Chapter 65: First step towards Glory
Round 1 of 2014 league of legends worlds match is:
Samsung Galaxy White vs TSM
All Stars vs Fnatic
Cloud9 vs Samsung Galaxy Blue
Alliance vs ahq e-Sports club
Turkey Gaming vs Taipei Assassins
Star Horn Royal Club vs Sk gaming
Edward gaming vs Najin White Shield
Woah what a chaotic distribution of teams all the players are ready to lift the summoner's cup.
May their hopes and prayers reach heaven and bring their hardwork to fruition.
Hopes and Prayers huh? The casters are really moving hearts of average people here no hope and prayer is going to make them win skill absolute skill conquers all.
Now now don't be so rough on them team skill will be more important than individual one.
Oh you are right Moe but sure this was a hell of a year for me but now I can finally relax and watch the worlds in peace.
We never thought we would enjoy the esports this much without even betting.
Yeah totally.
चलो अब हमारा गेम शुरू होने वाला है। (Come on, our game is about to begin.)
सब तैयार? (Everyone ready?)
1000% तैयार। (1000% ready.)
"तुर्की गेमिंग धीरे धीरे से स्टेज की तरफ अपने कदम बढ़ाती है"। "Turkish Gaming Slowly Takes Steps to the Stage".
World qualifiers, Quarter finals, semi finals and finally the Grand finals any team who comes out victorious in all of them then they will we crowned the World Champions!
एक दम सही बोला विश्व विजेता मतलब सबसे बेहतर। (You are absolutely right, world champion means the best.)
कोच थोड़ा तेज बोलोगे मुझे इस शोर में अच्छे से सुनाई नहीं दे रहा। (Coach, please speak a little louder, I can't hear you clearly in this noise.)
आज ऐसा गेमप्ले दिखाना कि पूरी दुनिया तुम्हारी दीवानी हो जाए। (Today, show such gameplay that the whole world becomes crazy about you.)
हाँ सिर। (Yes sir.)
Here they are the one and only indian team that has ever set foot on worlds.
What do you think JJ? Will be able to get through the qualifiers?
Taipei Assassins they are indeed veterens in this game but the rice can roll either way I cannot determine the outcome without going into the future.
If you think the outcome is 'that' uncertain than this match will surely be chaotic.
तुम सारे वार्मेड अप हो? (Are you all warmed up?)
हाँ मेरा दिल सूरज से भी ज्यादा जल रहा हैं। (Yes, my heart is burning more than the sun.)
Guddu तुझे हिटबर्न है? (Guddu you got a heartburn?)
वही समझ लो में उत्तेजना से जल रहा है मुझे ये मत कहना कि तुम लोग पूरी तरह से ठंडे हो? (Just understand that I am burning with excitement don't tell me that you guys are completely cool?)
नहीं में भी तैयार हूं अपना सबसे बेहतर खेल खेलने के लिए। (No, I am also ready to play my best game.)
The picks have begun what will they play?
Will all the players use their best champions from the start or are they holding the big guns for later?
First ban is Thresh this death reaper will be out of order now both Luke and Mor will have to pick another support carry.
Will the second ban be also a support?
No we are having a Lucian ban.
And how will Turkey gaming respond to these bans?
Lee sin and Wukong banned isntantly.
And the final ban is Alister I was not expecting Taipei Assassins to ban two support champions.
And the final ban is Caitlyn.
Now it's time for the picks.
Turkey Gaming Vs Taipei Assassins
Guddu (Dr. Mundo) Achie (Ryze)
Kullu (Jarven4) Winds (Kha'zix)
Brian (Twisted fate) Morning (Ahri)
Ash (Tristana) Bebe (Lucian)
Luke (Leona) Jay (Sona)
*The game begins*
चलो बॉटम लेन Luke जल्दी से कैंप लगा लेते है। (Let's let the bottom lane Luke set up camp quickly.)
