I am Vardy

Chapter 786 - Who will help me dig my ears?

The cotton ball enters the ear and cannot be pulled out!

Vardy felt his brain scratched a little by the cotton ball, and wanted to pick it out as soon as possible, but that’s what it is. The more you want to catch, the farther away you are.

Then Heinx, who was standing in front of Valdy, was stunned. He wanted to tell Vardy before the game, but why did Vardy keep digging his ears?

Digging your ears when you speak, is this a disdain for your own words, not even in your ears?

It’s unlikely!

Then, Heincks saw Vardy’s expression become embarrassed, as if he was asking for people, and he was not very embarrassed to say.

“Old man, help me dig my ears? Cotton **** can’t get in and out!”

Valdy’s emperor, Heinkes swears that he has never seen him.

Let me dig your ears?

You are not afraid that my big vinegar bowl’s fingers come in from this ear and come out from that ear?

Then the brain is flowing all over the floor?

Shaking his head in disgust, Heinks had originally planned to tell Vardy a few words, but at this time he had changed his mind, turned around and shook his head away, leaving Valdy petrified in place.

The game is about to start, Valdy reluctantly walked towards the player channel, as for the little things in his ears, he can only find a way out slowly.

The referee whistled, and this much-anticipated contest started.

The United States is very cautious. Although its strength is good, there are not many opponents in Central and North America. It is obviously not enough to put it on the big stage of the World Cup. At least they know this very well. The United States is far from England’s opponent.

If you consider it from the perspective of origin, apart from the native primitive tribes, most of the rest of the United States are immigrants from the United Kingdom. It can be said that they are of the same origin, and the sport of football is also passed from the United Kingdom.

So, can the UK be regarded as the US FA?

Especially on the point of football, it seems that the United States has no resistance at all in front of England.

Fortunately, they also realized this, so from the beginning of this game, the United States set up a position in the midfield and backcourt.

Defend first, if you don’t defend first, you won’t even have the chance to defend in the future.

This is in line with everyone’s expectations for this game. If the American team’s newborn calf is not afraid of rushing to England, then everyone must think that the American coach has taken the wrong medicine, and then the next day the American Football Association will announce that the little old man will be out of class.

England naturally invaded unkindly. You have let go of the portal. What am I welcome to do with you?

Beckham has an orderly organization in the midfield, Rooney is at the front, Double Germany is taking turns behind him, and there is a deadly Lennon. England’s offensive momentum is powerful and unmatched.

If this configuration, plus a Valdy, it will be a beautiful death for England fans.

No, we already have Valdi!

Why didn’t you see this amused?

After watching it for a long time, I was so excited that the fans reacted.

Valdy is England’s number one superstar, the absolute core of the arrow, how can he do without him, he is the sharpest weapon in England, and he is counting on him to attack the city, so soon, everyone will unanimously focus on It was Valdy.

After watching for a while, the fans gradually looked forward from the beginning, slowly turned into surprise, and finally became puzzled.

When others attack, Valdy is picking his ears;

When someone shoots, Valdy picks his ear;

While others are defending, Valdy is still picking his ears;

It seems that Valdy’s entire world is left with only ears. The entire world is just floating clouds in Valdy’s eyes, and nothing matters.

Do you want to dig so hot?

Dear, wake up, this is not a shampoo room, here is the stadium.

“Looking at Valdy’s ear digging, my ears are suddenly itchy, as if tens of thousands of ants are crawling. Which kind-hearted person will dig my ears for me?”

“I may have tuned the wrong channel again. Isn’t the World Cup live broadcast here?”

“You should be fortunate that Valdy is just picking his ears indifferently, instead of taking off his shoes and sitting on the ground and picking his feet…”

After the surprise, the fans had incredible discussions, which seemed to have returned to their familiar rhythm-Valdy’s unfair play.

The teammates said they were speechless. Although Valdy’s hard stroke did not delay England’s suppression of the US team, the problem was that they were all waiting for Valdy to score. Rooney alone charged in front of the team and scored the United States in minutes. The defender can scavenge the little hair left by the little fat man.

The problem is, Valdy is really uncomfortable.

This is the first time that Vardy feels that he has a brain so clearly. If it wasn’t for the cotton ball to follow the cochlea, it felt like he had entered his brain. Vardi always thought he didn’t have that stuff…

I can’t play quietly at all!

No, I still have to find a way to get the cotton ball.

If the worker wants to do his best, he must first sharpen his weapon. There are cotton **** in his ears, and he can’t concentrate on playing football!

Thinking about it, Valdy walked over to Beckham and looked at Beckham pitifully.

“Dear, the cotton ball is in the ear, help me dig it out?”

Beckham was stunned and almost didn’t vomit blood.

Nima, how about this game, let me pick your ears?

It’s the same as the fantasy of the night~www.mtlnovel.com~ Beckham never felt so incredible.

Even he had a sense of sight as he approached the road and was solicited by the girl who was leaning against the wall.

“Uncle come to play!”

After struggling to take steps, Beckham turned away eccentrically, leaving Valdi alone because he really felt uncomfortable.

Vardy was dull.

I was rejected?

It seems that digging ears is not a shameful activity. No one will say that there is a basic relationship between the two of us. Why not?

Forget it, I let others help.




No, this group of rough guys don’t even know what it means to be Xiang Xiangxiyu. Those with rough hands may help me pull out the cotton ball, but it is estimated that the ears are useless, so they cannot be expected at all.

While digging involuntarily, while thinking for a long time, Valdi couldn’t find a suitable target and couldn’t help but get frustrated.

Suddenly, Vardy’s eyes stayed on the person in front of him, and he couldn’t help but shine.

Yes, it’s you!

In the eyes of everyone, Valdi walked to the restricted area of ​​the US team as if to ambush there.

The American defensive player could not help but shudder out of cold sweat. Vardi didn’t play much just now. This time he was going to kill him?

But they obviously thought too much.

Vardy continued to walk until he reached the American goalkeeper Howard.

“Hey, man, help me dig ears, cotton **** can’t get in and out!”

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