इतना भी मत सोचो अगर खेल का प्रभाव हमारे हाथों में है तो वो हमारा कुछ भी नहीं बिगड़ सकते। (Now don't think too much, if the influence of the game is in our hands then it cannot harm us in any way.)

लेकिन वो प्रभाव हम अपने हिस्से में कैसे लेंगे? (But how do we take the flow in our share?)

क्यों ना हम कोच की सलाह ले उनकी वजह से हमारी सारी पुरानी गलतियां सामने आ गई थी अब देखते है कि और कौनसी कौनसी गलतियां सामने आती है। (Why don't we take advice from the coach, because of him all our old mistakes have come to light, now let's see what other mistakes come to light.)

*The Next day*

Ladies and gentlemen we are in the quater finals with the teams on display.

All Stars vs OMG

Samsung Galaxy Blue vs Samsung Galaxy White

Najin White Shield vs Star Horn Royal Club

ahq e-Sports Club vs Turkey Gaming

Which team will get qualified to Semi Finals and which will not stay tuned to find out.

"All 8 teams comes to the stage to start the Quater finals".

वो रहे ahq "दोनों टीम्स के खिलाड़ी एक दूरी की और मुस्कुराते हुए हाथ हिलाते है"। (There are AHQ "Players of both the teams wave and smile at each other".)

"चारों Turkey Gaming के खिलाडियों का ध्यान दर्शक और प्रशंसक पे है लेकिन Brian इकलौता पहले विश्व विजेता पे अपना ध्यान रखता है"। ("The attention of all four players of Turkey Gaming is on the audience and the fan but Brian is the only one to notice the first world champion".)

ओह एस अब तो हमारे भी फैन्स हैं। (Oh yes, now we also have fans.)

हाँ भाई हाँ मुझे तो अभी से ही अपनी बीवी दिख रही है। (Yes brother, yes, I can see my wife right now.)

अरे Kullu भाई रुक जाओ सबर करो अभी को उन्होंने आपसे साइन तक नहीं मांगा और आप उनका हाथ मांग रहे हो? (Hey Kullu bro wait and be patient, she has not even asked for your autograph and you are asking for her hand?)

Brian ज़रा उधर तो देखो Brian? (Brian, look over there Brian?)

हाँ हाँ क्या हुआ? (Yes yes what happened?)

लगता है कि अपने पूरी रात कुछ ज्यादा ही दिमाग लगा दिया तो अब बस खेल में लगा पाओगे। (Looks like you used your brain too much all night long, so now you will only be able to concentrate on the game.)

Let the games begin!

Turkey Gaming vs ahq e-Sports Club

Guddu (Malphite) Prydz (Rumble)

Kullu (Rengar) Naz (Lee Sin)

Brian (Yasuo) westdoor (Talon)

Ash (Twitch) Garnetdevil (Corgi)

Luke (Nami) GreenTea (Braum)

Here we go into the rift.

Both teams played very well in their first match ahq especially dominated their opponents by a huge margin.

Yes that has been a world record at this point.

Oh this is something very new Turkey Gaming is switching their Adc Ash and top laner Guddu's positions so it's Malphite and Nami vs Corgi and Braum.

We have seen it before with the SGB but it will be a very educational game for the new pros to learn from Turkey Gaming here.

Also an off meta pick by Kullu which he has never played in an official game.

Prydz: so this is their new plan for defeating us huh? Send Garnet to the top.

Naz: What? But letting two adc's battle is not too good if your rotation is cut off from the top lane then their Rengar will just kill Garnet.

Prydz: Don't worry about him he will be able to manage just go with it or else their Twitch will be more fat than an average Nauru citizen.

क्या उन्होंने अपने Adc को भी टॉप लेन में भेज दिया। (Did they send their Adc to the top lane as well.)

Luke ज्यादा हैरान मत हो मैने उसका भी सोच रखा है। (Luke, don't be too surprised, I have thought about that too.)

