HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 30: 30. The next morning

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Ten points from Gryffindor and a week's detention with me for attempting to start trouble."

"Another ten points from Gryffindor and another a week of detention with me also for attempting to start trouble, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall added. "Now go and sit down. That goes for you too, Mr. Finnigan."

Minerva and Pomona smiled at the children as they went back to the head table. Severus walked up and sat down beside Minerva. "More trouble with Weasley?"

"I can't for the life of me figure out why that child's being such a brat," Minerva said with a shake of her head. "I expect he probably feels overshadowed by all those brothers he has and wants to people to notice him, but he'd definitely doing it in the wrong way."

"I would say your assumptions are probably correct, Minerva."

Once they were done with breakfast Harry and his friends started for their class. Dean looked longingly at his friends in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Harry frowned. He wished they could all be in the same class

"Don't worry about Dean. I'll look after him," Draco said. "Uncle Severus paired him with Theo Nott in Potions and he's a good guy." He nodded at a tall, thin boy with light brown hair who was just leaving the Great Hall. "He's quiet and studious like Dean is."

"Who did Weasley get paired with?" Harry asked.

Draco grinned. "Pansy. He'll never hear the end of it if he goofs up.

Harry grinned too. "Do you suppose my dad did that one on purpose?"

"It wouldn't surprise me," Draco replied. "He paired Millie with Parvati Patil so they should work together okay." He waved at Harry and then cut off for the Charms corridor yelling, "Hey Dean, wait up!"

Harry and the rest of his friends headed for Transfiguration. Harry was pleased that he finally managed to turn his match into a needle.

Albus sat in his office sucking on a lemon drop as he thought about the 'Harry Potter Situation'. Nothing was going the way he had planned and all because Severus had decided to interfere! Ron Weasley was not playing his part either. He was supposed to be Harry's not too bright, faithful sidekick and confident not become his worst enemy! Perhaps he should owl Molly? One Howler from his mum might set him on the right track again, but no …alas it would probably make him hate Harry even more. Harry wasn't supposed to be friends with Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe or Gregory Goyle who despite being sorted into Hufflepuff were still Slytherins through and through. The main problem of course was Severus – there was no way he was getting to Harry with Severus blocking his every attempt. He tried letting Sirius know what was going on, but tact and diplomacy had never been Sirius' strong suite so he blew his only chance of getting to know Harry. Remus, despite his quiet ways, he suspected, knew what he was up to and would be another block in his way. Maybe he should joke about the Marauders more at the monthly staff meetings and praise them for their ingenuity in their pranks. That would certainly embarrass Severus and make him mad as he was the victim of most of their pranks in which James Potter was the lead tormentor. Perhaps it would be enough to turn him against Harry.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff first years had a free period after lunch. Hermione decided they should all study in the Ravenclaw common room. Harry answered the question the eagle posed correctly, the entrance swung open and they went inside. The common room was decorated with silk hangings in the house colors of blue and bronze and a midnight-blue carpet decorated with stars. The room was wide, circular, and very airy, with a domed ceiling painted with stars, and walls with graceful arched windows that provide a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. There were bookcases, tables, and chairs. Opposite the entrance was another door leading to the dormitories. Beside this door was a platform on which a life-size statue in white marble of Rowena Ravenclaw wearing her diadem stood.

"Wow! This is awesome!" Vince exclaimed looking around him.

"Come over here and see the view," Gregg said motioning to Vince from the window.

Vince went over to the window and stood by Gregg. "Merlin's beard! You can see a lot of stuff from up here!"

"Yeah, you should see it at night when you can see some of the lights from Hogsmeade," Harry said.

As they settled into the comfortable furniture around the common room and opened their books, Dean asked, "So what house table are we sitting at tomorrow?"

"We can sit at Slytherin tomorrow and then sit at Gryffindor the day after tomorrow," Draco suggested. "Although Weasley will probably choke on his pumpkin juice when he sees us sit down."

"And you can bet he'll have something nasty to say," Hermione added."

"Probably," Harry agreed. "But maybe Percy will take points or Fred and George will prank him if he does."

"I was wondering," Dean began. Everybody stopped talking and looked at him. "If I could invite Theo to study with us. He's my partner in Potions and he's really smart, but I don't think he has many friends in Slytherin." He looked at Draco for confirmation.

Draco shook his head. "He doesn't. He's kind of a loner; he is smart and prefers to study rather than jack around like his roommate Blaise Zabini."

"It sounds as if he'd fit right in. Go ahead and invite him, Dean," Harry said.

"Thanks, I will."

When they sat down at the Hufflepuff table that evening, Dean walked over to the Slytherin table and invited Theo to sit with them. Theo smiled, nodded and got up following him to the Hufflepuff table where they sat down. Dean introduced Theo to the ones who didn't already know him.

The next morning they all sat at the Gryffindor table and as predicted Ron choked on his pumpkin juice, spraying it everywhere and Seamus had to pound on his back for several seconds before he could take a deep breath. "Wha …What are they doing sitting at our table," Ron demanded; his face red.

"There's no rule, Ron that says they can't," Percy informed him.

"Did ickle Ronnie choke on his pumpkin juice," George said.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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