हाँ हमारा जल्दी खेल उनसे बहुत ताकतवर है। (Yes our rush game is much stronger than theirs.)
Would you look at that both bottoms lanes are seem to be at the verge of skirmishing.
No they do Ash and Luke are overpowering Bebe and Jay is it a first blood?
हाँ बिलकुल Luke जल्दी से फ्लैश करके इग्नाइट देदो। (Yes absolutely Luke, quickly flash in and ignite him.)
हाँ अभी करता हूँ। (Yes doing it right away.)
And first blood goes to Luke. Bebe was not ready to take the fight.
Yes he got ambushed those are the things you always need to be aware of otherwise this will happend.
बोहोत सही लैंडो क्या पकड़ के मारा है। (Well played guys what a nice kill.)
अभी तो पार्टी शुरू हुई है देखते जाओ Brian बाबू हम कैसे कैसे किल्स करते है। (The party has just begun, just keep watching Brian Babu, how we kill.)
Dragon has been spawned both teams are looking very peaceful they both don't want to give unnecessary tempos to the enemy.
And the fight begins Kullu has initiated the gank for the mountain dragon.
साथ में घुसो सारे ये ड्रैगन हमारा है। (All of you enter together, this dragon is ours.)
फुक मुझे बचाओ उनका Kha'zix मेरे ऊपर कूद रहा है। (FUCK SAVE ME Their Kha'zix is jumping on me.)
फिक्र मत करो Ash इस Kha'zix को तो में देखता हूँ। (Don't worry Ash, I'll take care of this Kha'zix.)
What a save by Brian.
Yes indeed Ash was on the brink of death and Brian saved his adc and they are winning the team fight।
Woah Luke ulted all three members of TPA there is no chance only one of them survives.
If Brian was not quick enough to turn around then this team fight would have ended a lot differently.
Luke तू मुझे छोड़ के क्यों भाग गया? (Luke Why did you leave me and run away?)
Kullu ने जब अपना अल्टीमेट दिया तो मुझे भी उसकी मदद के लिए जाना पड़ा। (When Kullu used his ultimatum, I also had to go to help him.)
अगली बार से उनकी Kha'zix की जगह पता किए बिना मत घुसना। (Next time, don't enter without knowing the location of their Kha'zix.)
नहीं रिकॉल मत करो जल्दी से सारी लेन्स पुश करो उनको रीसेट होने का मौका मत दो। (No don't recall push all the lanes quickly don't give them a chance to reset.)
Look at that Turkey Gaming is not recalling instead they are pushing down the lanes.
And look at Brian he is using his ultimate to reach the top lane.
Now if they are able to get 2 turrets from this push then their gold lead will reach the skies.
They do Morning is only able to save mid lane
turret the gold lead is 10k.
Now if Taipei Assassins wants to win this and qualify to the next round they have to create a miracle nothing less can win them the game.
*Baron Nashor has been spawned*
Now if All Stars can get their hands on this Baron then there is no doubt game over for Tailpri Asssassins.
And look at All Stars go they are already at the Baron they don't want to waste any more time to finish this game.
जल्दी से बैरन पर कैंप लगाओ किसी को भी बैरन की सूचना नहीं होनी चाहिए। (Camp on the baron quickly, they should have any information about the baron.)
और उन्हें जब सूचना नहीं मिलेगी तब वो लोग चिंतित होंगे और कुछ ना कुछ भूल जरूर करेंगे। (And when they do not get the information, then those people will be worried and will definitely forget something or the other.)
"लेकिन All Stars की सोच के विपरीत Taipei Assassins मिड में घुसते है"। ("But contrary to the thinking of all stars Taipei assassins penetrate into the mid".)
अरे वो क्या कर रहे है? (Hey what are they doing?)
एक बंदा रिकॉल करो और मिड लेन को बचाओ और हम चार बैरन लेते है। (Recall one man and save the mid lane and we four will take the baron.)
