Chapter 31: 31. Fred advised
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"Does ickle Ronnie want a lolly and a lullaby?" Fred asked.
"Shut up!" Ron snarled at his brothers. He got up and stormed away from the table.
"Pay no attention to our younger brother," Fred advised. "He's a git."
"And he's close to getting a Howler from Mum," Percy muttered.
As September melted into October and the weather began getting colder, the kids continues their practice of sitting at a different table everyday and studying in each other's common rooms even Gryffindor. Percy hovering about insured there would be no problems from Ron.
Monday morning went fast and by lunchtime everyone was hungry as they sat down at the Slytherin table. Harry took a fried egg sandwich and a tuna with mayonnaise sandwich off the platter in front of him along with some crips, pickle slices, and poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice. Everybody was talking about what they had learned in their classes that day. Harry was proud of the fact that he had finally turned his matchstick into an actual needle. Draco was talking about how he had been able to levitate his feather in Charms.
Double Potion's was interesting that day as Severus was having them brew the Forgetfulness Potion. "This potion is very effective so please do not take a sip of your potion," he warned as he waved his wand at the blackboard and the instructions appeared. "You may begin."
Neville went up to the student cupboard to get the ingredients while Harry lit a fire under their cauldrons. When Neville came back, both he and Harry began to chop or dice the ingredients and carefully add them to the cauldrons following the directions on the blackboard.
Severus was very pleased with the quality of the potions he was getting in this class unlike his class with the Gryffindors and his own house. The only successful ones in there were Dean and Theo, Draco and his partner, a boy named Monty Quailroods, and Miss Bulstrode and her partner, Parvati Patil.
"You've all done very well with your assigned potions today," Severus announced after checking the final vial at the end of the period. "Please read the next chapter and write a three-foot essay on the properties and uses of the Chinese Moonglow plant."
Harry waved at his dad as he left the room and then continued on to his next class.
Severus noticed that Mr. Nott was coming out of his shell and Miss Bulstrode had lost weight due to her imitating Miss Granger's healthy eating habits. He had been thinking about his promise to take Harry to visit Lily's and Potter's grave. He wanted to do it while it was still light because he didn't want to risk running into any Death Eaters who had escaped going to Azkaban.
Severus got up Tuesday morning with a sigh as he recalled it was the first day of the month and that meant he had to spend two hours in a staff meeting listening to the old coot rambling on about his favorite new candy. He sighed again and tried to recall anything useful that had ever been accomplished at any meeting since he'd joined the staff ten years ago. The staff meetings were always held from 3 to 5 in Dumbledore's office. Severus waylaid Minerva at breakfast. "I think since there's no danger of the stone being stolen anymore, we should petition the headmaster to place it back in Nicolas' vault at Gringotts and have Hagrid take his infernal dog back."
Minerva nodded and said, "I'll talk to the others and see if I can get a consensus."
"Good." Severus said and then walked over to the Ravenclaw table where Harry and his friends were sitting today. He bent down next to Harry and said, "I have a staff meeting from three until five today so if you need me I will be in our quarters after five."
"Okay, Dad. I'll probably be in the library after classes."
After his last NEWT's class which he really enjoyed he made his way to the Gargoyle and gave it the password, Licorice Wand and then rode the revolving staircase up to the headmaster's office. He knocked on the door and then went inside seeing that he was the last to arrive and quickly took a seat between Minerva and Filius. There were platters of sandwiches, fruit and of course, sweets and teapots on the table. Everybody helped themselves to the food and tea, waiting for Dumbledore to start the meeting.
"I want to say something about this recent trend I've noticed of students sitting at tables other than there house tables…"
"I think it's a good idea, Albus," Minerva interrupted. "It's a excellent way for the students to get to know people from other houses and make friends with them."
"Yes," Filius agreed. "I'm thinking about issuing invitations to the other houses to visit Ravenclaw Tower.
"An excellent idea, Filius," Severus agreed. "I am thinking about doing the same."
"I concur," Pomona said.
"As do I," Minerva said. "Also Albus, we've all decided since You-Know-Who has fled, there's no longer any reason to keep the Sorcerer's Stone here. You can put it back in Nicolas' vault,"
"And Hagrid can take his dog back," Severus added.
Dumbledore looked stunned for a moment. He had completely lost control of the staff meeting. "I'll certainly take it under advisement, Minerva."
"An excellent idea, Severus," Professor Sinistra said "I've twice caught Mr. Weasley and Mr. Finnigan in the third-floor corridor and turned them over to Minerva for detention."
"They'll soon be surpassing the record for the most detentions in first year," Minerva remarked.
"That record being held by Potter and Black," Filius said. "Although I don't believe Mr. Weasley can surpass those two."
Albus turned to Remus chuckling. "I was thinking about some of the pranks James pulled when he was here. Do you recall when he turned the entire table of Slytherins' hair bright pink? I never laughed so hard in my life! I must say Lucius Malfoy looked delightful with pink hair and Severus, it quite lightened up your visage too."
Remus looked very uncomfortable and glanced at Severus uneasily. "I can't say I do, Albus."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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