HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 29: 29. "Mr. Weasley"

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I'd like that, Harry and thank you for asking me," He put his books and papers back into his bag and followed Harry.

Draco stacked his books up so there was room for Dean to work next to him. Dean sat down. "I'm really sorry about the way Weasley behaves around you. Seamus isn't so bad when he's not around Weasley. We're dorm mates with him and he's always telling us all how Gryffindor's the best house ever and we're lucky to be in it because the Hat only sorts the best into Gryffindor."

"It must have been having a blank moment when it sorted him," Harry laughed.

"Would anybody mind if I brought Millie Bulstrode with me to our next study session? She's kind of shy and kind of an outcast because Pansy rules the roost of the first year girls and she doesn't like Millie." Draco asked.

"No, bring her along, Draco," Hermione replied. "It would be nice for me to have another girl to talk to."

"Okay, I'll ask her when I see her in our common room."

They all studied quietly until it was time to go to lunch. Dean walked in with them, but seemed reluctant to go over to the Gryffindor table.

Seeing Dean's expression, Harry said, "Why don't we all sit at our table for lunch."

"Is that allowed?" Greg asked.

"I thought we had to sit at our house tables," Neville said. "Not that I mind. We have a lot of great kids in Hufflepuff like Cedric Diggory. He's a third year and really nice."

"Yeah, the best," Vince agreed. "He's been helping me study."

"I asked my dad and he said there was no actual rule against it; it's just that nobody's ever done it and I said maybe it was about time somebody did."

"Sounds like a good idea. You know what? I think invite Millie to come and sit with us," Draco said. He walked over to the Slytherin table and bent down and spoke to a dark-haired girl. She nodded, got up, and followed Draco over the Ravenclaw table. She was bigger than most of the first year girls in her house and her robes rather looked like she'd been in a windstorm.

Severus watching from up at the high table and smiled as he watched Harry lead his friends, including Dean Thomas, over to the Ravenclaw table and smiled again as he saw Draco invite Miss Bulstrode to sit with them. He was proud of both of them for their leadership abilities. He frowned as his eyes fell on Pansy Parkinson. He was going to have to have another conversation with her about her continued bullying of Miss Bulstrode. That was one thing he never tolerated in his house.

"I see Albus doesn't approve of Harry's actions," Minerva murmured. "He's frowning.

Severus glanced over to Dumbledore and saw he was indeed frowning. "Isn't he the one that always preaching unity among the houses? Then again, he does very little in practicing what he's preaching."

Remus was sitting on the other side of Severus talking with Pomona. Severus made a mental note to check on the Wolfsbane Potion that he had started to brew immediately after Dumbledore had said Remus was going to be the new Defense professor.

Once dinner was through and the students had been dismissed, Severus called, "Mr. Potter-Snape and Mr. Malfoy, a moment of your time please."

Draco and Harry stopped and waited for Severus. He put an arm around both of them and said softly, "I just want to let you know that I'm very proud of both of you. Harry, I'm proud of you and Draco for accepting Mr. Thomas into your group of friends and Harry for deciding to break tradition and all sit together. Draco, I'm proud of you for seeing that Miss Bulstrode needed support and inviting her to be part of your group of friends."

"Thanks, Dad. We're going to be studying in the library until curfew in case you need me or Draco for anything."

"Thank you for letting me know, Harry. If I do not see you, sleep well and I will see you at breakfast tomorrow morning," Severus replied giving Harry a hug. "Draco, I will see you at curfew."

"Parkinson's a snobby bully," Draco told Harry as they walked out of the Great Hall. "She thinks she's the queen of Slytherin House!"

"I'm sure dad will talk to her about it if he hasn't already," Harry said. "Dad hates bullies."

The next morning Harry and his friends met for breakfast and decided to eat at the Hufflepuff table.

Pansy Parkinson walked into the Great Hall with a mutinous expression on her face with Severus following her.

Harry nudged Draco and nodded in Pansy's direction. Draco turned around in his seat to look at her and grinned. "It looks like Uncle Severus had a talk with her."

Pansy stormed over to the Hufflepuff table and stood in front of Millie. "Professor Snape says I owe you an apology for how I've been treating you so I apologize."

Severus rolled his eyes and shook his head. That wasn't what he'd meant, but he supposed that was the best he would get from the brat.

"Thank you, Pansy and I accept you're apology," Millie replied gravely.

Pansy nodded, stamped back over the Slytherin table and sat down.

Ron and Seamus walked in and Ron stopped short when he saw Dean sitting at the Hufflepuff table. They had seen him sitting at the Ravenclaw table last night and wondered why he was sitting with Potter and his friends.

Ron marched over and stood at the end of the table where Harry and his friends were seated. "Hey Thomas, how come you're sitting with this bunch of losers with a loser house?" He demanded.

"They're not losers, Ron. They're my friends," Dean answered quietly.

Vince rose from his seat, fists clenched. "And our house doesn't have any losers, Weasley."

Ron laughed. "Likely story, Crabbe. Everybody knows you get sorted into the 'Puffs when no other house wants you."

Professor Sprout had come up behind Ron and cleared her throat and said loudly, "Mr. Weasley."

Ron jumped about a foot at the sound of her voice.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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