Kullu आप टॉप लाने में कब रोटेशन करोगे? (Kullu when will you rotate to the top lane?)

में अपना ब्ल्यू बफ़ कीसाइड साफ करके आता हूँ। (I will come after clearing my blue buff side.)

*First blood*

क्या? किसका? (What? Who?)

मेरा। (Me.)

Brian आपका कैसे? (Brian how yours?)

उनके मिड लानी, जंगलर, और सपोर्ट ने मिलकर मुझे एक सेकंड में मर दिया। (Their mid laner, jungler, and support combined to kill me in a second.)

Brian मुझे माफ करदो कि मैने उधर फूल गलत लगाया। (Brian, forgive me for placing the flower wrongly there.)

नहीं Luke उनका सपोर्ट रिकॉल करके आया था उसमें आपकी कोई गलती नहीं है। (No Luke, his support came after recalling him, it is not your fault.)

First blood what a amazing play by ahq and you know what people may think this was an opportunisit play but I think this was planned westdoor intentionally took poke from Brian to make him overextend.

Wow the more I think about it the more it seems to be planned.

हाँ बिलकुल वो पहले से ही सोचा हुआ हमला था। (Yes it was definitely a pre-planned attack.)

आपको भी ऐसा लगता है कोच? तो फिर तो हमें उन्हें हरने के लिए इस खेल का मोड अपने हाथों में जल्द से जल्द लेना होगा। (Do you think so coach? Then we have to take control of the game as soon as possible to beat them.)

Kullu शांति से सोचो अगर तुम्हारा मिड लेनर आधी हेल्थ पर होता तो तुम क्या करते? (Kullu think calmly what would you do if your mid laner was on half health?)

में उसके लाने में जाके उसकी मदद करता। (I would go and help him out.)

गलत इस गेम में वो मदद तुम्हे तुम्हारी जान जितनी महंगी पड़ जाती। (Wrong, in this game that help could cost you as much as your life.)

सच में? (रियली?)

वो लोग यही चाहते है तुम्हारा अपने टीम के प्रति भाव बया करने का तरीका उन्हें अच्छी तरह से पता है। (This is what they want, they know very well the way you express your feelings towards your team.)

तो फिर Brian की रणनीति को असफल हो जाएगी। (Then Brian's strategy will fail.)

नहीं अगर तुम उसकी रणनीति याद करो तो उसमें टीम की मिलन प्रदर्शन पर नहीं लेकिन हस एक खिलाड़ी के खुदके प्रदर्शन को महत्त्व दिया है। (No, if you remember his strategy then in it, he has given importance not on the performance of the team but on the performance of each player individually.)

तो ये बात है क्या? मुझे तो हसी आ रही है कि हम इतने खेलो से एक दूसरे के साथ तल मेल के साथ खेल रहे थे और उसका फायदा कोई प्रतिद्वंद्वी उठा रहा है। (So what is this? I am laughing that we have been playing with each other in coordination for so many games and some opponents are taking advantage of it.)

हाँ Kullu भाई इस खेल में तुम जितने स्क्रमिश करोगे बीतना ही उनको फायदा होगा। (Yes Kullu bro, the more skirmishes you do in this game, the more advantage they will gain from it.)

तो Brian में खेती करने के अलावा और क्या करूं? (So what else should I do besides farming Brian?)

इंतज़ार करो जब में कॉल दु तब अपने आप को पूरी तरह से तैयार रखो। (Wait till I call you and keep yourself fully ready.)

हम मुझे Brian पर भरोसा है बस दबाव से अपना गेम का प्रदर्शन बाधित मत करना। (I have faith in Brian, just don't let the pressure affect your game performance.)

*3 minutes later*

Sorry Brian and Turkey Gaming but you won't be able to beat us we have already made a perfect plan for your playstyle.

Guess they caught on.

Yeah very impressive it was just a single gank and they have already realised.

Doesn't matter either way playing defensive will just pospone their lose.

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