Chapter 64: World Championship
September 18th 2014 the League of Legends World Championship to crown the World Champions starts!
There are 40,000 fans cheering in this stadium and 16 teams that will compete with each other but only one of them will return home with the one and only Summoner's cup.
"The cheers of the crowd dull even the loudest microphones".
Sooooo shall the teams step onto the stage.
"Every team one by one comes onto the stage".
Samsung Galaxy Blue
Samsung Galaxy White
NaJin White Shield
Edward Gaming
Star Horn Royal Club
SK Gaming
Team Solo Mid
Taipei Assassins
ahq e-Sports Club
Turkey Gaming
And lastly All Stars! The defending world champions.
The matches will be devided into 4 rounds and each team will get paired up against each other first 2 rounds will be best of 2. 3rd round will be a best of 3 and 4th and final round will be best of 5.
I'm your host and commentator JJ Thomson shall the ceremony begin.
Song: Warriors ft Imagine Dragon
🎵 [Verse 1]
As a child you wait and
Watch from far away
But you always knew that you'd be the one
To work while they all play
In youth you'd law... awake at night and scheme
Of all the things you would change
But it was just a dream
Here we are don't turn away now
We are the warriors that build this town
Here we are don't turn away now
We are the Warriors that build this town from dust
[Verse 2]
The time will come when you will have to rise
Above the best and prove yourself
Your spiriy never dies
Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above
Don't weep for me, cause this will be the labor of my love
[Chorus] x 2
Here we are don't turn away now
We are the warriors that build this town
Here we are don't turn away now
We are the Warriors that build this town from dust 🎵
"सारे टीम्स मंच पर खड़ी होकर समारोह देखती है तभी Brian की आँखें Alex पे पड़ती है"। ("All the teams are standing on stage watching the ceremony when Brian's eyes fall on Alex.")
तो ये है दो बार विश्व विजेता? उसकी उमर से तो बिलकुल भी नहीं लगता। (So this is a two time world champion? He doesn't look his age at all.)
"तभी उन दोनों की आँखें मिलती है" उसकी एक अँख पूरी सफेद है? "Brian 2 सेकंड में भी अपनी नजरे अलग कर लेता है" अरे Prydz और उनकी टीम और तो और Cloud9 और बाकी सब भी अगर हमे विश्व विजय बनाना है तो हमे इन सबको हराना पड़ेगा। ("That's when their eyes meet" One of his eyes is completely white? "Brian takes his eyes off of him in less than 2 seconds" Hey Prydz and his team and then Cloud9 and everyone else too, if we want to win the world cup then we have to defeat them all.)
"Ash Brian की और देखते हुए कहता है" Brian मैंने इस पल का अपनी पूरी इंतज़ार किया है अब बारी आ गई है पूरी दुनिया दो दिखाने की के हमने है कितना दम। ("Ash looks at Brian and says" Brian I have waited for this moment my whole life, now it's time to show the world how powerful we are.)
हाँ बिल्कुल। (Yes of course.)
Brian? "Luke Brian को चुपके से पूछता है" भाई ये कितनी देर तक चलेगा मुझे मूतना है। (Brian?" Luke asks Brian quietly "bro how long will this last I have to pee.")
क्या? Luke बस 5 मिनिट रुक्जा। (What? Luke just wait five minutes.)
अरे यार मेरी टंकी भर गई ही। (Hey friend, my tank is full.)
ओह कुछ भी हो जाए कृपया स्टेज पर मत मूतना। (Oh whatever happens please don't pee on stage.)
अबे कहना आसान है लेकिन अंदर रखना बोहोत मुश्किल में सुभे की रैंक पुश के चक्कर में मूतना भूल गया। (Hey, it is easy to say but it is very difficult to keep it inside. In the pursuit of rank push in the morning, I forgot to pee.)
भाई अगर तू अपने ब्लैडर से हर गया तो Turkey Gaming की इज्जत मिट्टी में मिल जायेगी। (Brother, if you lose to your bladder then the reputation of Turkey Gaming will be ruined.)
हाँ Luke तू कर सकता है हम सब तुम्हारे में भरोसा करते है। (Yes Luke, you can do it, we all believe in you.)
*Luke 7:36 सेकंड के लिए कैसे तैसे सेरेमनी को सेह लेता है* (*Luke somehow survives the ceremony for 7:36 seconds*)
साइड हो जाओ सारे टॉयलेट टॉयलेट कहा है टॉयलेट? (Move aside all the toilets, where is the toilet?)
Was? (Was?)
Toilet where is it?
Straight to the right.
अबे ये तो अंडर कंस्ट्रक्शन है? अब क्या करूं? "Luke गर्ल्स टॉयलेट पे अपनी नजरे घेरता है" अब मेरे पास और कोई चारा नहीं है जो होगा वो देखा जायेगा। (Hey, this is under construction? What should I do now? "Luke focuses his eyes on the girls' toilet" Now I have no other option, whatever happens will be seen.)
"Luke घबराते हुए एक खाली स्टॉल में अपनी जगह बनाते है"। ("Luke nervously makes his way into an empty stall.")