Brian आपही को बेस जाना चाहिए आप सारे मिनियंस को साफ बड़ी आसानी के कर लोगे। (Brian you should go base, you will clean all the minions very easily.)
ऐसा है क्या तो फिर क्यों नहीं में अपना अल्टीमेट देके मिड बचाने जाता हूँ। (Is it so, then why not I go to save mid by giving my ultimate.)
Brian is ulting and others are taking baron not a bad idea but!
Look at Taipei Assassins they immediately shifts their focus on Baron they wanted someone to recall so they can fight a 4 man baron injured team.
And they are going for it this fight is inevitable All Stars has to take this fight or else Taipei will steal the baron.
अरे नहीं अब क्या करे Brian? उनके आरंभ करने का इंतज़ार करे या चुपके से हमला? (Oh no what to do now Brian? Wait for them to start or attack secretly?)
अगर तुम लोग उनके Adc को मर दोगे तो फिर एक ठीक थक लड़ाई हो सकती है में जड़ली ले उधर आने की कोशिश करता हूँ। (If you guys kill their ADC, then there can be a fine tired fight, I try to come there by taking root.)
उनका Adc उनका adc कहा है उनका Adc? फुक अब और सहन नहीं होता अब जो भी मिलेगा में उसे ही मर दूंगा। (Their ADC their ADC Where is their ADC? Fuck this is not tolerated anymore, now whatever I get, I will kill him.)
The team fight starts Taipei Assassins surround All Stars they are trapped inside the baron pit they have nowhere to go but fight.
But looks like they are losing finally Achie's Ryze top is usefull their mages are dealing amazing amounts of damage.
The Baron is also quite low this could be if all four players of All stars get eliminated and Taipei Assassins gets the baron this could be anyone's game.
नहीं भलेही मेरी जान लेलो लेकिन में बैरन नहीं दूंगा किसी भी हालत में नहीं। (No, even if you take my life, but I will not give you this baron to you under any circumstances.)
Kullu smites it even if Taipei Assassins gets quadra kill they don't get the baron.
Brian अपने हमें उनके Adc की मारने तो क्यों बोला जब उनका सबसे ज्यादा डैमेज उनके जादूगर दे रहे है? (Why did Brian tell us to kill his ADC when his mages are giving the most damage?)
तुम उनके जाल में फंस गए उन जादूगरों का पूरा डैमेज Guddu अपने अल्टीमेट से ले लेता लेकिन उनके ADC के साथ वो डैमेज हद से ज्यादा लग रहा था। (You would have taken all the damage from your ultimate guddu from your ultimate, but that damage seemed to be too much with their ADC.)
तो ये बात है क्या? (So that was it all about?)
हाँ आपलोगो ने जड़बड़ाहट में गलत खिलाड़ी को लक्ष्य बनाया अब सुनी मेरे पास बैरन बफ़ है और वो लोग गेम खतम नहीं कर पाएंगे। (Yes, you guys aimed the wrong player in the rage, now listen I have a baron buff and those people will not be able to finish the game.)
बस Brian बेस की रक्षा करना बाकी हम सम्भल लेंगे। (Brian just defend the base and we will handle the rest.)
Will Taipei Assassins be able to finish the game.
Look like no their minions are at the start of their base and their mid wave has been cleared a crazy turn of events but still All Stars survive.
*1 minute later*
चलो मिड अब हमारी बारी है पुश करने की। (Come on, now it's our turn to push.)
All Stars are pushign their Baron minions down the mid lane.
Taipei Assassins has to fight or else they will lose the chance to lift up Summoner's cup.
But can they?
"Taipei Assassins takes the fight".
हेहेहे Kullu घुस जाओ और उनके सपोर्ट को बिजी रोको हम बाकियों की सेवा करते है। (Hehehe Kullu go enter and stop their support, we serve the rest.)
What is this Kullu has ulted Sona and others are attacking their squishies.
But it is working double kill for Ash now this is the red carpet to victory it's over All Stats are moving to the next round of 2014 League of Legends Worlds Championship.