*1 मिनट बाद* (*1 minute later*)
अब जाके राहत मिली अच्छा हुआ में स्टेज पे ज्यादा घबराया नही वरना भाई की इज्जत डूब जाती "Luke दरवाज़ा खोलने वाला होता है तभी" अरे नहीं अगर मुझे किसी लड़की ने देखलिया तो में क्या करूंगा? क्यों में उनका जाने का इंतजार करूं। (Now I felt relieved, it was good that I was not too nervous on stage, otherwise my brother's reputation would have been ruined. "Luke is the one to open the door only then" Oh no, what will I do if a girl sees me? Why should I wait for them to leave.)
Brian में जिंदगी में पहली बार इतनी बड़ी श्रोता के सामने गया हूं। (Brian this is the first time in my life that I have appeared before such a large audience.
मेरा भी पहला टाइम था। (Mine is also first time.)
हेहेहे Brian में तो बस सोच रहा हु की उस क्राउड में कितने लोगो ने तेरा KDA Gragas वाला पोर्न देखा है? (Hehehe Brian, I'm just wondering how many people in that crowd have seen your KDA Gragas porn?)
क्या ऐसी कोई चीज भी है तुम्हे देखा है? (What there is a thing like that have you seen it?)
नही नही में तो मजाक कर रहा था लेकिन वो स्टेज के पेयर्स को देखा था? (No no, I was just joking but did you see those pairs on stage?)
हाँ सब के सब कितने आत्मविश्वासी लग रहे है। (Yes, everyone looked so confident.)
लेकिन मुझे बोहोत अजीब लगा पूरे स्टेज पे बस हमारे ही टीम भारत से थी बल्कि हमारे देश में 1 अरब से भी ज्यादा लोग है। (But I felt very strange that on the entire stage, only our team was from India, whereas there are more than 1 billion people in our country.)
गुणवत्ता पर मात्रा का ध्यान Kullu। (Quality over quantity Kullu.)
तू बोल रहा है हम अरब में पाँच है? (You saying we are 5 in a billion?)
हाँ लेकिन अब हूं पूरी दुनिया में पाँच होने वाले है। (Yes but now we will be 5 in the whole world.)
हमसे याद आया Luke को इतनी देर क्यों लग रही है? (From us I remember why is Luke taking so long?l
*इस दौरान* (*meanwhile*)
सब चली गई? पता करने के लिए देख लेता हूँ "Luke धीरे से दरवाज़ा खोलके बाहर देखता है"। (Is everyone gone? Let me check to find out." Luke slowly opens the door and looks outside.)
Aahh! "Thump" उसने मुझे देख लिया। (She saw me.)
I'm very sorry if I shocked you.
क्या? ये लड़की तो बोहोत विचारशील है (This girl is very open minded) No problem.
You are male that identifies as female?
क्या लेकिन मेरे पास तो नूनु है? चलो उससे उसीकी की तरह बात करते है। (But I have a peepee? Yes something like that you seem to know a lot about this stuff huh?)
Yes I'm a sex change therapist so yeah I know a lot of people that try to live their lives from the point of the other gender before transitioning.
And do most people do it?
No most just have mental trauma or gender dysmorphia.
अबे अब ये जेंडर डिस्मोर्फिया क्या होता है? (Now what is this gender dysmorphia?)
What did you say?
Nothing nothing.
You can open the door I won't judge.
Yes "Kullu slowly opens the door" hi I think you got it wrong I was here because of-
No you don't have to say it I know.
अबे ये कैसी थेरेपिस्ट है इसने तो मुझे बोलने भी नही दिया (What kind of a therapist is this? She didn't even let me speak.) Whatever what is you name?
Veronica sanchez and yours?
Bhupesh Jogi.
Oh nice to meet you, you are here as a viewer?
No I'm a "wait a second if I tell her my real identity wouldn't she be like gossiping about me? I shouldn't trust her" friend of a player that is playing in the worlds.
Wow really that's so cool who is your friend?
"Buzz" oh he is calling I must go.
Wait a second atleast tell me his name? Oh man I wanted a autograph.
हेलो Brian भाई तुमने बचा लिया। (Hello Brian bro you saved me.)
क्या? नही मुझे लगा कि किसी ने आपका अपहरण कर दिया है। (What? No, I thought someone kidnapped you.)
मेरी चिंता करने के लिए शुक्रिया। (Thank you for worrying about me.)
नहीं में किसी भी चीज की चिंता नहीं करता में और अगर आपको कुछ भी होता तो में आपका फोन ट्रैक करके आपको बचाने के लिए आता। (No, I don't worry about anything, if anything happens then I will track your phone and come to save you.)
वाह ये कैसी शक्ति है तुझे चिंता नहीं होती? (Wow, what kind of power is this, don't you worry?)
बिल्कुल भी नहीं अब जल्दी आइए हम रैंक पुश करना है और कलकल मैच की तयारी भी। (Not at all, now come quickly, we have to push the rank and also prepare for tomorrow's match.)
हमारा पहला प्रतिद्वंद्वी कौन है? (Who is our first opponent?)